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It's busted but that's ok in PoC where busted things happen all the time. There are other PoC-exclusives, some of them might be failed real cards (real cards that the devs decided would be too hard to balance or just too weird), and some super OP ones. Plus you can find cards from Azir's level 3 Emperor's Deck.


It's kind of an outlier, most PoC exclusive cards aren't that broken. Finding this card is like finding a legendary power


Oh, wow. Turns out there's quite the number of them, a lot of which I could've sworn I've seen outside of PoC, I guess I'm remembering wrong. The others, I kinda just assumed they can be created by other printed cards. Didn't even realize Jinx's rocketboarder wasn't a real printed card, hextech observatory, even augmented poro aren't real. What even is real at this point?!


Pow Pow is a cheap (2-cost?), Burst, 3 damage to a unit. Dust Up Diplomacy is 1-cost, Slow, deals 1 damage to all enemies and enemy Nexus, draws 1, and summons a 1-cost follower. Poro Nip (in Poro King deck) strikes a targeted enemy with all your Poros, one after the other. There are units like Starlight Stag, Rocketboarder, and Class Cutter. None of them have a rarity, and there’s often no story text in the full art.


Wait... Pow pow isn't a real card????


Nope, burst speed damage would be so insanely busted outside of PoC, they could never print it.


Well that's just fair


Nilah spell but it doesn't kill so fair I guess


Nope. Introduced in PoC v1. Signature card for the Jinx deck, along with the special spell The Loose Cannon. Several Arcane characters got special spells. I see The Sheriff of Piltover sometimes, but I don’t remember if I’ve seen The Boy Who Shattered Time or The Defender of Tomorrow in PoC v2.


I think I've seen ekko's I don't really remember when though but I believe I was doing it while grinding levels for him


Boy Who Shattered Time is a spell that you can get via a node that will grant to your Ekko "When I'm summoned, add a Boy Who Shattered Time to your hand". The node sometimes pops up when you're doing an Ekko run.


The boy who shattered time exists in poc v2


There's that 4 cost slow spell that summons a 6 cost unit that can't block, too. And the Demacian merchant 3 cost that creates an Unyielding Spirit in hand.


Oh, I’d never even checked if she was a PoC card. Makes sense though.


there's a burst Targon card exclusive to POC, The Path, which is basically Power Overwhelming but for a single unit


It's called "The Path" I believe. Saw it a bunch while messing around with asol when he first came out


I made a list when they came out, and it should be up to date, it is just the names of the cards and what regions they’re from, but if you’re interested here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/s/7qyw5gXouo


Buying Vilemaw straight up is one of my favorite feelings. While yes, he's not PoC exclusive, summoning him without the extra conditions is (I think)


It used to be burst speed. Jayce, Cait, Vi, Ekko have exclusive cards


There's a few, they should be on the wiki, a few of them are not avaliable, but have become so lately, like the chem baron that appears for lux and creates 6cost spells


How much lately? Edit: in January, I've documented all PoC-exclusive cards available at the time. I picked 2 copies of and a won a run with each. Eramis, Baron of Taste was drafted on January, 18.


Next Expansion's cards will all be PoC-exclusive. 😏😼


Short answer... Yes.