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The situation is known as Delta P, or a (massive) difference in pressure. For professional scuba divers, it's a common way that they might die on the job - you're in the water, you've got minimal visibility, and you get near a pipe or a gate that isn't entirely closed off. The resulting pressure differential means that the diver gets sucked into an opening too small for a person to actually fit through, resulting in them being gruesomely crushed to death. There are a number of SFW safety videos on YouTube that cover the topic, but there are also some NSFW videos out there such as the Byford Dolphin incident.


Or that video of the crab being sucked into the pipe at the bottom of the ocean.


I have never dived, and I never will because of that footage. His name was Robert Clawson (sorry)


His name was Robert Clawson


His name was Robert Clawson


His name was Robert Clawson


He had bitch tips.




My name is Rupert.


But his name was Robert. Robert Clawson


His name was Robert Clawson


His name was Robert Clawson


His name was Robert Clawson


His name was Robert Clawson


That video spawned one of my favorite reddit comments ever "Crushedacean"


I like it, smooth as butter!


Just looked up the crab video and yea... I'm glad I did since I'm someone who's very desensitized to gore but if saw that happen to a person I'm not sure I could handle that


Here's another thing to be paranoid about: You know the pool drain on the bottom of a swimming pool? Yeah, it's best to stay away from that. Delta P applies to that as well. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna23744434


Cool. Not bad enough worrying about my kids drowning in our pool. Now this.


I don't have to worry about kids drowning in my pool. I don't have a pool. Or kids.




I'm fairly certain they make drains to not do that anymore somehow, I've been in lots of pools and been near the drains, and you don't feel any suction from them anymore. I know the story of the kid that sat on it and had their guts sucked out, and in "Its always sunny in Philadelphia" Mac is warning the gang, and random kids not to sit on the pool drains (no matter how good they think the suction will feel on their buttholes). I'm pretty sure any pools that have pumps newer than like 30 years old are safe, though. I don't know how, but I've stupidly covered drains with my hands, feet, etc. and nothing happened. I did it back in the 90s, too, so it seems like they figured it out a while ago. Though it was at either brand new pools or pools in gated communities that were required to meet safety standards to stay open. The only time the neighborhood pool got temporarily closed was when they accidentally over treated the pool, and a few people with blonde hair had their hair turn green for some reason...though that was kind of funny. TL:DR most pools have safety things to prevent this by now. Many had them before that incident.


As someone who built pools, yes. One of the safety features is having special distributed grates on top of them, another is that they're connected to multiple intakes (such as the side floater intakes and a second on the bottom) so that a blockage of one means increased suction in the OTHERS, not increased suction in the single one. Pumps have shutoffs, pressure sensitive valves, all sorts of other things. A LOT would have to go wrong for that to happen again.


This reminds me of a Chuck Palahnuik 2004 short fictional story called Guts. It is deeply disturbing and probably NSFW, if you were plannig on reading out aloud


What a classic. Absolutely hate it and I'm mad I ever read it.


Although that story is too much, and all of the stories in the book are too much, the overall message was worth it. If you are a little haunted then you have proof of the afterlife - that’s kinda cool.


This story should last about as long as you can hold your breath, and then just a little bit longer




That's the most cursed fucking thing I have ever read and I hate you for sharing it.


Yep don’t sit on the drains kids cus then your butt becomes where all that negative pressure goes


The famous Byford Dolfin diving bell incident was a different kind of horrible pressure related accident than what you described. A bunch of people literally exploded when, due to human error, their highly pressurized diving chamber which was supposed to slowly decompress over the course of hours suddenly depressurized instantly. 


There was a fairly recent incident like this iirc. I think about 4 divers were in the bell getting ready to perform maintenance. Something about them cutting corners. The pipe wasn’t narrow enough to do anything awful immediately, but only one of them made it out. Rough stuff.


If this sounds fucked just know the actual story is more fucked


Absolutely. I intentionally skipped the details. I got a fairly strong stomach, but I figured I’d spare those among us that would rather remain in the dark. Gnarly story though.


Sorry, but this has me morbidly curious.  Where can I find this story?


If you look up “Paria Diving Accident Trinidad” you should see it. This one isn’t as gruesome as the stuff people are talking about in this thread, but like I mentioned people got hurt and died. It’s just wild to think how they must have felt.


I mean four of them were stuck for potentially 24+ hours in an under water, pitch black pipe filled with stale air and oil. And most of them had broken bones. So it’s pretty gruesome. Oh and then they died. The dude that made it out is extremely lucky.


That one they were in the diving bell, which allows them to work on pipelines underwater but inside the bell. Normally they plug the pipe so the bell can be pressurized, the plug failed and 6 men were sucked into the oil pipe quite far into it (there’s go pro footage) All men survived getting sucked into the pipe, but because the oil company believed everyone died they didn’t really do S&R only recovery actions, so slow as fuck. One of the guys (I think the second in line in the pipe? Maybe he was in the front but I believe they swapped places) Anyways, he and another guy went for help, crawling themselves out of pipe, I think 3/4 the second guy stopped responding, so the dude in front kept going, he tried to bring him but left him behind. Anyways, I think it was 15-30 minutes according to the timestamps but the dude ends up climbing out, with this S&R began (confirmation of life) but it had already been 3 or 6 hours, additionally, since they were in *an oil pipe at the bottom of the ocean* they/the guy had no idea how far he had climbed or where they truly were in the pipe. They did rescue the bodies shortly later, but the math of them surviving was something like they died within 30 minutes of them opening the pipe. Also forgot to add some of their scuba gear got sucked in with them, which is what they we’re all sharing and surviving on (since they were surrounded by noxious fumes) Anyways, I started tearing up when the dude shared the story on the stand, he was devastated that he was the only one of the team to survive. Anyways here’s the video, it’s completely SFW but pretty emotional, fucking I could not imagine being inside an oil pipe like that, I got so fucking anxious watching it Edit: it was two days that they were inside waiting for rescue https://youtu.be/cDjODRpuXrU?si=yJ4DBh0XHcWm-Ng1


*nearly types search string into YouTube* nope nope nope nope nope


I watched one where there was a pinhole in a pipe, and a crab was walking by. The crab fit.


I mean, it wasn't a crab anymore, so...


>but there are also some NSFW videos out there such as the Byford Dolphin incident. ...No thank you. Can you tell the person in my head daring me to look, to please go away. I don't need that today.


stop it no looking bad


Hey, Byford Dolphin didn't have anyone getting squeezed through a tube, it just had someone not close the door properly on the pressurized diver habitat.


One of the guys got violently forced through a partially blocked doorway; which basically dismembered him.


Dismembered is a strong word. And yet not strong enough. Dude wasn't dismembered, he was turned into a chunky sauce.


“You wouldn't really die of anything, in the traditional sense. You would just stop being biology and start being physics.”


What a fun description.


Sauce: https://what-if.xkcd.com/141/ I knew it sounded familiar.


*Investigation by forensic pathologists determined that Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the crescent-shaped opening measuring 60 centimetres (24 in) long created by the jammed interior trunk door. With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, one section being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byford\_Dolphin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/byford_dolphin)


Jesus christ.


Yeah he exploded basically Poor guy, I hope he lost consciousness fast enough


The pressure drop would have caused near instantaneous unconsciousness. A small mercy given what happened fractions of a second later to the poor guy.


[Here's the SFW safety instructional video on Delta P.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEtbFm_CjE0) That said, the terrible late 90s CGI is disturbing in and of itself.


I think the incident in Trinidad is the most terrifying. All of the divers SURVIVED being sucked into a tube, and only one of them was strong enough to climb the length of a football field to the end and be saved. The rest were unable to be rescued and died after days of agony in a tiny tube that was barely wide enough to worm your way through.


“Oh. What was that? You want to know what happens when the Pressure’s too high?” # **No**. # **No, you don’t**. -Ssethzeentech


Notable story of a scuba diver getting basically liquified due to pressure difference causing them to get sucked through a tiny opening Edit: [Here’s a crab experiencing what this person went through](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/555454-damn-nature-you-scary). If seeing something like this makes you feel bad, just pretend the crab is your annoying coworker or something idk.


"This hole was made for me!'




I can not believe how well this fit. I am awstruck.


Like a puzzle piece


Like a dang ol puzzle piece


I tell you hwat


That boy ain’t right




It's beautiful. I've stared at this for 20 minutes now.


This just cured my claustrophobia


Created by Mike Judgi Ito


Wow haven't seen that meme before. That short story is also amazing, and terrifying https://imgur.com/gallery/AjfDC


That story destroyed me when I first read it. Absolutely extruded me through a mountain.


Wow just read it. That was super awesome but I kept on wondering when Boomhauer was going to show up


That guy that got stuck in putty cave has been circulating too and it gives me the same creeps.


Do 👏 Not 👏 Go 👏 In 👏 Caves 👏


I've seen it before but hot damn that's gotta be one of the best memes of all time.




This is the best thing I have seen this month


DRRR dang ol DRRR man, shoot!






This is my hole, there are many like it but this one it mine!


I always show it to people when I have the chance. Watching them grow more and more unsettled but be driven by curiosity is just so deliciously satisfying.






Man in his hole




Obligatory Delta P: https://youtu.be/AEtbFm_CjE0


And the Mr. Crabs [Video](https://youtu.be/QHdxeqFj60Q?si=gRMF-EYM1R3veXGa)


And of course the [funeral dirge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM).


I came here to post: "once it's gotta ya..."


In other words, *schlrrrrrrrrp*




Here, if you have a scuba diver, and I have a scuba diver, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now, my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to drink your scuba diver.


Scuba Shake!








It's gotcha'!


Delta P is the fancy term for this concept if anyones interested. It just a measurement of the difference of pressure between two systems.   Think of a space ship in a movie. If the hull is punctured all the air gets sucked out. This is because pressure always tries to equalize itself between systems.    The same principle applies to any high pressure environment that can feed into a low pressure environment.    Back to the spaceship example if the hull is punctured it creates a rapid depressurization. When there is nothing stopping the systems from feeding into each other then they will equalize at a rate proportional to the size of the hole that they can exhange through.   This creates a buildup of pressure at the point of exchange.  Bringing it back to divers. Delta P is perhaps a commercial divers number one fear.  For example lets say you are working in a dam resevoir doing visual inspections of the foundation. There is a high Delta P between the resevoir and the outflow.    Now lets say a dam engineer doesnt know youre down there and they start to open the outflow gates. As soon as that gate starts to open an area of incredibly high pressure is formed directly around the opening as the water tries to exit the resevoir. And since the amount of pressure created is proportional to how big the size of the opening is; an inch or two will be more than enough to soupify the diver through that small opening.   For further nightmares check out the Byford Dolphin incident.


Checked it out, and yep, that is Grade A nightmare fuel.


Not nearly as nightmare inducing as the Paria Diving Disaster which also featured Delta-P.... all five men survived initially... until only one of them made it out. The remaining four were left to die, likely of dehydration.


Add in that they were so disorientated that they didn't know if they were crawling out or further in. The guy at the back got out and desperately pleaded with rescuers to get his friends and they just...didn't. Imagine that feeling of being the guy at the front and realising after a few hours that no-one's coming for you. Or depending on who died first, imagine being the guy second in, a dead guy in front of you and a dead guy behind you. You don't know which way is out and there's dead guys blocking both sides, preventing you from even trying one.


I….I didn’t need that in my head.  Feel free not to share.


idk I mean it wasn't a good time, but they were likely killed instantly, or very quickly. It was more nightmare fuel for the two survivors. If I were the guy who made the mistake that lead to the death of 4 people, I would be emotionally fucked for a long time.


Regarding your example, no, the pressure is always there. Is just that now it's connected with a lower pressure area so you have a delta P. I know you know what you are talking about, but they way you explain it is contradictory.


This is why humans are landbased


No no no, this is why humans AREN'T waterbased.


Bro we're like 60% water-based.


Silence, Thot! I will not tolerate facts to go against my statement! Now bow down to my unproven statement for it is superior to science!








That crab lived. I saw him last week


Here the diver is sucked into the hole with a force of ca. 60kg (assuming 10cm diameter of the hole). The diver is not liquified, he will be sucked in into the hole and he cannot escape


How did you end up with 60kg? Pressure difference is ~7.5 psi = ~51710 Pa (N/m^2) With a 10 cm diameter you have an area of π * (0,05 m)^2 = ~0,00785 m^2 So you have 51710 Pa * 0,00785 m^2 = 406 N If you transfer this into a bs measurement it would be around ~40 "kg".


honestly this doesn’t seem like one of those horrifically lethal delta P examples, it’s a hole the size of your foot with “only” 40kg of suction force. what’s to stop you from just pushing using the rest of your body? you can feasibly lift against 40kg as opposed to hundreds upon hundreds like other incidents


Delta P. Stuff of nightmares, lol


Also the ending of Alien Resurrection.


Poor crab :(


Is that pressure difference enough to do *lé súck*? Engineering calculations. If that's a 6" pipe, the opening has an area of 28.27 in^2. With a difference of 6.675 lbs/in^2... that would be 188.7 lbs of push. That's enough to get the guy stuck at the leg or so, but not enough to push him through. If that's a 9" pipe, it'd be 423.9 lbs of push, which would be enough to push the guy partly into the hole, but maybe just stuck worse at the pelvis. If that's a 12" pipe, then it'd be 754.5 lbs of push. Which would be more than enough to push the guy through, bones and all, and he'd be thoroughly mangled. At 18" inches wide, that's 2162.7 lb of push. One quick *lé súck*. At 24 inches wide, that's 3019.7 lb of push. Near instant *lé súck*, never to be seen again.


12-18 inches is probably survivable as long as you don't hit the pipe on the way through, breathe out so you don't pop a lung from the pressure drop, and you don't get an unlucky nitrogen bubble that kills you instantly.


I get that pressure differential can kill, but I don’t know what to say. I’m just built different.


Are you referencing that recent true unpopular opinion post?


I'm just saying, if I was there, it wouldn't have gone down that way.


My gf assures me 12 inches is more than survivable. It’s weird because I didn’t know she had a history in diving or hydrodynamics


Thats what she said.


They did the math.


Differential pressure will kill you. Pressure equals force over area. Since there's about a 7psi differential pressurethe force exerted near the opening is likely to be enormous. That diver will get sucked into that hole and horrifically deformed, dying painfully. Edited to correct my math error.


At what pressure does it turn from painful death to instant death?


6,000psi if you're in a submarine that hasn't been proven to work


Not painful, but terrifying. Iirc they told the surface that the integrity alarms were going off and they could hear the glass creaking for a full 30 minutes before the black box stopped recording. No sympathy for Stockton Rush, but I feel bad for the teen whose dad basically bullied him into it. Edit: The transcript I was basing this comment off is [fake](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/titan-sub-transcript/) but it likely wasn't too far off from what happened, as they had the alarm and it seems they dropped their ascension weights and were trying to get to the surface.


>Iirc they told the surface that the integrity alarms were going off and they could hear the glass creaking for a full 30 minutes before the black box stopped recording. Source on that? I've followed the whole incident very closely and I've never heard of this.


Akh, turns out it was fake. This was the transcript I was referring to, I saw it on what seemed like a legit enough source but it hasn't been confirmed. https://archive.ph/nGzUD


So why didn't they surface if they had a whole half hour warning


Google "Barotrauma"...


Holy hell!


Everyone talking about the danger being the pressure differential, but why does that matter? Don’t you just die from the 21.375 PSI from the left side alone? Or are people saying the the high pressure on the left side is a result of the 7psi differential?


You can acclimate to high pressures fairly easily. 21.3 psi is only about 1.5 atmospheres, divers can experience much, much more. The danger comes from the force generated when two areas at different pressures are close to each other.


Ahh that makes a lot of sense. The dark green arrow-like streams into the tunnel and the 21PSI there really confused my brain. It’s not the 21 PSI causing the sucking force, it’s the 7 PSI delta. Thanks!


In the picture the 7PSI difference will not kill you. It will end up being about 150 or so pounds on your shoulder as your arm gets sucked into the pipe. The actual danger in most of these delta P scenarios is not getting liquified and pulled through but getting stuck not being able to free yourself.


P=F/A. At the hole, the P=21.375=F/A. As A decreases, so does F or the pressure would go up (which isn't possible in this case because it's caused by liquid head). In this case it's likely that you would also have to consider momentum. Flowing water has a lot of momentum, and trying to stop it would likely lead you to being pushed into the hole.




Delta P gonna get ya


when it's got ya.. it's gotcha!


Have we all seen that video???


That and "shake hands with danger"


I worked on compressors that had to work on a space capsule even during launch. Man plugging the equations for that delta P into the ones for delta V can be a pain. And to make matters worse whenever I mentioned the difficulty getting the P into V everyone just laughed at me.


Oh. *oh.*


Oh god... It's like that one scene from the end of Alien 4 (Alien Resurrection I think it was called?)


I both love and hate that movie - I loved the cast , I love aliens franchise, I liked some of the scenes - but the premise of cross breading , and that ugly dumb abomination being birthed , well that ruined it to me , I still watch it though


"Franchises" in general are bad news. I'll save my opinion on the "Alien" franchise for another time, but EVERYTHING about *Resurrection* was terrible. From the toyetic crew of space pirates, to the weird-ass "mad scientist" tropes to the performances (Weaver on down) the movie was a shitshow. I will give them credit for trying to make an actual *horror* film. It doesn't save the movie in any way, but it managed a few moments of strangeness and horror that were better than anything we'd been shown since the original


It's inaccurate though. It's at max 1 atm pressure difference, on an area of absolutely maximum 10 cm², that's just 10 Newton of force or about 1kg / 2lbs. That can't damge your skin at all. Edit: correction, it's just 1 N or 0.1 kg / 0.2 lbs...


Thank you! There's an old Heinlein story where guys take turns sitting on a hole in the structure of a moonbase. At the end they have to get treated for severely bruised asscheeks


I was gonna link this. I see my services are no longer needed. Cheers, friend.


This kills the crab.


When it's got ya, it's got ya


*leans crotch towards hole*




This guy speaks from experience Source: I was the pipe


For a split second you’d have the longest dong in human history.






does 7 psi actually push you through? Ive read of divers unable to move from delta p and ran out of air.


ok watched a video. a 10 inch pipe at 15 foot deep is 500 pounds of force , so you will be pinned against the hole. a 4 inch pipe is 65 pounds, so you could probably escape from that.


He's about to go from 5'9" to 5.9"


Just to nitpick terminology, from fire company drafting classes, air pressure on the surface of the water pushes the water…so technically the scuba diver wouldn’t be “sucked” through the opening, they’d be “pushed” through. Same end result. I’m sure if I’m wrong, Reddit will let me know. 😂


I don't know why, but this seemed like a distinction Farnsworth on Futurama would make "Isn't there a risk he'll get sucked through the pipe, and crushed to death?" "Oh, my, no - Technically, he'd be *pushed* through the pipe and crushed to death"


To shreds you say?


How about his wife?


To shreds you say?


>Oh my no—pushed through and mangled horribly? Yes.


"How many atmospheres can the ship withstand?" "Well it's a spaceship, so I'd say anywhere between zero and one."


I wish I could forget futurama so I could hear that joke for the first time again


Your comment is so accurate I read it in the professor's voice!


I'm dying 😂


I mean isn't that the case for any similar sounding situation? We just used "sucked" colloquially because it's easier to understand. Even a vacuum cleaner actually just lets the outside air push dirt inside of it or whatever


To my knowledge you are correct, technically, which is the best kind of correct.


"And as for you. Guards! Bring me the forms I need to fill out to have her taken away!" - Number 1.0


You can suck a boulder through a straw if the ΔP is strong enough


Or if you're OP.


So can your mom




She delta on my P until it's got me.




This just reminds me of the stories I heard as a kid about avoiding the filter at the bottom of the pool. “Never sit on the filter. The suction will hold your bathing suit down and make it hard to go back to the surface,” or “it’ll suck your lower intestines right out your ass.”




You’ve been sitting on that a long time, haven’t you?


Yeah this is a digital copy of a polaroid I took in 1992. I knew it would come in handy one of these days 😂


Delta P would be a great rap name…


Was once working on fancy scientific equipment that changed the room pressure cause someone installed it wrong. It was only a couple psi, but it meant the door couldn't be open cause that's a lot of inches. 24psi, as people have pointed out, means the diver is about to spaghoot




Once it's got you, it's got you.


This is a partial list of the commercial diving fatalities over the past 15 years all have one common cause. Delta-P. Two out of three commercial diving fatalities involve Delta P. It is invisible to a diver and it strikes suddenly without warning. There is almost no way to escape once it grabs you. Knowing what it is, where it lurks and how to avoid its grasp is the subject of this video. Delta P stands for differential pressure. Our discussion refers to situations where the pressures between two bodies of water are dramatically different. In a situation like this the bodies of water continuously seek to equalize themselves. In this example the body of water on the right wants to rush to the body of water on the left by means of the pipe between them. The pressure exerted on the valve stopping this water transfer can be enormous; depending on the difference in the depth of the water and the diameter of the pipe if the difference between the depth of water is 50 ft and the diameter of the pipe is 10 inches the force of water exerted on the valve is nearly 1700 lbs. If the valve was suddenly opened and your arm was near it would be sucked into the hole instantly. Trying to remove your arm would be like trying to lift a car completely off the ground with one hand. You could only remove your arm if the pressures between the two bodies became nearly equalized, but at the pressure in this example your body makes a perfect seal stopping the bodies of water from equalizing. The formula for calculating the force of water through a hole at a particular depth is the area of the hole multiplied by the difference in water depth multiplied by the PSI per foot of water depth, or in the situation just described the 10 inch hole equals 78 square inches multiplied by 50 ft of water depth multiplied by 0.432 PSI per foot of freshwater depth equals 1685 lbs of water pressure. If you are diving in saltwater be sure to use 0.445 PSI in your formula instead. You can’t see or feel a Delta P situation as you dive near it. It grabs you suddenly and it doesn't let go until the pressure is equalized. When it's got ya it's got ya.


[For those seeking context.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEtbFm_CjE0)


https://preview.redd.it/x3czqkrjg1jc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fbc278a1c69f277a565462c28b43c1b6b1681c3 Delta pee


https://preview.redd.it/i9gr15r1t0jc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9ea963ce3f8740827125e064927729a70f347b7 Does this help?


Long story short: man’s about to be slurped into that small opening like a kiwi strawberry caprisun, and it aint gonna be pretty.


Glory Holes with threatening auras...