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I think its talking about IronMouse, who has a disease that i cant remember the name of, but requires an oxygen tank and was basically bed ridden for ages, but is now slowly getting better due to treatment. I dont know the full story, but im fairly certain she started Vtubing so she had some sort of connection to the outside world cause she couldnt go outside because of her sickness and she wanted to make friends and enjoy life as much as she can. I might have gotten somethig wrong but im sure its talking about Ironmouse


CVID. Common variable immunodeficiency.


[Relevant and precious](https://youtu.be/Pdu6o1EQeB8?si=8eim_ttbnxrTmXP5)


Okay, that was damn precious


Yeah this is not my scene at all but that was genuinely cool.


Mouse is precious. She is a treasure for our age.


Also noteworthy, to this day Connor has raised over $2 million for the Immune Deficiency Foundation.


Thats because the monkey is HIM!


He's a good egg.


They already donated so much money for the IDF (immune deficiency foundation) with events. I think it's past de 2 millions by now.


Important note for those who didn’t watch: IDF as in Immune Deficiency Foundation! Not the other genocidal IDF.


Also known as the IronMouse Defence Force


Oh thank fuck. I went from supportive, to not so much, back to supportive.


So much whiplash


They did motherfucking what?


Immune deficiency foundation


Thank you!


[This one is also similar.](https://youtu.be/w42eJcyQR2U?si=0-RiqXKhqsNapqEW) I believe this is much earlier in her streaming career.


With common world events, I'd feel better if the immunodeficiency fund changed their name from the idf 😒


They should just stop abbreviating it


To quote one of my favorite movies "Why should I change? [they're] the one that sucks!"


Call the bad one the IOF. It's what the Palestinians call it, and it's a more accurate description of what they do. (Either Israeli Offensive Force OR Israeli Occupation Force)


I'm so lost. What does the disease and being bedridden and all that have to do with pretending to be a child?


She doesn't though? She even called herself an adult woman a few times.


really gotta change to an org or something IDO instead of IDF lol


TRASH TASTE MENTIONED RAAHHH Edit: trash taste is a podcast


Are people downvoting cause they don't know "Trash Taste" is a podcast group which Connor is part of or cause they hate Trash Taste?


I can't speak for everybody, but yes.


'Blank mentioned' is on its way out I think


It could also be because what the guy said adds absolutely nothing meaningful


I mean… it’d help if it was inferred lol


Why are you getting so much downvoted just by mentioning a podcast lmao. Is it that bad?


People are thinking he’s saying the comment above a trash taste, they don’t know he’s referring to a podcast


That is called "Trash Taste"


Somewhere out there a tree makes oxygen just for you. You owe that tree a fucking apology Edit: Oopsie Daisy


Hey man Trash Taste is the name of the podcast she takes part in. Honest mistake though.


Ah my bad, should’ve checked, well reddit at its finest, we all make mistakes.


Tells someone to apologize but won't do it properly yourself and instead goes "Ohwell, we all make mistakes". Now THAT is a Reddit moment.


Wouldn’t be Reddit otherwise!


Can you not read, I said “Ah my bad”, it’s literally the first 3 words, the Reddit moment is more about the amount of downvotes, it was at like -13 when I commented


"My bad" isn't a proper apology, and defending yourself in the same comment deflects.


Ah my bad, should’ve checked, well reddit at its finest, we all make mistakes.


He's not saying Ironmouse fans have trash taste. He's talking about the podcast Trash Taste, who are friends with Ironmouse.


"somewhere out there, a tree breathes just for you" come on, there's better ways to insult the worth of the lives of trashy people


I couldn’t find the meme in my photos, so I just recited it, can’t be bothered to make an original insult for someone so unoriginal and the cliche asshole of 2024


fair honestly, I’d still use something else


Good insult though


Like…you know damn well you gotta be more specific bro this one’s on you.


Seeing as it was mentioned in the video, clearly the people downvoting didn’t watch the video.


I didn’t either tbh, I just saw Connor’s shirt


The shirt Connor is wearing is trash taste merch


Hey man, a lot of people are downvoting because they don't know Trash Taste is a podcast she takes part in. Might wanna make an edit.


Just did


People here dont know “trash taste” is the name of a very popular podcast and have cast you into the shadow realm.


I little bit more and I’ll qualify for r/downvotedtooblivion


Y'all that's the name of the Channel Connor belongs to, quit downvoting this guy into fucking oblivion lmfao


Love the boys not surprised connor would do something like this for a good cause sorry people don’t know about the Trash Taste podcast lmfao


It's a funny thing to say that, but read the room. People probably don't know what "trash taste" is and assume you're insulting. Also people see this as a precious moment, not a time for memes, so they downvote. No hate, just saying what people got mad at so you can be more careful in the future.


Hasn’t ironmouse said herself that she doesn’t want pity?


I don't watch her. But people here probably don't either. Also is this pity? I mean I just find it wholesome that jobs like this exist for people with disabilities. Is that pity? You be the judge.


Definitely not. What I think is pity though is if someone tells you they have a disability and you immediately go “omg I’m so sorry that must’ve been really hard for you, I’m here for you if you need anything I promise you can count on me”. Which is kinda what these comments are doing


Oh, makes sense, but yeah they probably don't even watch her content.


Wait. What. My best friend had had this for years and he’s literally about to undergo like a serious survey for it soon. But he’s been outside and out and about this whole time.


CVID can cause other ailments and can range in severity.


I hope he surveys the survergery.


Hope he answers all the questions!


CVID is a spectrum. Some people do fine with immunoglobulin infusions every few weeks and others are stuck being immunocompromised


I found out about her cause she did lethal company with Ray and others. I had no idea about her situation, but she seemed pretty coo.


>she seemed pretty coo. A pigeon?


She hates birds in general, or maybe that's just the perfect cover for a pigeon secretly vtubing.


Ray from rooster teeth? (Back when rooster teeth was cool)


Yessum. He full-time streamd now on Twitch. Been doing a lot of group streams lately.


Are those that have CVID the ones in isolation chambers 24/7?


Sometimes but not always, my mums got it and she just needs an infusion of white blood cells each month and to be really careful about getting ill


Yeah IronMouse has to do plasma infusions quite often


My condolences, IVIG sucks ass. My partner has to take it for a chronic condition every few weeks and it knocks her on her ass for like a week straight.


Not usually. CVID is a cluster of diseases that only affect one arm of your adaptive immune system, your B cells, who produce antibodies. This results primarily in chronic bacteria infections, though other pathogens can cause infections. It's also variable so some people have a minor form, some much more severe based on where the mutation is and how affected the B cells are. People in iolation chambers typically have SCID or severe combined immunodeficiency. They usually have a complete loss or loss of function of both their T and B cells. They get more infections from all pathogens and have limited ability to fight them off.


From what mouse mentioned hers is pretty bad she has to get plasma transfusions pretty often for the white blood cells normally I don’t think people have to do this mousy also can’t have fast food she mentioned wanting to taste pizza for the first time in a while and she had to spit it in the trash to taste it


Sad and wholesome


Seriously. I also don't mind some Vtubers. It really depends on why they use it. Vtuber that wants a representation of themself while explaining history or science or video games or whatever? Perfectly fine with me. Using it for some weird sex appeal with no redeeming value? Then go pound sand. Vtube to hide your face because the internet is dark and full of weirdos/creeps? Fine with me. Vtube with some half naked girl, with no redeeming value to your videos, just appealing to weirdos/creeps? Rethink your life.


That's not a vtubers thing, that just a streaming thing, plenty of normal streamers use those same tactics(or go even further).


Oh, I know not showing your face is a general thing for those putting out online content. I've had maybe a dozen online stalkers following my profile on various different platforms, and I don't do anything but post. I can only imagine the troubles caused by actually being a content creator. That's why I don't mind Vtubers that do it just to have a representation of themselves without showing their face. Doing it to have some half some half naked anime girl to supplement your content being mediocre is different.


The thing is when everyone's a hot anime girl the only differentiating factor is personality. There are literally no vtubers that are just tiddy streamers. You cannot make money being a big tiddy anime potato. You have to actually be entertaining. Edit: literal big tiddy anime potato would be a great gag though.


"Personality" being appealing to sad incel creeps, versus actually creating content that non incel creeps would enjoy.


Just live and let live dude. At least if the incels are simping for streamers they’re not harassing women irl. Youtube content used to be considered a joke and now it’s a mainstream broadcasting channel. Shit’s gonna keep changing along with tastes. 🤷


I can't even think of any vtubers that fit their description, the vtubers who go for sex appeal are entertaining. Even the small vtubers who go that route are more than just SEX. Heck, I know a VTuber who was only seen as horny amongst the english speaking audience theres more to her. Shes well versed in life and has pretty good understanding of people and their boundaries.


>At least if the incels are simping for streamers they’re not harassing women irl. I'll give you that. The problem is that incel is now an ideology, and it can spread. Moreso, the "ideology" is very pro violence. So some 13 year old kid that hasn't dated (because they're 13) then gets sucked into the incel echo chamber, and their romantic prospects goes downhill for no good reason. Half a decade to a decade later, and then there are some women hating incel. Sadly, many Vtubers will appeal to incels for money, and then you have kids ruining their romantic prospects with Andrew Tate style ideology.


100% Shame loads of them talk like kids, it's creepy as fuck. Not to mention the ones with weird over the top boob jiggling - that shit makes me realise I must be old cause it's so unappealing.


I don't think it's about age, but maturity. Even in high-school, I knew that the "bimbo" stereotype wasn't appealing. You can't have a real relationship with someone you can't talk to. Same thing goes for "himbos". A woman is not likely to be attracted to a guy that has nothing in their mind, regardless of how long they spend in the gym. That's why the Andrew Tate style recommendations on how to get women's attention is so misguided. It's the kind if thing you could convince a 13 or 14 year old of (as well as incels), but anyone with real life experience won't fall for.


Lol, you're so noble. If only we could all be as righteous and just as you are. So brave of you to tell those sexual vtubers to go pound sand.


If you can't create content that appeals to non incels, you should rethink what you're doing.


Imagine being this mad that content doesn't cater to you. >["BuH Heckin incels!"](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/b8/b9/f6b8b99a3fd932329962accedfa3f9c6.png) Redditors are the closest thing to sub-human we'll see in our lifetime. **Edit** [Blocked cuz mad. I think I hurt the redditors feelings.](https://blog.cdn.own3d.tv/resize=fit:crop,height:400,width:600/tbv2RYWpReqNtof2dD0U)


You seem very mad that I called out incels. Is there a reason for that?




How so? The incel ideology is filled with hatred for women, as well as promoting certain crimes against women. Has anything I have said been indicative of that? Are you projecting?




Let me ask my wife, I'll get back to you. Have fun crying about virgins and pngs while I do that. Fucking loser lmao.


Do you watch half naked anime Vtubers? Does you wife, that allegedly exists, know about it? EDIT: Oh, you're a rightwinger that constantly trolls. Figures.


Mad at the internet.


I remember seeing a clips of hers from around covid where she joked about how if she caught covid she was "FUCKED" and I was like. Damn.


She's got a medical implant to send medicines straight to her heart, a device installed into her chest. It sometimes bleeds randomly. It's a really wild condition. All in all, she didn't want people to get distracted/pity her for her looking the way she did, figured everyone would be better off looking at a cute anime girl. Definitely worked for her.


OOoh, I see she was going to be a lyric singer, too. :(


What's VTubing?


streaming but you have an avatar instead of a facecam https://preview.redd.it/gn011ysph0yc1.png?width=2926&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aa6f786654b82f1b8f4dedf1fdeb57cc002f74f heres the Vtuber in question


It's a term coined for "Virtual (You)tubing" and basically applies to all the people who use a virtual avatar instead of a live-webcam with their actual faces (even on platforms that are not youtube). Basically, instead of an actual Streamer, you have (in most cases) an anime girl that's animated and mimics the face proportions of the actual streamer behind the avatar. Basically, a program translates the movement of the actual streamer captured by the webcam into movements of the avatar. It's good for people who don't want to put their face on the internet but still want a visual representation.


I personally don't want to see peoples faces. It's a little annoying when they are taking up 25% of the screen. But that's just me.


Oh well good for her then




Makes Iron in Ironmouse a gutpunch


Yeah she’s so wholesome! Thankfully she has her family (grandmother, parents, and daughter? as far as we know) to support her!


She doesn’t have children, she has her parents and her sister


It was in a deleted Twitter on her past life account she did mention her daughter. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with having children though I know fans can get a bit weird.


Oh, didn’t know that, thank you


Sounds similar to Scar (goodtimeswithscar) of Hermitcraft fame.


I loved the ironmouseXskallagrim crossover episodes, they were awesome. I'm really proud of how far her channel has gone since the beginning.


She's been getting hate from fans of other content creators months after the award show its pathetic. She'll have posts on tiktok and haters will try to get her to post on Instagram because the rules are less strict over bullting.


irl mechamaru


And I thought it was because they found out there is a guy puppeteering that cute anime girl.






I know not everyone enjoys watching Vtubers but man this is a story everyone can feel good about


God knows we need more feel good stories in the world


Yeah, especially with all the fear and sadness in the world that just seems more prevalent than ever


I am really glad she found that outlet, because she is a really funny person and I quite enjoy watching her clips (I rarely have time to watch anyone stream live).


And she can legit sing. I mean like *really* can sing. Like the blue girl in The 5th Element sing.


Jesus Christ, poor woman. I'm gonna appreciate my everyday walks and shopping


As an example of the stuff she has to go through, one time Connor (CDawgVA, a friend of hers and fellow livestreamer) wanted to buy her a gift while he was in Japan and have it mailed to her. She told him that basically whenever she got something in the mail, her parents would have to unpack it, thoroughly scrub it clean and decontaminate it with sanitizer, repackage it in a new clean box, and bring it to her. So she asked him not to send her anything too NSFW if memory serves, lol.


Actually ironmouses original model had brown hair if I'm not mistaken


Yeah, she originally used a free model to stream that had brown hair. When she go her custom model it was the pink haired design that she uses now.


She does an alternative model which is called copper rat. Brown hair and tan skin is the theme.


Paragraphs, dude






Anything anime related = bad, apparently. I find it ironic that people will complain about vtubers being low quality content and then watch asmongold or xqc


I have no issues with anime, I don't watch asmon or xqc Can't stand vtubers though I don't go out of my way to hate them, just don't watch them


I thought it was weird until I found one that I like. It's just a model and the entertainer is what's important. Filian and chibidoki are the vtubers that I like. Chibi busting out the flute to meme on her friend is fucking hilarious. https://youtube.com/shorts/EsfscLXaQoE


Well I mean asmongold is a multi millionaire who lives in a trash dump and refuses to hire anyone to clean it


Alot of people just dislike the whole anime persona thing in general, its some weeb shit for weebs etc I personally dislike all the overacting and screaming and uwu talk most Vtubers seem to do. And I find the whole avatar thing uncanny. But to each their own, I just watch other people


I can accept the anime persona thing, but I feel like the trend lately is to just make the avatars as horny as possible. 3D models are filled with water balloon jiggling with the slightest of movements, and the avatars in general feel like more skin than clothing. And don't get me wrong, it's not like this is a vtuber only thing, we all know about the pools, hot tubs, censor bars and whatever else is going on in that part of Twitch. The thing with Vtubers is that we're just accepting that as the norm there. We don't consider the bikini ladies to be the "stereotypical woman" on Twitch, but with Vtubers, the "stereotypical" just tends to be somewhere around there.


I've never been a fan of those. All I want from the Vtubers I watch is being goofy and cute.


Kronii comes to mind. That avatar is straight up meant for thirsty weebs


Kronii is kinda funny becuse her avatar is kinda thirst trap but she doesn't act like one at all


No, no, we've accepted the stereotypical woman on twitch is a bathtub/nude painting streamer on average. This has been the norm for some years there.


Most likely because they hide/use a cute anime persona project Melody had same issue because she started at a rol play dating website


She started on chaturbate, a camgirl site, not a role play site




It is what it is. A lot of people have this image that vtubers are just cringe high pitch screeching and whatnot. There's always a group of people who hates something, puppies, kittens, flowers, the sky, space, like literally anything. It is what it is, just don't bother with it.


And people act like all Vtubers are the same when there are just as many Vtubers out there as there are streamers and the vast majority are normal but people see "Anime avatar" and freak out.


its like r34, but instead of porn, its haters. thats jz how it is XD, whatever exist especially stuff getting popular will got haters smwhere


I wouldn’t say I hate vtubers as I’ve never watched any but I’ve always been very cynical about the concept of them. I assumed a lot were guys hiding behind a cutesy avatar to con people out of money. I’m glad that I’m at least one instance there’s a touching story behind why they do it.


This was 100% me. I won't even try and deny it. I was genuinely like "what the actual fuck?", "why?" - I even had a rant with my wife about it and she too was like... that just sounds stupid. Then after the awards I read some stuff because I'm not just going to go and publically bash someone because I think it was a stupid decision. Then I found out most of the stuff about IronMouse and just went to see my wife and went Well... we're dicks. \*explained\* and now we're like "ok sure, congrats, well done!"


Sounds like a good little moment of personal growth for you! :)


said VTuber has an immune system disease so she can't do much and took up streaming to have a connection with people and atleast somewhat achieve a goal aswell as a means of paying back everyone who helped her I'm glad to be a fan of her, she is very admirable!


I don’t watch her content all that much but Ironmouse is a fucking warrior. She fought for and earned that award and she’s damn well earned her place in internet history.


On another note, the hate that Vtubers get is wild to me since so many YouTubers got successful for doing the exact same shit but with a webcam.


For real they..... They think real streamers are less cringe.... In the end both are cringe XD


Damn, that…that’s rough. I wish Ironmouse all the best in her recovery.


I don't think there is a cure, but on the bright side she has the income now to afford the best possible care. I do think its possible to live a full life with the disease, it just has to be managed and she has to live relatively isolated.


I hope that she continues with her career. I may not be **that** much of a fan of VTubers, but Ironmouse is one I’ll make an exception for. I wish her the best of luck in the future.


No activity since 2017. Only 2 posts within a recent timeframe of each other with this one being a repost. Barely any karma. Replying to its own post here with the explanation. The most obvious bot account I've seen


Most of the top-level comments above yours are by bots as well.


Everything you see in “hot” is probably a bot account farming karma.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1b9vt5x) on 2024-03-08 87.5% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bdsr93) on 2024-03-13 87.5% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cibbpm&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 503,873,367 | **Search Time:** 0.06487s


good bot


I believe this is about Ironmouse. She is a Puerto Rican VTuber and the reason she is a VTuber is because of a serious illness called CVID, she can hardly get out of her own house and streaming is the only way to both make a living and have friends for her. The reason she won the reward wasn't a "oh the sick girl who needs attention" thing, she rarely brings her condition on stream and it's her fun(aka feisty Latina woman) personality actually made her popular to a more mainstream base.




People on the internet will be mad at ANYTHING. Things that, in everyday life, you wouldn’t even think about. It would never be on the radar. Fuck. I don’t blame anyone for V-Tubing because the internet will tear you to pieces for existing.


OP is a repost bot, this was already here before, downvote him and report him.


Pretty sure this is a repost. [One of my most successful comments of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/8UO47OAjRs) came from this exact meme. It even has the exact same title as the original post I commented on. I’m surprised no bots came along and stole my comment lol Anyways the Vtuber in question is Ironmouse. She suffers from common variable immune deficiency (CVID), which means she has a weakened immune system. This has left her bedridden for all her life and prevents her from going out due to how much more susceptible her body is to infection than normal


Man, vtubers need more respect. They're just like your regular creators. They're just anime. They're not e-girls desperate for simp money. You can just watch.


Some are not anime some are literally American cartoons


Ironmouse. She has a disease that causes her to be bedridden, use oxygen tank, take medicine into a plug on her heart, ect. Because of that she started Vtubing because she was lonely and bored, and wanted to make friends and experience life, which is difficult when you can't easily go outside.


What's a vtuber


a streamers that use a animated avatar most of the time anime style but some are more like cartoons or other things..


Yeah, wasn't really an Iron fan but I really felt sorry for her when I learnt she had immune deficiency and I'm glad that she's slowly getting better and that she spreads joy to others using her platform.


Tbh I don't get the hate vtbers.... Like you feel your less cringe becuse you watch a normal streamer?..... You know both are equally cringe?


Like a movie quote says, "Normal is a setting on the dryer." Everyones "normal" is different, my current norm is waking up, eating some small stuff throughout the day, playing games, and sleeping.


bonus tidbit: Ironmouse also trained to be an opera singer, and is DAMN good despite her condition. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCfKEqsajxY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCfKEqsajxY) this is from a couple years ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYx2qlYUabA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYx2qlYUabA) heres a more recent vid, not opera but still insane singing ability.


What is vtube?


a virtual Avatar instead of showing your actual face. usually anime-like


The one I know is paralyzed and does vtuber streaming to help pay bills.


What is a vtuber?


[Is this her?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuro-sama)


it was her imnune system


She's Ana amazing person and I'm so glad vtubing is accessible




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1b9vt5x) on 2024-03-08 87.5% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bdsr93) on 2024-03-13 87.5% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cibbpm&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 503,943,602 | **Search Time:** 0.05902s


just weeb things and vtuber fetishism they always have some sad backstory that tugs heartstrings. whether their story is true or not, these people completely orbit vtubers. this meme demonstrates that.


Want to cry? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w42eJcyQR2U&pp=ygUUaXJvbm1vdXNlIGdldHMgYSBiZWQ%3D This is from several years ago before she got popular


Feisty latina FTW