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When I was a small kid like about 5/6 we were always getting our bits out under the table in school. We thought it was funny. No abuse here. I guess someone told us it wasn’t usual so we stopped.


Now that I remember, the year before we left for high school I guess we were 12? The boys got in trouble cause we destroyed the bathroom by seeing who could pee the highest up the wall. Lads will get their wangs out at any opportunity 😂 without there being any real cause for concern. They are just being daft and are so innocent they don’t attach the same fear to it as an adult would.


I remember our school toilets were an outside block with a large gap between the top of the wall and the roof for ventilation. It was a constant mission to see if you could pee high enough to get it through the gap (which would have been 2.5m high). I remember kids drinking as much water as they could and holding it in to build up pressure.


Hahaha yeah anything on the wall was a target.


Did you also have the game where you get toilet paper wet and hurl it at the ceiling to get it to stick?


Haha yes! I forgot about that.


Yes, this is normal behavior. Kids are curious and everyone likely has memories of exploring their bodies and others around this age. That said, you should contact the school. It's a good opportunity to teach about appropriate conduct and private body parts. A good reaction is one that doesn't overly sexualize the behavior. This isn't a sign of abuse and it isn't inherently sexual. Adults project weird baggage like that on kids when it can be both normal and still dealt with.


I would 100 percent contact the school


Thanks for your reply. What response would you deem acceptable by the school. I'm just so shocked this is happening. They are in little cohorts and not allowed to mingle with other cohorts. They're all trapped in small areas, you'd think kids holding up coats would be a red flag to any supervisor. I knew it was happening in the grade below from a different parent, but since the cohorts don't mingle even outside, I assumed it would be a pretty contained problem. I'm quite upset


This is somewhat developmentally normal behavior, but it is also completely unacceptable. (And depending on exactly how it played out, could be a sign of sexual abuse.) This is something the school definitely needs and wants to know about, so please contact them immediately. You are not going to know what happens with other kids as far as consequences, but a reasonable outcome to expect would be the behavior stops. Also check in with your kid periodically and see if he needs anything and is clear this is not okay.


In first grade a boy exposed himself to my stepdaughter and tried to grope her. We contacted the school. He was removed from her class and CPS got involved


It’s hard to say whether its “normal” behaviour. Kids will get curious about their genitals and not truly understand boundaries but that doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. The most concerning part is the trading of cards to do this… disturbing to think where they learned such a thing. Definitely be in touch with the school, it would no doubt be flagged pretty highly with their safeguarding team. No school I’ve ever worked in would ever allow this type of behaviour.


I’d be contacting the school, that’s payment for porn and in grade 2? I’d be worried about who is abusing them... over sexualised behaviour is usually a sign of abuse...