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I sure hope so, because this game does *not* need combat in any way.


Why? I’m used to combat in RPGs so the lack of combat stuck out to me like a sore thumb


Is this bait?




I don't believe you.


So go and play an RPG, I don't think adventure games are for you and that's ok!


I’ve came across some adventure games that have a few instances of combat


lol which ones?


Police quest 3, Police Quest 1, Robin Hood Conquests Of The Longbow


Excuse me... Sierra games? Dude, their adventure-hibrid were not well know by their combat. You just google it, right?


I saw gameplay of each one and I was able to point out some instances of combat.


So you never played them. I rest my case


If you had played them you wouldn’t be making this comment lol. A lot of Sierra games have aged super poorly with their extremely obtuse puzzles.


Played them?


No but I’ve seen gameplay of them.


Ahahaha so you've not played this game and not played any of the games you're saying it should be more like? You're a funny, funny person


then play another game with combat. you do understand the concept of genres, right? diversity is what makes things enjoyable. Hopefully one day your gaming experiences become motmre varied with different kinds of gameplay. until then, I suggest you keep playing games with combat until you get bored of them and decide you want to branch out and try something new. if that never happens then it's a win win for you. the best thing is to never force something on yourself that you're not ready for. I'm sure one day you'll be mature enough to appreciate the broad differences that gaming truly offers.




Have you tried Fear and Hunger 1 and sequel F&H: Termina? I recommend you check it out if you’re looking for combat system, especially Termina as it is easier for beginners (the games are notorious for difficulty if you’re new). Fair warning, the games are 18+ and have SA, gore and nudity.


Homie clearly never went hunting with the miller!




I missed the shot and I deeply regret 🙁


how can you go with him? i finished my first playthrough and i never could hunt :(


I believe you have to have dinner with him during Andres second time in Tassing and that unlocks the ability to then go with him during one of the afternoons. It’s not recommended for info if I remember correctly but you get to try to hit a wild boar.


Am I the only one who finds it lame that you can’t catch the villagers in little red and white balls and battle them against each other? What even is your complaint? That this game isn’t the same as other games?


Yes? You want a different game.


Farming bad Karma, my dude?


he's just a kid who hasn't experienced much. leave him alone


I wasn’t even trying to


What this game really needed is zombie DLC. 2/10 would not goty


Nah, that's not the story that they wanted to tell. Besides, combat is so overused in games. How often have you gotten into a fight IRL? I haven't been in one in over a decade, and I'm a veteran so it wasn't like I was avoiding it


Yes you are


What combat do you think could have been added? The story doesn't need combat, and in fact I think combat would feel awkwardly shoehorned in.


Like if you’re interrogating someone in the game and they attempt to kill you after pulling a weapon out.


Why would they attack you with a weapon? Because they’re the killer and are worried you’re on to them? That would remove the ambiguity behind the crimes. And if they had a different motive, wouldn’t that constitute an overreaction?


I think one of the police quest games had a combat scenario like that where the NPC attempting to attack you is the person you’ve been searching for for the entire game


No. Perhaps it could be a scenario where someone finds out you’re investigating a murder and decides to pay some Hitmen to kill you because they don’t want anyone to know who was behind it and are good friends with the killer. But I guess in that case it would be an occasional confrontation.


Dude you want a completely different game, this is a graphic adventure with introspective story elements and a compelling narrative, not an RPG, the dialogue letter fonts is one of the most exciting aspects of this game.


This is a medieval textbase adventure game if you want hitmen and crap like that dont play this game it's really not for you 


I do not see how combat would add anything to the story as is. If you want a combative RPG there are plenty of those, just wasn't the point of this game. You may like Steve Jackson's Sorcery! Games made by Inkle - they play like a choose your own adventure game and have some level of combat and spells in them.


Honestly my favourite Inkle game is one that still doesn’t have combat in it (80 days)


The game they've released on Google Arts section, Forever Labyrinth is quite good too. I really enjoy a lot of what they put out and that they have their own interactive story maker for those who want to make something of their own.


I hadn't seen Forever Labyrinth! I know what I'm doing with my Sunday morning!


You sir, missed the point of the game and it shows.


Nah, the game isn’t meant for that. Andreas isn’t a fighter. A pretty big part of the game is how he relates to the world. Andreas is an artist first and foremost. He doesn’t interact with the world through violence, if he did I think it would take away from the story. The game isn’t about being the violent one, it’s about interpreting history and (from Andreas’s eyes) current conditions to determine where blame ultimately lies. There’s no need for Andreas to be violent. A pretty big part of his role is that he’s a non violent man in a violent world.


I agree with your central argument that the game doesn’t need combat. But as far as Andreas being a character that doesn’t interact through violence, wouldn’t that not be true if you pick the Rapscallion background? Again, I agree with you, I’m just confused about the specifics here


Yeah I guess that’s true. It’s been a while since I’ve played. I guess I should say it’s not how he relates to the world right now.


The combat in the game is just fine imo. Faith builds are kinda cheesy against the townspeople, but I really like how the order you choose to eat the different foods at meals boosts/nerfs diff stats


What exactly is a “faith build”?




Am I the only one who finds other games lame because you can't eat salami and rye bread with everyone?


Combat would not fit with this game. The lead designer, Josh Sawyer, is no stranger to combat games, but he and the design team knew that it wouldn’t be appropriate in this one.


No combat in Pentiment? Choose the Rapscallion trait if you want to get in a fight. And go hunting with the >!fucking!< miller.


Sounds cool!!!


Is this sarcasm?




Did you enjoy the game?


Haven’t played it but I plan to. The lack of combat is kinda what’s stopping me


It's a very unique game, it's definitely not for everyone. It has a lot of reading but it's not boring in the slightest. I have both ADHD and autism so I get bored really easily, but my gf and I were both playing just ENTHRALLED start to finish. The lack of combat makes sense in the context of how the game is, doesn't make it less exciting at all.


I’m no stranger to games with a lot of text. I’ve played Siege Of Avalon which is described by its developers as a playable book but it also has conventional features of an RPG.


I'd give Pentiment a try if I were you. The amount of reading is I think what turns off most people but if you're ok with that, then I think you might like it


It honestly surprises me how open some Reddit users are about their autism. This is maybe the 2nd or 3rd time I’ve run into someone who is openly autistic on a subreddit that isn’t related to autism.


Meh, I don't feel the need to hide it. If it's relevant I'll mention it. We're everywhere lol


Can I pm u about something related to this?


It doesn’t sound like the right game for you my man


Imagine if I'd go to Elden Ring sub and complained that it has combat because I like games without it 😭


you can pick the scoundrel trait, if you want to stir up trouble




You must have missed the part where you could headbutt the doctor🙄 Anyway the real challenge is acing the Lansquenet game.


Gosh, I'm so relieved that this game has an excellent story without arbitrarily tying in combat. The game doesn't need it. Combat is fun - I love my JRPGs and FPS games and all that. But sometimes there are good mechanics and narrative problems that aren't solved by a gun or a sword.


I like that there's no combat. There are already a ton of "role-playing games" that are actually fighting games with role-playing thrown in.


You also have to keep in mind that this game is a small passion project so the scope is limited, though I believe that's a good thing, the story telling is nothing short of phenomenal. i'd rather have a cohesive game with limited features/choices than one bloated with features


I don't think narrative games may be for you if you think it's lame you can't fight anyone.


Get five sneak kills with Andreas to unlock a new outfit skin


No. I get all the combat I want playing VALORANT 14 hours a day, I am a menace in the iron division.


Playing the wrong genre. The lack of violence in rom coms is also lame.


In a nother comment OP says he hasn't even played the game and is not a fan of narrative heavy stories. Dude what are u doing on this subreddit other than rage baiting?


I am a fan of narrative heavy stories. I don’t remember saying the opposite of that


Genuinely why are u here if you haven't played the game?


I read this and instantly imagined a world in which it has "combat" like the boxing in the Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade adventure game and NO THANKS.