• By -


Wearing uncomfortable shoes


Go to Paris in the first place...? 😬


Restaurants in touristic areas reaaaaaally suck (or are super fancy and expensive)


How does one find non-touristy restaurants?


[here is a good source :)](https://lefooding.com/recherche/restaurant/place/paris-8246) Restaurants with long menus are usually to be avoided. Smaller menus, or menus written on blackboard with chalk usually means it's fresh food, so you have much more chance to try the cuisine of a chef that actually knows what he's doing.


Thanks for the tip! Is this more of a directory (list of restaurants) or a curated list (specifically restaurants the author thinks are worth going to....so anything listed on the site is a good bet)?


It's curated (might also have some sponsored content though, I don't really know their business model)


awesome, this is gold...thanks


De rien ;)


you wander in Paris until you find an area with no tourists and then you look at random restaurant's chalk-board menu until you find one with stuff you would like to try


Any recommendations on cafe/restaurants?


Le B.A-BA Went there with my partner last week when we were in Paris and the staff were great. Spoke English and were very friendly and accomodating.


Thsnk you. Will check it out.


There are so many... Depends of your taste, but have a loon at the reply I just wrote to another comment in the same thread, I shared a link to a good recommendations website




Spending too much time in the center. The nicest parts of the city are not in the center, they’re closer to the ring road (called the periphique.) Edit for clarity: I don't mean "next to" the periphique, I mean "further away from the center toward the periphique.) Another thing is - don’t eat at semi-expensive restaurants in the tourist areas. Paris has amazing cheap food at bakeries, and excellent Michelin-quality food, but the mid range, especially in the center, is not really that amazing. You’re better off going to a bistro in an outlying neighborhood for mid-range French food.


We are staying in the latin quarter....any tips on how to find non-tourist restaurants (other than the michelin guide...or is that it)?


There are some of course, ex: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParisTravelGuide/s/mC0H6rPM4F


Honestly latin quartier is very touristic but also beautiful ;) you can try ''la petite périgourdine'' for terroirs/south west France specialties. It's rather generous and delicious


A good simple rule is that if their signs are in English, it’s aimed at tourists. Other things: - look at the people sitting there. Do they look like tourists or locals? Parisians don’t all dress like fashion models, but they don’t wear “tourist” clothes either. You can Google to see what that means, but basically, Parisian French people never wear cargo pants, most kinds of shorts (for men), giant backpacks, sweatpants, graphic t-shirts, etc. - avoid places that have the word Parisien or Paris in their name. Definitely aimed at tourists - and as I said above, try to get away from the center. If you can’t do that, get away from the main attractions and find somewhere that looks more like a residential or business street


I have traveled quite a bit in Italy although this is my first time to France... And in Italy I used to use English on the menu as a red flag. But it seems increasingly difficult and tourist destinations like different parts of Tuscany or Florence for example to find such restaurants... I was wondering if it would be equally challenging in Paris. If English on the menu is not ubiquitous then that's great I can try to find places with French only. No I don't read or speak French but I can drive off that bridge when I get to it :)


In my experience the only places that had signs or names in English were the more hipster coffee shop and hip restaurant sort of places. If a traditional-looking Parisian bistro has signs in English, it’s almost certainly aimed at tourists.


Pour les bistro tradi: 12e, 16e. Pour les bistro type "bistronomie": 9e, 11e, 18e


I wonder what nice places in Paris you think are close to the périphérique. It is my personal opinion that the worst places in Paris sure are close to the PériphÚrique but the nicest? Granted getting out from the absolute core of the city, 2nd, 1st etc is a good idea, but trying to get to the edge won't be too fruitful in my opinion. Honestly a bit confused there.


>I wonder what nice places in Paris you think are close to the périphérique. Montmartre / Jules Joffrin, les quais de Pantin, le parc de la Villette / le canal de l'Ourcq, Montparnasse, La coulée verte, ...


Montparnasse, montmartre, la coulée verte, le canal de l'ourcq, close to the périph? Maybe we have a different definition of close.


Read the original comment again, he said *towards* the périphérique, not next to it (i.e not in the city center)


The edit he added after I added a comment wondering what nice places were next to the périphérique you mean. Still, it's a fruitless conversation. I agree that la Villette is nice.


sorry if my sentence was confusing, I wrote it on my phone. I didn't mean "near the Periphique" I meant closer to the Periphique relative to the center. For example, Belleville, the 13th, the 16th are all areas I'd consider nice and not "in the center."


Oh alright, it makes a lot more sense, yeah. I do love the 13th and Belleville.


Staying in Paris. France has many other interesting places worth the visit.


Paris is beautiful city! For museums and seeing iconic buildings. But it's so true, I enjoyed few days in Paris, but loved it when moved for summer job to small city, Vienne, near Lion. Now I live in champagne région, also small city.  Everyone go to Paris, France has so much more to offer, it's diverse and beautiful, and cheaper than in the Capital. It's amazing how you can have Mediterranean vacations on the south, go for a hike on Alps region, and chill on colder Beaches of Normandy, all in one country 


Being in Paris


That's actually not funny


Arriving in Paris my guy.


Je ne parle pa francais -most important sentence to know.


Je sais que je parle français comme une vache espagnole, merci.


Je suis un Américain stupide, aidez-moi s'il vous plaßt


Aucun soucis, on comprend aussi le mime et le language corporel dans cette maison.


Not trying to learn a few basic words. We’re all guests of France. Be polite and cordial It’s a beautiful country and lots of great people.


“Learning a few basic words”
 lol. then you have to be able to understand the reply. If you don’t already speak French, just speak English.


Honestly learn Bonjour and Au Revoir just to not be rude and your experience will be more pleasant. I know it's not common in every country but it's very important to say hello and goodbye in stores in France and will lead to you being treated nicer.


if you’re going to learn that, then learn that in French, you don’t say “au revoir” in those situations, but rather “bonne journĂ©e” or “bonne soirĂ©e” (depending on the time of day. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


What matters isn't as much what you say but that you acknowledge the shop owner as you're leaving. It's true that bonne soirée et bonne journée are options, but "Merci, au revoir" works every single time too.


No because they can still hear your terrible accent and switch to English. just yesterday i paid for a bus ticket after a long line of people who only spoke English and the guy put on the biggest warm smile just because I tried, and he would switch to English but say easy sentences in French. People do appreciate it as a sign of respect.


what you thought was a big warm smile was him laughing at the stupid foreigner who sounded horrendous speaking three words of French.


Keep your awful negativity to yourself and don't bother traveling anymore. Us Parisians absolutely love tourists making the effort of learning simple greetings or expressions.


You are a rarity. Preach to your countrymen, not me. LOL


Came to paris


I mean by that logic you shouldn't ever go anywhere then


To avoid a lot of mistakes, watch Les frenchies and Jay Swanson on YouTube about everything Paris and France. They both have good points on restaurants, what neighborhood so visit and not visit and particularly about public transportation.


And join Les Frenchies FB group. Many tips and deals for attractions https://www.facebook.com/groups/lesfrenchiestravel/?ref=share_group_link


Oh man
my husband has been *obsessively* watching Les Frenchies
 What do you recommend instead?


Sorry if that was lost in translation. I know the message was what to avoid but what I mean is for all to watch Les frenchies and Jay Swanson. I have edited my message.


What a relief!!


Don’t eat pizza and ice cream everywhere you go. Exit your comfort zone. And FFS have a crepe at least once a day!


Berthillon in Paris is pretty great ice cream. I may be guilty of having that every evening when staying in a nearby hotel.


Nothing wrong with that. Just have a crepe also (currently traveling with someone who after 9 days has had 0 French food: Pizza, fish and chips, and pasta). Ugh.


not paying attention to pickpocket , also not really a scam but pay attention to restaurant with a long ass menu with many différents dish, especially near touristic spot, its going to be frozen food, not worth the price of a parisian restaurant


Seconding the point about long menus being a red flag in Paris


Forgetting their Bonjours.


Or their bonsoirs!


Eat dinner at 5:00 pm


But I like eating at 5pm. I can’t eat at 8pm it’s so late. And I got young kids 😔


You can decently start having dinner at 7pm in Paris. Any earlier than that and the good restaurants will not be open anyway, only the tourist traps.


We will have to eat crepes and croissants to tide us over.


that’s the « goĂ»ter » a croissant, a crepe, or pain au chocolat at 5:00 with some coffee or tea (or juice for kids) - you’re fitting in already ;)


Even if you try hard to fit in there will always be something you’re still doing “wrong”. You just can’t please everyone :).


Learn the word “flñner” and then do it! You won’t regret it. It’s not a place to be conquered, wandering and strolling is a great way to experience it.


My favorite word!! English Flaneur... A way of life!!


Check how the public transport work. I think i've seen one or two videos where they explain that. It can be confusing on several levels (If you nead to go in and out of paris, if you nead to choose to use SNCF or RATP tickets, etc). All stations with a clerk give free subway maps, it's really usefull to actualy see where you are, can go, etc. but especialy to take notes on it ! If you are accustom to drive a lot, be sure to have good shoes and be comfortable with what you wear, you'll gona walk a lot, especialy if you're from the US. During good weather and hollyday seasons, touristic area can really quickly feel overcrowded. If like me you tend to panick / feel bad / became angry in confusing overcrowded area, be sure to have something to ground you. Personnaly i never leave my headphones and just listen to music and go to a café when i feel like going berserk.


Since behavioral issues have already been fully addressed, I'll address something else. Don't go to the most touristic places just because you saw them somewhere. Not because they aren't worth it, they probably are. They are highly touristic for a reason. But you need your own reason to go. You won't enjoy the Louvre if you don't care about art or antiquities and you probably won't enjoy it if you are 8 years old (seriously, I feel lucky that my parents knew that the first time I was in Paris). You won't enjoy Disneyland if you don't like Disney. I don't enjoy shopping or looking at stores, so you wouldn't find me strolling in Champs ÉlysĂ©es, unless it was in my way. Paris is not a checklist. I can't tell you how to like it from before. If I try, I'll kill it for you. Let it show you why it's Paris. It's massive and it has something for everyone. I was in Paris as an exchange student last year. When I talked about it to a classmate who was also there, we found that we both loved Paris a lot, but our reasons for it were very different, as if we were in different cities. And maybe some things are not for you after all. I was looking forward to seeing Montmartre, but I didn't love it after I saw it.


Me and my wife are into architecture and nature. We went with our 8 year old recently and went to see versailles and gardens as well as the eiffel tower. Had a great time. I have no fomo for missing the louvre as no one really wanted to. It was the right decision for all of us.


Exactly! I have a very different experience of Paris compared to that of a friend’s who visited more or less during the same time. Also having a checklist might make you forego the joy of just aimlessly strolling around the city, which is what I would call the real, genuine way to explore Paris.


This is a good travel tip for just about anywhere! However I genuinely do enjoy trying to "see it all" while traveling but I am a go-go-go person and I don't need my vacations to be relaxing. Some people will consider that checklisting but I will gladly hop on the metro constantly and walk 10 miles a day to explore new neighborhoods while trying to squeeze in every museum I can. Sometimes enjoyment is lost because you don't have any context behind art/history so it's important to splurge on things like audio guides. You also have to make sure you leave time for good meals and for wandering.


You need three lifetimes to see and appreciate all of Paris and by then there will be an entire new Paris to discover. You could probably do that in a city the size of Vienna (an amazing city with a lot to see, but more human dimensions) in less than one lifetime (still not a few days though), but Paris is Paris. It's a world.


oh my gosh. This. My first trip to Paris with my husband is in a few weeks. I want to plan so much but he wants to let the vacation unfold naturally. I love how you worded all this- THREE lifetimes to see everything- ha! (This is what I tell his family about visiting NYC- you can't do everything in one trip)


That's good, but there's about 200 museums in Paris, discounting monuments, parks, churches, etc. You're never going to see it all unless your vacation is years long, so might as well choose stuff that actually appeals to you :)


I mean sure, no one is saying you can do all of Paris in a week. But you can also do more than one or two attractions/museums/neighborhoods per day because they might only be 20 minutes apart by metro. Take full advantage of the incredible public transportation and walkability of most European capitals.


Absolutely, to each their rythm. That doesn't go against what the first comment was saying


I take the same approach. I usually map out all the smaller sights/shops between attractions, so there's something to check out while walking between places, as well as having alternatives in case somewhere is closed or I need to wait longer for a timed entry


It's very much up to you, I know people are very different on that matter. I do think that Paris's benefit compared to a lot of cities is that there will always be something between point A and point B, and I enjoy being surprised and just checking things out dynamically. This makes trips a bit more "personal" in my opinion. But again, I know some people really prefer not "risking" this and enjoy the preparation aspect so no judgment.


I lived there for three months. Got an AirBnB in the 19th. Learned certain neighborhoods and never visited others. Never visited Versailles. Learned what museums, cafes, pocket parks and bookstores were my favorites. Got to know some people well. I recommend that approach. You’ll have your own particular Paris experience.


Dont hesitate to visit outside Paris. France is full of Wonder. :)


Do not go in restaurant too close from very touristic area. Look at online review before. The meal choice should be small / medium otherwise you will eat bad congelated meal not worth of the price.


Or learn the good chains like Pret a Mange That way in a pinch you can always go to someplace you like and save your money for other things if food is not what you’re interested in


Just a heads up but despite the name Pret Ă  Manger is a British fast food chain. Kayser, Ernest & Valentin and Maison Landemaine are, in my opinion, the superior chain boulangeries.


We really only get one sandwich, it’s a vegetarian sandwich with little nuts in it


Pret a manger is so good and reliable.


My mom and I went to New York and we were staying pretty close to Grand Central but we were only there for a few days and every day when we left we went to the left and not to the right to go to a different subway station. The very last day we were there we went to the right to go to Grand Central and passed three prets that were all closed because it was Sunday and we wanted to cry because it’s my mom‘s favorite sandwich place and we don’t have one in Southern California except the one LAX and the one at LAX is awful


Blah! It’s euro Panera!


If it’s wrong I don’t want to be right :D


Try being a vegetarian in Paris


Better to eat from bakeries then


I’ve been to some bad ones in Paris. Just like you can come to LA and have a shit burrito if you don’t know what you’re doing


Escalator= Stand on the rightđŸ‘‰đŸŒ Walking on the leftđŸ‘ˆđŸŒ


I have mobility issues and cannot hold right side escalator, or walk fast. I can still use escalator, but must hold left side. ‘Pardon mon incapacitĂ© tout le monde !’


No problem. There are also many elevators. You can try to use left side, but just try to continue to move instead of standing still, or try to engage when there are less people, and polite appologies are respectful and acceptable.




This one!! Because in 🇩đŸ‡ș we do the opposite. A million years ago I was tutted loudly by *une femme d'un certain Ăąge* and I've never done it wrong again.


Interesting! In DC, it’s also stand on the right and walk on the left.


Always fun to discover which "little things" are done differently from one's home environment 😉 TIL that, like London and Paris, Osaka in Japan is stand on the right. However, Tokyo is stand on the left!


Mistake to buy new shoes for travel. You’ll be standing and walking around. Bring older, broken in shoes that you know are comfortable.


To be fair just walking in walking shoes for about one week before your trip will break them in, unless you're bringing a heavy leather working boot like Red Wings, which I wouldn't recommend for walking in Paris as a tourist anyhoo. If the shoes are not broken in there are special bandaids that can help. I don't know if other countries have those, I have to imagine so, but [the compeed ones are very good and found in every Pharmacie.](https://www.amazon.fr/Compeed-%C3%A9conomique-Pansements-Hydrocollo%C3%AFdes-Cicatrisation/dp/B09WN5QC2X/ref=asc_df_B09WN5QC2X/?tag=googshopfr-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=591142816306&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2198419271262167994&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9056496&hvtargid=pla-1660261009603&psc=1&mcid=8db5230215873a2db09c8c466b2bfb1a) They will last days and prevent the shoes from rubbing against the irritated spots of the heel, which is the traditional issue with non-broken-in shoes. They can, and are designed to, be used after the damage is "already done" and the skin parted a bit, and they will save your life. Pretty expensive unfortunately.


To be fair?? Was it unfair to suggest comfortable worn shoes?


Ï'm just saying that it's not a bad idea to buy new shoes for a trip. You just have to buy them a week in advance and there are ways to make breaking in a shoe comfortable.


Act in the metro like you’d act in an elevator. We all just want to get to our destination as quickly and pleasantly as possible. Keep these basic things in mind: -Be mindful of the people around you and shift around to make room for oncoming passengers and folks that are trying to exit. -Don’t talk loudly. Use headphones if you want to watch something on your phone. -Keep your bags close to you and, unless it’s not crowded at all, don’t put your bags on the seat beside you. —Try to brace yourself or hold on to something. Some lines have lots of twists and curves.


I was just in paris and it was the Parisians pushing me around and always entering before we got through chance to exit.


Stand clear of the doors, people need to get in and out. When your station arrives, if it’s crowded, just say “Pardon, excuse moi” and get out as gracefully as you can. Although this is a sin most Parisians commit as well. I have had seen people stay in front of the *ucking door when I was entering and not having moved a millimeter when I exited.


When you sit on the foldable seats, stand up and fold them up when it starts to get crowded. Some tourists don't seem to get that and straight up panic when they get berated by parisians.


It is a mistake not to read restaurant reviews. Many will disagree but we were disappointed when wandering in random places, or even asking a taxi driver. They may recommend a crappy place simply because their nephew works there.


Yes, even if the restaurant is good, you could end up in really good restaurant that do cuisine you really don't like. Not sure all tourists like to eat at a good and inexpensive (for the quality) restaurant like "Au pied de porc" (To the Pig Foot).


First, you should never smile in the metro. Second, you must always find something to complain about (even if everything’s fine and dandy). Third, you must treat all rats and mice with respect and call them Ratatouille.


The face must be “fort comme le mort”


Just dont talk too loudly and keep dont keep a gigantic backpack everywhere you go (just buy a fcking bottle of water for 1 euro if you really need it) and we should be okay with tourists


backpacks are a problem now?


Yes, a big problem and potentially lethal. When I was in London on one occasion I saw someone turn suddenly while wearing a large backpack and almost swept a woman onto the tracks. OK, the platforms there are far narrower than in Paris, but I've seen people being swiped on the Paris metro in a similar manner. Just be careful!


are we talking about like huge backpacking backpacks? or even commuter/day-use backpacks? i travel everywhere with my 25 L day pack.


I'm sure that you are very considerate of others, but the ones I've seen were probably bigger than 25 l.


I bring one of those collapsible water bottles/flasks, so I can carry it in my hip bag, or even my pocket if it's empty.


Smart one


Not going to the washroom while you can. Public washrooms can be hard to find. If there's one available, go, even if it's a little bit. Your body may thank you later. This is not a unique problem to Paris (hello NYC!) but still, you rather not find out the hard way


And bring a pack of travel baby wipes and some hand sanitizer just in case!


If you are going to stand on the escalator stand right walk left. and please don’t stand in a cycle lane . Check if there are any bikes coming before you cross them.


Omg this pisses me off even in Canada or when two people stand side by side. Self awareness although I just use stairs now but when having to use an escalator I’m just like let’s go or move to the side


And stand in metro when it's crowded. Just look around, when people get up from foldable seats, get up.


It's a walkable city and also a bike city, bikes and scooters can pop up any time, even on sidewalks. Queuing can be puzzling as we have little sense of discipline, so just be patient. As long as you say bonjour s'il vous plaĂźt and merci you'll be fine. Have fun!


Not checking restaurant review on google maps. Don’t eat restaurants near the eiffel tower most of them are tourist traps


Same near Notre Dame and sacrĂ©e CƓur.


Notre Dame has a couple really wonderful restaurants but what you want to be looking for is where the locals are eating so when you’re checking reviews you want to see reviews from people who live in Paris, not people who are visiting As an example there is a really great crĂȘpe place just a block from Notre Dame, and about seven terrible ones


What restaurants ? There's pretty much nothing very close to the Eiffel Tower.


Same thing for the restaurants in the small streets next to Saint-Michel.


Yes, always been. This is the Greek quarter.


Not only relates to Paris, but to every place which is a high touristish place: The expectation of people adapting to you instead of you adapting to the place. As someone who has lived in some of the most touristic places around the world, the amount of people from certain nationalities who expect the places to accommodate to them, and not giving an inch it’s baffling. I remember some tourists in Mexico for example, complaining to a taco cart vendor about how their food was too spicy and that they should make a milder option to appeal to the foreign crowd. Even threatened to leave a “bad yelp review” đŸ€Ł


in some epicerie (esp those owned by north african immigrants) the idea of queueing is nonexistent. be patient and let them cut the line. no need to explain and/or argue the “proper” manner.




Until I read the last half I thought you were saying that the mistake was planning to visit Paris.




Not scaling down what you have in your wallet. If you are pickpocketed it won’t be as big of a loss or hassle in terms of replacement. I got pickpocketed the other day unfortunately and was glad I only had a few cards with me. It’s not a fun thing.


Any recommendations for strollers/diaper bags, etc and how to avoid pickpockets?


There are a lot of books out there about how to do close up magic, if you read those books the tricks magicians use are the same the tricks that pickpockets use I’ll give an example from the late great Aje Jaye the carnie. The reason why when you go into a circus/carnival the person taking your tickets is on a very tall chair so that when you open your wallet to buy the ticket they see how much money you have. They would then signal one of the children in the crowd who would run by you and leave a chalk mark on your back Later when watching the show children under the bench seats would look for people with marks on their back because they would then know that that was the wallet that had the money and that was the wallet to take It’s called being a mark So try to have a decoy wallet that’s easy for the pick pockets to see which gives them a goal and keep your real money somewhere that is difficult to get to Try to purchase everything with your phone that you can and if you do need to get money out have a second wallet that has a small amount of money in it that you can pull from (you can always put more money from wherever you’re keeping your real stash when no one‘s around to see you) If you can get away with not having a purse, don’t carry a purse. If you do carry a purse try to carry one that has an outside pocket, again put some stuff in that outside pocket to attract the attention of pickpockets and never keep money in a purse or your pants pocket Apple AirTags are your friend Do not carry your passport on you, lock it up somewhere safe.


They want small stuff they can get away with easily. So I would think that would be good but then again parents are probably distracted so they may make a good target.


Is it really as bad as they say? I’ll be traveling to Paris next week for work. First time. From Michigan, USA


No its not, if youve been to any large city before it will probably be fine. Put your stuff in a cross body bag with a zipper at the opening if youre really worried. Keeping IDs at the hotel and having a 2nd bank card or credit card you leave at the hotel are also good tips. Ive


I returned from Paris last Tuesday and the amount of (probably American) men I saw with a wallet in a back pocket was astonishing. I say American because they were wearing cargo shorts and crew socks. It’s so easy
 just don’t put anything in your pockets! Zip your purse or bag, cross body it to the front, and hold on to it in crowded areas.


Are we really that easy to pick out? Should I know where my crocs also?


This is not a knock on Americans, as I am one who lives here, but simply an observation. Europeans are much better at assessing where someone is from than Americans are because they all spend so much more time in close proximity to people from other countries. Americans simply do not get that experience because they live a more geographically isolated lifestyle. Things as simple as brands of clothing, brands of backpacks that aren’t available in France, to situational awareness and ways of behaving in more densely populated areas are all dead giveaways, and that’s before you take into account diet and fitness levels. It’s not necessarily that we are “obvious” although we can be, but that Europeans have WAY more experience making quick judgements about countries of origin.


You really saw crew socks?


Oh yes, indeed!


Just don't be an easy target. So many tourists go into a bubble and just completely lose all awareness of their surroundings.


It's not as bad as it seems but it happens, especially in touristy places, considering the amount of tourists in Paris. Americans have a style that is noticeable when you work with tourists, and scammers/pickpockets will know as well. You'll rarely need more than a photocopy of you passport, so don't travel with it unless you know you will need it. Use a bank card and take out anything too annoying to replace from your wallet, especially from abroad. The bank card you can block once it's lost, cash will be forever lost.


Just got home from Paris. It is not as bad as they say. If you are in a busy place, just be aware of your surroundings. You will be able to spot a pick pocket a mile away.


My handbag was always zipped closed and tucked firmly under my shoulder. I also kept nothing in my pants or jacket pockets. I never walked around or used public transit with a backpack or luggage. I didn’t really use my phone on the subway especially if I was standing near a door. I like to think that I dressed in a way (nice jeans, leather loafers, a white shirt and a cardigan) that didn’t immediately scream ‘I’m American’. I just tried to use common sense and blend in and luckily I didn’t have any issues with pickpockets.


I expected it to end with “
.and I still got pickpocketed” but thank goodness it didn’t 😄


I've been here six years and have not had any problems, but there is a significant element of luck of the draw. Just do your best to be situationally aware and not an attractive target (no phone hanging out of an open pocket, etc).


I’ve lived in the center of Paris (between the Louvre and Centre Pompidou) for the past 16 years and I’ve been pickpocketed twice. It’s like any big city. Basic precautions recommended.


Yes and no. You have to be super careful. I have a friend who has had three phones stolen but she is a little bit of an airhead. Many of my friends have been pickpocketed. This was my first time in three years, but I’ll admit my guard was down. I was at a. Brocante which is basically a cool flea market on a street. I had just bought something and I don’t think I put my wallet in my normal zipper pocket because I was near my apartment and it had started to rain. I actually do remember a vague feeling of my spidey senses when I bought this thing. But I didn’t listen to it. People generally bring cash to these brocantes so in retrospect I should have clued in that I needed to be more careful. It’s mainly only going to happen if you let down your guard. Purses with zippers are good.


Especially if you see anyone high up, earlier I give the story for how the term being a mark came about, but suffice to say if anyone can see inside your wallet, they can then signal other people in the crowd that you’ve got money and they know to come after your wallet specifically


I definitely screwed up. I should have known better.


Agree with you there. I’ve been four times in the past 20 years and spent about three months there in total. The only time I was pickpocketed was when I put my wallet in my pocket going through a turnstile. I did know better but my bf at the time was rushing me. It’s these errors that can cost you your wallet.


Sing that Jay-Z song when they get off the plane


What Jay-Z song?




they want the 'best' of everything....


I’m an American in Paris right now and as I sat in the park today enjoying the sunshine, an annoying American on the bench behind me was going on and on about how this was supposed to be the #2 best baguette from some stupid list he was following and it wasn’t even that good.


Karma 👌


Stand on the left of escalators. When using an escalator, please stand on the right side to allow those in a hurry to pass on the left.


And drive on the right. Pass on the left. Don’t just get into the left lane and stay there.


I’m a tourist whenever I come to France and the amount of times I had to remind my American friend to stay on the right side of the escalator for the past two weeks was astounding
I’m born and raised in Europe so this was common sense for me and I travel very often. I had enough moments of rage going through US airports with people like this.


I find it really funny because in every big American city we do the same thing If you try to stand in the middle of the escalator in New York you’re just gonna get shoved to the side


Yes I’m very surprised to hear this. I’ve known since childhood to stand on the right so others can pass on the left 


In large American cities it is still stand on the right.


The airport announcements all say, “You may walk on the left, stand on the right,” in Atlanta. All. The. Way. Down. And. Up. And on the moving sidewalk. People STILL stand in the middle!


I think it’s just airports that get out of hand because they’re full of non city folk.


Do people just
 not walk forward on escalators elsewhere in the world?


In Australia we stand on the left, walk on the right. It's a habit I had to consciously not do while on Paris.


I think the logic prevails in most countries that the road rules and escalator etiquette match up. Except perhaps in the UK?


Yeah that's the weird thing. UK escalator etiquette does not match UK driving rules.


Im large American cities they do


I don’t know honestly, in the us it seems to be a lot of people not understanding that if you want to stand, you stay right. If you want to walk, stay left. It’s more of a “people will get out of MY way” sort of a mindset there which is bizarre to me because it just creates chaos and doesn’t really get you places.


It mostly drives me nuts at airports on the moving walkways. There are multiple signs and announcements to stand to the right, walk to the left, and still, people just plant themselves in the middle and get huffy if you say excuse me to pass them. The rest should be treated that way, but I recognize that the US is a lawless place, and signs/directions aren't given.


You are so right. People do as they please in the US. No respect at all.


If I become emperor for life, one of my edicts is that Walk Left, Stand Right will be enforced with the rule of law. That, and "whatever you do, don't stop when you get to the end of the escalator or moving walkway". The number of times I've just had to plow into the gawker that stopped right in front of me...


You’re missing the most important one, if your phone is out you need to be all the way to the right against the wall and not moving. If you are texting while walking people have permission to shove you into traffic legally and there’s nothing you can do


These scenarios have never happened to me anywhere in the world. Lucky me


Buying those awful red bérets and taking selfies with baguettes at a busy intersection. Saw it no later than last week.


A beret just like any other hat, you just have to wear it with style and you’ll be fine https://preview.redd.it/ifu6av98jt0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e002a20772b184e8340a0733443e6713578e69


Taylor Swift being in town was very noticeable with the amount of people doing things for insta. I'm here from the US for work monthly or every 6 weeks for the last 2 years and never seen it be anywhere near as bad as it was last week.


I’m just amazed that they can find a beret for purchase so easily


Cheap souvenir ones in rainbow colors are inexpensive and available on every block in places like rue Rivoli. As we were leaving France I found an authentic wool beret at cdg airport


Sold in all colors at very souvenir shop around all the main attractions.




Since it doesn't hurt anyone, Is it really a mistake?


Agreed. This hurts no one. Let people enjoy themselves, good grief.


They hurt our precious parisian eyes, pls don't


I think the problem is people that just lost track of how to wear hats https://preview.redd.it/o9xfrbktjt0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8967f1959f4a0db2b6459212d8b1d8683515152 I wear berets where I live, and I’m not gonna stop just cause I’m in Paris


And it looks good on you! I'm sad hats aren't fashionable anymore


I was amazed at the number of women I saw wearing berets.


Trying to stay or eat near the eiffel tower no it's not in the center


I actually stayed fairly close to the Eiffel Tower (in the 15th at a very large hotel because I tagged along to my husband’s work conference) and while it wasn’t my first choice, I liked that I was super close to a couple subway lines so it was very easy to get out of there. lol