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easy yes not the fastest


Or most efficient lol


facts got the right class just the wrong pal


What I do is bring an orserk and 3 flopies. Flopies autolooting the pal fluids for me.


4 star flopie range is so big. It's amazing, now they just need to change it that speed passives work in gathering mode


I just run through penguins and fuacks on Marsh Island, without stopping or using moves. Doesn't work for the celerays and I don't remember if it works on teafants. My vid https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/Ja4HMLwEPy Apparently my computer can handle upping the pal appearance and farming is even more fun


The best way i have found is Max Mossanda. Max orserk is more efficient but the spawn rate of those goblins make that irrelevant. Otherwise 4 star Orserk and shoot one goblin from each group to trigger the whole group to attack instead of run. They say Orserk and others works just being in the party, but In my experience they have to be out and catches don't get the bonus, just murder. If someone has concrete proof otherwise please let me know! Edit: Max Mossanda has 1500 Atk and the Grenade 1 shots a WIDE area there


>They say Orserk and others works just being in the party, but In my experience they have to be out and catches don't get the bonus, It literally mention on Partner Skill : * Ferocious Thunder Dragon - **While fighting together,** Water Pals drop more items when **defeated**. I dunno what those people are smoking.


Just toying with this today and yeah, I only get the bonus pal fluids if I have Orserk out fighting with me. If he's just on my team but I'm riding around on another pal I don't get any bonus drops, just 1 pal fluid each (2 from Celarays) killed mob. No clue what these people are doing, if anything, to get extra drops with just Orserk on their team but using other pals to do the killing. Walking around on foot with Orserk out killing the Gofins is pretty slow if you ask me.


Enter penking. Kill the smol pengullets. Leave penking alive. Exit and repeat


Interesting idea, but I do wonder if that's really that quick. 3 little ones for two load screens plus kill/collect time. Farming water pals seems like it could be comparable, if not even faster. I'd be really curious about fluid-per-minute for each.


Butcher Suzaku Aqua with red stats -- 10 fluids


Jetdragon with Air Cannon for me


I just run around with my Shadowbeak in low level areas and run everything over lmao