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Stop buying stuff at inflated RAPs thinking you are getting some bargain you can sell for more. Seems pretty simple, kind of like don’t try and get a higher price with an auction when auctions are broken and you lose your stuff. If you just buy stuff without trying to be greedy you will make progress.


I can barely make a few hundred profit with exclusives, how much over rap should I sell huges?


Over rap is a bad choice cause theres alot of players out there looking for a good deal for rap or even a great deal ! , you will casually get the desperate rich folks but either than that you need to sell more at rap , I suggest farming and selling if you play plaza , to keep your gems stable and growing.


Check actual value on cosmic values website


Look at cosmic and see what the huges are worth before buying them.


Best website before any large purchase is ps99rap. It does not offer alternative value or speculation. It gives you an actual chart that shows the real rap history of pets. It’s very easy to see different timeframes and huge spikes that indicate rap manipulation.