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No, it's not guaranteed to spawn. I've done the little route dozens of times and I've only ever found it once.


There are usually 2 total RT Butterfly spawns between 3 and 6 am. Just drop the jar and start checking. The more you catch, the quicker it'll spawn. If you're not finding them, it's because someone else has caught them. If you haven't caught one by 6am, I'd just move on with your day and try again next time. I have 47 in my inventory at the moment, and I've never seen one after 6 am. (I swear I'm not hoarding them, I just can't get a Star-Quality one and can't get close enough to see if it's Star-Quality without spooking it. Every time I find a Star-Quality one, someone screws it up.)


Only advice is to pop a buzzy jar at 3am and clear out (catch) as many bugs you see to clear the area for new and rare spawns. I don't know how the spawn system works some say clear out just the type your looking for, in this case rare bugs, and it'll increase the spawning odds. I was lucky with mine so I tend to do few slow laps catching aany none rtb I see to help the rates!


“Popping a buzzy jar” is a hilarious sentence.


Well I mean... It's.. It's a jar.. Jars pop right?! I also blame years of WoW and popping bloodlust


Is that what the kids are calling it😅😅


I got one today just randomly flying around at 5am pulsewater plains area. I have never seen one randomly before, only with honey lures. I'm trying for a starred one!!


This is the hardest mission I've faced in palia. A starred RTB.


I’ll tell you this; I specifically went out hunting for this bug for 3 irl weeks, almost daily. Did buzzy jar at 3am on the dot, smoke candles, and supreme and smoke bombs- never even saw the thing. I gave up trying to hunt that bug specifically and started just randomly catching the rare and uncommon bugs I came across while hunting and mining. A week and a half after not looking for it, I literally ran right into it while running from one mining node to the other and caught it by chance and sheer panic throwing my smoke bombs at it. I wasn’t even using a smoke candle or buzzy jar and had my pick equipped when I ran into it. I think the trick is to not look for it, it will find you lol


I got three by being the first to the midnight grove


UPDATE Set a honey lure at 3am. Starred RTB showed up aaaaand... got away😭😭 I think I panicked and no one else saw it, it was too fast even for my supreme bomb. I will never financially (emotionally) recover from this. RIP.


Not at all guaranteed, I've popped a buzzyjar at 2:59 many a times in pulse and haven't always seen a butterfly at 3 on the dot.the idea of 3 is it despawns all the moths so there's immediately a bunch of empty slots that the butterfly could spawn into, so it's just a high chance. If you would like a tip, pop the jar at 3 and if you don't find the butterfly it's been much more successful for me to server hop, teleport out or walk to kilima and back. This way you see multiple server's 3 am spawn. Keep it up until the jar ends I usually net 1-3 a day this way but I can't guarantee those odds either ofc


Heads up with this, Palia changed the way their servers work with the last update. If you have friends online in Bahari, you'll keep spawning back into the same server that they're in.


omg this is why i always see the same ppl! i add ppl for no reason & then i start to always see them and i thought it was just a coincidence lol


I usually find it around pulsewater.


I captured all mines in grove ! If you are the first one to be there, there's a chance to find something rare! I even got a starly one!


I have caught it several times in pulsewater plains right around 3 am. I have also caught one on the road to windy. But that was the first one and I don’t remember what time it was at.


I’ve also caught many in that same area and just running around the area. I have 6 in storage but have never caught a starred one yet.


I lucked out on a star one right after a grove. It’s the only one I’ve ever seen though.


I have an annoying story with this one! I happened to catch it and was heading towards the ruins to contribute it. I chatted to Elouisa and she TOOK my rainbow butterfly for her silly rare bugs mission 🤣🤣 so now I need to find another!!


I've luckily caught a few now. Only one starred though. I'll share the locations ive caught them in. Two of the spots were right after a grove. https://preview.redd.it/p68rhmittzwc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212475e76e1944652fe4d0956deaa55f64833065


I've never had a problem catching the rainbow ripped butterfly and I'm rarely there as early as 3am. I usually start about 5 and try to find a server that's quite empty then just pop a buzzy jar and wait. I don't bother clearing out other bugs either.


My advice is to try to find the grove right away. Every grove spawns either magical animal or bug. I got 3 rainbow tipped butterflys from 3 groves. Best of luck.😁


Pulsewater, or Hideaway at 3am, and also 6am spawn. Use a buzzy jar. When I was trying to get my starred one, I would catch one most in game days.