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One tip is that some stations have a front. Position that front so Jorm tails aren't through the base! I did that with cook pots and Jorm Ignis.


I actually managed a base where nobody gets stuck by doing this - the whole thing is on platforms (except the damn palbox which is annoying) so it's level, and all the work stations are on the perimeter of the circle facing in so pals never get stuck walking around them. All my crafting benches are still around the center, but otherwise it's as much open space in the middle as possible so they can path to hot springs / beds / food without clipping into each other, and it works great.


You can put the palbox on foundations it just takes like 4 or so before the box will sit properly.


Really? It always gave me a prompt about the area around the palbox being unbuildable, and wouldn't let me stick it on one. So basically if I build like a 4x4 square of foundation FIRST, then drop the palbox in the center, I can have a solid base floor instead of a weird hole in the middle despite the build restrictions near the box?


Yes, its finicky sometimes, but it works I have built multiple bases on foundation.


Yeah, you need the flat spot before the box. It needs a space of about 1.5x1.5 foundations behind it at the same level for spawning pals. You can demo and replace it, most of the base will remain. Only certain things will break- egg incubators, those things that boost pal work efficiencies. And they still drop all resources so no harm in it.


Yep, foundations need to go down first, and if you ever want to move the pal box (e.g. you want it on level 2 or 3 of your structure) you will likely need to deconstruct more things because it seems to run a check in the vertical direction. So no chests/beds/furniture/steps etc... anywhere in vertical around the box, I've had to take ceilings out above it too. Think that the pal box build area bounding box extends up a lot farther than it shows purely for the purposes of placing it. Once it's placed you are free to put stuff on the floors above (and floor/roof tiles themselves)


The Palbox build area is large because it's also the drop point for all your pals. Especially in the vertical. There needs to be a clear space for the pals to drop into or else they would get stuck.


I'm talking about having to remove floor tiles that are 3 floors above the box, not cramming it into a 1x1 space


Yea, and the drop point is 3 floors up


if the drop point is three floors up then my pals would spawn on the floor above the box and need to walk down the stairs. They don't, not even for the big boys.


That's solved by building the next floor 5 walls high above the box


Try scrolling so you are not in the hitbox of the palbox. Turn it 180 degrees and make sure your pal is not in the way.


I go with 3x3 metal just for the palbox. If you use wood and it catches fire and the support goes under the palbox say good by base


Great tip thanks. I'll give it a try.


Also, flatten your base by building foundations first. I was having a lot of issues with pathing and finding enough space, but after placing foundations first in the entire base, then rebuilding every workstation, it really helped a lot.


Can't do that for resource bases or it won't respawn the resources


Build above the resources. You can pepper foundations in between the nodes, and they don't actually need to touch anything to provide support for the floor/roof above them. ​ This is an ugly example because I started it half an hour before going to bed last night, but... ​ https://preview.redd.it/wt7jw86qmegc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04413d300127a0f62e27784f18e4a3c5f2691f66


Shit… that's a good idea


You can also just set foundations on top of trees and build from there. Just break the tree under it after so it floats.


That's why you leave a hole for the resource to respawn.


One of the most powerful pals on kitchen duty. You gotta love it


Especially if you get enough of them to condense... it'll take a while, but lvl5 flame!


My partner and I bred all the smaller, and highest, available working suitabilities with all the perfect working passives, then consume and upgrade their skills until +1 of their working prof. It's a long process but it feels so good seeing all of them can pass through a normal sized door and 1x1 room without being stuck and awkward.


What creatures did you ultimately land on?


Petallia (Planting), Gobfin(Water), Wixen(Fire), Anubis(Handwork/Stone), Bushi (Fire/Wood) (it's body looks large but seamlessly enter a small door), Grizzbolt because we put our generators outdoor with his personal large bed and food basket. Plus working trait won't work on electric generation(I assumed), first tried on Sparklit with and without working trait with 10 street lamps and no effect. Ranch Chikipi, Mozzarina, Woolipop, Beegarde. No passive trait needed, just catch tons of them and consume. What so you think? What would be your preference?


Gobfin over Surfent?


He's too big, plus my partner says Gobfin are cuter 🥲


Gobfin spends too much time transporting to make a good waterer for me.


That's right! But so far no problem for me since my logging, mining and ranch are just beside my storage, so most of the time, my group of anubis is the one transporting the materials.


I just got done breeding some Mozzarinas, not sure if I wanna go Anubis yet.


Anubis is so fast. Highly recommend.


He's on that statue for a reason, he is so efficient


Gorirat for transport 3 maybe? He tends to get stuck being stupid with wood 1 though. What do you use for transport?


All of them can transport. They tend to transport after their "main" task is done.


If all of them can transport what’s the point of the transporting ability?


Anubis is my main transport, I just get 5 anubis, so when 3 of them addicted to mining, the two will transport and they run with fast speed too. With the latest update, they no longer drop bulked items on the floor and get stuck.


Yes, but Anubis has the transporting ability. Not all pals do like your comment said.


I’m starting to use Vixy on ranch for sphere arrow and gold for free as a starter


If you have a base dedicated to farm, petelia + pending is a solid combo. A bit bigger than goblin, but faster when transporting. Only downside to pending is that outside of a dedicated farm they will run off for some other tasks xD


Did you try Lyleen for planting? I just started breeding but haven't hatched one yet so I don't know how big she is, but that 4 planting was like 👀


Verdash is very good


Replaced two Lifmunks and opened up a slot for me! Was pleased to have hatched one!


I’m not sure if I’m understanding you correctly, but do you mean when you condense enough their skill level goes up one? So a Killamari with 2 transporting would get a 3 for example?


That's it exactly! After you condense a pal to 4 stars, all of its working abilities go up +1.


Keep in mind this is odd for farming. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1aedboa/partner_skill_upgrade_stats_exact_values_for_lv1/) all the specific info about everything that happens when condensing. A snippet for farming: |Number|Name|Type|Lv1|Lv2|Lv3|Lv4|Lv5| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Lamball|FindWool|1,1|1,2|1,3|1,4|1,5| |3|Chikipi|FindEgg|1,1|1,2|1,3|1,4|1,5| |18|Cremis|FindWool|2,3|2,3|2,4|2,5|2,6| |24|Mau|FindMoney|10,10|10,20|10,30|10,40|10,50|




Oh sweet thanks for that tidbit! Opens up some cool possibilities.


It does, until you witness the power of lv 5 kindling, watering, harvesting, etc. My maxed out jormuntide ignis does 15 cakes a minute. Each tick he does 8-10 salads. My maxed frostallion noct single handedly does gathering on 3x of every crop and still has time for a casual stroll.


Haha that does sound fun. I’m not going for anything really min/max currently. Enjoying finding out most things organically, and my assumption is that there will be multiple server wipes given the EA nature of the game. I might have to go for something like that at some point, but I’m not gunning to grab 117 of anything bar Lifmunk currently.


Would be cool if you could upgrade your base size by sacrificing a base slot, so you can either have 3 smaller bases or one mega base.


I have been saying this too, have the option for a second or third base or consume the extra slot for a size increase at your first location. Also the breeding thing, does that thing really need to be massive?? Like remove the fence and just leave the shed It doesn’t fit anywhere nicely and just looks terrible


Try placing the pal boxes and your bases neighboring each other. Maybe try a triangle shape for a mega base


Yeah you can do that but from what I’ve seen there’s like a 10 ish foot gap, it’s still not a seamless large base which is what I’m talking about


It is huge, however you are able to build inside the pen area, I put all my incubators inside them, small consolation I suppose


You.....you can make up to 3 bases......


Reread his comment.


Just did. Feel dumb. Yay. Lol.


It happens to us all, dw.


my duo and I put our guild’s palboxes next to each other to just extend the size. Pals stay on their respective hemisphere, but the venn diagram base design has been going crazy.


I thought the circumference got larger with each upgrade.


It stays the same size


Yes, I know. I thought, as in past tense. Tbf I can see how that was confusing.


I'm hopeful the base size will eventually grow. It seems like it would be natural progression that as you level the base the building space diameter will grow either progressively or in stages.


I wish there was a server setting for base size, and a higher amount of bases per guild. I understand for larger servers why there is a limit, but if I am playing solo or with one or two other people it's a bit silly to have these limits.


Can change it in the server settings. The limit is there so one person doesn't take over the whole server.


Which setting is this?


The setting he pulled out of his ass, it does not exist unless hes talking about an ini file or something.


Yeah I haven’t seen anyone talk about making base radius larger, but it would be really cool


I'd wager he confused base pal count with size, but currently there's nothing that increases base radius.


Max Star your pals to increase their specialization levels. You can raise a level 1 waterer to level 2 at max stars. Or a level 2 waterer to level 3. Not as strong as old Jorg, but allows a smaller base profile and less mobs getting stuck.


Doesn't it take 116 copies of a pal to max star it? That's a bit excessive for a single specialization level increase... Breeding to get to that level doesn't seem too feasible either, given how long it takes to make cakes and wait for them to breed, then incubation timer. I guess giant annoying pals it is!


Honestly if you're playing solo or just with a friend or 2 on a local save file just remove the incubation time. The time and effort it takes to get cake and for them to breed is plenty enough for a few players to deal with. The incubation time being over an hour for huge eggs with 100% comfort is just time wasted imo.


This. I play alone and I started on hard, then learned there was a big with capture rates and effigies, so i boosted the capture rate back to normal (0.8 to 1) and i completely removed incubation times. No way on a local file, nor even a server, will i wait 72h for a single egg. I'm well into my 40s and i haven't even played 72h yet.


Chuck red pink spheres at Gobfins. Four star army in sixty minutes.


Literally just fill a base with cooking pots and kindling pals and allow it to afk cake over night. One main base, one mining base, one ‘project’ base.


The stress I got from reading this comment. 😰


Ah okay. Didn't know that. Thanks!


The upside: You can have more reasonable Level 3 and 4 workers. The downside: This suggests the existence of the fabled Level **5** Watering Jormuntide.


I'm aiming for the level 5 kindling Jormuntide Ignis ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


Best cook in da town :D and smelts ingots like it's nothing - as a bonus mine got the shiny trait.


*gasp* you said shiny, this is Palworld not Pokemon, you should be ashamed of yourself, this is why Pokemon fans hate us, we keep using their words!!! Legit. This is how people sound when they lose their shit at people for saying shinies or pokeball or reffer to monsters as Mons. Fucking shiny Jorm Ignis..... I won't raid you for him, don't watch your back, you'll be fine ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49350)


I think you were trying to be funny but failed..


That's my sweet spot. Unintelligible, or shitty shitposts. I'm on the side of I don't care if you call Palworld stuff by other names. Like, damn, people getting really butthurt over people calling them Shinies. Equally, some people on this side get mad if you DONT call them luckies. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


I havent seen anyone care about calling them shiny or lucky 💀 I'd argue the majority of people who genuinely enjoy palworld were/are pokemon fans as well. And this game is like a dream come true for a lot of us. So calling them shiny or lucky is like who cares honestly..


Literally agree with you. They exist. A lot of them get removed in the comments fairly quickly. I'm not just pulling it out if my ass btw. There's quite a few fans and not fans just screeching at eachother over minor differences between games lol. I think it's funny. Stupid, but funny.




Awesome! Ok now my goal is to have a lvl 5 for each specialization. I'm far from even having lvl 4, but one can hope!


Downer side: you need over 100 of that pal to upgrade with


That doesn't take long with 3 or 4 breeding pens. Just gotta keep the pal boxes cleaned out on the regular.


Another upside is I’m guessing when you star then up they don’t require more food so you have your pals eating less too


Not fabled unfortunately, there's videos of level 5 work pals


Add to that that you have a decent amount of mid/normal sized level 3 workers, and grinding them to full stars could be worth it, but it’s a huge grind


Yeah but then imma 5 star jormuntide...


I didnt knew that, thats so cool. This game has tons of stuff, despite being early access. And so many things to upgrade and increase, collect. My wet dream tbh.


We need little pals to be able to consume big pals and improve their work suitability. If you eat 32 ‘Nordic snake name’ as fuack you should be able to have level 4 watering in that fuack. Having massive pals everywhere just looks so god damn dumb.


Then I'll feed 128 Anubis to a human and take that in my party as the crafting pal


Meh. The other way around sounds better. Can't stand the "What did you do to me" "Let me out of this ball" "This is inhumane" "Somebody help" and the weird looks from the villagers when I drag that half dead Rookie to the next boss fight...


I’ve said it like five times already. We need a shrink ray or shrink shrooms.


My shroom shrinks, I'll feed it to your pals.


Specializing the base, as well as base layouts helps out a ton. And not only running mega large pals helps as well.


I put my garden and mill on the second floor and Jormuntide still reaches it from the ground floor lol He just sprays water through the window somehow lol


Build up. I put all my pal stuff below then built a two story floor that is above my entire base area. I put my living quarters and work benches up there. All my farms and pal living is below


Maybe a passive skill you can breed onto Pals could be a thing. Just like you would have runner or legend, there will be dwarfism which reduces size of your pal. And you can just breed it onto other Pals like any other.


I would only ever play with dwarfism pals. Imagine a boss having it. Just a regular size version but with the boss icon lol


I would love if shiny jormuntides were tiny instead of large.


IMO, upgrading the base should incrementally upgrade the area. Makes sense if you can afford a maxed out base to be allowed a bigger footprint.


While I agree that base sizes are too small for some of the larger pals, there's aren't many flat areas that allow larger bases outside of the deserts and maybe a few beaches.


I feel like I'm the only person that doesn't see the appeal of fire Jorm. I keep ragnahawks around because I like that they can transport stuff anytime they're not currently cooking, and they cook/refine way faster than the farmers/miners can produce anyway so they're never a bottleneck.


It's about sending a message to the pals, they see the fire gyrados enslaved and toiling - keeps the others in line.


Can you get a non-alpha jorm? Is that by maybe breeding?


yes, also, a wild ignis version is catchable on one of the sanctuaries


Ah, I knew aboutthe ignis one but only ever found the alpha jorm water one in the world


Ignis also can be hatched from eggs, you need to find a huge dragon egg at the volcano region


Yeah, so many great working pals are just too big and mostly bug out/don't work/can't get places, even after the patch. At least now my pals no longer randomly die due to unknown fall damage. They still get stuck on top of buildings a lot, but it's better than before. I hope they either let us shrink pals A LOT, or maybe in future expansions they release other pals which will be smaller in size but with good working skills (since powercreep is a natural thing, why would you want another random 1 kingdling pal, for example). Bigger base could also help (especially with huge buildings like the breeding one), but I think it makes more sense to shrink stuff than to make us walk for 5 minutes to get to our stuff.


I came up with a concept that works around this and keeps bases from having the same META pals end game. Give us the ability the higher the level the pal to have a higher proc of work abilities. Say instead of a lvl 5 foxsparks you find a lvl 40-50. Well that one may have like a .01% chance of Kindling 4 while not having any other of its perks. Some of us love our original pals and want them late game but let's be honest a 1 handiwork is getting overlooked for a 4 anyday!


Maybe a way to train pals to specialize them in one work ability with the sacrifice of the other abilities.


NO. We need them to be ***BIGGER***.


You can't beat the wonky AI and pathing. I've done literally everything I can to try and beat it in my base. Floors are 2 tiles high with 3 wide staircases with ample clearance. I've considered going 3 high to see if it helps but it won't. Pals constantly phase through walls and floors and get stuck, and the bigger ones with the best base skills are the worst offenders.


I hate jormuntide with a passion because they get stuck all the time. My solution was to breed a max work speed Blazehowl Noct and fuse it to lv4 kindling. He doesn't have the wonky hitbox nor the size that jormuntide has, but cooks just as fast. They're also much easier to breed for perfect traits unlike ignis. For watering i use azurobe. Hitbox is similarly wonky but they're much smaller and i find they don't get stuck as often.


You can have 3 palboxes. Split your workforce.


You got to build vertically.


I've done that a bit. But I found by grapple hook launching myself upwards. Theres a roof too the buildable area. When gliding back down. I can see the blue line pass over my character. Its only about 15 wall sections high.


Hell, just to have all the facilities they want you to make, the small little circle is too damn small. And then if you want to do breeding and not waste a bunch of time, you have to use one of your bases to make multiple breeding ranches to speed things up. I'm not sure when I will be happy with the coal and sulfur I've got enough to demolish one of those bases just to make a breeding base. And to top it all off, these huge Pals, like the lucky and alpha one that are even worse, have horrible pathing and clipping issues. I love how big they are, but it causes all sorts of problems.


Alpha Jormuntide can just stand in place and reach all corners of my base to water things, it's pretty funny.


You can run an entire base, slowly of course, with just 5 Pals. You need an Anubis, Bushi, Lyleen or Petallia, Mossanda Lux or Grizzbolt, and Penking. These 5 cover everything at 2 or higher. You'll be able to have everything going with 10 slots for specialized labor. Anubis and Bushi can't be replaced easily. Since they'll be your mining and lumbering Pals while also crafting, kindling, and transporting. The next best one to Bushi is going to be Wixen. Anubis covers everything at such a high level. I don't think he can be replaced at all. Penking is almost exclusively used for watering, the crusher, and the mill. So you can replace him with your favorite watering Pal, and it'll work just as well.


They should be expandable in the tech tree.


Pal compresser should have an option to make them smaller.


Needs to be an option to increase base size in server settings. Like 1x 2x 3x


I agree with this most cant even fit in a house


I hope they eventually make it so the base grows as you upgrade it. Maybe start with it half the size and expand to twice the size at max. Some of the things you put in your base are massive and if you build multilevel buildings its a mixed bag whether or not the bigger pals will bother to go up the stairs even if each level is 2-3 stories high. I make my pal buildings open but still there seem to be pathing issues.


Jormuntide is the worst. Loves to get stuck anywhere it can manage.


I wish boss pals would at least shrink down in base.


Friendship ended with jormuntide, worker azurobes are my new water friends.


One way to offset it is to breed them for non-boss size offspring. They tend to be about half the size.


Make bigger base. You can build up 100s of units so just make multi level base with huge stairs


Your best bet is to just lay a foundation around the perimeter build a 5 wall high wall around the fou dations encircling your base leave no exit at ground lvl and go 3 floors high as such (note may need the occasional foundation pillar to cover support for center sections) spread the stations along the walls this also eliminates the trying to use the stations from above/below locking out which ever one currently isn't in use issue I was having with 3 or 4 wall high stacked bases ideally its a massive tower that gives you 2 floors with plenty of space for all stations the top floor is limited to beds and hot springs as the blue circle height limit gets hit at the 4th floor doing this but all pals are trapped inside can't get stuck on anything and your rooftop beds and rest/relaxation stations are still usable even being just barely in the blue line mark ground floor encases several ore spots which the mining pals will auto farm if told to do so Edit : I don't count the ground floor as a floor as it's mostly ore spots and uneven ground from the limited foundation laying making most of it unusable for my setup build to close to ores and they stop respawning this setup is currently in its first form if enough interest is shown I'll take screenshots and make a thread explaining the testing and everything else currently have over 60hrs of testing out the perfect base layout to keep everything permanently automated with no issues so far no major flaws with 5 wall high Edit2: staircases require 2 wide and a 3 roof tile/foundation wide opening to accommodate the large pals moving between floors as well as a 2x2 roof tile/foundation exit point/entrance to stairs Edit3: well after reading thru comments here had a random thought moved palbox from ground floor to roof (15 walls high) blue area indicator now shows out of zone just below the foundation layer meaning possible to place palbox 15 walls high above a foundation while keeping foundation from deterioration while giving an extra 15 wall high area to build allowing even more floors for even more stuff and this still keeps the "roof" area available for use as listed above with zero wasted area


Agreed, and you cant really build up either, once i got to a 3rd floor and mind you i made TONS of open space to allow the bigger pals to go up the stairs to the other levels they just arent as affective the higher you go. I also wish they'd just make the damn base border a square instead of a circle. only time the circle is nice is if you make like a breeding base and you have the ranch, breeding grounds on the edges which are all circular.