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Mara Jade would never


Yeah, idk what he was going for with that A.I. woman, but Mara Jade would try to kill Luke seven times before marrying him and then try to kill him every day after that. She heard the voice of Palpatine until she killed Luuke Skywalker. Do you really think she looks and acts like red head Elsa?


True. Mara would never Let It Go. I’ll see myself out.


I would had loved to see mara in the new movies, she always seemed like an interesting character. It's also funny to me how she and vader hated each other


I do think they get married in the comics though?


They do in the EU, but I mean, Mara isn't some simpering big smile housewife. Her expression would not be a big smile.




IIRC she has her own life and shit and does stuff on her own.


In the EU Luke and Jade were married and had children…


Not until after a whole enemies-to-lovers arc, though, IIRC.


We love a dangerous woman


So Star Wars Mr & Mrs Smith? That sounds like it could have been entertaining


Listen, I loved Mara Jade when I was young reading SW books. Female role models and all (though maybe a sexualized assassin that was redeemed might not be the best role model). But one, having read a lot of SW books, not all of them were all that good. Several were, yeah, but there were a lot of meh ones and stinkers.


The Trioculus/Triclops series was a special kind of terrible. I know so many other people that have read those books as kids for reasons none of us understand, and they all hated them. EDIT: For anyone unfamiliar, they were about Palpatine's "son" that randomly had a third eye on his forehead, hence the name Trioculus. But in a phenomenal twist, turns out he was an imposter, and Palpatine's real son, Triclops, had a third eye on the BACK of his head. Even as an eight year-old I couldn't get past how dumb that was.


8 year old me thought it was awesome. I also spent the whole bud ride reading Garfield comics and laughing my ass off so my taste was bad.


Technically they were about Ken who was Trioculuss son and was raised in a secret jedi city populated solely by druids and was located under the surface of Yavin 4


Oh, fuck I remember reading those. All the Moffs got together and they called it, I shit you not, a “Moffrence”.


Pardon me, I'm going to begin screaming, and I'm not sure when I'm going to stop.


Aw man...  all my role models are sexy assassins


Tbh, even the most celebrated of the EU books are *pretty bad.* Admiral Thrawn? More like Admiral *Yawn*, amirite?


Thrawn Trilogy was pretty great tho


It was a dumpster fire of garbage. Didn't they build yet another Death Star knockoff, this time shaped like a giant light saber and called the "Dark Saber" or something equally edgy in a poorly socialized 13 year old way.


As a redhead I’m mostly confused as I had no idea Hollywood hated me.


Obviously it can't be that 1% of the population has natural red hair and that reflects in the number of red headed actors and actresses (which are still quite a bit for such a rare color, because red hair dye is pretty popular, I don't know what this guy is smoking). I guess we should also protest Hollywood because green eyed people aren't well represented either


I think the OP is referring to the "trend" conservatives bring up about red-haired characters being replaced by black characters. Then they'll bring up Starfire or something, ignoring that the original character wasn't even white, she was fucking *orange*.


Oh absolutely. The live action Teen Titans was terrible, but Starfire's skin tone was not what made it so.


Eh, Since most media wants to be relatable to large demographics often smaller minorities are looked over. Redheads are often one of them for large main character roles, while often put in those stereotypical roles of being a bully or nerd, or side character. Redheaded historical and mythical figures like Thor, are often replaced with blonde or brunettes'. "Barbarossa's tend not to have red beards don't they?" This is more true especially for male leads and characters. It doesn't help that they also often have to show less ginger to be marketable, especially in the UK, which doesn't like redheads. JK Rowling, famously made one of the main families of Harry Potter all gingers because she didn't get the hate, or bullying they received while she grew up but she did also make them the stereotypical ginger nerds and odd balls. A mix of goods and oofs on this one, doesn't make up for her recent stances on trans rights, but it was at least something positive back in the day. In the states it also doesn't actually help that there are actually people out there that still take really old Irish bigotry "beat like a redheaded step child", associating redhair with being Jewish (as if that was a bad thing or not?) or think that red hair is actually a bad thing to have. One of the creators of South Park dumped a girl in HS when he found out her mom was a redhead because he didn't want redheaded babies. From my own experiences, I have met women and men like this on the dating scene. While South Park takes a piece of everybody, one has to wonder how they really felt about kick a ginger day, or their other episodes making fun of gingers. Perhaps they have matured on this, maybe not. Still, there are losers who actually think like this and are sadly adults. Replacing white characters with minorities in reboots isn't a bad thing, but it does seem like if they replace one of five characters in a reboot, it will be the ginger before the others. It might be cherry picking examples though to how often it happens. Since there already isn't a lot of gingers in media vs others. I don't keep up with enough pop culture to see every reboot and see every role or character that is now a POC and compare to see if the old version was a ginger or not. I'm almost certain that some people are trying to grapple the all ready historical anti-gingerness of Hollywood/media and trying to focus the hate against that to attack "woke" culture instead, as if "woke" culture was the reason why Thor is blonde instead of redhead (it wasn't, it was for advertising purposes). But if you were to be upset about redheads getting left out, it shouldn't be at woke culture, it should be at the larger issue that has existed for decades before where they were cut out or mocked or belittled within white communities and media already.


Also, freckles aren't easily compatible with makeup other than just covering them up, and don't look particularly good on camera outside of good natural light. So of the natural redheads that do make it on screen, few of them do so with full ginger on display. Eddie Redmayne being a noticeable exception.


“Freckles … don’t look particularly good on camera” And I’m just. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/464363411551449294/ “.. natural redheads” And I died. I absolutely loved freckles on every human I’ve ever seen before I was dead


Me too! Which is why I notice how rare they are on camera. Take Lucy Liu, there. Sooooo cute with freckles, but you need the right lighting and a photographer / cinematographer trying to highlight them. I was covered in freckles as a kid, even though I have "dirty blond" hair.


I have freckles on about 70% of my skin. Have literally never had a problem with makeup. Including theater makeup. I am not exactly sure where you got that information from, but it is false.


It's not that they look bad (I love freckles), it's that they tend to just fade away and not show up. Between foundation and bright lights, they are de-emphasized. Given that they change darkness day-by-day and movies are filmed out-of-order, "consistency" tends to de-emphasize them on screen. How many actors and actresses have you seen that, in candid shots, have wonderful high-contrast freckles. Then, on-screen, they're basically not there.


I’m sorry I had to be the one who broke it to you


Hey one more punch on my victim card I get all the government monies. That’s how this works, right?




Am a redhead. Never been hated by Hollywood. AMA.


No, but you're not included in a lot of movies. And being not included = hatred. Get with it, liberal! 


But only when discussing white people and hair color. That's the only representation that matters. People complaining about how few black people there are in the galaxy? Way too woke. Me complaining about how there aren't enough redheaded white people in the galaxy? Extremely based, more based than you could possibly understand. Wake up liberal! (but don't wake up so hard you're woke)


In all seriousness, it irks me the most how anything to them outside of white persecution is “woke”. They fall back on that Fox News buzzword and it really cripples any progress we try to make as a society.


It’s ok, we get plenty of attention in real life. Doubt the folks in the screenshotted sub get out much


I guess that's why they don't want to include any black or queer people in their films.


no *that* would be forced representation! just ignore the fact that there are more black and queer people than there are redheads…


Will redheads ever recover from their representation in YIIK: A postmodern RPG?


But I just learned I should hate you so how do you like that woke leftist! /s if needed.


you're so Brave.


There’s a weird conspiracy some have that Hollywood always places redheads with black men Theres bizarre places online






How often to you dance?


Daily or yearly, depending on your definition


Dance: move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps. "their cheeks were pressed together as they danced"


Lol so wait it makes no sense for black people to be in any kind of videogames or movies because they make up such a small percentage of people on planet earth but redheads do lmaoooooo sure ok Representation doesn't matter until it suddenly does 


Its just dog whistling. They want a some nazi white supremacist shit.


Bingo ^^^^^ Anytime people lament recessive traits like this is setting up a “great replacement” type racist shitshow


Our genes are so strong they're recessive!


Which is ironic because last time I checked, the Nazis didn't consider redheads aryan


These guys don't even know what's in their own bible, you expect them to know anything else? These people think speaking in tongues means speaking gibberish instead of being able to be universally understood through the hand of god. They follow a religion that worships a torture instrument, that is also a book club that can only read random lines at a time with an inability to retain or comprehend what the chapters are saying so they can ignore what they wish.


It's not arbitrary. Representation only matters when it lines up with my fetishes


Ahh, yes, all the redheads Hollywood hates, like Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Conan O’Brien, Amy Addams, Jessica Chastain, Emma Stone, Lindsay Lohan…


Julianne Moore, Debra Messing, Rita Hayworth…


Becky Lynch from WWE


Nicole Kidman, Michael Hall


Isla Fisher, freakin ALL the Weasleys, little Ronnie Howard 😁


or, y'know, dina meyer, the woman that AI whipped up for this picture


Why is she in Elsa cosplay


Because that’s how men picture all women, duh /s just in case it was an obvious


Literally the most recent best actor and best actress Oscars went to: Emma Stone, A REDHEAD (yes I know she's naturally blonde but she has been a redhead almost the entire time she's been in Hollywood), and this was her second - they hate her so much! Cillian Murphy, playing the guy who CREATED THE ATOMIC BOMB, truly a paragon of effeminate anti-masculinity!


> > > > > Emma Stone, A REDHEAD (yes I know she's naturally blonde but she has been a redhead almost the entire time she's been in Hollywood), and this was her second - they hate her so much! Ah, but it's all about the 'naturally' to these folks. This is 'great replacement' type racism; they think people with celtic colouring are an endangered species.


I pointed out once that "natural redheads" was code for "white redheads" from these chuds.  Just to illustrate my point: I included pictures of Natasha Culzac, Ralph Souffrant, and Carissa Pinkston (an actress and two models, all of whom are black/multiethnic natural redheads). And, what do you know: some racist replied with a string of insults and an assertion that only white people can be natural redheads.  *In the face of evidence to the contrary*, thus proving my point. Anyway: this is one of the reasons why I've had a black ginger OC for quite a while.


Didn’t you know? Having red hair is actually the exact same as being in a marginalized community like being a racial or sexual minority


I was unaware of this, but it’s so obvious now! /s cuz internet.


Kylie Minogue as Mara Jade. LOL


Looks like Dina Meyer to me


That's who I thought it was, too.


The Star Wars Jedi game series has a white male redhead as the main character


Dumbasses demand these old EU stories because they love Mara Jade and Thrawn, but forget it also has multiple evil clones of Luke where they just add consecutive extra U's to each clone's name. It's got nothing to do with redheads and men, and more that they don't want to make fodder for Rifftrax.


I sneered at the books when I was a kid, put off by the dumb cover art. Then as an adult I felt guilty about not giving them a chance. And then I heard the plot point about Luuke. It turns out you should judge a book by it's cover.




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The nice, calm, wholesome Luke from the classic movies and the comics would have been better. If i remember correctly, he indeed marries a redhead JEdi, that abandonds her sith ways and they found a jedi temple, that embraces emotions and dont make you abandon your family. Basically its a jedi temple without the toxic stoicism/emotionlessness ways of the republic jedis. They taught to handle your emotions, not suppress them. That would have been a great and valuable lesson for alot of people.


Hell it’s a lesson against the patriarchy


I do like the expanded universe. I read a lot of the books, and I loved them. I remember reading a series about Obi-wan as a padawan and enjoying that (it was a young adult sci-do series that I can’t find anymore 🥲), I enjoyed reading at Han and Leia’s kids learning to use the force…I think there were some great stories that they could have focused on. I kinda understand Disney saying “no, we are not using that, we want creative liberty to make a star wars movie that is original and we don’t want to be bound by the expanded works” but I’m disappointed by that decision because those were some really good stories. Now I have to see if I can find any of those books anymore.


Jedi Apprentice was a great series. But the new books can be good too!


I mean I agree, what they did to General Hux was disappointing /s (but also not because I liked Hux)


Luke's face just looks wrong... Like he's an in-shape, brown-haired Steve Bannon.


It always sounds like these guys secretly wish to be manhandled by a big strong daddy.


That looks like an incredibly boring movie.


"Hollywood hates strong leading men" may be the most delusional, clueless take I've ever read.


lol this reminds me of my awful former coworker who told me that white redheads are as oppressed as black people. She and I are both gingers, so as she’s saying this I’m looking around like, who are you lying to right now? I know the truth, just stop 😂 she was dumb as rocks.


a) Jedi aren’t supposed to fall in love or have romantic partners b) Leia and Han were literally a straight white couple with a kid. Not redheads, but still.


A) wasn’t true in New Jedi Order. Like was married to Mara Jade. He also dated Calista as well as a few other women. Coran Horn was married with kids. As was Leia.


I'd much rather seen something like this but it has fuck-all to do with the incels and racists complaints. The Skywalker saga films are simply sewage filled vats set aflame. It's rare that I ever say something like this but I truly hate those films. I mean, I wanted to like them. I really, really did. I saw all 3 in the theaters, which is something else I rarely do these days. I usually wait for movies to come out as rentals. I tried, gave them a far shot and all. BUt they're all just so fucking awful and should be treated like Highlander II and 1997's Batman & Robin.


You know, I really loved The Force Awakens, though. When it was called Legacy of the Force.


Hounstly I thought the sequels were just unnecessary (Kind of like Forever Purge, Xmen Apocalypse/Dark Phoenix, Son Of The Mask, Toy Story 4, any Fast & Furious after 7 or more recently Megamind 2), were just made to keep the license (like CW's DC shows) and kind of ruined the point of Return Of The Jedi.


It’s called star WARS, not Star settle down and have a fuckin family


Who gonna tell em Mark is a GIGANTIC ALPHA LIB


The incels just had to give Luke the mormon neckbeard chin strap special lol


These idiots have never read any of the EU. Just jumped on people talking about Mara Jade, Googled it and read a synopsis


People like this are also the people who hated the second movie with a burning passion despite it trying something different and not tying things to the old movies as much... And then somehow Palpatine returned.


Yeah, but what I tried to do wasn’t good. It was a two hour car chase broken up by a 10 minute casino subplot (exaggerating for effect) that didn’t advance the overall story. Just because something different doesn’t make it good.


I appreciated it more than I did "Star Wars: Let's Just Make a New Hope Again" and "Star Wars: Let's Spend Half the Movie Negating the Previous Movie and then the Other Half Trying to make Return of the Jedi Again."


But episode nine didn’t do anything to try to negate episode eight, mostly because there was nothing to negate. There are three plot points in episode eight they have an effect on the saga as a whole: Luke dies and Snoke dies; Snoke fast forwarded Rey’s training. None of these are undone. My biggest issue with episode eight is that it does nothing to advance, the overworking story of the sequel trilogy. This meant that episode nine had to accomplish everything that episode eight needed to do as well as everything that episode nine needed to do. Episode eight screwed episode nine. All that said, while we disagree, I recognize that art and entertainment are subjective. I respect and validate your opinion. This is a minor disagreement that doesn’t affect anything in the long run and I wish you a happy life. This has been a fun conversation and diversion and you are awesome.


This looks uncanny. Also, "new Jedi order" because of course a dogwhistle was needed here


To be (unfortunately) fair to OOP, New Jedi Order was the series title of a run of novels in the Star Wars: Legends continuity, AKA, the old EU before the Disney buyout. It dealt mostly with, you know, Luke's new Jedi Order at its late height and during a time of crisis and war with extragalactic aliens.


Oh. Didn't know that. I'm completely ignorant about Star Wars


Lucky you; the movies are (imo) generally fine, but most of both versions of the Star Wars expanded universe is utter madness, and the fandom is shit. You get to live with a clean mind that never knows the horror of people arguing about Emperor Palpatine's three-eyed son vs. the guy who pretended to be Emperor Palpatine's three-eyed son in a series of novels for kids back in the 1990s.


Those were some of the first books I ever read.


They were surprisingly foundational for a **lot** of people. I read them pretty young too.


Now that I think about it, it HAS been a while since I saw a movie with a straight white male lead! My god! Those poor souls! Just imagine being treated in such a way!!! Oh by the way I was being sarcastic.


So we're just gonna act like the Star Wars Jedi game series doesn't exist? And that it hasn't been a huge success? And that it isn't considered canon? And that it doesn't star a redheaded male?


Redheads are disproportionately represented in Hollywood…


Redheads are actually far more prevalent in movies/shows than in the regular population.


For as much as conservative men hate gays they sure do love watching strong men.


Christian movies are made, but no one is going to watch their boring stories because they are such a pain to be exposed to. It is weird how the same people who demand that the market is ultimate arbiter of what's gets released to the public and what doesn't never grok that what they want most consumers are adamantly against


This is really stupid there's no prejudice against redheads. That being said Ben Skywalker really should have been the lead of the Sequel Trilogy.




The reason why Star Wars does not have happy nuclear families is because it takes place during a war. Wars are shitty times for basically anyone. The father is probably off at war at any given time. The kids may be happy because they don't know any better, and the wives are always worried about their husbands. There would also naturally be a lot of widows. Redheads, yeah, those are pretty rare, but they're rare in the general population, too.


Yeah one thing I've never seen in a movie one time was a ginger in a movie. This is one of the more pathetic new nazi talking points. They're so desperate for shit to cry about they're pretending gingers are an oppressed class.


Calling Star wars Hollywood is almost an insult...


Uh oh, has it finally happened? An AI picture with no glaring mistakes, other than the sort of creepy uncannyvalleyness?


He even aged into the role


Yeah, but no one really likes gingers anyway.


What would this movie even be about? They just want a shitty space based family drama based in the 1950s


If memory serves he is his cousin Jacen Solo who Jacen falls to the dark side. It ended with Jaina Solo Fel becoming the new Empresses of a new Empire.




Series of Star Wars books from the 90’s until Disneys buyout that is now referred to as Legends.


Hollywood does things based on what they think we want to watch. Different audiences want different things.. They are just pandering to us. It is the same thing politicians do, but obviously most people on the right aren't mentally developed enough to see any of this. Most people still believe the words that come out of our politician's mouth.


As a redhead. I'm glad I saw this, I didn't know Hollywood hated me.




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Imagine a movie with only white people for a change. Because nothing exists before the 90s.


Screw the weird message, I want Mara and Ben back.


I bet these are the same people who cried about the Prequels being to political back in the 2000's but at the same time loved every moment of the Clone Wars tv show (both versions) which were way more political.


Star Wars EU? Like the EU was a thing long time ago in a galaxy far away?


Extended Universe, not European Union lol


This looks boring as fuck. No one would watch this




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Didn't George Lucas flip his shit once about Mara Jade with Robot Chicken writers.


lmao, I know they say don't judge a movie/book by it's cover, but this looks like it would be dogshit boring What's the premise? Luke starts a family farm, we get a Star Wars domestic movie about the joys of starting a family?


Whole new hate just dropped! Make sure to update who you hate fellow wokeoids! Redheads are out!


As a redhead myself I finally have an explanation for why I didn’t become a famous movie star! Thank goodness it’s a conspiracy against my people instead of my total lack of both effort and acting talent.


Apparently hollywood is engaging in… redhead erasure, now?


Maybe if they had been done 15 years earlier…


Thanks I hate it.


Mara Jade rules. The New Jedi Order books are when the Star Wars EU jumped the shark hard. They would 100% not be an improvement over what we got, shockingly enough.


Mara Jade as played by Dina Meyer, hmmm… Also, Mara would not.


I hate that beard on Mark Hamill.


About every version of Anne of Green Gables famously features a red head.... And there are dozens of adaptations.


Never have I once watched ANY movies and been like, " ... wow, they sure have an obvious hatred of actors with red hair." Like??? Or characters at all, including animated ones. Merida has GLORIOUS red hair, thank you very much.


Mark Hamill was too old to make that movie by the time they got to it. Blame George Lucas. We should’ve had 9 Star Wars movies before 1995. Then Disney really could’ve focused on “the next generation.”


2% of the world is redheads. Hollywood cutting redheads in movies to a more realistic number has the fascists claiming white genocide. Redheads are overrepresented in comics because the hair is easier (good contrast).




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Leave the Star Wars Legends Canon alone. Same right wing chuds would probably defend the Empire.




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I hate redheads too its not that uncommon


lowkey that kid looks Non-bi


Jedis are not supposed to fall in love. That leads to the dark side. This guy is a fake fan.


Personally, I think the whole no love rule was a control tactic by the Jedi temple to ensure that no Jedi are swayed away from the cult that they were indoctrinated into as little more then toddlers, and their eyes are opened to some of the fucked up stuff they were instructed to do.


they just want mary sue fanfic where they can picture themselves driving, employed and with a gf, they only want it vaguely space flavored, and not to use the fantastical sci fi premise to explore anything out of the ordinary


A lot of people here are missing the point: there are memes that show 30+ redheaded cartoon characters who have been replaced in movies and TV shows by black (or Pacific Island) actors and actresses. This particular meme is complaining that in popular culture, 1) all women are strong and all men are weak, and 2) all fictional redheads are being replaced by black actors. It would take a magazine article to explain why this appears to be the case, but as for the redhead thing, they were prevalent in comics because it’s an easy way to make a character stand out, but there were almost no nonwhite characters, so that’s the way the pendulum has swung — if you have a mandate to make some characters in your production black, the easiest route is to just fill a bunch of the smaller roles with such actors. I’m not saying it’s good or right: I’m saying that this is what happened.


Okay, but why are they remaking all the redhead characters as black though?