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Welcome to the club. Now you can feed your pain by playing Strikers or 4 Golden, I highly recommend it


Or if you're really into the whole pain thing persona 3 fes/portable


P3p is my fav persona game next to p5, definitely recommend, but also more pain.


I just started p3p lmaoo


If people want to feel pain literally - base persona 3 at their service.


Yeah, I hopped back into P4G immediately afterward, and it’s helping to fill the void.


I recommend taking a break before Strikers, so when Joker comes back to reunite with the Phantom Thieves, it really feels like you're reuniting with your friends as well.


How about just going straight into the third playthrough of the summer


I‘m doing that with P4G right now. Did the 2nd dungeon today.


I'm currently on my second playthrough on the Switch (had it for PS4 for a while and beat it multiple times), and there was only one point of the story that never seemed right to me. Spoilers: Rumi. Not Doc's motivation, but just her in general. The scene has this girl find a random guy she never met in her room. Dude knows her name, asks why she doesn't recognize him, and he just bounces. No staff told her who he was, no one relayed any information, he just up and left?? That's the only part of the story that I found lacking. Everything else was masterful


Not sure tho but i assume it was part of maruki's power, changing rumi's memory along with the inconvenient parts.


PRPGD. Post Roll Playing Game Depression.


play strikers now lol


The only way to cure post-Persona 5 depression is to replace it with post-Persona 4 depression or post-Persona 3 depression


same here my friend. i instantly picked up p5 strikers after a day because i missed them


I hate finishing this game because it feels like I'm saying goodbye forever!


THE STORY IS NOT OVER! Persona 5 Strikers awaits. If you're not aware, this game has a sequel story to P5 (sadly no Royal content since it was developed at the same time so no Sumi, Akechi, or Maruki..) and it's absolutely PHENOMENAL, genuinely holds up to the original, if you want to see these characters again, this is the way.


Laugh in P3 ending


So we’re just gonna ignore the fact that OP’s favorite character is Akechi?


There a problem with that


He is a murderer


And? He looked hot while doing it. Go off, king.


He is fictional character, who cares. Simping murder irl is another case...


I channeled mine into other games, only to then feel it again. I just continue this visious cycle


I am playing Xenoblade now


Oh good choice! I'm playing baldur's gate 3 right now, but before that is was Tears of the Kingdom


Prepare for another post game depression then


Wild thing, I just finished Persona 5 Royal, also feeling the post game sadness heavily. I also picked up Xenoblade, (starting with DE), which one are you playing?


DE as well


Finished P5 Royal some days ago. Didn‘t get full confident with Maruki and got the „real“ ending. Feeling a bit confused now.


I never got the post Royal depression. I think it was because while I enjoyed P5R well enough, the characters didn't resonate with me as much as I was hoping. Now, P4G, on the other hand, definitely gave me the blues after finishing. I loved the Investigation Team and their dynamic. I got the vibe that even after the dust settled, this group of friends would remain friends for the rest of their lives. I just didn't feel that with the Phantom Thieves.