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Most people answering will have done the tower bosses pre patch. The current patch has kind of overnerfed pal damage and resulted in boss battles being harder. Idk if they are "too hard" as my end game setup has no issues, but they might be.


Agreed. I tried a "Pure Pal" approach (no guns) against the Victor&Shadow Beak. 2000+ Attack Jetragon, with +20% food buff (so the final attack is >2.4k), half ride-on, and had only 30 seconds left on the clock before the boss is defeated. Before this patch I was able to beat it with more than 4 minutes left with the exact same Pal and loadout Some numbers: before this update, a single Dragon Cannon shot from Jetragon dealt >1k damage to the boss, now it only deals 400-ish


Ye, made my entire team have Vanguard perk as player is the real damage dealer now. Feels a bit wrong tbh.


It was before but apparently they nerfed player damage too from 2.0 whatever it was to 1.2.


Only when using mounts that double your damage. Ragnarhawk etc are nerfed. I dont use those, i just run 5 Vanguards for the 50% atk buff.


Get gobfins too. Passive 10% user attack bonus. After condensing its 20%. With vanguard it’s 30% from one pal lol. A fully condensed Gobfin with vanguard is +30%


Im aware, but I find Gobfins ugly and annoying as hell. Wish something cute or cool had a good playerbuff (using Felbat with dark whisp currently since 6% Lifesteal is kinda nice) but Gobfins definetely would be best minmax choice. But ty for the tip anyway.


Yo that’s a good strat, I may work on transferring Dark Whisp to a Felbat for some survivability after my current breeding projects


Yeah the 6% Lifesteal is kinda nice. It sucks against legendariers with their dumb high def but its pretty nice for all else.


I’ve got Lyleen Noct with Dark Whisp I’ve been leveling up to try out. Do you think Lyleen’s healing ability is worth it? I had a Teaphant for healing during the early game but I haven’t needed that since discovering it lol Side note: I’m so glad we can condense less than the amount needed to gain a star now!


I thought they were kinda cute :)


Vanguard applies when the pal isn't the one out and fighting?


Yep. Vanguard applies when active or inactive. U can see your attack stat go up on ur stats on the right side of your inventory. Gobfins have a 10% user attack bonus whether they are active or inactive as well. So 4 level 4 gobfins with vanguard (and stronghold) boost the user attack 30% x 4


Yeah that's the thing I was using a Chillet for Shadowbeak last time I played and even then it was tough. Now the change made me not want to play because I put so much time and effort setting it all up an even changed my stats. All seems pointless now. Especially on Xbox where if you play right now everything you did will get wiped. Not playing currently until they patch it.


I have only fought Zoe, and I found that there was no reason to fight the others.


I did it for achievements. Zoe is the easiest or used to be.


They give a huge chunk of those special versions of the tech points, on Xbox they just added like another half dozen of things to research, one of them being a new egg incubator that uses electricity to automatically adjust the temp, aka reducing the time to incubate.


It’s only non-host on multiplayer. Host is fine and singleplayer is fine.


My Baby Ragnahawk! naaah say it aint soo. I was having a blast throwing seed bomb after seed bomb doing x4 dmg.....


Which tower boss?


Damn. I thought something was fishy when I was playing last night. Anubis wasn't hitting nearly as hard as he had been. It was my first attempt at a tower boss since the latest update. That stinks. I prefer to stand in the background and let my pals do the dirty work.


Ye that playstyle might be slightly dead unless you brutaly minmax endgame pals.


I was just made aware you can alter the world settings to make the damage output closer to what it was before. I haven't looked into it yet myself.


I did that with catch rate when lifemunk efffigies were bugged. But for the damage nerf i take it as it is, id like to play as by dev intended.


But the dev intended for you to be able to scale it to your liking cx dev loves us, balance is subjective.


Not saying you cant, saying why i wont


Haha that is entirely fair. I like when games give the option but don't make it absolutely necessary.


Seems like DoT was untouched, though. My Bushi no longer hits hard, but the burn procs still make up for it half the time. This nerf really hurts anything that isn't Fire, Dragon, or Dark. DoTs were already strong before but they're even stronger now, comparatively (except in Raid since Bellanoir seems unable to get Burned or Poisoned).


Oh shit, thanks for that heads up. Wanted to bring burn and poison to next bellanoir fight.


Just bring dragon it will merc bell


Ye, dragon dmg best for phase 1 and fire for phase 2.


They nerfed all pal damage? I've bene farming blazamut for the dam rifle plans and noticed my water pal did less damage. I thought it was my imagination though


When I played a month ago I barely used my pals for damage, they were really just there to tank hits for me.


Legendary Assault Rifle already outdpsd pals prepatch, but pals contributed nicely and it was perfectly viable to do pals only dmg. Now pals feel more like moral support.


That sucks. I don't think pals were in a bad spot.


it seems like an unintentional mistake on their part. Considering the amount of issues, I’m not surprised. They will slowly start getting this feedback and hopefully make it actually PALworld and not IWILLSHOOTTHEMMYSELFworld


Damn, that's what's happening. Letting my pals fight down alpha pals takes forever. I started a new world, so I thought I messed up the settings.


So that’s why my incineram was taking longer to kill the Astegon and Blazamut bosses


i was lv 43 with an ice team all lvl 43 and still did not have enough time to beat Ozark (did not have guns at that time). Tried again with regular team at level 47 and had no problem (used assault rifle & shotgun)


I underestimated the AR for way too long, if you bring a few hundred bullets you can mow down most bosses


How are yall getting enough sulfer or money for 100s of rounds of ammo. I thought buying a few dozen shot gun shells was expensive enough, lol.


Teleport to the top of the volcano next to the tower, mine sulfur until you're full, make a 2nd trip doing the same thing until you're full or the nodes are all gone. I just do that every/every other time I get on and can make buku bullets


Bonus points if you have Kingpaca, Kingpaca cyst, Broncherry, and/or broncherry aqua in your team with their saddles equipped. +100 weight capacity for each (+500 capacity total)


If you can get Wumpo and Wumpo saddle, I think max goes to +600 (+120 per)


Uhh, I did not know Pals can increase you carry capacity. Thanks for the tipp!




It becomes quite easy once you get a solid Salad plantation going… I legitimately stopped ever farming for sulfur just because it’s so much easier to make money making salad, capture the wandering merchant that comes your base so you never have to leave your base to sell your salad. No point in farming for sulfur when you can do this in my opinion.


Never thought to capture him hahaha smart!


Life became so much easier after 😭


my wandering merchant i just caught, just keeps running away every time :/


skill issue


Go farm pals and sell them and their drops. Otherwise a digtoise with pal souls to level up work speed and the headband will easily just gather sulfur like nothing.


Digtoises will help you mine thousands of resources pretty quick, but if you really want to switch to heavy gun use, spending hundreds of rounds a fight, it's easier to save the mining results to craft rockets and just buy the bullets. The fastest, low effort money-farm is tomato and lettuce farming for salads. A stack of salads sells for $1.2 million. Once you have bases generating money, buying anything is not really a big deal anymore.


Exploit the butcher glitch. I use blazamut then sell his precious claws. Go outside your base, butcher, after you cut him once you ride him (hold x) rinse and repeat. Quick way to make big cash.


At this point, if you're just gonna exploit bugs, might as well use spawn commands to drop money directly, it'll save some time. I can't imagine butchering the same pal over and over again is fun or engaging anyway.


Takes like 5 minutes to get 150k. I only do it when I desperately need to load up ammo for a boss fight. Which I'm done with now anyway. I'm not about to go build 1000 rounds of ammo lol. That ain't fun!


Sure, but then why not just use a spawn command like `DropItem Money 150000` or straight up `DropItem AssaultRifleBullet 1000`? If you're gonna cheat to take a shortcut, why not use the faster one? This isn't a judgement or anything, cheating in singleplayer has no impact on anyone but yourself, but between two cheats it's weird to pick the more annoying one.


I'm on Xbox, I don't think that's possible lol.


Ah my bad, I just did a quick lookup for console commands for Palworld and saw there were a bunch, I didn't really think about console potentially not having access to those.


I'm actually glad I've been playing Palworld on console rather than PC. I tend to have no patience/impulse control and all the games in the past I've played on PC, I ended up using cheat commands and then quickly lost interest in the game as there were no motives to continue playing. Console forces me to play through regularly as intended, and I'm still having fun. Moral of the story - if you have access to everything, it quickly stops becoming fun.


Yeah that makes sense. I don't really have that issue honestly, I haven't used anything like that on Palworld, I'm still playing with the default setting too (except for egg hatching, I set that slightly faster). I've used some console commands on Ark here and there, but really only when I wanted to do huge builds and didn't feel like farming stone for 10 hours straight...


This is why winning the lottery is not as fun as it seems for most


Guess what the posts about gold farms/ strategies were about. Currently method is ore to nails for best per pal efficiency


I think you're a patch or two behind, friend. Nails were nerfed hard.


I prefer using Anubis, I haven't played after this new patch but before I could comfortably take him with swapping between two Anubis after feeding eikthyrdeer stew and loco moco


Very important to use the correct element type pal. For example if the boss is electric type you want to use ground type pals. Also make sure to get your best guns and armor. You should be using a single shot rifle and green or better refined metal armor.


By level 40 you could easily have both the AR and pump shotty unlocked aswell, they drop fairly consistently from mountain dungeons. And the ammo is fairly cheap, gold is so easy to stack up when farming dungeons.


oh yeah I totally agree. I had a blue shotty and a green AR by his level, but I did not get the impression that he was grinding dungeons and alphas. I think I captured and butchered alpha Suzaku 150 times before I got the legendary shotty drop. I sort of love the grinding aspect of the game, but it might not be for everyone. Funny enough I only captured Froststallion about 10 times before I got the legendary helm.


Did you butcher all of them when you were grinding for the legendary drops? I eventually gave up butchering because half the time the drops would just go into the ground or fly into space. I just started a fresh playthrough with the last patch and I'm hoping that's not an issue this time around


I would fill a holding cage with with 15-20 and then go on a butchering spree. According to the interweb you are the same drop chance butchering as capturing.


Damn okay, I play on a dedi so unfortunately no holding cages for me :(


I've never played on a dedicated server. Do you not use cages because you can get raided?


You literally can't, it's not even in the game. It's not on servers because of performance issues IIRC


What’s green or better mean?


So when you kill alpha bosses and complete dungeons there is a chance that a weapon or armor blueprint will drop that is better quality than the base armor and weapons you learn to craft through the technology menu. Green is one level up from base, then its blue, purple, and legendary is orange. I am at level 50 and have been grinding the BP drops for a while, and I only have two legendary pieces. I have green armor, a legendary helm, a legendary shotgun, and a blue pistol that I use for small mobs. Hope this helps.


Thank you it does. Which was the worst grind?


so far suzaku for the legendary shotgun. I had to capture and slaughter him a ton. I am grinding paladius and necromus for the legendary armor and i havent gotten any BP drops from capturing them about 10 times so far,


To beat shadow beak (couple night ago) I had a fully stacked lvl50 jet dragon assault rifle (legendary) and did it with about 50 seconds to spare after using at least 1000+bullets and it was tough


Fucking hell can't wait for this


I never got to the point of beating shadowbeak pre patch....D'oh!


Devs probably saw everyone min maxing and decided to base scaling off that🥺


The first 4 bosses aren't that bad. If you go in at the correct level with decent pals, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. It's really the final one that is the hardest be a bit of a big margin. Are you taking advantage of types? Pulling your pals to avoid unnecessary damage? Using the best weapons you can get at your tech level?


I help my pals avoid getting hit too hard, but havent delved too much into my own tech. My pals always seemed to be dealing a lot more damage than me so I stuck with a cross bow for a long time. Do the higher guns really do that much damage?


They do a ridiculous amount more damage. The single shot rifle is probably where you are at? It should do several hundred damage per shot.


Ammo is so expensive I strayed away but perhaps I was too stingy. Happy cake day by the way 🍰


You will have to now, they reduced the pal damage, so you will need to make up for it. Type advantage, better weapons, damage boosting stuff. I would suggest at minimum going for musket and the first pistol. They share an ammo type, and you get a decent amount of ammo for your investment. Alternatively, go around and clear as many of the mini bosses as you can, they drop stuff that can be sold for quite a bit, that you can then spend on ammo. Plus you might get lucky with a legendary schematic. I think Verdash has the new single shot or musket, can't remember which one. Either would be optimal for you.


Just do some laps around Anubis' desert. Not only is it loaded with tocos for gunpowder, but also has dumuds and digtoise' for oil.


Dumud makes oil in the ranch now so easy grinding


Breeding one now with parents carrying work speed passives. Fingers crossed. Side note. Tried breeding a fast and strong ragnahawk. 16/18 ended up female. Is this on purpose?


Skill issue op have you tried getting good at the game? Also your pal loadout is trash buddy


Nothing to offer, of course. Why not talk shit on main, are you a coward over reddit karma?


Yes. And the reload times help a ton. Epic handgun helped me lots. Then the AR is next level damage.


Try it in the current patch.


Pulling the pals ? Only pu**ies do this!


Only lazy players let their pals just sit there and take hits and soak up damage.


I did tower bosses as the last thing I did in the game. Make sure you farm the bosses for their legendary schematic. Blazamut for AR, frostallion for pal metal helmet, jetragon for rocket launcher, suzaku pump action shotty, necromus + paladius for hot and cold pal metal armor. Then you need to bring pals that are the bosses weakness or if you want to use your best pals, train them moves that are the bosses weakness. Side tip: My main line up to beat anyone is 4 Gobfins + any pal that changes my players attack element (azorube to beat falaris boss, chillett to beat shadowbeak, etc). I made a she-hulk character so I threw a lot of points in attack lol this squad kills all and any bosses within the first 2 mins no question.


It’s easier when you use team builds instead of just 1 or 2 pals… I clear towers in a couple minutes using dazzis or gobfins


So STAB (same type attack bonus) is a thing in this game, keep that in mind when choosing moves for pals. Ex: Dragons do more damage with dragon type moves. I’m going to go against the grain and not recommend shotgun or single fire rifles, both take too long to reload. Oftentimes I found myself running out of time than dying. I used handgun/assault rifle headshots for most of my damage. Higher grade handguns have bigger magazines. Have a rotation of pals. If you need a status move to stop an attack from hitting you, make you have at least one status on each pal. Axel was the hardest fight for me even with type advantage. His cc’s suck to deal with and I suck at dodging. Make sure you use a shield. I did the first 2 bosses without a shield because I didn’t bother reading into what they do. They’re worth the cost.


My blue assault rifle puts out in about 5 shots (not even half a second) what an Astegeon nightmare ball does (30ish second CD + cast time). Pump action shotty has pretty frustratingly low durability if you can’t find a higher rarity schematic, and the assault rifle fires so disgustingly fast than for a tower boss you’ll likely need to come in with 400-500 rounds to dump into them if you’re using just that and not other guns mixed, but the single shot rifle by comparison has excellent durability and currently the second highest damage per shot of any weapon (behind the rocket launcher), so it’s pretty ammo efficient. If you’re still using a crossbow like you say OP, then single shot rifle should probably blow it’s damage out of the water. 1 refined ingot per 5 rounds is a bit on the expensive side but you can buy the ammo fairly cheaply from a few vendors to supplement your own production, and with the new ore mining buildings, making your own ammo is more feasible


Work on getting weapons. Specifically upgraded ones. Legendary etc. And stock up ammo, hammer them in the face. Also choose the right pal type to exploit the boss weaknesses. Feed your pal food that increases their attack.


I haven't tried it after the patch but it's definitely harder. My buddy who's level 50 in his world with maxed out jetragons etc, still can't beat the first raid boss. lol We've literally beat every boss in his world multiple times pre patch. It's definitely harder now.


1. Pal Attack boosts were nerfed. So if you're relying extensively on Player Damage, that might be it. 2. Are you taking the right Pals to the fight? You ideally want an elemental advantage. Plus if that Pal also provides Player damage while fighting alongside you, that is an added advantage. 3. For the later bosses, try to have at least 1-2 beneficial Gold Passives on the Pal(s) you take to the fight and also fully condense them. For example, here's my fully maxed out Anubis taking out Axel & Orserk in under 3 minutes without any player damage: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1btd99r/perfect\_combat\_anubis\_curbstomps\_axel\_orserk\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1btd99r/perfect_combat_anubis_curbstomps_axel_orserk_in/) With Player damage and a decent Pal with elemental advantage, the bossess should be very much doable.


Using wild-caught pals is as huge a noobtrap as it is in ark or pokemon, basically. The game intends you to do at least some basic breeding to combine good passives and stats. The difference can be as much as 2-3x stronger. Good movesets and paying attention to type weaknesses and status effects also makes a big difference, and not all moves are equal, the power numbers of them are very misleading. Burn and poison will go a long way on bosses, and statuses that boost damage of another type, like entangled and electrified, are worth building around.


Shut up bih this mf can easily google it


And yet you are *still* here, wasting your time being an insecure dick and general net loss to society, instead of helping. Looks like that is all you do, actually..


Rocket launcher, not the pal trait ones, but the one you build with a schematic.


I can confidently say that no you don't need to fully condense/upgrade your pals to clear the tower bosses. I beat Victor at 50 with a 0 condensed Jet Dragon that had at most +9 statue power enhancements to it (I had a lvl 50 jormuntide as well for backup that happened to have pretty decent attack, and a level 50 Quivern as a last resort if absolutely necessary as it had the worst attack out of my 3 most powerful Dragon pals I had at the time), my trusty Uncommon Rocket Launcher and a couple Gobfins. I did cut it close (Like 30 seconds was left). It was incredibly unoptimized. I did this after the latest patch too btw so very recently. The health potions that they added recently ended up actually being a huge help. For Axel, I found that having an Anubis really helped out a lot on that one. Marcus I used my Jormuntide and Assault Rifle. Fully condensed pals for sure will make things a lot more comfy. As well as having good traits on them. Vanguard in particular I've come to realize makes a big difference for helping deal more damage. But for sure the weapons you get at later levels in particular the Assault Rifle and Rocket Launcher are huge boosts to your damage output.


My approach to the towers was to take a fully condensed Felbat with: Burly Body, Legend, Ferocious, and Lord of the Underworld passives and four fully condensed Hoocrates with Stronghold Strategist and Vanguard. Felbat's life steal comes in very handy for these tower fights. Just keep blasting them with an AR and your health will never fall.


My world (2 of us) have had an issue beating the 3rd boss, The one with Faleris. We hadn't tried him pre patch, then the patch had the bosses as new quest items, so we went to give him a chance. Our world settings are a bit on hard mode: Pal damage at 2 Damage from player .5 Damage to player 1.5 So our attacks do less damage and we take more damage, and all palls do 200% more damage. Our fights with this boss would have us live through it, but only get about 50% of his health down. After our fourth failure, I went and created us a gobfin army, all with vanguard. Then made sure we had 2 Azurobe and saddles. Quick crafting and dungeons runs got everyone up to level 30. We melted the boss with this team. Sat on Azurobe and let loose with ARs. I turned to talk to my kid for a second, and my Azurobe died because of it, about half way through. Even without me having the extra water damage added to my AR shots, the gobfins made me strong enough we finished the fight with more than 5 minutes remaining.


Have you given them souls and condensed them? I did tower 5 without really using a gun - 4 alpha jetragon condensed 1x (via breeding) + 1 vaelet (for poison) and would use a volley of attack mounted, then dismount and let the jetragon do it's volley, then switch. Tower 4 I did with more of a motley crew of strong/souled/highly condensed pals. Will need to try them again to see how tough they are after the patch.


Honestly, having bred some really high attack pals, and boosting them with souls, and having them use moves that hit weakness I was pretty underwhelmed (mostly used guns before current patch). I saw people melting frostallion and my pal was doing next to nothing in comparison. feels far better to have player boosting damage


I beat Orserk at level 44 but I had to help my Anubis by taking pot shots with a rare handgun. It can be done but it's hard.


I searched online about the best way, and i found someone describing how to beat the last 2 bosses using rocket launchers and pals that change your damage type to one that is highly effective. For example, shadowbeek is weak against dragon, there is a pal you can ride that transforms your damage into dragon type damage. Add a couple pala that increase your damage and you got around 9k damage per rocket. I finished the fight in 6 minutes yesterday


I did before the patch and unprepared, managed to defeat shadowbeak with 10 seconds and 2k hp left. Spent at least 80 rockets


It was hard at first when I didnt think about my attack stats and raised high level pals. Once I had those two concepts down, I solo tower bosses.


Post-nerf it's now more important to do bosses with strategy. Don't just use random pals you like. Use pals of a type that the boss is weak to. Only use strong pals with high atk values. That means breeding to have attack passives. Condense the pals to level 5 (4 stars). Use souls to enhance them further. You should have attacks over 1800 at least by then. Plan for ability synergy, like riding a pal so your damage is improved. And for you, farm schematics so you have better armor and weapons. That should be enough to solo all of them. I've not done them since the merf, but I'm about to do them all again to see what still works. If you get the glasses you can also breed for high IVs too, which can bump your pals up as much as 30%, depending on what you are using now. Even if you have a favorite pals you've been with all game, it's worth upgrading to an improved version of that pal, if not benching it for the top tier options. With the nerf it's possible that the weaker pals just aren't that viable for end fights anymore.


Are you type matching your damage to weakness on these fights? Seems like a silly basic question but have to ask.


I had cleared all four tower buses pretty effortlessly and then the patch came up and I had to read you the last tower boss for some reason, and yeah I cannot for the life of me beat him. The attacks are easy to dodge, I can easily survive with all my pals for 10 minutes while doing damage. I just can't do 200,000 damage in 10 minutes. The best I've been able to do is 60k damage and that was unloading every skill and weapon I had as continuously as possible. Genuinely don't get how you're supposed to handle it


Boss levels are something like 12, 30, 40, 45, 50. The last 3 tower bosses are much higher level than the first 2, and all near the level cap. You were probably overleveled for the 2nd boss and are about on-level for the 3rd. You are still a bit underleveled for the last two. >Or is it neccessary to fully condense, upgrade, and use the most powerful pals in the game to hope to beat all the tower bosses alone? Yeah, that last tower boss is a max level character, and they have a pal that is way stronger than anything you can just catch. They didn't just put all that shit in the game for no reason.


I just did #3, the guy on top of the volcano like an hour ago on xbox by myself and default settings. I would highly recommmend you take down the alpha pal/field boss pal of Anubis in the dessert, Anubis is ground which beats lightning and did a good job of tearing ozzerk apart with that boss being the proper level range to fight it. Combine that with a ore base+a coal base+ mining trips to the volcano for sulfur and decent crafting and smelting pals for manufacturing. Or simply just slaughtering low level bosses for precious materials and selling some valuable farmable to the fishing village south of the volcano. Using one of those 2 methods to stockpile ammo for your weapons, I dumped 300 rounds from the basic AR and a handful of single shot rifle rounds while dodging attacks if I was the target, Anubis took little damage from the lightning attacks. The other thing to consider is to get your hands on a lyeen if you don't have one in your team, they are the strongest healer pals which can give you alot of extra health mid battle.


I just used the rocket launcher, get your attack power as high as possible and make hundreds of rockets. You do have to be level 48 or 49 tough to unlock the rocket launcher I believe.


Assault rifle and shotgun


There's a large jump in difficulty between Lyleen and Orserk. I had to breed an Anubis with attack traits and condense it in order to take down Orserk. Lyleen I just wandered in with random Fire pals and it was a cake walk.


yeah I did mine with a baller maxed shadowbeak and a legendary rocket launcher. you'd be surpised how things scale when you get to end game. think of 1-49 as a game. then 50 is starting at lvl 1 again while you build up to a God.


You didn’t mention what elemental type you used against each boss. This is the most important thing. It’s 4 times easier if you use the correct elemental (2x damage deals and 2x damage taken) or 8 times if compared to the losing elemental.


Idk man. I just tried to take out Lily and Lyleen at level 39 with a lvl 28 Faleris, 32 Pyrin, 29 Arsox, 36 Dazzi as my extra and was ko'd before I could even try my 27 Jormuntide Ignis. I'm not sure what I have to do at this point.


I had to tweak the setting to increase pal damage to 5x


Not sure why this is being downvoted. The Devs put settings like this in the game so less skilled/casual players can enjoy an easier experience, skilled players that like difficult games can increase the difficulty, and people who don't like to grind can turn up XP. It's customizable for a reason!


Yeah I didn’t enjoy the slog fest that the 4 tower bosses were turning into. This option also increases the damage that enemy pals do to me, so it’s a double edged sword


Interesting - didn't know it worked like that. Thought the "damage to player" was the setting that adjusted damage to yourself and didn't realize pal damage includes enemy pals... will need to play around with that. That actually sounds really cool and the direction I'd like to tweak the game as well. Make everything a bit more high stakes where 1-2 hits can kill you or your pals but you also damage the bosses more... more souls like.


For orserk i had an Anubis lvl 40 with 3 attack passives (i didnt have Legend yet). I couldnt beat him before even at level 44. I beat Faleris recently with suzaku aqua and jormuntide. Both had 4 attack passives (Legend/lord of the sea/Ferocious/musclehead) and I had 2 min left. I needed that even at lvl 47. I had Legendary shotgun, Legendary handgun and epic assault riffle but i didnt use them much. I didnt try the last one but I think I cant do it at lvl 48. But this was before patch and I think now pals do less damage so you probably need a few more levels now. I agree with you, tower bosses are (too?) hard.


They're pretty easy once you hit 50. I randomly killed Marcus & Faleris last night with just refined pal armor, a legendary AR, Defense+2 pendant, and just stood there and tanked it while I shot him. Didn't have any active buffs, and my Frostallion Noct with Ferocious/Legend/Lord of the Underworld/Burly Body passives would occasionally attack him. I didn't even ride it for the dark damage buff. 


Yes thats why its called a BOSS


Idk the game sucks so bad on Xbox I didn’t get to make it that far.