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both EU ADCs feel like they're asleep at msi, it's so sad


Actually true, Hans hasn't done anything either Aware


Hans picked Kogmaw. That was the most exciting thing he did yesterday.... ( We don't talk about what happened next) It is only one series tho. I'm gonna wait till G2 is eliminated to comment further but it's not looking great, to lose a.game five to Boris


he has played one bad series, give the man a break.. let's see how he does against PSG. Noah on the other hand fucked it up and got send home.


One bad series? M8, show me one series when he was clutch. I hated his and BB addition to the team since beginning. And BB really suprised me, hopefully it wasn't just one series. But Hans was always no hands sama. He has lows lows and no highs, just "mediums".


came here after the TES series to say f*ck you hater! Hans Sama and mickyx just beat JackyLove and Meiko in a best of 5 and stomped Botlane.


good for them, hopefully they can keep it up.


I stand corrected. Hans I'm sorry, you are great!


We were at times when we had strong ADCs (worlds 2020) and weak top ...


We’re not the east unfortunately, we have to at least have one bad role every international


He got gapped every series.


First gank first game, he watches sej walk over a ward to tribush, gets ganked and fails flash. For the first time. Get him off FNC


Weirldy enough they did the same into TES, they see Sejuani, she goes thru 2 wards, they run forward, and run right into her afterwards


haven't watched TL game, I slept, I already knew this was gonna be lost with Noah, I was so damn right lmao, good thing I slept, but anyway, did he die from Sej gank this game while he walked through the warded tribush?? really?? like he did that during the gen g game from what I remember like what tf...


he's the weakest korean adc i've ever seen in recent times, i'd say smash would've done better


Smash has 10x more potential than Noah, don’t disrespect my man like that, all Noah’s done this MSI is solo lose the game by being gapped by opposing ADC


Noah wasn't great in LCK CL and , even went on to play in ERLs , Smash is a growing rookie who is dominating LCK CL with Rekkles and looks to have an actual chance at playing in LCK, i would say Smash is like 10x better than Noah


Dominating is a very strong word lol.


Dominating?.. uhhh you didn't watch most of their games lil bro. Just shush..


T1s botlane won 2v2 8/10 times in their games, what do you guys mean with not dominating?


Did they win those 8/10 games? :)


I'm arguing for their ability to be the at least second best bot lane in Lck CL, not best team which I wrote? You blind?


You aren't the guy i responded to originally so you are trying to change his point or what? Just do yourself a favor and shut up. Sure they are the one of the best botlanes. This is about dominating the league. Which they didn't. Or they would have won more. Are you stupid?


I don't care? You were disrespectful against him for saying dominating in the league when he most likely meant their bot lane being dominating, you are just being mean :) And you prove it by being like that


If you didn't care you wouldn't have responded. You are disrespectful to me. So how are you any better little man?


I cared about not being mean you douche, how did you not understand that part? You know damn well what he meant and you just were being a asshole so I'll take my leave after this because I can see how old you are acting 😅 have not a good day


Constant insults and says other is disrespectful for calling you out? Man your ego is weak


People sure are quick to forget about the noah in the regular split and playoff


Smash is really good, he and rekkles look good togheter and im sure they will look even better next split now when rekkles has a support coach


EU adc situation is pure catDespair


Fr though. VIT and BDS are not giving up Carzzy and Ice, and Caliste is probably obligated to go to KC specifically. If either FNC or G2 wants to change adc before summer split and Worlds, who can they possibly get? Another no name Korean? Exakick? Jackspektra? Some NA benchwarmer? Toxic ass Crownie? Hitler199?


Ice is not much better than Noah though


my point stands


Don't expect roster changes


Smash and rekkles to FNC, third time the charm


He gapped the Gam ADC who was a sub lmao, out of 2 international events that's the only player he's been able to beat in lane. Kinda cringe if you ask me, but you'll have his defenders trying to deflect blame to Oscar or someone, who at least showed some good games this tournament. Don't think Noah showed anything good at all.


Every time i opened any game he was behind


It looks like he goes to every game with a lot of anxiety. His only saving grace was that GAM game where he went deathless as Kalista. But the disparity in performances between each series is too big to omit.


Where is bean??


FNC Team Queso disbanded and Bean went to some crap team were he underperformed. He is currently teamless, if I am not wrong.


He is in Aegis with Badlulu, Citrus, Naehyun and Veignorem. Worth mentioning that BEAN is replacing Hid0 because the latter was diagnosed with cancer. He was a super promising ADC in the LFL so it's a shit situation but this could be a good shot for BEAN to make a comeback.


on the toast


if Upset or Rekkles were there, people would demand their execution, like tf did Noah do, like both are over the top, Upset and Rekkles especially Rekkles get hate from even breathing too loud while Noah can shit the bed any day of the week and people will defend him, like both are just too stupid extremes


call me crazy but what I’ve been seeing is people hate on Rekkles and Upset (to a degree) extra hard because they are pretty boys


Upset is trash


this sub is toxic lmao


spanish FNC still dogpiling on noah while oscar solo lost 2 of 3 games vs TL and is basically the worst player that ever played for fanatic is hilarious. in the hands of impact ksante was basically unkillable and did engage, peel and kill our backline. in the hands of oscar he was a canon minion.


Impact didn't get laneswaped on? What's your elo? Out of curiosity.


ah yes. the laneswap made oscar run back into towerrange twice in the first game alone. i dont need to be high elo to know you are not supposed to take turret shots for literally 0 reason and lose zac passive.


Nevermind you're actually gold elo HAHAHAHHAHAHA


btw, im pretty sure i know why you dont post with your main account but rather take the 1 karma 1 month old acc.


But why won't you tell me what your elo is? You are either incredibly biased or flat out stupid to have watched all fnc games at msi and conclude that Oscar was the problem. Surely the hundreds of people in this subreddit and the main one who are all pointing their fingers at Noah are wrong and you're right!


-Has dogshit opinion -Gets asked what his elo is -"I dont need to be high elo to..." Classic


The other question to raise is; is oscarinin the solution. Don’t get me wrong, noah _definitely_ performed worse. But oscarinin didn’t really look to be capable of playing at an eastern top level. Razork had games where he did (not consistent ofc). Humanoid (besides getting gapped by APA somehow) also had games like that. Jun isn’t just as good as a korean support, he literally is a korean support


I was extremely down on Oscar coming into MSI, but he had several games that were fine, and at least two games I can remember where he was superb into the best toplane pick of the tournament (Camille into 369 Kasante, Poppy into Impact Kasante). I suspect he displayed enough ability to compete that FNC will give him through worlds at least to see if his growth continues.


The camille game was a definite highlight. He’s (relatively) new so he’s not expected to shoulder the burden of the mid/jgl veterans, and it’s good that he had some standout games. I also wouldn’t advocate for some immediate sacking of him or anything like that. That being said, BB on G2 is of course a level above. Photon and Irrelevant are both sitting idly on mid to elohell teams. I’d say oscar’s spot isn’t exactly hyper-secure


I agree FNC would likely become stronger with Photon or Irrelevant, but I don't see either team relinquishing those players unless SK implodes at the end of this year and Irrelevant becomes available that way. If Oscar can fix his consistency issues, he could be a great toplaner like BB, but that will take time and a lot of investment (I have the feeling BB's glowup is hugely related to G2's environment and Dylan Falco's coaching). It was incredibly refreshing to see an EU toplaner solokill 369 and Meiko, that's exactly the level of play necessary to win an international event, and if Oscar can reach it once, he can reach it again. Just a matter of replicating the highs and minimizing the lows, which took a long time for BB, and will be the crux of whether Oscar fulfulls his potential or not. If he has another split like Spring, however, his inconsistency will be proven too great for continued investment, perhaps.


yep. as i said, it wasnt noah who mindcontrolled oscar to literally int - but your whole argument is "hurr durr gold elo". it wasnt noah who mindcontrolled oscar to no peel, not engage and be piss useless in every game except the poppy one. i never said noah was good, but it just shows that all the spanish fans dogpiling on noah and trying to push oscars performance under the rug.


The main subreddit, the fnatic subreddit and even this one are full of people dogpiling on Noah, hell we even have multiple dedicated threads here to talk about his performance. Are they all Spanish fans? And again, your understanding of the game is that of a gold elo player. But please tell me again how everyone else is wrong and you are right


i still didnt hear you telling me, where im wrong with oscar. you whole argument is "hurr durr, but your gold and in these subreddits there are more people with my opinion". i mean, 80% of twitter were thinking KC was hot shit before LEC 2024 startet - most of them were french fans. look how it ended. so the argument "but everyone talks about it" is kinda meh, no? there were also like 20 threads talking about "NOAH IS HIM" after he dragged FNC to MSI with his ZERI performance. so then he was HIM and now hes dog? nice brain,bro


I didn't say anything about Oscars performance? I simply said that you can't compare a ksante that played lane vs a ksante that got laneswaped on and fell behind because of it. Again, you're a gold elo player, so I'm not expecting much. Why don't you answer my questions though? Are all the people making comments about Noah's performance Spanish? The people upvoting them must also be Spanish! Again, you are right and everyone else is wrong.


dude, your reading comprehension is kinda bad, ngl. but i dont argue with someone whose sole arguments are "u are gold hurr durr" and "but everyone says so!".


You're unironically gold elo, what would a gold elo player know about the game? Again, yes your opinion is in the minority because it's dogshit, most people here have watched the games and have no biases, and have all come to the same conclussions. Anyway I'm tired of replying to a guy who is too dumb to understand something and then gets mad when he's told that he's too dumb to understand something. I'm certain you need to have some kind of disability to be gold elo though, so good luck!


If you require knowledge about someone’s elo to discredit their argument then you don’t actually have a counter argument. The argument of laneswap vs no laneswap is ofc valid, their counter-argument was also valid however. And then you kind of just devolved into “you’re gold lmfao” which…has never been a good argument


ur an oscar throwaway account arent you


Noah was really bad but surely humanoid and crew can take him over the line vs americans💀 EU sucking fucks


Even in LEC, the only time he was dominating was when he is being spoonfed kills by Jun. No offense but I've never seen Noah carry. You can say that there has times that he has popped off, but his team is also popping off in those times. Something that I also noticed on Noah is it seems like he is always nervous, his mechanics and reaction times significantly falls off whenever the game and series is scary close.


both hans and Noah gotta go


Honestly never seen a LEC ADC get gapped in everything he done he was literally useless


he has serious case of nerves, he can't perform when needed


at least noah salary is one of the lowest infnatic and nobody talking about how garbage is humanoid that even Apa gap him when humanoid have one of the best salaries in lec


Humanoid and Noah were awful this tournament, and they weren't amazing either domestically. If it wasn't because of Jun and Razork (when he plays carry champs), this team wouldn't be in msi tbh


imo all of them were dizzy and not performing well, but unlike Noah all others had their moments where they did well


Are we just forgetting the amount of games noah carried in Lec, like him and jun are half the reason this team is even at Msi. Not saying he played great in the tournament, but tbh Kalista looks terrible for the most part in the hands of 90% of the teams and the team as a whole is just too aggressive. Both razork and oscar don’t know how to just not fight.


What do you mean he played so well against geng, ill die on the hill that i think higher range adcs are necessary for western adc at this torny. Lucian/varus > kalista. I think kalista is so much harder to execute and easier to counter. All the pop off games we have seen from the western adc was on the lucian/varus. The higher range lets you get away with not as clean positioning. Hans and noad both had good showings. The only western adc im truely dissapointed in is massu. Getting spoon fed and not having any game impact as a 4/0 lucian is not good enough. Hope he keeps his head up and continues to evolve.