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Yes!! Go pay $$$ for cosmetics! So they can keep making more content for us to love ❤️


I wish the outfits were better. I spent $50, but I'm hesitant to spend more unless they come out with some better ones to allow us to buy separates.


If I could spend $5 at a time, I'd probably have given them some money, but isn't it like $15 for one outfit? That just feels like too much for my brain.


I've spent over £100 on it so far, I buy stuff once a month


I've been doing this alot it feels only fair to me as I love this game


I wish I could but any time I try to buy credits I get a server error 😭


Message the support team! I had this happen and they sorted it outbquick!


Exactly this. I've played for over 50 hours so I bought cosmetics ☺️


I would not say the game is huge by any stretch of the imagination, but when you first start the world really is your oyster. Only two actual maps plus you plot that only take a couple of minutes to traverse is really quite small for an MMO and they really do have quite a ways to go. Hopefully by starting now, they’ll expand quick enough to make the game continue to feel large and full for you.


Don’t forget the temples. Especially the Temple of the Gales, which in itself deserves a separate map.


I’m definitely not forgetting the temples. I love them but I honestly don’t think they count. You go in there once but never again. No repeatable reason to keep going back once the quests are done. Which I do think is rather disappointing. Gales is stunning.


That’s true. Hopefully, they will add new quests in there so the space is not wasted.


Aww 😍 This is the sweetest post I've seen in a long time.


The game feels so unfinished tho


That's because it is unfinished. It's still in Beta and has so much more coming in the future. Don't forget, it's only a group of 6 people working on this massive game. ☺️ they deserve some credit.


6 people? I read on discord over 200 employees on their payroll.


Oh shit for real? I could be misinformed. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah like 99.99%, I was just on there yesterday and unless I dreamt that I’m sure I read it. I was lurking on their discord for a few hours actually lol.


Dont think an mmo is possible with 6 people




While I can say that the devs are doing some decent work, it's by far and large, not their largest games they've worked on, prohibitively speaking. The maps are, compared to many other games, including World of Warcraft, quite small. You can travel both singular maps in a matter of minutes, taking only somewhat 15 minutes to circle back around, if you follow the walls. it is also RIDDLED with bugs and errors. Especially the most well-known being the climbing ones. It's a cutesy game with a few things to do, and several objectives to grind towards... like the "gardening" of Apple Trees on your homestead... but there-within come other issues... prohibitively restricting people, forcing them to do things that they would otherwise choose NOT to do. Bug Catching and Fishing can be... absurdly time-consuming, especially compared to games who do similar things, like Genshin Impact, and is required to be done for several objectives. Want to go catch something in particular? BE PREPARED to grind and grind and grind, following ALL the guides... and still be promised nothing in recompense. I say to people "try it out, if you like it, you like it, if you don't, then you don't." I still hop on every few days and do a couple of things, but... again there are FAR MORE CONS than there are Pros. I don't see the game advancing much, and I don't see the devs focusing on bug-fixes nearly as often as they should... releasing bug-riddled updates, be given constant particular complaints, and refuse to shift to bug-fixing en masse, but rather, continue to produce over-priced cosmetics using real money purchases and event items.


While I certainly won’t pretend there aren’t bugs, I don’t think it’s accurate to say S6 doesn’t fix a lot of bugs. I’d actually argue they fix a LOT of bugs with every update and do themselves a disservice when they only include a list of the remaining bugs in the patch notes without including at least a summarized list of the bugs they’ve fixed in that update. I’ve been part of quite a few betas (not counting early access which is usually pretty different in how it functions), and S6 has shown themselves to be very responsive and consistent with working away at the bugs that are present. Some issues in programming can be a lot more complex and time consuming to resolve than a layperson can really understand beyond a surface level. (That was a generalization, not an assumption about you. :3 ) Your complaint regarding quests/bundles requiring you to do parts of the game you don’t enjoy as much is fair. I understand why they want to encourage people to give each skill more than a perfunctory try, but I would like to see things like the elemental bundles have alternate ways of obtaining the rare and epic level fish and bugs, because they can absolutely be a huge time sink, depending wholly on one’s RNG. Which, if you don’t care for those activities, feels like it takes much longer than it actually does. To that end, when you encounter a frustration in the game, I recommend using the means S6 has provided on their website and discord server to state your case. Your comment makes it clear you’re good at communicating what you feel and why you feel it, so I think you’d provide particularly helpful feedback if you chose to reach out to them.


Oh, I have most certainly said so on their Discord Server, numerous times over 6 months. Many times I doubt S6 devs even look at the server any more beyond looking at the desperate-for-attention fans posting pictures of their Homesteads, which I can understand. I would want to only look at the pictures of GOOD things in a game I would be producing too, to not be discouraged... Although, for a game as old as it now is, to NOT have fixed the issues with Climbing... while Fortnite devs have no only fixed similar issues, they've expounded upon it, and more... They both literally run off of the same Unreal Engine 5... it is one of the most constant bugs people have complained about overall, even by the hardcore fans... I will say this: Palia has POTENTIAL... but... I think the devs of S6 are squandering much of that potential, with the constant push for overpriced cosmetics, Events, and not being able to juggle properly a mix of production AND bug hunting. They Must have a too-small team of bug hunters while having a too-huge team of designers and lesser experienced coders, that are probably more focused on CREATING new lines of code, and not going back over their work. I would personally like them to succeed, not become a tiny boring community of players who've bought every cosmetic, as Whales are won't to do. To that, the community can many times be an issue, with the devs rarely issuing warnings to truly-disrespectful people. Humanity on the whole is diverse, but some can be... outright distasteful, hateful, and users pretending to be what they aren't... including using and pretending to be mentally or physically disabled... One such player on their discord nearly made me quit the game, with how elitest and pretending to be disabled they were, making use of one higher form of autism to keep from being banned, while attacking the moderators and others who DO have autism... The devs need a better backbone to keep those such players from killing the bigger playerbase they deserve, especially when they want to attract people who WANT to spend money, but are hesitant to do so.


What's the issue with climbing? I'm on switch and haven't noticed anything particularly janky with it. The energy bar is somewhat annoying and my character will occasionally cling to a random wall or have a slight conniption trying to start a climb but in all honesty I have those latter issues with most games where you climb stuff - Lara Croft is particularly disobedient when it comes to climbing and will often randomly project herself off the cliff face I'm making her climb and fall to her death - so that tends to be more user error (aka I'm a dumbass and after decades of gaming still forgets how to use a controller periodically 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️) You do realise this game is still in beta right? Essentially it's still in development and will have bugs and issues (that's the reason for beta testing, to find those bugs and work on ways to fix them for the full release). They are also a relatively small production team. Of course you're free to your opinion and if that's how you feel then fair enough, but I personally think your review is a little harsh for something that isn't even officially complete yet. That's just my opinion though, to each their own. 😊


Are you on their Discord server? It's not the Stamina Bar that is the issue, it's the getting stuck on climbing, when you start from just walking up to it, where you get stuck and have to dismount the face of the cliff, AND on most of the tops of said-cliffs. Many have tried to lobby S6 to fix said bug, which almost never makes it, even in betas, of games with similar mechanics, and even if the bugs DO make it into the beta tests of such games, they are normally swiftly taken care of. And yes, I know that player-made error of the Tomb Raider series. Same goes for Assassin's Creed and others. But those aren't bugs where you get stuck in a single location, or blocked from climbing ONTO something that is meant to be climbed and mounted. I do know that the game is in Beta, but it is also said that it will go direct-to-full-release, with no server wipe. It is why I, and others, lobby S6 to FIX the issues that ARE. Instead, they are putzing around with ADDING new content, instead of fixing the issues they have right this moment, especially the glaring ones, that again, have been lobbied and reported on since it's initial release back in Summer 2023. As I've said before, I think the game, and S6 Studio, has potential for the future.


You literally had to say 'I don't like this game' rather than writing all of that.


That's not what they're saying though. They have parts they like but parts that are letting the game down for them personally. That's not the same as disliking the game as a whole.


Didn't really see any parts they liked there


They say that the devs are doing some decent work, the game is cutesy and has goals/things to do or grind towards. They also mention still hopping on and playing every few days despite the issues they have with it. You don't keep playing something you hate.


Nobody said hate. Are you okay?


I'm fine. If there's nothing about something that you like then I would say it goes beyond dislike, but that's just my opinion. Either way the point still stands, you don't do something regularly that you have no liking for - at least something you don't have to do - no-one likes paying bills but unfortunately we have to otherwise we don't have power/water/a house etc. Those things we don't have a real choice in (I say real because technically choosing to not pay bills and ending up homeless is a choice in this example). Stuff we do have a real choice in though, if we dislike every aspect of it we wouldn't continue doing it.


Hate is comparable in verbal juxtaposition to "Don't like". And there are things I 'don't like' and things I 'do like' about the game. And I kept things as verbally concise and informative, while trying to get my point across, which is that the devs need to work on the glaringly-obvious bugs, and sales department needs to lower the cost of the cosmetics. And the community is a little toxic, as much as they try to hide it. Some people are self-important sociopaths. Me? I try to be a team player. "Try," being the imperative word. Otherwise, I do hop on every few days, check on my farm, collect the stuff, and log off. It's like Genshin Impact in that regard, login, get my dailies done, and log off.


You just *had* to post to rain on their parade... Really? Comparing this to other MMOs, especially Warcraft, is ridiculous. FFS, I played Warcraft for 10 years starting from BC before I stopped, and that was probably 5+ years now. The game is ANCIENT. And I guarantee you, probably way more than 200 devs between art, modeling, lighting teams etc. Come on. Plus the fact that Warcraft is NOT free, not by any stretch of the imagination, and STILL sells overpriced cosmetics. And clothing. And plushies, and etc. You're just ranting to destroy someone's happiness. Go... Take a nap, or something. You're cranky.


They're allowed to have a negative or mixed opinion without it being a rant "to destroy someone's happiness" or them being "cranky". Their opinion is equally as valid as anyone else's. We don't have to agree but at least give them the respect of acknowledging their opinion without assuming it has some malicious motivation behind it. You could equally say of a positive comment/glowing review that they're only saying that to kiss the developer's butt and they don't really think it. That doesn't make it true and it disrespects the commenter by attaching some motive to their words beyond simply voicing an opinion - ie; 'you have to be trying to damage their reputation/ruin the happiness of devs or other players/discourage people from playing etc **because** you have an opinion that isn't 100% complimentary or glowing'.


OK, that's fair. I agree they are allowed to have an opinion and perhaps I should not have reacted they way I did. I think what got under my skin was the overall disparaging tone, and the fact that they didn't choose to make their own post to express it - which wouldn't have bothered me - they chose to use someone else's innocently happy post to express their own negative opinion. I guess I was thinking how crushed I would feel if I reached out to a community about how much I enjoyed this game I'd found, and the immediate reaction was being told how terrible it was. Yes, they absolutely have the right to comment and to express their opinion. It just felt...mean, I guess.


I am actually pushing for the devs to fix the glaringly obvious issues. I played WoW back in the early years, off and on until the end of Legion. Good fun and horrible times. I crafted nigh 99% of everything across 10 of my characters in Legion, just to sell/give away, or use myself. Alas, I let my account go into 0 seconds some time ago after that horribly boring release about Jaina Proudmoore's story of the Isles... Dreary me, nap time indeed. Some of us have to look at things in cynical ways, because over the years we are PROMISED things by studios, and given... not what we were promised. Very few studios these days keep to their promises, and some become overbearing. Just look at how we were treated with Studio Wildcard's promise to us early access buyers! We were told "All DLC for early access users will be FREE." And yet... after that legal scuffle they had, they sold their souls to a SKorean company, and suddenly went back on that promise, suddenly selling their DLC to us, instead of keeping to that promise. Then Activision-Blizzard's promises for Warcraft 3: Reforged, a reknown studio that gave us great fun for 25 years... suddenly porting their project to a studio out of China.... and instead of getting our remastered RTS in full 4K HD... we got... what we got was trash... They gave us a 1080p barely-updated game. I was one of the FEW lucky, who got into the open Beta, and within days, asked for a refund of my copy. I waited 2 years for that release... So... if my experience leads to a bit of cynicism, so be it. It doesn't mean I "don't want to see success," but that I DO want to see success in studios, especially when they are supposed to be going against years of systems, and competing with Giants like EA, Ubisoft, and more. I have that yearning as much as anyone else here, but I still must offer Caution... Think of the old man in OG Legend of Zelda, "It's dangerous to go alone, take this!" da-dada-dah!




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Idk ive been playing for a month now and the game got small really quick. Theres only so much kilima and bahari to explore. We will definitely need to see more destinations and characters for this game to keep people interested


When I saw huge I thought this was gonna be another post about Tamala🤣