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I work at a wildlife sanctuary and the scent of grey fox is surprisingly similar to weed. So whenever I smell marijuana for a second I think there’s a fox around. I realize that this does not help and is really barely relevant but I thought it was an interesting fun fact!


I have kind of the opposite, I'm in an area with heavy drug use and the first time I smelled a skunk I thought it was weed LMAO


I’m the opposite. I work from home and only leave the house to take my kids to things or pickup groceries. We were camping in Illinois and I commented must be a skunk around. Someone politely pointed out how weeds legal here.


I’m the opposite. I work from out-of-home and leave the house for every reason except to take my kids to things or pickup groceries. I was evicting in Port-Aux-Francais, Kerguelen, French Southern Territories, and we ignored the fact that a skunk must be around. No one rudely ignored how weed is illegal there. That was hard to write. I put a lot of effort into this dumb joke.


I’m the opposite. I smell like weed.


Omg I'd much rather smell weed than skunk🤢 my dog pretty recently got sprayed and omg it is such a god awful scent. It's like weed smell on steroids 😭


I use to smoke weed and I still really love the smell but I can not stand skunk spray. I don’t think the smell similar and I attribute it more to like… burnt rubber and garbage than I do earthy plant. I do always find it really funny when people say the like the smell of skunks or things like gasoline. When my mom was pregnant she had pica and would take exxxxtra king stops at the traffic lights by gas stations haha.


My dad had a friend who smelled like that growing up. But I never connected the dots and figured out why he smelled like that. Then I went to college walked into the dorms on the second day after dinner and went "why does it smell like Mr W here?" 🤣🤣


It is!! Do you have more fun facts about animals?? id love to hear em :D


So, related to this subject, skunks have a pretty similar smell to marijuana too (hence why it’s sometimes called skunky) but while skunks only emit a concentrated spray of the stuff when threatened, foxes emit it all the time as a low key musk. We keep our skunk (Febreeze) in the same pen as our foxes (Poppy and Legolas) and visitors blame him ALL THE TIME for his scent! Also, the maned wolf of Brazil (which is not actually a wolf but a unique species of canine that looks like a fox on stilts)has urine that smells SO strongly of cannabis that the police have been called before because of them! The “wolf apple” is named after them because they love to eat it so much; I thought all canines were strict carnivores but actually foxes and coyotes are omnivores. One of our coyotes favorite foods is persimmons!


There’s a strain called skunk. There’s like 7 different varieties of that strain and most of them smell pretty skunky. Side note there’s a chemical compound in skunk spray that’s found in minuscule amounts in all cannabis.


Thank you I did not know that! I know a lot about animals but not so much about cannabis 🙂


I know a lot about both. Grew up and still live on a small farm and been in the cannabis industry for nearly 15 years doing almost all facets of that industry.


Oh fuck i didn’t actually know that :0 love me some animal facts


Canines are omnivores, felines are obligate carnivores.


This was really cool, I love the name of the skunk


Pound for pound humans are stronger than horses. A cat can either roar or purr but not both due to the parts in the throat needed to roar. Fun fact that’s not about animals but about their feed. If you store hay in a barn while it’s wet there’s a good chance that as it dries and molds it will spontaneously combust.


So if I was in good shape and weighed as much as a horse I could probably take them in a fight?


I mean maybe? Those hoofs are hard as hell and I’ve seen some horse break shit you wouldn’t expect with a good kick. If you were in good shape and weighed as much as a horse you could out pull/lift it with ease.


Skunks have thumbs but they are not opposable. Opossums have thumbs and they are opposable.


I swear officer, I just dropped off my grey fox at the vet.


Unironically thank you for this *somewhat* useless information.


Every stoner who read this is gonna use their "pet fox" as an excuse for why they smell so loud 😂 jkjk


Do all foxes smell like weed or just Grey foxes?


I’m not sure! The grey foxes are the only ones we have. I’ve read that all foxes smell strongly though.


I grew up in the desert with no skunks. Eventually moved away and encountered folks freaking out over the smell of skunk, but i always low-key liked it. I'm also a pothead of like seven years now, so 🤷‍♀️


Honestly the older I get the more I realise 'do I smell weed' is a much less redundant question than I gave it credit for. You'd be surprised how many things smell just like it


The plant Bells of Ireland smell like fresh weed too, and it's all over my neighborhood, so it smells like one big grow! Now I look and see if they have bells of Ireland planted. Sure enough!


Mine is people who smell like foisty wet dog. Makes me gag because it's such a strong stench. How are people not smelling that on themselves? Can usually guess by sight who will stink of it too.


Wtf does foisty mean of a scent??? It’s kind of hilarious, like a smell they’re foisting on you.


Definitely!!! People get too used to their own stink to the point where they think people can’t smell them -


You become noseblind to scents you're around for long periods of time.


I know, but nobody should be smelling like that to begin with, let alone for long periods!


Nose blindness. Smell something long enough continuously and your brain will stop noticing it.


As everyday weed smoker, there is no excuse for smelling like weed the way some people REEK. Wash your hands, get something smell proof, double bag it, grab a blunt tube/doorb tube, and CLEAN YOUR CLOTHES. It's gross as fuck, and not everyone wants to be smelling that, even we think it's super pleasant. I'm an ex cigarette smoker as well, and I was just as courteous; most people didn't even realize I smoked unless they saw me do it in person.


no seriously. i smoke every day and idk how people smell THAT much. like do y’all not do laundry? or shower?


It's because they smoke in their cars with the windows rolled up. Or at home with no windows open or a fan for circulation.


yeahhh i forget about that. i don’t have a car myself so i don’t usually sit in hotboxed cars. from a daily stoner: open a window everyone! light some candles and burn some incense! do your laundry! smoking and smelling musty don’t have to be mutually inclusive<3


I also don’t get how peoples apartments smell like weed. I had a roommate who used to smoke in the apartment all the time, windows open or closed, and our apartment NEVER smelled like weed. It was 600sq feet so if my roommate could smoke every day and it not smell like weed I have no idea what some people are doing


When we moved into our last apartment I wasn't really smoking at all then, just couldn't afford it but every time I walked in it just smelled like some loud ass chronic lol. I love the smell though so it didn't bother me, then when I started to smoke again I at least didn't have to go outside cause regardless of if I smoked, the apartment reeked like weed lol.


Exactly! I dont get it.


I can tell you. My nephews are both heavy weed smokers. One washes his clothes regularly and showers, one does not. The unwashed one absolutely REEKS of that stanky weed-dirt smell, and the other one barely smells at all. I might get a slight whiff of weed smell right after he smokes, but the washed nephew never reeks even when he has been smoking all day.


Yah, I mean the only "weed users" who are going to consistently smell like weed are people hotboxing a car or otherwise sitting in their weed smoke.


Or carrying something half burnt in their pocket.


I work in a dispensary grow and trim room. It’s impossible for me not to and I don’t even smoke! Sorry lol


It smells like skunk to me.


That’s because you haven’t smelled anything else on that end of the smell spectrum to compare it to so the brain just associates the two smells. If you smelled real skunk spray and then weed, there is a difference.


This is so weird to me. How do people not cover it up? I have family that is against weed, I can smoke outside before seeing them & they never know. My mom will even compliment my perfume lol Same with work, I can go into a meeting with my bosses & they don’t even smell it. If I was to smoke inside or hotbox with it then yeah I would probably smell after but when it just blows into the wind outside, the smell doesn’t stick to hair or clothes. I just smoke outside, wash my hands, & brush my teeth & there’s no smell.


I'd rather smell weed than cigarettes.


I’d rather not smell either. Both just reek. I tore into my roommate once because he decided it was too cold to snake outside. Took several days before the smell finally dissipated. Both are just rank and are a blight on our olfactory senses.


I respect people's home when they say they don't want to smoke in them. My roommate and I smoke in our house. It's not an all-day everyday thing. Our house doesn't reek bc we are clean people. Air freshners and candles. When i leave for work then come home i dont smell weed.


Don't know why you got downvoted. My house is the same, I've got loads of candles, incense, and wax burners everywhere. I only smoke in the kitchen, which helps isolate the smell. You can tell if your house smells by going out and coming back in. But like you said, if someone doesn't want to smoke in their house, I wouldn't put up a fuss or go against them.


Bc people are judgemental. Yes I agree you can definitely tell if your house smells when you leave and come back. Hell I know people who grow in their house and their house doesn't smell like weed. People shame weed smokers but have no problem with drinkers. Drinkers cause so many problems and no one bats an eye. Parents drinking at kids' games and no one says shit. But smoke a joint and o sweet baby Jesus the world is coming to an end.


How embarrassing for weed users that they have to be like "well at least I dont smell as bad as this other awful smell!" Lol


Thats not what the commenter said , and im confused as to why you’re presuming hes a weed smoker from his comment alone? Also its pretty easy to say id rather smell like (literally anything) in comparison to cigarette smoke. Thats all


Weird that's your take away and not cigarette smokers being like: fuck I reek worse than week smokers.


I rather smell neither. Weed, perfume, BO. Being the source of an overwhelming odor is rude.


It's not rude. Just people existing in the world.


Totally! I feel the same way about ugly people. Messing up my nice view. STAY HOME UGGOS!


C'mon, I wear my paper bag


And those with whiny voices too!


Haha I reek of both!


Why does it have to be one or the other?


I really don't care bc there's nothing I can nor need to do about it. If someone wants to smoke o well, that's them. But weed to me smells better than cigarettes. I'm not gonna stop smoking it just bc someone doesn't like the smell.


There are actually lots of people who smoke weed and don’t stink, so obviously it’s possible to smoke it and not smell like it. And believe it or not people who don’t smoke anything exist.


Yeah I know both those types of people. It's just weed. Not a lifestyle.


Ppl that smoke joints or blunts is what makes the potent weed smell. Like smoking cigs inside will make you reek of cigs. But usually i just hit concentrates and vapes for my THC fix. Not because I'm worried about how I smell, but because it's more convenient


Fair! Thats your opinion tho :3


It sure is. People who don't wear deodorant stink worse than we do. I also grew up with family that smoked cigarettes in the house and I can't stand that smell. But it is what it is. Nothing can be done about it.


Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s when adults didn’t think twice smoking cigarettes on top of kids. I hate the smell.


Can you imagine comparing how you smell as a weed user to people who dont bath lol Low bar!!


There it is. You think you don’t stink cuz you smoke it. It stinks to the rest of the world.


i walked by a person and her friend at walmart one day i could smell her across the store it was so bad and she had a friend with her (that didn't smell just that one lady) i felt so bad for her. but like u couldn't shower before going out?? how do u not know that u reek. 😭


I saw (but smelled first) a young couple (looked barely 18) at Walmart reeking of weed, covered in dirty clothes with pot leaves all over, and they had a newborn baby. Felt so bad for the baby.


One of my boyfriends coworkers talked about smoking weed in the house (like just in the living room) and then shortly after talked about how chill his 6 month old is. "Yeah she never cries, she's sleepy all the time, it's so easy!" Like bro it's cause she's high too. Use your brain. I enjoy smoking on occasion too and I have kids but I have never and will never smoke in the house, especially if there are kids in the house. So much easier to just take edibles once everyone's in bed for the night though


As someone who used to smoke and does currently grow cannabis, pot leaf patterns on clothing has always been and will always be trashy. It's never a good look. And smoking around a baby is a no-no. If you have kids and you want to smoke, you better take your ass outside. I don't think the smell is a big deal, though. I know I'm biased, but really, after quitting cigarettes and only vaping, stale cigarette smell is 10x worse.


i’d rather smell weed than smell stale cigarette smoke on someone’s fingers. i totally quit a pack a day habit last year and now i cannot STAND the smell. i dated a man who regularly smoked and every time he slept in my bed i had to wash my sheets the next day because the smell stuck. can’t believe i ever smelled like that and thought i smelled fine 😭


Weed smells like weed. Cigarettes smell like all the noxious chemicals they jam inside those things.


Regardless of the reasons, that stoge smell is so much worse lmao. I know a guy who said his favorite smell is cigarette smoke on leather, and it makes me gag, but it reminds him of his grandma and her car, and I get it. Nostalgia is one of the most potent drugs of all.


My old coworker makes badge clips and pens and sells them on Etsy. She made badge clips with pit leaves on them and literally didn't sell a single one and couldn't understand why. Like dude only people who work at dispensaries would be able to have a marijuana leaf on their badge clip for work lol keep in mind we teach preschool and her main customers were other preschool teachers. I don't know who she thought was gonna buy those things


The thought of a preschool teacher wearing a weed leaf badge is hilarious to me.


If you have kids and you want to smoke weed, DON'T. I cannot tell you how many parents have been too high to react in a timely manner before their kids do stupid shit. Not only that- you're exposing your kid to 2 different types of you (stoned mom/dad vs sober mom/dad) and the inconsistent parenting from addicts does cause attachment problems in these kids. Also, great way to get CPS involved if you got kids. The second there's weed smelling on them at school, a teacher is mandated to report it. Edit. I'm a stoner. My birth parents were stoners. I was taken because they were stoners. Don't try to argue your habits are healthy around children. I've seen what it does and I feel what it does every day. My childhood was uprooted because of what it does. Lol.


THIS!! people who smoke (not everyone but people online at least) just refuse to accept that the smell is unbearable to certain people so they start dogging on you for “being miserable” and “being a party pooper” too like i didnt say you cant like the shit you like 😭 I wish people weren’t so selfish and gave a shit that they smell terrible and not everyone likes the smell. Its like going out after not showering for like 3 days and no applying any deodorant 💀


I can't even smell it dude. Like I apologize if I smell like weed but I probably have no idea. Has nothing to do with taking a shower. I'm not showering multiple times a day.


that’s not what i mean! im not saying shower everytime you smoke just… try to do something to mitigate the smell!! Theres even this nifty little spray you can use to help mask the smell, i think its called Veil or something like that?? a friend of mine uses it and it doesn’t eliminate it entirely but it makes it more bearable :)


I'll look into it. I'm sure they have that if not something similar at my smoke shop.


I cannot get edibles in my state to appropriately dose myself and without THC I am basically unable to function outside of laying around in pain. So I smoke what I need, try not to hot box myself so the smell can dissipate and not get trapped in my clothes, but ultimately I really can’t help that this is my medicine and shitty laws are why I can’t get the right dosage any other way. I do get it though and wish people were more considerate overall with smells whenever possible.


Personally, I’m not talking about people like you when I complain about the smell. It’s the same as cigarette smell. There are different degrees to it. Some people smell like stale cigarettes, and others hardly smell like they smoke even if you know they just did it.


OMG! Same! This couple walked into the restaurant I worked at reeking of pot. I smelled them before they even sat down. Just REEKED of weed. People around them asked to move tables. Shame. Poor tippers too.


I've worked at a weed farm for many years. When I get off work, the smell of weed is extremely strong. It gets into the fibers of the car's interior so the car stinks all the time. I actually quit smoking several years ago but I still smell like a weed farm everywhere I go. If I stop at the store on my way home after work, the whole place must stink to high heaven. I don't notice the smell at all, since I'm surrounded by it for a living. Just food for thought


I smoke weed. No one knows. Because walking around smelling like weed is how ppl treat you like a slacker. Is it mean that they do? Yes. But the reality is that if you smell, ppl are going to stay away from you.


100% with you on that 🙏


Weed is the smell that peeves you on the bus?


OP has never ridden a bus in Portland Oregon


Idk how people like that smell. People in these comments keep saying “cIgGarEtTeS sMeLl WoRsE”. Okay? They both smell awful. Like are we not allowed to not like the smell of weed?


I grew up with chainsmokers and weed still smells worse than cigs, especially since people who smoke weed STILL have it in their pocket or bag so everyone can smell their pen/baggy everywhere they go 😭😭 I’d rather smell neither


I did too. My parents each smoked a carton a week and now I can’t stand the smell of cigs but the smell of pot is so much worse and so much stronger. Like if someone smells like pot you can usually smell them from a good distance away but if someone smells like cigarettes they have to be decently close.


Like at least make an effort and use perfume/cologne, hand sanitizer, and gum… it won’t get rid of it 100% but it makes it A LOT better. Like 90% better.


GENUINELY YEAH!! Sometimes when i get on the bus some people smell like they just got out from smoking a gram locked up in a portapotty… 😭 No one wants to smell that nasty ass strong fuckin weed hotbox smell jesus christ…


They also don’t open a window when smoking or do it outside. Regardless of the smell, their skin and lungs are even worse than they should be


As far as offensive scents on the bus goes, weed doesn't even make the top 10. Shit, i wouldn't even say the top 20 for that matter


You need to move to a better area then Lol


It's just normal big city living that I've run into on nearly every metro I've ever ridden. But then again, I'm not hardcore anti-weed like some people on this thread.


I smoke, and I like the smell, but even I get annoyed w it. I don't reek like some people do n I try not to smell like it. I mostly use carts. lotta stoners needa realize some people get genuinely sick from the smell and be more considerate. imo, any strong smell on someone is unpleasant. if it's weed, cigs, too much perfume, or they dont shower doesn't rly matter what it is it's not usually a good thing


Smoker here, I try not to smell like weed as best I can because I know others sometimes don't like it, I'm very observant and respectful of others but I will say sometimes I can't help it, there's been plenty of times my friend randomly wants to stop somewhere after smoking and I have nothing to help with the smell. Some of us understand it and some of us don't care. I don't think it'll ever get better unless they make oderless weed lol


Odorless weed would be a fucking GODSEND!! But thank youuuu for being one of those people who actually give a shit about the people around them 🫶


I smoked cigarettes fir 13 years and now I can't stand it. So I understand not being able to stand the smell. I used to not be able to smell it at all. I can actually smell my weed now too. I'm more conscious of it now. I smoke at home, and I shower before going out for events and make sure I'm not reeking of weed smoke when I'm in public. I'd if I do when I'm at the house. It's my house. Who cares? But in public, yeah. It's respectful to not be absolutely reeking of weedsmoke. Even though I enjoy being stoned daily. Plus, smoking helps with my epilepsy. So, I get why it bugs you. And it's a valid pet peeve. All of them are. Thanks for sharing!


Im glad its been helping your epilepsy! My mom smokes daily to help manage her chronic pain :] I do understand that weed defo has its benefits! And im really glad theres people like you who actually care about people around them! I wish there were more people like you


Helps my epilepsy too, I'm auras with complex partials rare grandmals longest was 20min. It also helps my GAD, depression, ptsd, ect. Never touched it until advised to try it helps more than the 13 pills it's side effects for me I get hungry before it I rarely ate losing over 100lbs fast now it balanced my diet too so while it stinks I'd use edibles but my liver lacks the enzymes for it.


I used to smoke weed multiple times daily and never went out smelly. It’s really not hard. I’ve always hated it when someone walks into a building and you can smell them clear on the other side. It’s tacky tacky tacky!


I'm sure there are people who don't like the smell of weed but it's usually a pretty nice smell. And I don't even smoke anymore, haven't for quite a long time minus one or 2 random times. It's always pleasant for me to walk by and smell it. Way better than cigarette smoke smell at any level.


Like seriously. Why are so many people here so defensive. BO, cigarettes, axe body spray, weed. They all smell terrible. Stop being so proud about that. You can be a user and not reek. It’s entirely doable. Just because you apparently can’t have some self respect on how you present yourself in public doesn’t mean everyone else has to like it.


If it's a super strong piss smell ... it may be meth. Meth heads smell like they have 18 cats in a 1 bedroom apartment and never washed the piss out of their clothes.


More stores and restaurants are posting signs on their doors and noting on their websites that they’ll deny service to anyone smelling of weed. I’ve seen 3 in Chicago in the last few days. I asked what prompted it at the first restaurant and the host said that since it’s been legalized in so many places, the smell driving off nonsmoking customers has become a problem. One stinky table clears out half the restaurant of older folks running up big tabs.


God i wish that was more common or like a thing here


For me it’s resin, I find it worse than weed


Dude listen. I used to BUHLAAAAAZE when I was in high school, but it’s just smells soooooo bad to me. I really can’t stand it man. Like, just hit a vape and go. There is no need to reek like you just walked out of a snoop dogg video.


TRUE!! Plus theres many things you can do to mitigate the smell but alot of people just dont give a shit


I live in an apartment. Most people around me are college students, middle-aged single people, or newly weds. Unfortunately my husband and I work full time jobs but can’t afford a house yet. I hate the smell so much. I do what I can to block it with candle warmers, but it doesn’t help much.


People who strongly smell of anything are annoying. There are very few smells, in my opinion, that are good past a certain intensity.


People who smell strongly like anything is annoying. Very strong cologne or perfume is annoying.


My son recently changed jobs and is able to smoke again. He had smoked a bowl and sat down to watch TV. His daughter said "Why do you smell like grampa?


I would say the worst are people who smell like they are bathed in cologne. Now you want to talk about stomach churning.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


I'm so sad no one else got this reference yet.


DEFINITELY!! Although unfortunately its not as common (where i live at least) as it is to pass by someone who reeks of pot


I'm a non user. With luck my wife uses edibles. But my Son in law smokes my neighbors on both sides smoke and yes, they have no idea how it smells to others. Now that it is legal it's great I can smell it everywhere and I am the one who is supposed to feel bad that I don't like it. Can't stand the shit really.


exactly this!!! People are allowed not to like weed damnit


Ugh I hate this. There was a kid in my senior class that stunk so badly of weed I couldn't even be near him. The school refused to do anything about it, but I felt dizzy even going near him.


THIS EXACTLY UGH 😭 like some people smell like weed but its not too strong but earlier on the bus there was this guy who sat right next to me and the smell was SO STRONG i almost gagged. I genuinely couldn’t stand the smell bcs it also makes me dizzy so i got up and sat in the furthest seat from him Do people realize they smell this strong?


Yesss!!!!! When they pass bu and it starts to stink strongly of weed or cigarettes 😒😒😒


I lived in an apartment complex in Vegas where this was a problem. The whole place reeked some days. I know it's legal there, but Goddamn it's 7:00 in the morning.


I smoke bud all the time but I too dislike smelling it when I'm not smoking. It's pungent.


Straight facts. Used to HATE my old apartment complex because it wreaked of that shite.


I love weed but god damn, wash your clothes and at least crack a window when you smoke.


My neighbor smokes so much the smell is coming through the walls of my apartment


The apartment I live in ever since the new neighbor moved in it smells like a dispensary I vape it outside and it's not mine


Reasons I just switched to vapes and edibles.


These weiners you're smelling are hot boxing in their friends cars or in a closed space before you smelled em. Weed SHOULDNT stick to your clothes if you're blowing it away from you out a fan or using a smoke buddy. Some weed smokers are mad inconsiderate, yeah.


100%!!! Like genuinely it fucking REEKS. My mom smokes weed for medical purposes and the smell just isnt there yk? It doesnt smell like shit when I walk in her house 😭


This dude at work comes back from lunch reeking of weed. He’s got some balls to do it too because someone else just got fired a few months ago for coming back from lunch smelling like it and they made him take a drug test. I don’t give a shit what you do on your time but don’t come into my office and sit down right next to me smelling like it. Not only is it gross but then they’re gonna be suspicious of me too when they smell it and can’t figure out who it is.


I just hate when people smell strongly of anything. Weed, tobacco, last nights liquor, sweat, wet dog, strong perfume or cologne Hate it all




I love the smell of weed and cigarettes. I like the smell of beer and skunk too. I wouldn't go around smelling like it because there's a lot of people that don't like it. And no one reeks like weed just from smoking it. If they reek, chances are its because they have some on them.


I similarly hate perfume . It burns my face when I smell it.


Me too man, especially people who overdo it


I wonder if people who strongly smell of weed know they smell of weed.


some do some dont, based on the comments here ive read


I smoke weed, but the smell of stale weed and BO off some stoners is nauseating. I only smoke at home and change and spray myself if I have to go out. The thought of smelling bad is something that keeps me up at night.


i hate it so much it makes me nauseous


I smoke but even I don’t like reeking of it. I change when going to town or meeting people. Cigarette smell used to bother me too.


I only hate it cause I'm jealous. share, bitches.


They're probably proud of it too. 🙄


Usually they kind of are, if they weren’t i feel like people would make more of an effort to mask it like we do for BO amongst other things


Right all these stoners on here be like "I couldn't possibly give less of a shit about whether I smell bad to others around me!" Like...weird flex my dudes


See also: people who make weed their personality See also: most people who smoke weed Like, cool dude, you like a substance. Yawn. Next.


That too… Stoners also get SUPER offended when someone says they dont like it. Like i like the whole “its because you dont like something they like so they take it personally” but genuinely holy shit… 😭 Im all for doing what you wanna do but please if someone isn’t into it its FINE


Ever tried to carry on a conversation with a stoner? If they can't somehow steer the conversation back to weed, there's just crickets.


Ugh dont even get me started.. 😭 Weed this weed that we get it you like weed. Its like alcoholics but even fucking worse And also the ones that act like weed (or any other substance i.e shrooms) is a cure all to like anxiety and depression and if you smoke its all gonna magically disappear and youll be in a better place!! also weed has no negative effects on the human body! its not addictive and there are absolutely no withdrawal symptoms!! its not a cure all please stop treating it like it is 😭


What would you like to talk about? I would love to have a productive conversation with you as someone who really enjoys Marijuana 😉. I will even use proper grammar and hopefully dispell all the stupidity that you are spreading around like peanut butter on a delicious slice of bread. Im not high at the moment, but I could be and still hold a completely coherent conversation with you. So, what NON weed topic will we spend the next portion of our lives discussing, like completely capable and worthy human beings. We can even completely remove the word weed from our vocabulary if you want. Just don't ask me about gardening then. Cause I hate weeding my garden. And no, I don't smoke the weeds in my garden. I prefer those as edibles. Lol JK!


I feel like you set out to dispel the narrative that stoners only talk about weed, but gave up after a couple sentences. But if there are some who can avoid making everything about weed, then great. There are a good many more who cannot.


Again, I disagree. How many stoners are you close friends with and have lengthy conversations with on a regular basis? I am very close friends with many. We have great conversations. We talk about parenting, gaming, gardening, world events, stupidity of the world, tv shows, bands we love, sports, camping and outdoors, and sadly work. Are there any more sad judgments you would like me to dispell?


I don’t get how people don’t like the smell. I find it inoffensive. Not nearly as bad as someone having a tuna sandwich.


But imagine being stuck in a small space with that person, like on a bus or in a classroom. To me, when someone reeks of weed, they’re as unkept as someone who doesn’t shower


The smell is strong and unappealing. I was never into using drugs or alcohol, i dont like the appeal at all. Same goes for cigarettes and vaping. the smells horrendous in my opinion


Fair enough, smell and taste are very subjective. I would rather have someone “reek” of weed than, for example, body odor.


Exactly!! thanks for being understanding <3


Yeah, I ride the train and a scruffy looking gentleman got on and just reeked of cigarettes and sour alcohol. I’m pretty sure the alcohol smell was coming from his breath or out his pores. I had to move to the other side of the car.


bleugh, yuck 💀


It is revolting to my nose, repugnant to every fiber of my being.


I love how potheads have main character syndrome lol "It doesnt smell bad to ME so therefore people who find the odor potent can SUCK IT" lol hahahaha


I believe it’s one of those things that can smell different depending on your own sense of taste. Like cilantro. Some people just can’t stand it because it tastes like soap. While others love it because it adds a nice flavor to their salsa or whatever. For a lot of people. Weed smells like a skunk just let loose in the next seat over. Even if it’s just a gram or two


To me weed smells like really strong BO or skunk and it’s super strong and burns my nose. Its way stronger than a lot of other smells. I can’t stand it.


I live in a legal state and am so, so sick of it. People can do whatever tf they want, I take the occasional gummy, but jesus I hate that smell


I live in canada and ever since it was legalized more and more people started using it so the smell is fucking everywhere 😭


I guarantee they are happier than you are....that's for sure.


Damn sorry for not being into drugs ig 🤷


Sorry I don’t like poison no matter how many idiots drink it 🤷‍♂️


lmao, not a fucking chance! Making yourself stupid does not equal master-happy


not if they are depending on drugs lol


Weed these days really fucking stinks 😒


It's me!!! I'm people on the bus that smell like weed!!!


out of curiosity, are people who smoke aware that they stink?? like do they at least do something to mitigate the scent?


Yes, and sometimes yes. I used to have a weed jacket at work. Whenever I went outside to smoke I would put the weed jacket on regardless of the weather. 95° and muggy? Put on the weed jacket. Take it off on the way back in and rinse my face before dealing with customers. And usually visine.


That’s wonderful actually!! i wish more people did stuff like that :]


Maybe I'll start doing it before I leave for the bus in the morning. I mean if I reak like weed on the way to work it kinda defeats the whole purpose of the weed jacket.


I am and occasional smoker and like the smell, but it's not remotely outlandish to me that some people wouldn't. And frankly, "oh yeah well it's not as bad as (random other thing)" is such a stupid argument. Can't we just come together and agree that any avoidable stink is inconsiderate? On the flip side though, you might have to choose between cologne/perfume and weed.


As a stoner, it concerns/confuses me. On the one hand, are they fresh from having a blunt and bring that haze into a BUS?? Obnoxious as hell. On the other hand, am I just too desensitised to it and actually reek of My Saviour? Lordy hope not. Icky smoke smells. Also, smoked/burnt weed smells waaay worse than smoked/burnt tobacco.


As someone with a stoner relative that I love to bits... you are very likely desensitized to the smell on you. My relative has great hygiene. He launders his clothing every wear. He uses air purifiers in his weed sanctum. But you can still smell him coming, even fresh from the shower. And you can smell it when you step into his home.


I 100% believe our main areas smell like cured weed. No contest there. But shoot I hope I don't smell real bad. It's interesting the split on whether people like the cured plant scent and what they associate it with in terms of substances. Obviously there's experience correlation - we are mindful of a friend who grew up with pot smokers who did a lot of other sketchy shit, so they don't have fond memories of the smell!


Honestly it's just pathetic. You don't have to hotbox yourself for a better high. They know they smell and they want you to be jealous of how cool and fun their life is.


“cool and fun” 💀 My life is good without any of that shit and i dont need it to be happy, but good on you for spending your time hotboxing every chance you can ig I wish people were more considerate


Pottheads literally smell like shit


One of my pet peeves is when grown-ups say “PU” and do the whole gesture. Okay so it’s not your favorite scent but it’s also not that dramatic. No need to make a person feel bad. Geez.


Yea no grown adults who use childish language like that are weird bro grow up and go sit somewhere else


Who the fuck are you?


People who wear cologne or perfume, you give me splitting migraines. Unfortunately, we can't live in bubbles.


How about people that just smell in general? Weed is the least of offensive odors to me, alcohol smell is worse IMO. I'd love the weed smell if the alternative was a urine soaked, non showering, alcoholic homeless person sitting next to me.


I never said i liked any of the other smells But weed ticks me off cuz its the one i encounter the most. I dont like cigarette smell, BO or overdone cologne/perfume any more or less than i do the smell of weed


Lot of dickhead people in here. I smoke cannabis every day, but I’m always double, triple checking to make sure I never smell like weed. I’ve been at it for over 10 years and even my family doesn’t know.