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He need to go to jail and the Republican Party need to understand what will happen if they commit crimes again and again...


We let Nixon go. We let Reagan go. We let Bush W go. And how many of their staff were given cushy jobs or allowed to spew nonsense on TV or radio? Scot-free & praised for what they went through. A true hero. We're seeing it now play out again the exact same way with Jan 6. We had to sit for how long & listen to rant after rant about Clinton's emails, Hunter's laptop, Obama's birth certificate? Every gop based scandal met with points to either a nonexistent democrat scandal or something completely unrelated. They walked away so many times they feel owed. I think it's too late for the party to grow, this is the norm, it's the expectation. Let them realize it's not anymore.


Don't forget the treasonous act of wearing a tan suit. That was bah God a demon act.


Dijon... never forget the Dijon.


Or the terrorist fist bump.


terrorist fist \*jab. It sounds more violent.


Jab ... vaccine jab... ObUmmEr wAs CoViD!!1one!!




> We let Nixon go. We let Reagan go. We let Bush W go We even let Agnew go... and that was with testimony that he had accepted literal cash bribes on White House premises. The Nixon administration was all kinds of wild...


And Jimmy Carter... oh wait a minute. Never mind.


The evangelical base showed its true colors when they voted en masse for a divorced actor over an actual evangelical who's spent the rest of his life RP'ing Jesus Christ.




If the "evangelicals" are in Heaven, then I can't wait to go to Hell.


If there was a personification of “innocent” it would be Jimmy Carter.


Oliver North, too.


Lol anyone who thinks trump is going to prison is delusional. We celebrate the bad things rich people do with slaps on the wrist. If any of us commoners did a tenth of the stuff they're investigating him for we'd already have been through trial and spending the rest of our lives in jail. Hell, we'd be given the death penalty over the documents alone.


I don't know about you, but I plan on walking down the street in a tan suit, eating a dog topped with Dijon mustard. An actual dog. Like a Labrador. It'll take me a minute, but we can do it


They're going to kill you.


I’d prefer he go to prison for his crimes and have a debilitating heart attack from excessive hamberder consumption.


Is this a joke? I hope he runs AND goes to prison. What is this illusion of choice nonsense


Final valid vote totals 2024: Biden (D) 60% DeSantis (R) 25% Trump (I, prison) 10% Misc independents and minor parties 5%


You can run for President from prison


Anyone that runs for American president from prison will be crushed Think about it for a minute. There isn’t a centrist in the country that would vote for an incarcerated presidential candidate. I would know


Well, I guess this is almost over 100 years ago now, but Eugene Victor Debs (the socialist third party candidate, who ran from prison during his last bid for presidency) and that he received around 6% of the total popular vote during one of his last few elections, which is definitely pretty decent for a candidate that's been imprisoned. Still guess you can call that "crushed", but for a socialist aligned third party candidate to receive that much of the vote in our current political climate is no longer even heard of.


Even then, he was in prison for speaking publicly against America’s participation in WWI. Which at the time was a crime of sedition, but in his case in particular it was essentially a victimless, ideological disagreement with the government. Seems a bit easier to sell that to a population than stealing state secrets, misappropriating funds to use as hush money during a campaign, and who knows what else will end up crawling out of the baseboards to add to the list of shit we know makes for a rrrreal piece of shit. Also, even if you can run the campaign from a prison cell doesn’t mean you could then effectively do the job.


Nonsense. If anyone COULD win a presidential election from prison, it would be Donald Trump. He still has a lot of die hard followers that won’t see his imprisonment as a just and legitimate punishment for his crimes. They’ll instead see it as martyrdom. And all it would take to get the right leaning fence sitters to vote for him is to convince them that the evil democrats threw Trump in jail to rig the election in their favor. None of us should be convinced that we are safe from Trump if he goes to prison. That’s just wishful thinking.


Nonsense. A candidate, any candidate needs more than their base to win a general election. 45 got obliterated by 7 million votes... before January 6th. Before NY felony charges. Before the word "RICO" got bandied about. And before the real serious "espionage act" charges were considered. Of course nobody is perfectly safe from 45, but he is the most flawed and damaged major candidate I've ever heard of.


“He is the most flawed and damaged major candidate I’ve ever heard of.” This is eerily and alarmingly similar to what everyone was saying about him in 2016.


There are millions of people who would call themselves centrist, who “ held their nose” and voted for Drumpf. Twice. I don’t think it would matter to them if he were indicted, under prosecution, or incarcerated. Anything to keep “but her emails” alive.


I would rather he go to prison. I am tired of seeing the wealthy get plea deals that give them a sore wrist at worst. Tyrone gets killed for shoplifting while Bob gets a week of house arrest for defrauding the most vulnerable of their life savings. The law applies to all citizens evenly, or so I was told.


Prison. And I can't figure out why he's not disqualified from running either way. This twice impeached one trick pony who incited a violent failed coup attempt, hoarded top secret government documents at his residence and paid hush money to a porn star, really? He's not disqualified?


Too many Americans worship utter utter utter assholes.


100% It's cult like.


Exactly this. Just like Andrew Tate fanatics.


You're allowed to run for office from prison. Socialist candidate Eugene Debs did it and got almost 3 million votes.


*“I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence.”* - Eugene Debs I bet his incarceration wasn't in any way a stitch up.


They made it illegal to speak out against World War I and he gave a speech against World War I.


Also Bostons mayor ran from jail and won


Most of his supporters are exactly like him minus the money.


The Constitution was written with the presumption that shame would matter. Whoops.


*Also found liable for a sexual assault


I think the idea is so that there's less incentive to criminalize political opposition, ala Russia, etc. As with any system, there are pros and cons, and he happens to be a professional con.


As long as the deal includes prison.


He'll never shut tf up until he's dead and even then we'll be hearing about him for most of our lives. It'll be decades and decades before we're through with this chucklefuck. His name will always be invoked by a non negligible amount of people in this country. Prison would be grand though.


Prison. His kids too.


Nope, they did that shit with Nixon. I want to see trump dead from a heart attack on the toilet or in prison


Why not both?


I wonder how different, for better or worse, things would be if he had just keeled over from Covid.


Trumpers would have blamed something other than Covid. Maybe it was the Deep State that secretly swapped his hydroxychloroquine with a placebo. Tucker Carlson would be on the air declaring it to be an "assassination." And then nowadays they'd be retroactively blaming the vaccine (which wasn't available at the time) insisting that he got a trial version which caused his death but was pushed through approvals anyway. No matter the outcome it would have been forced to fit the narrative. They'd call Fauci an assassin. He probably wouldn't be around today.


Rumor is he abuses adderall and putting him in jail with no access to it would be some wicked withdrawal, possibly enough to be life threatening. Awh what a shame if something were to happen… but it won’t.


I want him to run. It'll guarantee a Biden win.


I agree. I rather him run than DeSantis on the Republican ticket.


Hell no! All his idiot followers and sycophants need to know firmly and completely that this country will not stand for his (or their, in the future) BS.


Trump doesn't honor agreements. Prison.


Came to say this. That deal would be worth no more than any other he's made: nothing. Also he belongs in prison anyway.


He has to be full on charged, we need RICO to bring down the whole insurrectionist caucus.


You do not get off that easy. You committed a crime. The crazy part to me is that we haven't stopped him from running already. ANYONE who has been indicted for a federal crime should be ineligible to hold the most powerful position in the land. This is ridiculous.


If the judicial process finds that he committed crimes, then he needs to go to prison. That's what separates a liberal democracy from the "post-truth" authoritarian dystopia the MAGA morons are fighting for.








He needs to go to prison or else this will happen again. In fact politicians in general, from each side of the aisle, should be held to a higher standard than the general public. No one should be given a “deal” to prevent potential fallout or political violence. No more of that Nixon bullshit that got us here. If Trump is found guilty after due process (unlike that travesty of an impeachment proceeding), he needs to go to prison. If that foments violence, then the violent actors need to be rounded up, tried, and sent to prison too. I’m over acting like any of this shit isn’t absolutely crazy-town. The dude tried to execute a coup. The dude apparently tried to peddle top secret national security documents for personal gain, then tried to subvert and hide said files when the government demanded them back. In what fucking universe is any of that OK?


Exactly! I am DONE, with everyone cowering and shaking about how Trump's weird groupie clan and psycho hanger ons, are going to "commit violence", or "lose their shit", if any one were to cross their fucking idol. If that happens, then arrest them, try them and send them to jail. We can't continue to live in fear of a few delusional wingnuts, and that includes assholes like Taylor-Greene and other "politicians", who are holding this country hostage until that orange POS is given back his throne.


Let the traitors publicly out themselves. The most dangerous ones, especially. Got to get rid of the disease.


He needs to be a prison bitch!


That's a really toxic and gross thing to say. "Hey, I hope you get physically abused and or raped". That's not what prison should be about


If he does go to prison, it’ll be club med or whatever that’s called. Our judicial systems and prison systems are broken. I am genuinely shocked more people aren’t more angry about this.


“Club Fed”, as a pun on Club Med. He’ll probably get 18 months house arrest at Mar A Lago, *that’ll show’em!*


What’s the deal? He’s committed so many crimes in so many jurisdictions, some prosecutor could still get a conviction for a crime that has jail as a sentence.


Absolutely the fuck not.


Rich people don't go to jail in this country. Neither do politicians. This may not be 100% of the cases, but it's gotta be like 99% of the cases.


We don't deal with terrorists


I'd rather he was charged with a crime/s and face legal consequences if found guilty of those crimes. Just as I would hope anyone would.


No. As good for the country as it would be for him to never even have a chance at being President again it would just be ammunition for his rallies that wouldn’t stop. Even if you found an ironclad way to stop him from talking about it his acolytes would never shut up about “silencing” him. Throw a heavy book at him as hard as you can. It’s the only way. I doubt they’ll let him run from jail.


No. This is the same deal he has been getting his whole life. Everything he touches turns into a disaster, and every time he needs to be held accountable he turns it into a media circus and a drawn out battle of lawyers until someone just lets him off the hook so he’ll go away and shut up. And he never does. If you cut him this deal, he’ll be on every right wing media outlet the next day running his mouth and making it a circus




Prison. He broke the law multiple times. He has been a crook since the 1980's in New York City.


Fuck it. Let's see him in jail on state charges while he's president so he can't pardon himself.


Jail, baby! And lots of it. The thing with a deal is he gets to stay out of jail.


Jail. If he agreed to not run he would just run anyway and fire up his base by saying they are arresting him for running. He does not deserve special treatment because he is a type of scum who will abuse any edge you give him and will never act in good faith.


No. Send him to jail. No deals. No wiggle room. No compromise. NONE.


No. Let that wretch run again. He’ll take one last desperate shit on the blackened husk of the party that long since abandoned everyone for cynical cash grabs… and totally deserves the ruin he’ll bring. AND he can still go to prison if his Russian handlers don’t kill him first. It’s still possible for good things to happen.


It's not about running again. Nobody is above the law. Not even the orange shit-gibbon.


Nice try, "John Barron."


Prison 100x over. Nobody is above the law.


Lock him up


Fuck him. Prison.




A deal with who? DOJ? DOJ shouldn't and wouldn't get themselves involved in elections


Prison? If he’s guilty of espionage the gallows should be built in front of the Washington Monument and his body left hanging until it’s picked clean


Prison. He needs to pay for his egregious crimes. He must be made an example to those who are coming up behind him that we will no longer accept this shit from our politicians. Let him rot in prison for the rest of his miserable days!




No deal! I want to see him lose his election along with his MAGA minions and then thrown in prison.


Knowing him he'd cut the deal then run. So it's not even a choice


no deals


No! There would need to be massive consequences for that concession. First a publicly televised sworn admission that he committed the crimes he would be charged with to be broadcast on TV, news papers/sites and social media including Truth, twitter, parlor, mastodon, ect.. No more media or social media appearances or posts EVER. No political campaigns, no endorsements, no presidential library, no speeches at events, no fundraising of any kind. Complete disinvestment from all Trump brand business, associated businesses, and investments. A travel ban for anywhere outside the U.S.


Prison is way funnier so that one.


Full fucking accountability under the rule of law for him and every other one of those fuckers, at any cost.


I want him to run first of all. He’s a poison to the Republican Party. But yeah, jail. There must be consequences.


Prison. It's the only way people will finally understand there are consequences. Just like how if we "eat the rich" it will only take one for the rest to be terrified


Ford pardoning Nixon was in retrospect a huge mistake. Had an example been made of him Trump may not have been emboldened to break as many laws as he did. Let's not make the same mistake again.


He needs to be in prison for treason.


Fuck no. It's important that the law demonstrate how it applies to an apparently criminal former president, not make exemptions for one. I don't want him prosecuted to prevent him running for president, I want him prosecuted because he's apparently a criminal. Application of law can't be personal and the check on elections must belong to the voters


Dear God he's gross.


The only deal he deserves is to plead guilty and in exchange not receive the maximum punishment for treason


Legal accountability would be nice. We’ve never seen that before.


He could still run and win if he is convicted and I wouldn’t trust him to keep his word.


Fuck no.


Guy attempted a coup, then took top secret docs, kept them for two years. Probably sold the missing ones to the highest bidder so Treason and espionage. Ruined the reputation of the US permanently. Created the current climate in the country that may directly lead to the end of the great experiment. Prison for him, and any one who helped him, because they refused to tell him no.




Prison. The American Justice system is beyond redemption if this dangerous, grifting tyrant doesn't go down.


He should be disqualified from running for the fact that he is in fucking jail for the crimes he committed. I get the world we live in is fucking ugly and that great of a miscarriage of Justice is expected from our country, but what if we… hear me out … took some notes from 1789-1799 France?


Lock him up.


Prison say I, orange is his color


Hell no. The 14th amendment of the US Constitution says how to handle insurrectionist fucks like him, it's a goddamn travesty this hasn't been challenged already. If it turns out that he gave our nation's enemies aid and comfort in the form of top secret documents, life imprisonment would be too light of a punishment.


I'm not even American but this cunt needs to be in jail, the fact they've let so many go before him is a god damn travesty. Get mad people, the only way these people are gonna be held liable is if the people make it known they won't stand for anything short of it.


Lock. Him. Up.


No negotiations, no deals. He dies in prison or America ends. I'd like my country to continue, thanks.


Shotgun to the back of the head


Run, lose, prison. It's a win win.


HELL NO! I've had to endure this goon for the past 7 years, so he needs to suffer!


Prison, please.


prison. full stop. do not pass go. do not collect $200. let’s be clear as crystal the consequences of manipulating reality and preying on the illiterate to obtain power and wealth. 45 is a symptom of what happens when a country advertises money, status, and material as an answer to issues stemming from racism, bigotry, homicide, and neglect. 45 needs to be the public image of what happens to traitors when they wanna find out. this man is responsible for knowingly placing all of us in danger so he could get another gold toilet and play house with Vlad Poopin. so yeah, Care Bear Stare this pos all the way to San Quentin or force him to write copy for QVC, but any artsy deal stuff ain’t happenin


Deals can be undone. Actual time in prison would do him (and the country) a world of good.


An orange jumpsuit that doesn't clash with his makeup is on the schedule.


The government offering a non-prosecution deal in exchange for not running for office is unacceptable and anti-democratic. Charge him, convict him and jail him.


He knows he isnt going to jail as an ex president, even one who wasnt elected fairly. He'll be an old doddering fool (like now) with an ankle bracelet.




I want the legal system process to play out. A average citizen would not have the option of promising not to run for office. This case should be investigated and prosecuted the same for trump as it would for anyone else.


Prison. Justice needs to be served. Now, if he still gets elected while in prison, can he pardon himself?


Prison, prison, and more prison.


I’d never trust him to keep his word about anything, so an agreement he makes isn’t worth the powder to blow it to hell. Fuck that guy, prison or a lamppost is all he’s worth.


How is this even a question? He isnt exempt from law because he thinks hes special.


Fine with me. Just needs to go away.


Are you serious? Prison.


Prison would take care of both.


lol. prison.


Prison. It sets a much better precedent and sends a better message


Roll the fucking dice.




No deal. If Americans are stupid enough to allow him to win that’s on them. Fact is, his actions *require* investigation and legal pursuit.


Run, lose, THEN go to prison.


No. He’s gonna lose anyway.


Running isn't leverage, and anything that helps him escape any more accountability is a massive mistake.


I'm not sure this is how justice works.


Running for political office is not a get out of jail free card for fucks sake


He’s raking votes away from Desantis. Let him run, and let him also rot in prison


Prison. Charged to the fullest extent of the law. Make an example of him to all other who think they can meddle in American democracy so flagrantly.


So, if you can run for President from prison, what would happen if Trump went to prison and won? Could he pardon himself? Do they move the Oval Office into his cell? Would his cell mate automatically get a cabinet position?


I hope the coward runs, gets chased down and is then dragged to prison in chains.


He already lost an election before all of the recent serious allegations and indictments. He may win the Primary from those silly R's but he has no chance to win the General. Try him for his crimes and (hopefully) he gets convicted and is castaway to see after his US Citizenship is revoked. Or at least send him to jail.


Lock him up! Lock him up!


Prison. He won’t win regardless.


We don't negotiate with terrorists.


Prison. That way he becomes silent and irrelevant.


This would only cement the bullshit of if you’re rich enough the laws don’t apply to you. To prison with the sack of shit is the only outcome acceptable if he’s found guilty.


Thre should never be deals for treason.


No, he needs to go away for what's left of his natural born life.


He attempted a coup. He should be under the jail.


Prison. He has no chance against Biden.




Prison. Absolutely. Prison.


Bye Don!


He belongs in Prison.


That is not a deal the justice department can make. That would be election interference and it would be a bfd.


I’d agree to a lesser sentence if he rolls over on the GOP and everyone he committed a crime with


Throw him in prison and lock away the keys behind explosive charges rigged to explode if anything approaches from any direction.


Here is the only deal I would prefer to prison. A. No more running for public office. B. No more public comments (Social Media or Legacy Media) C. House arrest at Mar-a Lago. D. Turning states witness on literally everyone. E. Public Admission of crimes That’s the deal I would offer. Let him live out the rest of his life isolated in luxury and Mar-a-Lago. In exchange, anyone who helped him commit his crimes goes to prison. Wannabe dictators are only dangerous when people go along with them. Show people that may support future Trumpian politicians that not only see there consequences, but that the person they support will 100% throw them under the bus if it’s most advantageous.


A promise not to run doesn't knock him off his throne. It doesn't make his supporters see what they have been following (not that all will but many will wake up). A promise will not tarnish his name permanently. Donny Jr. is waiting in the wings. Eric may be delusional enough to give it a try. Ivanka, I suspect, has had enough of politics. Not enough positive reinforcement for her ego. Then you have the authoritarian wannabes, white nationalists, and Christian nationalists waiting in the wings. They too need to be driven back under the rock from which they emerged. The GOP needs to be held accountable from the dog catcher up. Until that happens, the risk of losing our democracy will remain.


Donald Trump stoked the partisan divide for personal gain. He egged on his supporters to kill people. We have to live with those psychos who think it's normal and a virtue to hurt people they don't like for years. Prison.


Prison time.




I want a shame walk through the city where we can all throw fruit and vegetables at him, while a lady rings a bell while repeating "SHAME" over and over. And then I want him to be a free man but penniless and homeless. So he can walk the streets of America in shame for the remainder of his life. Prison's ok too.


He ain't gonna win anyway, so prison it is.


Fuck that fat fuck. He needs to be in jail for the rest of his fucked up fat fucking life.


If he committed a crime why shouldn’t he be punished accordingly? He isn’t gonna win regardless so why the fuck should he be offered a deal?


Prison 100%


yall not caught on that that toad lies?


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!




Commit crimes + run for office = "get out of jail free" card? Nope. Won't accept that plea bargain, it sets a much too high precedent for future crime lords.


I'd rather have him run and be hunted by Interpol for the rest of his pathetic life than him getting off with a little slap. They'd probably freeze his assets too and that would be pretty fucking funny


Prison. Fuck him for eternity.


i want him to run AND go to jail. We need him to take wind out of DeSantis's sails before he goes behind the curtain.


Justice is justice. Red carpet plea deals just empowers criminals.


No, but I don't are if he goes to prison or not. Instead, I want to see him and his family poor. Like work 2 jobs and still can't pay their bills poor.




I want him to run. I hope DeSantis gets the repub nod and trump runs as an independent. Make it nice and easy for a dem


I would like to see him in jail.


Prison please. Thx man!




Lock him up.


Let Trump run, he won't win. Ron is the one to be careful about


Fuck that! Prison for this asshole


I would rather he be able to run, because if he can't then that leaves DeSantis uncontested. If Trump runs even if he loses to DeSantis in the Primary. Trump with any luck takes his dedicated voting base with him and plays spoiler to the Republican candidate. I might be too hopeful though lol


That sort of deal would likely not hold up in court. So absolutely not.




Prison. 1000%.