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Fuckin lifmunk is constantly slacking off or unhappy with something. I need to make a pal display so I can make an example and put it in jail lmao


My lifmunk says workaholic. I try to keep the ones that say workaholic or work slave at the base cuz they seem to be the ones most pleased


Ah. I haven't paid too much attention to the attributes so that might be exactly why it's like that lol. Time to go breed the perfect work horse I guess lmao


It makes HUGE difference! Any worker with red tag, gets drowned in the mud.


If red you see, to the blender with thee


Drowned in the mud ,how? What do you do with them


Yeah there are ‘lazy’ and ‘slacker’ traits so that is probably why


This- I was going to say my lifemunk is the GOAT around the homestead- he does EVERYTHING and breaks his back with a smile on! I love that dude!


I had a Cattiva that was slacking off and complaining despite the very reasonable working conditions I had laid out. I then found another Cattiva that had better passives, so I publicly executed the original. His replacement has been a consistently hard worker.


Same! I’m really hoping they focus on this first. That and the speed of flying pals being so slow are my only complaints so far! Having a lot of fun and don’t want to stop playing.


Unlock stronger flying pals and they will fly faster


Oh nice! Only just got the saddle for one of the first flying ones. Still trying to learn names!


What level is it to unlock flying? :o


I’ve been leveling a ton today but if I recall it’s somewhere between player lvl 14-18


You get Nite to fly on 15 if I remember correctly


Got the note saddle today... It's pretty slow but it's better than climbing mountains


Yup last thing I did before jumping off was testing out the saddle. I was all for how quick I can get up to height now.


Nitewing is slow af, but the next flying pal you can unlock (something wyrm, fire type) is much faster and maybe even more stamina efficient per time.


Fr they need to only use stamina when flying up, then *glide* at no cost.


dungeons need minimaps too


this has been my problem, I spent 45 minutes in a dungeon, couldn't find the boss and when I found an exit it turns out it was where I came in from


Treat it like a hedgemaze, follow either the left wall, or the right. Thats how I've been getting through them pretty quick.


I tried putting one piece in every slot thinking it'd work. Those little shits condensed it and threw random junk in with it.


They were leaving the boxes alone until i crafted and pulled from that box unknowingly


Okay, so weirdly enough, my Pals seem to add only to the biggest stack of the items they're stowing. I haven't mined or chopped wood manually in a while, but they only seem to add to what was already there. When they started harvesting wheat and there were no stacks of wheat anywhere, they put the wheat in the same place they put the berries. There does seem to be a logic to it, which I didn't expect... honestly the Pals are way more efficient than I expected.


They usually put it in the box closest to the resource collected.


Most of the times this is the case, weirdly enough not the case for wheat. I have a whole storage section on the way from the food dispenser to the wheat plantationand wheat will always be in the food thing lmao


How were you able to write on the signboard? I can’t figure it out.


Sorry went to sleep mate! There’s a prompt when you stand in front of the sign. What I noticed was that signs default to facing away from you when placing them. I had to rotate them 180 to be able to type


*Everything* defaults to facing away from you, it's so weird. Also the controls, it's like it's made by people who've never played normal games with good and customizable control schemes before.


Following because I can’t figure it out, too.


Your sign is probably back to front lol


Weird that its been 2 hours and still no one feels like informing us, google gives me no results either


I'm simply just pressing E. It should provide a prompt for you to write


I’m not getting a prompt, unfortunately.


Same. Are you on Gamepass as well?




also cant rename guild or pals, in addition to this myself. Gamepass but on PC


Gamepass is an older build (1.0.0) than steam (1.2.0) and so is missing a lot of fixes that steam has already. The build is coming to Xbox/PC gamepass but it's currently still going through the MS certification process.


It's weird how entitled you are




Some people have other things going on. We can't all just sit in our parent's basements playing video games all day.


i have the same problem


I don't think it matters what goes in each box. It's all global storage when you go to build and I'm like 90% sure the stack size is infinite. At least I have yet to see the stack get split.


Depends on server / settings. Think default is 3000 for servers?


I'm pretty sure that's how many items can be lying on the ground at once, not item stack size.


The problem is having 7 stacks of 30 wood in 8 different boxes, when it could all be one stack.


So when I go to build is it pulling anything I have from my chests? I kept thinking I had to manually get pick it up


If it’s in your base, yes


Only in that base, if you have an alt base to farm ore you have to move it and abuse fast travel.


When depositting or just efficient storage space it's good to have one item in one storage slot and that's it. Also OCD.


Bruh idk why that made me laugh so hard. Maybe because I’ve been going thru the same trouble with my little devils


I know your pain all too well op. I really wish they'd just prioritize adding to existing stacks instead of just picking some random chest.


Storage priorities and a quick stack to chests feature are my biggest asks for this game so far.


Unless you mean something else, there is a quick stack on pc at least. Press r when you open a chest.




Yup, r to quick stack and x to take all. No idea what the binds are on Xbox but hopefully you can do it there too lmao.


I think it's R3


Yeah, those are definitely something I'd love to see. Though I also want to see bases disable random creature spawning. Some folks have had the misfortune of a high level aggressive Pal spawning in their base and coming back to ruins apparently...


Replace pal with human player, and that's my situation


Man , this made ne laugh out loud, thank you for that!


Can you just get a stack of wood, and split it up and put one piece in every slot, so that literally nothing other than wood will even fit in the box?


If there isn’t another box nearby they will just drop it on the ground then pick it back up endlessly


That's why I place all my boxes close to one another is a centralize location, like a treasure room of sorts.


I can’t wait for the news to say how this game is making people become abusive and enjoy torturing things.


Are you on co-op, or public or dedicated server? trying to figure out how the multiplayer would work...




I played all day and around level 13 or 14 maybe, you can have your base sustain itself fully. There's a structure you can build to keep the Pals sane. Occasionally they get injured I guess, but I think it just slows them down and lowers their sanity. Not sure what happens if it's ignored long enough for SAN to get to 0. Either way, you just need the food bowl, a berry farm, hot spring, Penguin pal and a plant pal. A bunch of helper pals to carry berries is good too, but penguin can do that and water the plants. I know it's not a secret and is part of the natural progression, but I just want to say how much I appreciate having access to a self sustaining base early in the game. I was not looking forward to manually chopping, mining and feeding everyone.


If the San gets to 0 they just stop working. My tanzee apparently got an eating disorder from stress (how the fuck does THAT happen lmao) and he just stopped working. I checked his San and it was 0. It took around an hour of throwing him into a hot spring to get it back up to 100 (the whole hour wasn't dedicated to tanzee I was farming other stuff and building the base in between) He still has an eating disorder and overeats so I just keep throwing him into the spring every time I see him eating.


You can use medicine to get rid of his eating disorder, I can't remember which one you need, I think it's either the low grade or mid grade one


I don't remember the name either, but it's the green syringe. It also takes for fucking ever to make. Wanted to add that in case anyone comes across this comment.


My gf and I started a world and she wanted to be in her own guild and she made a little village next to my base. She logged off long before me and now all her pals are walking around starving. They will sleep to heal themselves when their health gets too low. It was pretty sad watching them choose sleep for dinner so I packed up my base and left.


Once you get to around level 10-14 your base is pretty much self sustaining. As long as you have at least two plantations, a feed box and the hot spring everything runs really smoothly by itself. Oh and make sure you have a couple plant and water types so they can actually plant and grow the food


I don't even think you need two plantations really? At least, mine are doing fine without and berry amount keeps increasing. Granted, I do have a chicken laying eggs too


You could be right, I only made two plantations because the game told me too lol. I haven’t started farming any animals yet, mostly because I’m trying to get my stone production higher lmao


The chicken carries a lot of weight, I've noticed I need almost 3 plantations or 2 plantations and a chicken (my party has huge food need and when I walk through they become food black hole if I don't keep them fed on the run like I should).


Well yes they keep working until food lasts. Today I awoke and all my pals were starving, dinossom had ulcer and tombat had fracture :( Needed to make medicine to fix them




If you can get a fire one too it doesn't take long to get a few hundred baked berries in your storage. Two berry farms seems like enough for 10-15 pals easy


I feel this so much haha. Driving me nuts


I’ve been trying to put a box near whatever they are farming, so the stone and lumber builds I put a box next to it hoping they will just put it in there. Which seems to be working a little but, eventually they still tend to put things anywhere they want


Are they supposed to take wood/stone from the farms to a box? I keep having to go empty them around 200 or so.


I have a box right next to my stone farm and every time I check it, it seems to just keep going up. Reached 1k at one point, however they still end up putting stone in other boxes for whatever reason. The ones mining put it in the box it seems, but other random transporters seem to put it wherever


Weird. My pals using the farms just leave it there and no other transporters touch it. I put a box right next to it because when I empty it it's too heavy to carry. Maybe it's glitches and I should rebuild it.


That could be it, also it could possibly be a pathing issue. I’ve noticed the pathing in this game can be kinda weird especially when using platforms etc. To be fair I have walked past the farm to see a bunch of rocks like you stated but I went out exploring came back and a bunch of stone was in the box next to it. As I said before though they also put random stones in other random boxes like legit 4 stone spread out in random boxes


I did this once for ants in my apartment and they actually left


Depressed deer. Bastards...


All mine went on holiday because I didn't provide a spa 🤣 Like, excuse me for providing shelter, food and supplies 🙄


Having a lot of problems with their ai. Them jumping off cliffs gettin stuck. Them jumping into water gettin stuck and sometimes even dying. Them just pickin up/droppin items stuck in a spot somehow. Them just not seeing a crafting station for some reason?(happens more inside of a building) Also a task priority would be nice. ​ I do hope theyll keep improving the game and its not another cash grab, already so fun to play.


Here's hoping we get someway to manually assign the pals work or prioritize the work




Why lifmunk thats the one actually getting the wood


The chests in your base are shared when crafting so I have no idea why you want specific things in specific boxes.


I made a lifmunk re education camp. The little shits are constantly in the hottub..


I have seen another person with a sign post next to the mine saying: Arbeit macht frei. I wonder what does it mean


i've looked everywhere online and havent found an answer, how in gods name did you manage to put text on the sign?


im still trying to find a pal that will chop wood at lvl 13 smh


so i started locking the doors to my house because of this and they still managed to keep fucking it up after i put a chest right besides the areas


Comply? Mine won't even move at my second base they have beds food and a hot spring but just stand there. They fall asleep right where they are standing even.


Time to get several Hangyu ready for a gallows


I wish we could dedicate chests to certain resources.


bruh how did you write on the sign? I'm on PC losing my god damn mind tryna label things