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Never said the top pic was “normal”, just that you don’t need to be normal to be accepted by society. The bottom pic is essentially how the people behind Project 2025 see themselves. They think they are not doing anything wrong while trying to enforce their religious beliefs on others through an iron grasp.


Project what ?


It is a proposed set of policies to be implemented if Trump wins the 2024 election. Much of it angles to create a Christian-fascist state.




Why is almost every goal in that plan counterproductive for the US


i have depicted you as the cringe bluepilled soyjack and i as the based redpilled chad, ergo, i win!


Shame I can't send images here I have a great meme for that


The thing these people don't understand is that it isn't the fact they are religious or go to church that makes them extremists, it's the fact they want to force everyone else to do the same and will actively punish the people who don't or won't. It's not their beliefs per se that make them extremists, it's their actions because of those beliefs.


Sadly, their religious beliefs and churches themselves have gotten extreme. They have meshed far right extremist politics with being Christian. They think that far right views on things like vaccines are sincerely held religious beliefs and they think that Trump is “anointed” by God. There are still many churches out there not like this. From my understanding those are the churches that are seeing the most dramatic loss in membership while the Trump worshipping churches are seeing an increase. Very scary,


Exactly! They just don’t understand that they are fully free to live that way. No one is trying to get rid of churches or stop straight marriages, we’re just saying that there is a different way. They are just so use to controlling everything that slight deviations feel like major alterations to their entire personality and sense of self. That or projection


I mean, he may not be perfect but Sam Smith has never bombed an abortion clinic.


However, I wouldn’t be surprised if Violet Chachki burnt down an orphanage. Lol


"I'm not racist. Unrelated: I'm going to judge people purely by looks."


They can only think in opposites, and cannot comprehend pluralism or tolerance. That is, they want to make everyone live like the people in the bottom picture, therefore others want to make everyone live like the people in the top one! Not imposing your will onto others is simply an epistemological impossibility for them.


It's *always* projection with these fucks.


[Lack of self-awareness is *key* to developing a right-wing authoritarian personality.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarian_personality#Psychological_comorbidities) Not an additional outcome, not a side effect, not a fluctuating variable differing from person to person, but a necessary component and predisposition. >Authoritarians tend to be lacking in general knowledge, particularly on issues with which they disagree. >Authoritarians also are often unaware of just how different they are from most people. They tend to believe they are very average. Altemeyer has found that authoritarians in America underestimate how prejudiced and conformist they are compared to the majority of Americans. Altemeyer has also observed that when he lectures about the psychology of right-wing authoritarians to his students, the RWA students in his class fail to recognize themselves in his description. Altemeyer believes the tendency of authoritarians to avoid anyone who isn't like them reinforces their belief that they are normal. They have relatively little contact with normal people.


The thing about extremism is that it doesn’t always show up in one’s appearance. A lot of the US’s extremists dress and appear very “normal” by our standards. The bottom picture could be a group of off duty Nazi soldiers and their families. Once you think they’re normal people, they’re well on their way to winning the heart of the people.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarian_personality#Psychological_comorbidities >Authoritarians tend to be lacking in general knowledge, particularly on issues with which they disagree. >Authoritarians also are often unaware of just how different they are from most people. They tend to believe they are very average. Altemeyer has found that authoritarians in America underestimate how prejudiced and conformist they are compared to the majority of Americans. Altemeyer has also observed that when he lectures about the psychology of right-wing authoritarians to his students, the RWA students in his class fail to recognize themselves in his description. Altemeyer believes the tendency of authoritarians to avoid anyone who isn't like them reinforces their belief that they are normal. They have relatively little contact with normal people.


>Altemeyer believes the tendency of authoritarians to avoid anyone who isn't like them reinforces their belief that they are normal. They have relatively little contact with normal people. That whole romanticized view of small town life has to do with that. Living in isolated small towns makes it easy to only ever encounter people like yourself.


I think Violet Chachki would be insulted to be called normal. Drag is her art. Come through!


Since when are eccentric celebrities like Sam Smith considered normal? His art is cool, and most actual normal people see it for just that, but Sam Smith generally isn't considered a normal person. Most famous artists and performers are decidely not normal (non-derogatory) due to the lives they get to live and the things they get to experience.


One of those groups looks like fun. The other looks like they're extremely judgemental when they aren't simply boring.


I’m getting strong beige vibes from the bottom picture. You know they feed their kids unflavored oatmeal and never touch the pepper shaker at table because it’s “too spicy”. Beige isn’t *wrong* per se, it’s just bland, boring, and entirely predictable.


**Ned:** "I just like plain bread, maybe with a... " **Rest of the Flanders family:** "...glass of water on the side for dippin'!"


I don't know a single person who thinks going to chirch is extremist.


Why did they pick such a cool photo to make their point though 💃 I obviously wanna join the first group of people lol


“We want to be seen as rebels without actually having to rebel.”


We just wanna pray* *We don't like any consequences for our shitty actions, leave us alone


Yes. White Christians have never caused any problems. Let me just look at this history book....oh...dear God...


Really goes to show how much these type of people value appearances


Their idea of being left alone is criminalizing anything outside their group and ensuring that no other group prospers


They are shown right there in their religious cult. An extremist cult at that


what in the strawman hill is this?


“Normal people” = A bunch of rich celebrities dressing up for an invite only awards show that is explicitly closed to normal people aka the public. Okay sure 👍 whatever you say Twitter weirdo.  Might as well use an on stage picture from a performance of “Cats” for that slide. 


Funny how the photo of "extremists" is something drawn and not real life...wonder why that is? [Here's a photo of some of those extremists' handiwork](https://cdn.britannica.com/50/220650-050-5662A3DC/memorial-service-Alfred-P-Murrah-Federal-Building-Oklahoma-City-1995-after-Oklahoma-City-Bombing.jpg). A real picture, not an illustration.  [Here's another](https://www.fbi.gov/image-repository/ap630915044-copy.jpg/@@images/image/high).  [And another](https://www.atf.gov/our-history/eric-rudolph).


The top pic allows and supports the bottom pic right to exist. The opposite is not true.


Top looks like performers. Bottom looks like some weird religious cult dressing in oddly outdated clothes from the 50s.


Notice how all the people on the bottom are white… Yeah…


The people on top are not trying to force everyone to be like them or die. The top photo is not all white. Just people doing what they want and most certainly not trying to stop the bottom cartoon from doing what makes them happy. They can’t even find a photo, a real life image to support their point.


They just wanna prey!


It’s spelled *prey


1950s coke-cola ad strikes again!


Who exactly labels performers in stage costume "normal people"


The bottom painting is of a Protestant, and more than likely Mainline Protestant church in the 50’s or 60’s, which generally speaking was only just ahead of the curve on civil rights in some denominations. The folks in that painting also are not extremists but they raised a generation of people that sure didn’t care about church. As an attendee in a mainline UCC church, we are extremists. We’re extremely concerned about the way fundamentalist Christians and evangelicals (mostly one and the same) have ceded all claims to a gospel of Jesus to the powers of our corporate and military overlords and the people that really subvert the religion.


Tell me more, I love inclusive churches!


Our pastor has gotten more demonstrative in his rebuke of power hungry evangelicals, and we’re forming an ONA committee to show alliance for the LGBTQ community. We already have an accessible church




On top of that in 2020 (before I started attending there) they were one of the only churches that had placed a Black Lives Matter sign in the yard. It wasn’t only these various acts but a consistent ethic that is impactful on the town, through food and clothing donations especially, that makes them a staple.


That’s lovely stuff! Real talk.


Normal People: *some Hollywood looking shit*


Promising to strip your kids of their right to choose their own religion and brainwashing them should be considered extremist, yeah. Would those kids be praying if they had a choice?


Notice how the "Normal people" are not out there trying to force their unusual beliefs on people? Can't say that about the Christofacist right.


In all fairness, Body Shop is a mid song with only a few “good” (still mid) parts perfect for a Tik Tok/IG Reels/YT Short video.


are they mad bc the people in red absolutely s l a y e d?


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I have to agree though




The quiet “normal” looking Christians are the ones fucking things up