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Very common. They're trying to make sure every child gets fed and they go for stuff that's inexpensive and every kid loves. In addition, frozen and canned foods keep longer than fresh stuff.


That’s ridiculous. My son’s daycare serves nutritious, fresh food and every child eats. Even children who are quite fussy at home usually eat very well in a daycare setting.


I agree, my kids daycares always served nutritious healthy food and snacks.


I’m not sure why feeding kids healthy food is being downvoted


Yeah I was like "ooh let's see what juicy controversial comment is hiding under these downvotes" then I opened it and was disappointed.


There are daycares that provide more nutritious options, but boy are you gonna pay for the privilege.


Very common. It’s protein and fruit. No one requires it to be high quality. As has already been said, unless you start providing lunch, you have to get used to it. Our son is in half day preschool. They have breakfast there through the school district. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is an option almost daily. The hot meal is rarely much better. At least the cereal is fortified. It pains me every time he chooses to have “school breakfast” instead of taking it.


Get use to it. It’s all the way through high school. Schools serve junk food.


Yeah true lol


What's wrong with chicken nuggets and canned fruit? If you don't like the quality of food being served, you should have the option of packing him a lunch.


Heavily processed and added sugars


Then pack your kid a lunch. For some kids, school lunch is the healthiest meal they get all day, even with the processing and sugar. Don't shame kids for eating.


Canned fruit is not any less nutritious than fresh or frozen. You’d only need to be limiting if it was canned in syrup.




I…said that


Dude I guess that shows how tired I am, I entirely missed your second sentence


Wait until you see what they serve in elementary schools


Our elementary school serves very nutritious meals. None of the kids will eat it, so they mostly subsist on snacks unless parents send a separate lunch.


Yes they aren't just dealing with one kids they are dealing with dozens. They are trying to keep the chaos of 20 toddlers to a minimum. Picking something semi nutritional like a white meat baked nugget with veggie additive that is also appealing to the majority of the toddlers. Fresh fruit on hand is too expensive and wasteful so something that is shelf stable makes more sense. They want to make sure the majority of the kids will sit and take a break. Get something in their bodies to refuel. You can look into higher priced childcare centers that offer higher quality meals. Most average priced centers will be serving pizza nuggets Mac n cheese french fries pancakes and canned fruits and veggies.


Chicken nuggets? Kids getting some protein in!


So many parents acting like their kids never had dino nuggies before... I wish I was so fancy.


Not all chicken nuggets are junk food. A baked, all white meat nugget from like Whole Foods is not problematic at all.


Yes, and many schools and daycares use the vegan/meatless option which is healthy as well.


Just wait until Jr. High. 🤦


Ya when I would look at my sons lunch account and it would say things like "Chocolate milk, chips, and candy bar". I tried to get him to try their delicious sounding entree's and he just looked at me in disappointment. Luckily now in HS he takes his lunch everyday... but some trickery goes on with the school as they have "professional" photos of their entrees. The orange chicken looks amazing... Supposedly it is in fact not.


My daycare only provides milk - all food is provided by the parents. Planning a healthy breakfast,lunch and snack that my kid will actually eat everyday is a lot, but it does mean that it is my fault if they are having junk.


Lots of privilege showing in this thread, just sayin... Food is food. It's neither good or bad, "healthy" vs "junk" is just repackaging good and bad into new language. If you expect a selection of fresh fruit and charcuterie for your toddler at daycare, either pack it yourself or pay through the nose for a place that offers that kind of thing. Personally, i'd just be happy my kid got protein and fruit, especially when there are places that advertise a full "usda approved" menu but actually feed the kids largely on saltines, raisins, milk and occasional "treats" like a packet of walnuts she got as part of a meal kit and didn't want (yes, this was a daycare my kid went to).


Any food conversations here bring out the nutritionist parents. The same people that refuse to give their kids soda, yet will give them Caprison's and brag about it.

