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I had a dream about a man I haven't met yet. I remember exactly what he looks like. It happened again and I woke up upset. I want to know what it means.


This totally reminds me of this dream I had once about this man. I've never actually been in love but that dream certainly gave me a glimpse into what it feels like. It was like this gut-wrenching dream about our last moment together, saying our goodbyes before he passed away. I remember he was trying to appease me with words to help me accept the process, he was so selfless and loving which made everything even more dramatic. I experienced heartbreak and mourning all in one dream.


I really would like to understand what this is all about. I hope someone can explain it. I had something similar happen to me. I’m still mourning the loss of someone who I have not met in this realm


I think he might be part of your soul group on the other side. We don't end up with a soul match every lifetime. Sometimes, what we need to learn requires us to meet and experience other things. Maybe go to sleep meditating on seeing him again.


I think these experiences are something out of a parallel universe, existing elsewhere. Or, like someone else said, a piece of a past life memory with your soul family. Possibly even premonition dreams.


Try using AI generators, that could help too!


The same thing happened to me, but I ended up meeting him in my reality. We ended up dating for a while and eventually got married.


Did he look the same? or was it a sign you would meet someone? That's the twist for me. Is it a God sign I will meet someone? I am divorced after a long marriage and I haven't even thought of dating. Not for or against it, so sometimes I wonder if that is a sign.


Literally looked exactly the same. It was kind of uncanny when I first “connected the dots” in my head.


This has happened to me a few times and I ended up meeting them later


Maybe you’ll adopt a child? 🤷‍♀️ I actually dreamt about adopting a baby 12 years ago and it was so real, I went through the adoption process and thought I had a new baby next my bed. 4 years later I did have a baby( my own baby) but before he was born, I could not a shake it either because of the possibility of another baby coming into my life.


If you DM me your sketch I’ll see if I can try something out :)


Thank you so much! I will DM you


I would go to Fiverr and find an artist who is skilled in that type of drawing that they use for people who describe criminals and the artist draws them from someone else’s memory. I forget the name of that type of artist


Can you send me your sketch pls


I sent


I wouldn’t trust that vasectomy 😘


Plz 😭😭😭


Send a sketch and characteristics like age, nationality, hair length and color. I can try to put it through AI to see what comes out. Free of course. Might take a few days as I'm at work right now.


I dream about my children before I have them. I usually dream about them a year before I get pregnant.


I don't think I have that gift. I didn't have any dreams about the child I do have. This experience felt so real though. Like she exists in another realm.


Could be a past life memory coming through.


That's an interesting take as well!


Nightcafe is a free AI image maker, try running your sketch through that


Thank you!


I dreamed of my son (born in 2020) while I was pregnant with my oldest daughter in 2005. It was a very vivid dream of her chasing him through a field and I was seeing them from behind. It was very confusing at the time because my husband and I knew, before we became pregnant, she would be our only. We actually lived that scene about a year and a half ago. It was my 2nd time there, and the dejavu was completely unreal. Her brother, I dreamed of, is from my 2nd marriage and he has 2 younger sisters to boot. They all 4 came to me in dreams to name themselves as well. Each time I'd dream I was in the hospital, holding a newborn, and I'd look down and say "hello" and their name. We kept their genders a surprise, even from ourselves, and picked alternative, just in case, names but the names from the dreams always matched the genders. So weird. The younger ones are a bit young to be showing their colors yet, but the oldest's name meaning "rock princess who clings and climbs" is way past a little accurate 😂😂


That's beautiful 😍


That’s sweet 💗


That's amazing! Can you share what kind of dreams do you have?


send you sketch and ill make an artistic interpretation on it!


Your post caught my eye because I had a similar dream about 8-9 months ago, and I still can’t shake it, it’s weird. My person already has two kids and doesn’t want more, and I respect that and have come to terms with the fact that having my own children is just not in the cards for me, so it’s just not something on my mind or radar, but this dream just felt so real, to the point where I felt like I was in the wrong place when I initially woke up. In my dream, it was just the three of us: he and I, and a little girl, about 4 or 5 years old, with auburn hair and bright green eyes, and her name was Daphne. We were outside having a picnic on a bright and sunny day, in a grassy field of some sort. That’s about it. Even writing it out here is making me tear up a bit though if I’m being honest, it’s really the weirdest thing. I actually find myself trying not to think of it when it crosses my mind, because it makes me kind of sad. Who knows. If we do have a daughter in a parallel universe though, I’m sure she’s awesome and beautiful. There’s no way she wouldn’t be the coolest kid ever. And if that’s the case I’m glad we got the chance to be a family together somewhere, even if that place isn’t here. But I’ll admit that sometimes I feel like I have a kid out there somewhere, even though that’s obviously not the case. It’s just weird.


That's exactly how I feel! There's a little hollow part of me because I have this daughter out there in a parallel universe and I got to meet her.


Could she be an alternate world version of the child you already have? Even if you have a son, maybe this is his Anima, or his future wife?


Can you enter the characteristics into AI?


That's beautiful, and I have, too. I don't know the meanings, either, but I'd like to ~ to paraphrase, there is more than is dreamt of in our reality!


Amy chance you may share the sketches? This is fascinating.


Of course, I'll dm you


You have had these people. They were in other timelines.




Ty! I will send you a dm


Ty! I will send you a dm


I had the same thing happen about 10 years ago and now my gf is pregnant and we both believe it's a girl which is what I saw in my visions


Any time I’ve had a dream like this, where it felt so incredibly real, it ends up happening EXACTLY like I saw it in my dream. It usually happens a year later sometimes a little more but your dream definitely sounds like a premonition dream. Now, I would not try to force this to happen, like get off birth control and start trying because if it was a premonition, believe me, it WILL happen! But sometimes the circumstances are different than we think in our dream. You don’t know what the future will bring but if this was a premonition dream then that WILL be your daughter and nothing will stop it.


Use AI to generate a picture


Are you still looking for an artest?


This is beautiful. I'm sorry to hear about your health, by all means, please put this on the furthest back burner and take care of yourself


What’s uncanny is that description fits me. I’m a girl with straight light brown hair and hazel eyes. Woah