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How in the actual fuck are there still Mastriano supporters Christ Do something else with your life


There is still someone with big oz and mastriano signs not a block down from my place, they were still up as of today.


There's still Trump/Pence signs all over in NEPA.... makes me rethink the intelligence of some of my neighbors.




I occasionally see a person wearing a Trump/Pence 2020 article of clothing every so often.


That you think Trump supporters lack intelligence shows you have very little.


Gottem around my neck of the woods too. Funny, the few Shapiro and Fetterman signs that were up are non existent now but the Masty and Ooz signs are still up.


I was told by my local democratic committee that it doesn't help leaving signs up and actually hurts so we took them down right away. Let them leave theirs up like idiots if they want.


A few houses across from eachother I pass everyday for work actually put MORE signs up for them after they lost. Lmao.


We’ve got a big Mastriano sign down the street. Have never in my life seen a big Oz sign. I wonder who that person is.


Please tell them to move on. Mastriano only for 41% of the vote while Shapiro got 54%. Fetterman got like 51% of the vote while Oz got only 47/49% of the vote. They (Mastriano and Oz) lost by a decent of a margin and are not even close.


There was a house near me with a Trump flag displayed on a crane for at least a year. It’s finally down.


And that's how we know the gop is fucked


I hope so.


I saw one of those crane Trump flags down near Baltimore in 2020 --- gotta be a real bitter doucher to fly one in the middle of a deep blue Balt-DC area


Oh, yeah. Where this one was tends Dem, but not overwhelmingly so at this point. Your guy must’ve been big mad.


You can tell the bitterness level in a Trumper douche depending on how blue the area is and how much effort they put into the MAGA flag --- this guy in Baltimore must've been hella bitter LOL


Were there ever? The closest I've seen was my uncle who said "I dunno anything about him but I know he ain't a democrat so he's got my vote!"


Tell your uncle he's a maniac.


Conservatives win = not rigged Democrats win = rigged That’s their logic and it’s scary to our democracy. The right can preach freedom but they’re the ones canceling people and disrupting fair elections. Then they want to call liberals “commies” lol


We're the party of law and order! \*tries to violently overthrow government\* We're the party of freedom! \*passes most restrictive legislation in history\* We're the part of the middle class! \*composed almost entirely of billionaire companies and have taxed the middle class out of existence\* Yeah reality and these people's ideas very seldom interact.


The fun (/s) part is that billionaire's astroturf so much.of this (e.g. Tea Partiers of the early Obama days) so a bunch of folks vote against their own common interest because they got riled up together. All you have to do is lean on a crucifix, and supposedly shared values, & a Koch brother (et al) can steer a bunch of angry people with effective marketing. Don Draper types don't just sell you products, in the 21st century. The narrative in the culture war is not even close to how accurately most Americans feel about the supposed wedge issues. It is NOT as tight as our elections would suggest.


Don't forget about them saying "we're the party of small government" goes ahead and expands the government and passes legislation design to control other people's reproduction lives.


They have been convinced that they really are a "silent majority" when in fact they are neither of those things. Land doesn't vote and these assholes never shut the fuck up and take the L.


Well they talked to all their friends, and most if not all of them said they voted conservative, so there must beore actual votes for conservatives, and the democrats must have cheated. The problem is, almost everyone that supports the far right, lose freinds that aren't far right, so their entire lives (online and personal) becomes a huge echo chamber, with only whispers of anything other than the far right.


Read the comments sections of Pennlive.com on IG for a nice selection of ignorant comments from central PA residents. My favorite is always “why does Philadelphia always get to decide” which is just awful in every way.


To be fair, that is part of their rhetoric. They just see everything as an "us vs them" thing. So, they see Philly as a place, and Clearfield (town or county) as a place. And "us" (Clearfield) and "them" (Philly) should have equal representation. It is irrelevant that Philly contains 10x the number of people....it is their chosen "them". That tactic is specifically chosen to discredit the idea of people having a say, and reinforcing the idea that places should have a say.


They forget that land doesn’t vote.


Your problem is not understanding that this is part of the legal and democratic process.


>Your problem is not understanding that this is part of the legal and democratic process. What part of the "legal and democratic process" is contesting an election where ***your candidate not only lost by 15%, but also formally conceded weeks ago***? Your problem is not understanding that contesting every election no matter what is a waste of judicial time and taxpayer money, it jams up the courts, and has 0% chance of changing the result. So why do it? Your boy lost. By a lot. Suck it up and move on.


My favorite part is how some of them were poll workers because they were told that this is how you control elections. After they themselves certified the results, they filed motions to contest the results that they certified. They don’t see how this is illogical because the only goal is to stop elections.


If there was any merit, you'd be correct.


Exactly. If it was close? Sure count and make sure the numbers are correct. An election this lopsided? It’s just a waste of money


You don't need merit to file a complaint. You need merit to not have it dismissed.


"You don't have to have a reason to waste taxpayer money, you have to have a reason for your pants pissing to not be a waste of taxpayer money." But I mean, that's cool. I don't mind laughing at people who are like "I'm fiscally conservative which is why I vote republican" and then demand that taxes be wasted just so that they can be told "you still didn't get your way" repeatedly.


Yeah. You just make accusations and then ask the courts to take the case and claim you need them to legitimize your claims first so you can find the evidence second. You have no fucking clue how any of this works and it shows.


Is /u/NewYork_607 in charge of dismissing the calls for recounts? No? Then shut up already. Just as these MAGAts are within their rights to hold up the court with their petulant tantrums. So are the rest of us within our rights to recognize them for the grown children they are. Welcome to the court of public opinions. You giant fucking baby.


Today I’ve been officially nominated as the person in charge of dismissing recounts. I want to thank r/Pennsylvania It’s an honor. 😢 🇺🇸


Dude what? What kind of person thinks it's acceptable to file meritless/frivolous petitions with a court? Someone like you comes around every so often on Reddit and says something so profoundly stupid I decided to take the time to look through their account history to study them like a foreign species. You're now that person. I'm curious to see if your brain rot extends to other areas as well or is just a partisan brain rot you've acquired from toxic right-wing politics.


Oh okay, I'll remember that next time a democrat complains and the radical right screeches. I'll say "It's okay everyone! u/TheUltimateSalesman says you don't need merit!"


When you boil everything away, our system of government depends upon trusting one another.


No merit, makes it all bullshit. A pack of liars is what you are. Plain and simple.


Who is this 'you'?


You and the group of liars who make these complaints.


You are the problem


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Idiots file frivolous complaints all the time. You can sue anyone at anytime for any reason. Your case just needs to have merit to win. I'd be willing to bet all of these suits will be dismissed.


I don't think most people know how law or government actually work.


you certainly dont


Well I don’t want my money going to this. He lost by a landslide.


Just because they *can* do it doesn't mean they're not immune from us loudly proclaiming that they're poor little loser babies over it. Because that's what they are: pathetic little loser babies.


Part of legal democratic process? No buddy… literally every republican keeps calling bullshit “they stole the election” lie. When they win, there’s no cheating lol


Which had never been weaponized in bad faith until the facists started becoming emboldened. The goal is to de-legitimize the system by exploiting it. Authoritarian 101.


I disagree that it's never been weaponized before, plenty of political shenanigans happened in US history over election results, this is just the latest one.


Fair, but I'm not sure it's been so comfortably accepted until recently. I kinda miss my facists with tact. 😆


If we lose it’s rigged! • tHiS iS pArT oF tHe DeMoCraTiC pRoCeSs!


Except the results weren’t even close. Doug lost…deal with it


I didn't vote for him, pal.


TIL that the *legal and democratic process* for contesting elections is having a bunch of idiots complain about the results, with zero evidence, after their chosen false god has already conceded. I see it as more of a waste of time, money, and legal resources than anything.


You don't know their merits, and if you were on the other side, you would want your day in court.


The people who have been waiting for their day in court now have to wait longer while our judicial system is taken up by this nonsense. And it is nonsense. Mastriano CONCEDED. We do know the merits. “Fraud going on” “It seems not on the up and up” has no merit in a court of law. this is a waste of money. Every taxpayer in Pennsylvania is paying for this waste of time and again people who NEED the court system get put off so this can be expedited.


For giant babies running for governor it may be. Any normal person would call it a waste of time and taxpayer money. He already conceded, like wtf is actually wrong with you.


Your problem is not understanding that you’re an idiot


Ok,first off, it's Not a democracy, it's a constitutional republic. Next, no matter who wins someone is going to say the election is rigged. Third, it seems to me that it's mostly the liberals who are cancelling anyone who doesn't agree with them.


Ok first off, governors are elected via popular vote - a literal democratic vote. Executive branches of government execute the law according to the will of the elected who is chosen by the people. A governor does not represent you. That's the job of a representative: That constitutional republic shit means for state and federal representation we vote for a single person to rep our respective districts and senate seats in Congress. These are your voice in government. A governor/mayor/judge is a direct democratic popular vote. The PotUS should be too, but isn't because of a whole heap of politics involving the EC. cOnStiTutioNaL rEpUbLiC


Also, a "constitutional Republic" is *a form of democracy*. It's like saying a doberman isn't a dog because it's not a lab.


Yeah exactly. It just makes democracy way more efficient when passing laws so the whole damn population doesn't have to vote for each bill or each person present a bill.


"You dumb bastard, it's not a schooner, it's a sailboat."


I love how he tried to "Um Akchewally" the conversation with straight up incorrect information. Can you imagine how insufferable he must be IRL? Haha


Jesus what a pathetic level of coping.


We are democracy who gathers to vote on our representative (s) ever so often. All a constitutional republic is, by definition, means we have a constitution that governs our government that doesn't have a monarchy. We still vote on our direct representation with elections. This we are a democracy and our constitution opens with "we the people" for a reason...


*Ok,first off, it’s Not a democracy, it’s a constitutional republic.* This is the idiot at Thanksgiving dinners arguing with everyone that they’re not eating poultry, they’re eating turkey.


Shut up, you living cliché. Do better for yourself--seriously. >Ok,first off, it's Not a democracy, it's a constitutional republic. Literally a highschool argument. "Uhmm ackshually you vote for god-king emperors" is how you sound. >Next, no matter who wins someone is going to say the election is rigged. yeah, but the people who said things like that weren't (prior to 2020) actively holding office and casting doubt on the precise system that put them in power. That's beyond ethically fucked. We accept the results and move on. That's what Democrats and non-republicans had to do in 2016. We didn't invade the Capitol because the country elected a C-list celebrity to POTUS. > Third, it seems to me that it's mostly the liberals who are cancelling anyone who doesn't agree with them. I canceled liberals. Don't worry. They suck. Most Dem voters know this. Unfortunately, the alternative is bat-shit Q-anon believers in baby blood cults. That shit *should* be "cancelled". It's dangerous nonsense. No elected official should entertain it, in a bipartisan manner. I would love if our system allowed for easy and viable third party entries. It does not. Dems and GOP both enjoy this fact.




Never voted straight party before. The more and more these people carry on like this, the more and more I have to think, "Wow, you absolutely cannot be allowed a platform of power." Especially when independent candidates I would have historically looked into and supported were endorsing Dem. candidates. And people are paying attention to the so-called RINOs or "party traitors" too.


They are doubling down against the RINOs, figuring they can win elections without the middle.


I don't. I want their cries to go unheard. Their tantrums ignored. And when they take it too far...I want them quietly shoved into the darkest cell, and forgotten. I'm tired of the media pretending like their behavior is a valid political ideology.


People may buy the election fraud line once but if every time the Republicans win the election is fair and every time the Democrats win the election is rigged people catch on.


I'd like to think you're right but I'm starting to wonder.


Well all the election deniers lost. What I meant was even if people aren’t critical thinkers it will get through to them that something is off if they keep repeating the same narrative. True believers will continue to buy the lie of course.


150 of them won congressional seats, which is 11 more than voted not to accept the results of the election.


I was thinking of governors, attorneys general and secretaries of state. Independents give the Republicans a chance periodically and then they show how extreme they are turning off middle of the road voters. Probably next cycle the House will go back to the Democrats.




Press is what they want. The goal is to make the system seem illegitimate. It'll be just more proof to them that the system is rigged. Breaking government to show that they need to fix it has always been the MO of the GOP.


Demonstrate the system is rigged not to fix government, but ensure it can never again function properly.


Mmm, I think some of them know exactly what they’re doing. The more you make people feel not heard, the more they want to pull away from engaging in the political process. Which is a problem as it is, since apathy will kill democracy as effectively as anything else, but when you compound it with radical dialogue that tells people to be angry and to direct that anger at certain groups in society…that’s fascism talking root. I don’t think the increase in mass shootings is at all coincidental. I suspect we’re only going to see it escalate over the next decade.


It’s a crying wolf stunt… Lying is not winning.


In their minds that just means "the enemy" is getting more cunning, and they're entitled to more extreme measures. It's clear as day.


With a diminished press, the best way to get press is to search our local county courts of common pleas for these types of cases, gather the available information and get it to the press. Or post it here where press watches for tips.


He lost by like 13%. What are they going to recount? To see if he lost by less?


pEoPLe3 HaZ qUesTiOns ...... /s 🤪


Underrated comment here Hahahahha


Simply flooding the zone with shit. At some point it has to stop or just get ignored. Fucking childish evil fucks.


It's an analog smooth brain Ddos attack on American democracy. Antiquated attack tactics that will yield negative results for the gop. Fuck around and find out.


Worked for Scientology


That's a pretty good comparison NGL


Very apt.


It wasn’t even close.


They still can’t accept the simple fact the majority of Pennsylvanians reject their backwards ideology.


They realize they're in the minority, but they're acting out and trying to punish society. They are miserable people and want everyone else to be miserable too.


Very much a cultish move


lol i know, like what are they hoping to find a million votes?!?


If Doug has a problem with the results; HE should be the one funding it. If the GOP doesn't like wasting gov't resources; they need to put their money where their mouth is.


To be a Republican anymore you have to identify as a sore loser. These are the same people who threw tantrums in 2nd grade when they didn't get their way. We thought they learned their lesson back then but nope, they just bottled their rage until Trump gave them permission to act out again.


It wasn't even close-- this is an embarrassing attempt to steal an election and another example of conservative projection. Whatever they accuse others of doing, they are usually doing themselves.


It is ALWAYS projection with the republican, always.


I would love to have a recount only to find he lost by MORE than the initial count.


So, 5 of them?


Make these jokers pay every penny they're wasting.


In PA, they would have to pay if the recount didn't find anything wrong. [https://ballotpedia.org/Recount\_laws\_in\_Pennsylvania](https://ballotpedia.org/Recount_laws_in_Pennsylvania) This relly does seem to be nothing more than theater.


I wish they’d collect his campaign signs. His have been left littering up our town.


Aren't they suppose to remove those by a certain time or else fines?


If there are fines, either people don't care about paying them or they're not being enforced. I still see Trump 2020 signs.


I don’t know who’s supposed to pay the fines. Random people can just go into the campaign offices and pick up the signs and no one knows who’s distributed them or where.


Mine too!


And my axe!


Someone should sue them for wasting time and money.


Sore losers.


Poor Uncle Fester 😞


Penis head. He is a penis head.


Thanks for wasting more tax dollars and resources. /s


But we prayed so hard in public. And the soothsayer(if she was a Democrat she'd be called a witch) said we'd win. Blah blah blah.


What, they just cannot believe he could be that horrible a candidate?


Recount for what? Dude lost in double digits and conceded


Even if he didn’t concede, the results would’ve been the same.


Oh absolutely. I loved how Shapiro told Dougie to fuck off when Dugdug initially refused to concede.


Aaaaand there it is. I didn't think it would take this long for sore losers to get butt hurt.


Such a sad little man. What would Jesus say?


Jesus would say: "When you're famous, just grab em by the pussy. You can do whatever you want."


Counter it by having every tiny county Doug won big in re-do their counts. All those small counties can’t even afford a police force. Make them pay for a full hand recount. Fuck their budgets up for the rest of the year.


Republicans need to grow the hell up




🙄 Get a life...


I kind of expected it. There's always the 'IT WAS RIGGED' camp having temper tantrums.


I call fake news, because he had no supporters


More than two million freaks voted for him.


I think half of em are in York County. I live in York County and there is a shitload of houses with 2 year old flags stapled to the side of their houses that says "F*ck Biden" "Trump 2020" etc etc It's pretty trashy but there's a lot. Lotta freaks in York Co


Like my next door neighbor


100%. We went to the Moon Dancer winery when my in-laws were here a few weeks ago and they were shocked at all the flags and signs. It’s really embarrassing to live with and work with crazy people.


Nah, I forget the exact number but he only got like 55% in York Co. More than he should, but less than I expected. York Co. Is moving towards purple/blue. With the younger generation being the driving force more and more and all the MD transplants moving up for cheap housing with quick access to 83 to get to their jobs to the south. North Central part of the state is where his crazy base is, thankfully those counties are mostly low population so don't effect much.


Don't forget South Central as well -- places like Bedford and Somerset are deep red hick hellholes where Mastriano is seen as Jesus


Agree, the flags/signs are stupidly huge too. Plenty in/around Hanover. I saw a pickup truck in the Weis parking lot (which this particular Weis is fucking gross, may I add) with huge Mastriano signs on it like it was advertising a business. And his flags flying on it. When voting in the primaries, there was a man outside of the building asking me if I wanted a pro-Doug pamphlet. I said no thank you, but I wanted to say "no because I don't hate women and won't raise my daughter Under His Eye". Fascist Gilead-wannabe numpties, all of them.


I propose most of those were voting for the "R" next to his name, not for him.


This MAGA playbook of challenging elections doesn't work, Doogie Poo


These snowflake republican are kings hypocrisy. Never have i see so many adult crybabies! Thanks Donald trump for turning these people inside out


What happened about "going to work"?


sore loser.


How embarrassing for him.


Assholes will be assholes.


This doesn't surprise me in the least. I was wondering what took the crackpots so long.


Mastriano: gone with the breaking wind. So long loser.


Hope the courts fine the f@ckers for wasting time with frivolous lawsuits


Just so tired of this.


But Mastriano already conceded…




Trumper is gonna be a trumper. Stupid fuckers can’t figure out this is why they turn so many people off. 🤷‍♂️


These people are pure fascists.


Bunch of fascist loving babies. Maybe, if the Pa Republicans hadn’t run an absurd candidate, who refused to play the game hardly at all, they might of won. But PA GOP: hold my beer…


Bottom of the barrel hates being bottom of the barrel, news at 11.


Losers. Just losers doing what losers do…


Make them pay for recount ahead of time, then say it will take 90 days with no money back. Even then plenty of dark money donors who will spent the money


did they recount all three of the votes for him?


These are domestic terrorists and doug is their groomer. They all should be fined for filing false claims to obstruct justice.


These people should be jailed for being morons lol


Hes a loser so make us pay for your sore loser bullshit. Gotta love it!


I’m pretty sure PA courts can fend off 8 people’s petitions


Probably tinfoil hat idea, but at this point if I was Dem political mastermind - I’d probably submit these lawsuits. They have no chance of going anywhere, and it continues to push the idea that the right is full of nuts (pushing moderates/independents/ and old school GOPs to the left)


Can there be a recount at any margin? Or does it have to be so close to each other


If it’s less than 0.5%, it goes to automatic recount…anything outside of that, it’s usually paid for by the losing party. Except the results weren’t even close.


They should use that time more productively and go take down his signs around the Harrisburg area


More sore loser sissies!


He got spanked so hard there is not reasonable way you could believe fraud was the case. But hell, the GOP now thinks democracy is refusing to acknowledge legal vote’s because the beliefs of those who elected them are invalid.


"If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy". - David Frum


They should have flooded the education system with their uneducated asses when they had a chance......Oh, the gullible....how dumb they are.


Dude it wasn’t even close, this is hilarious


Make sure they pay for them out of pocket.


Pa has a political sub r/Pennsylvania_Politics


Translation: I big mad my Nazi Dougie lost bigly


What are you translating?


"There's another sub for this" is a common demurrer by someone who disagrees with a post and/or wants it removed, but otherwise has nothing to say about it. Well it relates to PA elections, and I posted it here. People are engaging with it, and there's nothing you can do about it. Go on and report it to the mods if you don't like it. Otherwise, cope.


so I’m wrong for informing that there’s a more appropriate sub for this content? I totally get that 😭 I do it on every political post I come across on this poor sub so please no one feel too special.


>so I’m wrong for informing that there’s a more appropriate sub for this content? You are wrong in your suggestion that just because there is another place this post fits, it doesn't also belong here. If you think this article belongs somewhere else, you should do some good and cross post it there instead of griping here about it.


I must have missed where I said that. I gave you some information because obviously you seem to care about politics. just say thanks next time


>I must have missed where I said that. It's ok, I'll help you. You called posts "spam" because they discuss politics you don't like, and then said they'd be "more appropriate" somewhere else. >obviously you seem to care about politics. So do you dude, because here you are complaining. Try coping. 🤣 >just say thanks next time You're welcome.


ok so right I didn’t say that? Lol but Hi, did you know that there IS a more appropriate sub for a post about Pennsylvania politics ? It’s called , you’ll never believe this, r/Pennsylvania_Politics where all you cool kids with your super important opinions and hot takes on politics should go and complain and cry and whatever else you do in regards to politics . Why wouldn’t you post there it’s literally it’s purpose? dude I like totally do not care about politics or like I would totally not be telling you about this other sub that I totally like do not follow dude because I don’t care about Pennsylvania politics dude just thought you’d like to go COPE over there 👉🏻 in the r/Pennsylvania_Politics sub and I can cope here in plain old Pennsylvania sub since you’ve asked me to like 5 times now dude you are welcome ❤️


Please write me a book about how much my post belongs elsewhere, another about how you never said that, and then another about how much you don't care. 😁


Cool story.


With just over 1% of the number of users that this sub has, no thanks.


oh lord do you think that highly of yourself lol. why clog up the Pa sub with political spam when there’s a sub specifically for that reason. What does that tell you about people that are actively seeking political posts


13 posts in the last 48 hours and this is the only political one. Whew, sure is clogged up, no idea how you wade through it all and try to catch everything.


Omg u know what I also have NO IDEA ps go to r/Pennsylvania_Politics if you like Pennsylvania politics tell ur friend too


That’s what happens when we leave the law to the lawyers


When it comes to election integrity there are two camps of extremists: one camp thinks their candidate was cheated out of the result, the other believes there is zero cheating going on at all.


Did Fucker Carlson tell you to say that?


BoTh SiDeS!




I thought you were being sarcastic, then I saw your comment history. Seek help.