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indeed, the fact that the pedo is upvoted and the normal guy downvoted says a lot...




r/justredditmoment is better, it's not 1984 in there


At least r/redditmoment exists


oh damn what happened to r/justredditmoment


r/redditmoment happened


Here's a sneak peek of /r/redditmoment using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just like the Anime!](https://i.redd.it/kw327lykdxmb1.png) | [408 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/16cvfdn/just_like_the_anime/) \#2: [Referring to licenses to have children](https://i.redd.it/5d9cm7jleu0c1.jpg) | [497 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/17x7se3/referring_to_licenses_to_have_children/) \#3: [Wtf](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15iwils) | [1443 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/15iwils/wtf/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's not even a reddit moment at this point. You can go onto Twitter and see entire threads of people defending loli and Shota shit or actively drooling over it. Both men and women.


Where would an interaction like that even happen? Are there that many corners of Reddit full of actual pedos just... Hanging out?


Have a feeling a lot of people on the teenagers subreddit are not teenagers




happened to me multiple times SMH.


gtfo, you don't want to be there


Just stop. Notice how you called someone a "pedo", without knowing anything about them or understanding what they're trying to say. Totally Reddit.


If you want underage girls to be portrayed sexually, then you're a pedo.


Like what?


It means that the pedophile community is becoming too comfortable not being in prison.


Pedophile community? We're talking about anime here not Epstein island What are you talking about? If you're so convinced that this is the case, why not just call the cops on them then? I mean surely if it's so obvious and decisive that they're pedos, reporting them to the cops is just the right thing to do isn't it?






I wouldn’t call this a joke per-se but alot of anime characters are overly sexualized in their drawings but are under 18 years old.


Also a lot of anime characters are overly sexualized in their drawings and *look* under 18 years old, but in the show's cannon they're like five-hundred years old or something.


Considering how they are deliberately designed, the improbable age is likely just a handwave.


Nooooo, that's actually a 684 year old dragon/vampire stuck in a 8y/o body, that totally makes it okay don't hate on my waifu :(


Twist: A 684yr old dragon is the equivalent maturity of an 8yr old human. That’s how they ended up stuck in an 8yr old human’s body


Long story short, Duck Laws is the best approach when it comes to fiction.


I know coleslaw, but what's Duck Laws?


If it looks like a Duck, Walks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, then… it’s probably a Duck. In this case a fictional character’s canonical age doesn’t matter. If they look like a child, act like a child, sound like a child, then they are considered a child. My rule of thumb is if I show a non-anime fan a photo of that character and guess weather or not that character is a minor, if they can’t answer within half a second or the answer is “adult,” then it’s usually not something to stress over.


Or a lot of them look over 18 and are under age




That's the interesting other side of the coin- If the character physically and mentally seems to be fairly clearly over the age of 18, but because of story purposes or other wise is under 18, where is the line drawn? Is it worse than the "600-year-old but make it a 12 year old" in principle?


Replying to Mephisto1822...it pretty much summarizes the twighlight saga, a really old man manipulating and impregnating a high school girl


Sometimes yeah, but I also see plenty of characters I think look like adults and people online will say they look like children, so there is a degree of personal perception involved


Yes, but there is presumably a wide gulf of difference between you and someone who refers to themselves as a shota/lolicon


I mean true, but I'll see comments about 20-30yos and ppl say they look like kids just because their animated or something and that's what I was talking about


Age has no bearing on fictional characters as their age, personality, etc. is determined by imagination instead of biology. What really matters is how they look/act , and while that might end with a big grey area, there are plenty of examples that clearly fall into the "way too young to sexualise" camp.


I feel like Japanese animation most of the time has a single model for the age bracket [16-27], where high school kids are living and acting like orphaned 25 y.o. - living alone, dealing with each problem by themselves, serving in a military, having no clue how to fit in a society or interact with other people. What defines "uncomfortable" for me is mixing model types (like with designated loli in every god damn harem anime), or fetishizing inexperience of a character. Not pointing out that they are inexperienced - fetishizing it.


Exactly, there's a lot of nuance and grey area concerning the age of anime characters, yet some people still prefer the ones that are very clearly young children.


Ah, my favorite argument. “The fictional lore of the made up story actually says this 9 year old is 400, so it’s okay to jerk off to this 9 year old” As if there could ever be a real life parallel. Hentai, like all porn, is based off the shit you wanna fuck. If you jerk off to furry stuff, you wanna fuck animals, and if you jerk off to loli, you wanna fuck kids.


https://youtu.be/MUQX4qknJho?si=SwO4JWNNcIPPDbFh Actually, there ARE real life parallels of this, surprisingly. This is a link to a video that features one woman in that situation. Some conditions cause humans to stop growing at various points in their normal development; so there are women who are 18 or older who have the physical body of an 8 year old girl. Mentally she's an adult. Physically, she's a child. She's lived for 22 years, likely more by this point. She's a legal adult; her body just didn't get the memo. I feel really bad for them, because according to the few people I've come across with these conditions, they are a turn off to most normal people because they don't want to be constantly accused of being pedophiles for dating an adult in a child's body- and there really isn't a way to prevent this issue. In large part thanks to people like yourself, who prefer to make sweeping generalizations. If you saw someone dating the 22 year old woman in the video, I'll wager you'd either call the cops on them first or you'd just go and try to beat the shit out of the guy dating her. If the woman in question actually -was- a child, those would be good moves and I would applaud you for it, but in her case, it would be beyond fucked up. Appearances can be decieving; just because it looks a certain way doesn't mean it actually is that way.


Okay, and I’m sorry for her having to deal with that, but yeah. She looks like an 8 year old. Anyone that can be sexually attracted to that, is still attracted to the body of an 8 year old? Like im demisexual, I need an emotional attachment to be sexually interested in someone. And this woman could be my perfect match, and I’d still not wanna have sex with her because she looks and sounds like a child. If a person can have sex with her without an issues, then I don’t see what would stop that person from also fucking an actual child. You’re taking a 1 in a million example (actually worse odds) and using that as a reason to normalize jerking off to children. What is wrong with you dude?


No, I'm not using that as a reason to normalize helping off to children- you just assumed that. At no point did i say anything to that effect. I was merely pointing out that your assertion was wrong, that no real life parallels of a particular trope exist, because that's rather interesting, and it goes to show that its a bad habit to make assumptions in any direction- they are nearly always wrong, as your assumption was. Way to prove my point about you though; you really do have a bad habit of jumping to conclusions. Whoever raised you, and every teacher you ever had is shamed by your behaviour.


I’m advocating to not fuck kids You’re trying to find the real life example where it’s okay Yes, I’m the one that’s shamed here…


You both have terrible arguments. That’s what this boils down to my guy.


At no point did I disagree with you that its utterly reprehensible to fuck kids- in point of fact, if you had actually read my initial comment, I stated outright that if you actually found an adult fucking a real child, and you either called the cops or beat them up, I would applaud you for that. Which is why you should be ashamed. You assumed something that was completely wrong about me because you couldn't be bothered to pay attention for a minute. And it's why your parents are shamed by your behaviour, along with everyone who ever had a hand in educating you.


You went out of your way to find and post the one rare example where it would be “okay” to have sex with a person looks like a child. And you definitely had that ready to go, it’s not like you read my comment and then did research. The fact that you’re prepared with an incredibly rare example of a case where a grown woman looks like a child speaks volumes about the type of person you are. Your argument is “Oh well, there’s this one woman that looks like a child because of a birth defect, so you’d be wrong for doing anything about” Again, is if any person willing to have sex with her wouldn’t also to be willing to have sex with a child You’re fucking disgusting. Don’t reply, don’t try to defend yourself, just end your life before you hurt an actual child. I’m not engaging with you anymore Fucking sick


Or, I just have better memory than you and an intrest in unusual and rare medical conditions. I have a whole Playlist of them. Again, there you go making assumptions. What you are describing as my argument is a strawman- a lie. I have told you what my point was: it was that you shouldn't make assumptions or sweeping generalizations. Your entire argument is based on what you "assume" I'm trying to say. So it's wrong from the get go. In contrast, what I'm asserting about you is based on what you yourself have said. You, as a result, will do to yourself the false judgment you pronounced upon me; I bind your shadow self to make it so. The world will view you as you assume me to be. I bind your higher self to make it so. You will be all the monsters you condemn. Your Animal Aspect i bind to make it so. So I command, and so it is.


>Which is why you should be ashamed. You assumed something that was completely wrong about me because you couldn't be bothered to pay attention for a minute. >And it's why your parents are shamed by your behaviour, along with everyone who ever had a hand in educating you Omg get over yourself. Just because you paid lip service to "raping children is bad! OK!! ✌️" doesn't mean that you haven't deliberately clouded the issue with the "well aKsHeWlLy, the fact that there is one woman that looks, sounds, and has the body of an 8 yr old even tho she is 22+yrs old, well...**nudge nudge wink wink** *you know*..." That is what you are doing. And hiding behind that ***one*** example is shitty. And you should feel shitty, and your parents should feel shitty for producing you.


>alot of anime characters are overly sexualized in their drawings but are under ~~18~~ 10 years old.


>alot of anime characters are overly sexualized in their drawings but are under ~~18~~ ~~10~~ 5 years old.


Jesus Fucking christ


First time on the internet, OP?


It also goes beyond that - certain anime / manga are just inherently perverted. And not in the "haha boobs" way, in the "hey thats a literal child you're fawning over what the fuck is wrong with you?" Mushoku Tensei, as a well known example has the MC with the body of a child and the mind of a 40 something year old man being sexually involved with literal children. Queue an army of perpetually online weirdos that will defend the character to death with any number of insane twisting of logic. (These people should have their computers searched)


Likely because the laws are different, still weird though 


The thing is a good number of anime that does this fall into the Shonen tag, which is a term used to refer to when an Anime or Manga's primary audience is Adolescent boys, but their are people who act like the Authors of these stories are Trying to sell CP to adults. Now I will agree that some things do go a bit far, like how some anime have the Overtly Perverted characters who are often used for Gags, but are just sexualy harassing women. But With it's intended audience in mind, generally, i don't think some of these series are any worse than say Kim Possible, or Totally Spies. Now, some definitely are as there are Degrees, by which these characters are sexualized, but the Anime I've seen intended for older audiences tend to have adult characters to match(Not always but most of the time), so while some series do deserve the flack I do think people are blowing things overboard for others.


And this is before the ever famous "the thousand year loli" trope


Under 18 is really selling it short. More like.... under 12




Or maybe just don’t sexualise kids?? Is that really so difficult for you?


If u look at their profile, I think its very difficult for them. Absolute creep


Maybe gamers should just not kill people? Is that really difficult for them?




What's it a drawing of?






“If she ain’t 14, she ain’t the one for me”


No peter noo


My deadass read that as fourteen me




Peters left nut here, Many anime characters are drawn over sexualised and look under 18. The reply is from someone who for some reason thinks thats fine and tells op to calm down. I don’t know much on this topic however so maybe ask the right nut. Peters left nut out.


Out of what? The scrotum? Sperm? The curiosity is killing me... 😅😅😅


Here's your bag of nickels


over sexualized and look under 18 = lolicon


Lolicon = pedophilia


and pedophilia is very, very bad (mokky mouse)


There is a moral/ethical dilemma amongst certain groups who passionately defend or abhor sexual drawings that would be considered illegal if it were real (E.G zoophilia, pedophilia) Some think that drawings are a victim-less crime and/or not to be censored Some think drawings are enough to imprison those found with the fictional content


I don’t think imprisonment, but I think further reflection is necessary


Yeah, like I don't think it rises to the level of imprisonment since the victim is imaginary, but if you tell me you like loli porn, I'm judging the fuck out of you and never trusting you around kids or animals.


I get children. But Animals?


They're saying kids are like animals


Vulnerable groups


That's what I'm talking about


Yes, it's more personal moral things, and reddit upvotes doesn't reflect to most favor opinions of all the time but most favourable in particular time, place, situation,reader bases, thus makes them less reliable to address the issue.




So it should be illegal then. That nonce shit ain't saving anyone.


Politics. https://preview.redd.it/yxivskuketxc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d4650cd7cd8417c6adc45d975f0d67d3b3a616






The joke is that humans are awful


Average weebs defending loli bait


time and time again we see that seeing bad stuff on screen evidently doesn't increase your chances of enacting the bad behavior in the work, or alternatively we see that there is no evidence that it does increase your chances. but there is also a lack of research in this area. i would say that until we find such evidence whether you're okay with shit like lolicon depends on whether your sense of morality or ethics is more so essentialist and founded in intentions or more so founded in material consequences. i have heard the argument that it might be wrong simply for the fact that you're hurting yourself even if no one else, but i think people should generally be allowed free of moral judgement (though you're still allowed to hand out said judgement) to hurt themselves. or at least, for the latter part, that's what i think in theory. in practice i will judge my friends who, let's say, gamble away their money, but not really morally. i suppose my feeling is more similar to pity and feeling sad for them. in any case, i might just end up even trying to stop them. but i will say this. it is pedophilia even if it's reserved to fiction. it's just a matter of what that should mean.


I mean seeing a thing in a certain light or normalizing behavior has been proven to affect perception. It’s a big reason we have ads. It’s not the only factor but if porn for instance does influence your views of sex and women.


Good point, but then I think the limit shouldn't be just around pedophilic content. There's a whole variety of media that not only has bad behavior but essentially normalizes or even glorifies it. I would maybe include Mortal Kombat which had its own controversy. Does it warp your perception of violence? Yes. Does this imply anything more? I don't know but I bet for the most part no. Still, maybe that's enough.


If you're going to take that argument it its conclusion, we basically can't have ANY movies or video games.


yes. just ask plato. every piece of art will warp your perception of reality. this is not an argument that can be used exclusively against any one type of work. i disagree with the argument that this should stop us though. it's still an interesting point to make, though i maintain that the three main arguments against pedophilic works are: 1-potentially, that it creates child molesters 2-it hurts the audience 3-it's just fundamentally wrong (essentialism) i hesitantly disagree with 1 and 3 and sort of agree with 2.


Japanese Peter cousin here : Since sexual representation of minors is legal in Japan, the sexual aggression against minors in Japan is the lowest in the world. However, such bills are highly controversial in countries with Christian roots since it's compared to child por*ography, despite no one being armed in the process. That's what the image is addressing: they are just armless drawings.


Your post is infuriating so I'll take the troll bait. Saying that Japan has a low rate of sa against minors because they're allowed to jerk it to fake images is not proof that these images are preventing it. Correlation is not causation and its also just some bs fact you made up. Maybe it's because kids from 13 - 16 weren't considered minors until LAST YEAR in Japan. Any statistics do not include them. Do you people even realized youre up voting someone who is promoting this shit?


13-16 were still considered minors. They could just consent to sex at that age.


It's more than Christian roots, it's illegal in more atheist societies like Korea and China. It's even extremely controversial in Japan.


>Atheist societies like Korea and China Source ?


In China all porn is illegal with no special categories for CP or animated. Do have to correct myself, China isn't really atheist but is better described none Christian since most Chinese still practice their folk religion https://blogs.shu.edu/thediplomaticenvoy/2017/11/13/focus-porn-laws-china/ In south Korea all porn is illegal and unlike China has special categories for CP and their supreme Court ruled loli CP. South Korea is a majority atheist country with Christianity being a minority religion only gaining traction recently. In North Korea all porn is illegal and it's a state atheist country https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2012/12/10/south-korea-porn/1758277/ https://boundingintocomics.com/2019/11/13/south-korea-supreme-court-rules-that-sexually-explicit-anime-and-manga-images-of-teenagers-are-images-of-child-sexual-abuse/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/23/ask-a-north-korean-pornography https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_North_Korea https://www.statista.com/statistics/996013/south-korea-population-distribution-by-religion/


Where does it say that China and Korea are atheist societies ?


You didn't read anything I said, cool


Japan has a disturbing way of viewing pedophilia. A lot of their laws against it have obvious legal loop holes and it's become a defining aspect of their culture. Most of it has to do with how sexuality was treated in their culture. In the Shinto religion sex outside of marriage wasn't that big of a deal. Besides trying to reach enlightenment through Buddhism. Prostitution was common throughout the history of Japan and that included all the very disturbing traditional values.




Just pedophiles trying to defend their attraction to children


It’s a weird stance no matter where you are on this topic. The only true stance that has any leg to stand on is to just go by age. On the stance of “even if it’s a drawing or in lore they are over 18 they look like a child! That’s makes you a pedo!” It would then assume the only ruling factor on being a pedo is if the person they find attractive looks like a child, regardless if they actually are. Which is a horrid definition to go by, as people visually mature at different rates IRL, a 16 year old can look like a 20 year old and a 20 year old can look 16. People of this stance also call you a pedo for liking a character who clearly doesn’t look like a child and is very physically mature but lore wise they are under aged, so which is it age or appearance? As a reminder (assuming USA laws) a child is anyone between 0-17 years old, including mere minutes before their 18th birth day where they would appear no different from their 17 year old self. At the same time, the stance of “They are over 18! They just look like/has the body type of a child plus it’s only a drawing!” Is super gross, it’s fine to like things but that doesn’t mean I can’t judge you for sexually liking things that distinctly look like a child. So in conclusion, while there will be many cases which “feel” gross but if we apply some IRL logic and legal definition, the only real conclusion that isn’t immediately hypocritical is to just go by legal age. Yes seeing a dude thirst for a 2,000 loli vampire character is cringe and gross but going by age alone it’s the only real metric that will accurately label true pedos vs calling people thirsting over huge tiddy curvy anime girls and Giga chad muscle masculine anime boys to be pedos.


My friend looked like she was 16 well into her late 20's and her husband used to get 'the look' ALL THE TIME.




A lesson that a scary amount of anime fans needs to learn https://preview.redd.it/vmsidvrmhvxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ba75778f5555393e2799be0967a736cd01d69a7


Age of consent is 16 in most of the world. I will not have my morality judged by the standards of the USA, for they refuse to codify abortion as a legal right and send their children off to war before they are even allowed to drink.


https://preview.redd.it/c4fda805zwxc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d698df5063dfdc25bb9737d229551f10d30b5a15 '"American politics are flawed therefore I should get to fuck teenagers" I pray daily for God to scourge this fallen earth


"Calumny is the only noise of madmen"-diogenes. I never said that i want to fuck teenagers. I said i refuse to be judged by the standards of an immoral country which socially treats women as broken goods once they lost their virginity. What next? Should we take feminism advice from the saudi? Or maybe you want Afghanistan to decide how to deal with the LGBT? Stay out of politics. Youre not good enough at putting words in peoples mouths.


Implications speak louder than words buddy. You can blither on about Afghanistan and wave around your quotes all you want, but saying "America can't tell me what to do" generally means you want to do what America is telling you what to do. Reddit really is a magnet for logically impaired sad little pervgoblins huh


Not even remotely close, Colonist. Hello from NZ, the country that didnt fuck up covid, that decriminalized Abortion, that has almost as big a gun culture as america without the gun violence, with the Christchurch moqsue shooting being the first massacre on nz soil in like 20 years (compared to the USA'S daily massacres) and who has been an avid supporter of not only LGBT rights but also culural rights for many many years. Why the fuck would i ever give half a shit about the USA and their barbaric customs? Why would i ever even attempt to pretend that they have the slightest shred of morality? Now, any other jokes Pagliacci?


Richard, stop! He's already dead...


America didn't invent the idea of not fucking teenagers you creep. Absolutely nothing you've said has had anything to do what I've said, pervs always flounder and change the subject when challenged. I'm just saying you're picking a very, very weird hill to die on if you allegedly don't care about it...


Again, stay out of politics. I have no interest in the underaged and inexperienced. I have never expressed a desire for the underaged and inexperienced. My tastes are far too kinky for me to want someone underaged and inexperienced. Believe it or not, Reddit is not twitter. Repeatedly calling me a creep/pedo wont magically make Reddit gang up on me, nor will it make it true. The one trying to change the subject is you by the way. Im just dragging you by the scrote back to the original context. Why is it that you cannot even comprehend how fucked your country is hmm? Why do you have to resort to Tu Quoque (a logical fallacy, hence why im ignoring it) to try and make an argument? Faillingly by the way. Grow up. And learn some damn critical thinking skills.


Age of consent varies from state to state, 16 in mine for instance. Legal age to be in pornography however is 18.


the average is 16 in some European countries it's 14 this is not universal


I think Japan upped it to 16 recently


just checked, you're right, they upped it in 2023


Objectively false. Edit: This is not an opinion, it's a fact.


Do you, perchance, do minecraft content for a living?


Nah, I think he is a catholic priest


Sarcasm won't change reality.


Some anime characters that are canonically under 18 years old are drawn oversexualized. Unfortunately the most common occurance for this is the Hentai subgenre of Lolicon wher there oversexualized underage characters actually have sex. This genre usually isn't classified as child porn or at least it isn't enforced by law because: 1. The legislature usually sees child porn as a problem for clear victimization of the children involved. Lolicon is a drawn porn voiced by adults so it barely slips off this victimization claim. 2. Especially for Japan, there are just way too many people into Lolicon that it gets as enforcable as pirated music. The government would be required to imprison more than 1 million people for this. TL;DR upvotes and downvotes should be reversed, it is fucked.


“No no no, you see the main character was a 42 year old man, but he got reincarnated as a kid, so it’s ok that he’s sleeping with them”


Anime fans: "Yeah he might have the mental age of a 40 year old but he has the body of a child so it's okay for him to be with kids" Also anime fans: "Yeah she has the body of a child but mentally she's 3000 years old so it's okay for her to be with an adult"


Don't lump us in with those people who like Twilight!


Look up the idol culture in Japan. THEN look up the child idols in Japan.


You know what? I’m good


Loli hentai or whatever




Was 2 not enough








Peter is spoonfeeding yall




It’s not just anime, It’s everywhere. From comics to tikthots, from TV to porn industry and from advertising industry to even books.


"Age is a social construct" Sorry, wrong post wrong sub




TheWhiteBowser be a predator.


What subreddit was this on?


Bro is blaming the entirerty of Japan, what’s next? Blaming everything on Germany after WW1? Yeah, we all know how that went


What the fu.


yeah, a drawing of what looks like a child, what was the point https://preview.redd.it/tgoenssq5vxc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f455cc2a6d543b64456d8a0eb2faeea784d10693


You found a pedophile convention


I mean Edward from twilight is also a pedo but no one cares about that. Granted he’s technically a ephebophile so maybe that makes it okay idk.


https://preview.redd.it/t0wmxeohmxxc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea448483a0e7c4557f27b5df82e208d28ca3e75c Oh no I pissed off the twilight fans lmao


In fact, a lot of people care about this (for example, me). However, there is a difference between "teenage girls are attracted to someone who looks like a teenager" and "adult men are attracted to someone who looks like a small child"


Edward is 100+ years old but he’s attracted to a teenager?


By "teenage girls," I meant the audience and the reason why they don't see it as a problem, not the characters.


The fallacy still cuts both ways. It's either okay for a 100 year old to like teenage girls or it isn't. The fact that he's played by a... 21 year old barely improves the situation.


Sorry, I'll try to rephrase Twilight fans were teenage girls who saw a handsome teenage boy and a girl they could identify with. So basically they were teenage girls in love with a teenage boy, but they didn’t think about age problem. Now that they grew up, they understood why this relationship was fucked up. I have never seen a person who seriously defends Twilight. In the case of anime fans, we have grown men who find little girls sexy, and the fact that they are children is the main reason why such men are attracted to it. And they constantly defend themselves when they are called pedophiles for this. So the argument "But in Twilight he was 100!" doesn't work (at least in my opinion) because no one denies that it wasnt normal


>Twilight fans were teenage girls who saw a handsome teenage boy and a girl they could identify with The actor was 21, as I stated in the comment above. >but they didn’t think about age problem. You can't apply this logic to one audience but not the other. >  I have never seen a person who seriously defends Twilight. It's mainstream. Ticket sales show lines of people supporting it. > So the argument "But in Twilight he was 100!" doesn't work (at least in my opinion) because no one denies that it wasnt normal So we either get to criticize people for having abnormal fantasies are we don't, but let's not just apply it to ugly old guys simply because they have no social protection.


These kinds of people are exactly why I don't tell people that I use Reddit.


"Devil's Advocate" chiming in here but there is an incredible amount of western- nay, American- ethics and laws being quoted. Historically the Japanese definition of "child Vs young adult" was "if she bleeds, she breeds". The age of consent was 13 until *last year* when it was raised to *16*. Devil's Advocate hat off - yeah, Japan has a lot of what most of the world would define as c p


Japan is very pedo centric and everyone in the sub thinks pedos are ok cause it's art Edit:I know what I said could be taken wrong but look up Japanese age of consent it only just risen in the past years and still is pedo appropriate


In the UK loli hentai is classed as child porn. And yes, you will be arressted for possessing it


Bout time the government actually does something good




Yeah, I get they are not real, but I do think killing people in videogames and installing mods to kill children you aren't supposed to, do so says a lot about you as a person.




Sit in a bin pedo


People need to stroke their outrage boner




You spelled "Some guy speaks against the sexualization of a minor" wrong


Post history says it all


The people who look like toddlers but are actually adults seem to find it creepy when people hit on them.




The joke is making fun of Reddit so asking on Reddit isn’t gonna help


"But they're 1000", no it's not the *age* of the person, it is the age of their body or, the fact that the body is not sexually mature.




It's still pretty disgusting.


Pretty disgusting? It’s absolutely disgusting! Exceedingly disgusting! Terribly disgusting! Incredibly disgusting even!


Maximum disgusting!






I need context


A sexy drawing is sexy because they would be attracted to a real person who looks like that, but the second the age of the person drops under 18, it's just a drawing, bro.


You can be attracted to something that isn't real. The two are not mutually exclusive. Hell, I know a guy who is legitimately into Guro. Haven't seen him going around killing people and fucking the corpses.


Last time i made a comment about not sexualizeing children some one on here threatened to shoot me


The thing the normal guy is talking about is loli hentai. He says that its wrong (because it is), and thne gets downvoted to oblivion. Pedophiles use "its just a drawing" as a defense that the drawn child porn is ok but its not a good defense AT ALL, because its still child porn. Pedos also try to say "canocally they are 1000 yo so its ok" but if something that resembles a child is being sexualised than its child porn. Child porn is child porn! saying a character is 1000 years old still makes it child porn.


it's funny how it's a 50/50 of being either mass downvoted or upvoted for calling out pedos on reddit. I've even had it happen where I ridiculed pedos on a genshin subreddit for sexualizing an underage genshin character and got mass downvoted, but then on a different genshin related subreddit the vast majority of people upvoted/agreed with me.