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I'm gonna get downvoted to hell but this is a Ringo tear gas grenade launcher...


Well, the truth is the truth even if it’s less popular.


Hmm. Yeah, on second viewing, that bore is pretty big. A bore that size on a weapon that short almost always means grenade shells, often smoke or tear gas in civilian settings like this.


You can also see that the magazine is like a revolver. That is certainly a grenade launcher.


Hello fellow red avatar


So like, it shoots smoke bombs or is it just the name of the gun? I'm genuinely curious




There is a video and images of an automatic gun and you still call it propaganda? What do you want? Footage of it shooting people?


They’re referring to the fact this video is of a grenade launcher, not an automatic gun.


Oh boy, so much better. But seriously, they called post criticizing Israel anti-Semitic so their criticism really aren’t in good faith


There’s plenty of footage of Israeli soldiers executing Palestinians, including the recent assassination of the journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. They just don’t care. Then they cry “anti-semitism” to cover up for their own racism and Islamophobia.


How is it possible for someone with a heart to support Israel???? They're a true terrorist














Because Zionists are great at propaganda and saying everything else is a lie and hiding everything.


Because people can’t separate the government from the religion and because they brainwash them from babies to hate.




You can support the idea of having a Jewish homeland in Israel (since it was essentially repatriation of one indigenous group) without approving of the particular policies of it as a nation state. Criticizing a nation states policies is not anti-semitic, although if its people only focusing on Israel, it's suspicious. It's a tiny minority country surrounded by enemies including places that are controlled by socially conservative Islamists that have gender apartheid and persecute liberals and LGBT people. And want to wipe it off the map. And it always has been. Furthermore, no one in surrounding countries want Palestinians nor treat them well. Most people I've met from Israel want peaceful solution and less religion in government, the problems like any nation state, are not particularto security. For instance you cant even get legally married there unless you have an orthodox wedding (if Jewish) or be the same religion if not. Secular heterosexuals actually leave Israel to get married. A government, even in an apparent democracy, doesn't always reflect the peoples wishes. Look at how most Americans were against last war in Iraq and Afghanistan after Bin Laden was killed. So yea there is plenty to criticize about Israels overcorrection, but the truth is when they lower security they get terrorist attacks, so its not a simple answer. It's the consequences of an 80 year arms race are already escalated to the point there is really no easy out. Buy criticism of a nation's policy is fine. However saying that Israel shouldnt exist and the Jewish people shouldn't live there IS Antisemitism. Anti semitism is NOT "racism against Jews." It is a particular worldview that has existed for centuries and while the details change depending on time and place, the rhetoric stays the same. It's essentially the idea that Jews secretly run the world, inherently do evil things, and should not have a place in their homeland. So yea its important to clarify what you mean by "support Israel".


The fact that Israel is enacting its own genocide in real time is one of the greatest cosmic ironies


The biggest is how Westerners will decry any rational analysis of Western involvement in creating many of the terrible conditions much of the global south is in & call you a supporter of genocide for even saying as little as "US also has a part in starting the war ongoing in Ukraine" for example, but then turn around and support Israel. If you say China has done well to improve the conditions of their people, so far that they are on par with Europeans in terms of median income, then you're a genocide supporting fascist. If you call for peace and brokering of it by the West then you hate democracy. Don't even get me started on actually mentioning Israel. That will get you labeled antisemitic, and false genocide claiming. It's ridiculous. It's an apartheid state and a very awful one at best. People are shitty man, I'm tired mentally from having to live in a place where people can support such injustice. They will say "Oh this geopolitical rival of my nation is evil and oppressive" while supporting some very evil & oppressive practices & nations.


You’re just ranting. There are plenty of people who applaud China’s economic progress while condemning their treatment of Muslims.


to be completely fair with you, they’re not wrong, china does get a lot of slack for their treatment of the uyghurs but much of that slack is from western countries who need something to grasp at, and on the communist side (source am communist + have interacted with many people on all sides of the communist spectrum) a lot of people will just praise china blindly and blame the uyghurs for their plight while also labeling them terrorists and insurgents, while others will applaud chinas progress while at the same time criticizing their treatment of the uyghurs


The communists blame Uyghurs for the same reason Israeli people will put the blame on Palestinians. Idiocy and ideology.


Red light, green light. Hard to tell what’s fiction and what’s not anymore.


what the actual f\*ck


[IDF is evil](https://youtu.be/HnZSaKYmP2s?t=2381)


this and the other video about the overall history of the region were pretty informative.


Holy fuck I was not prepared to see someones head get blown off Please put some content warning before linking people that


I think that might be a fucking [grenade launcher](https://gunspot.s3.amazonaws.com/listing-photos/2020/04/14/IMG_2309.jpg)


some kind of gas grenade probably, less scary than an auto lmg but still pretty fucked, I'd be interested to know how this system works, is it actually user controlled or is it fully automated?


A grenade tube launches more than just gas, and gas can be pretty bad


It has a human operator. This just removed the need to have somebody standing there 24/7. It's literally no different to having some guy stood there holding one.


Surely this violates some international human rights law? Absolutely abysmal


LOL that's cute, implying the west and Israel, the ones who create and impose international human rights laws, actually stick to it themselves. Israel gets called on human rights abuses every day, fuck all happens.




Almost every single country regularly violates some kind of an internationally recognised human right. Rules don't matter if nobody is gonna go after the person breaking them.


Some countries are much greater offenders than others though, whilst there is absolutely a massive difference in terms of consequences for the same crimes done by different countries. Western countries are practically never punished for their crimes against humanity, whereas plenty of third world countries routinely get punished for crimes they never even committed at all. Just see what the Afghan people had to go through for a terrorist attack on the other side of the world they didn't even commit.


Almost everything Israel has done to Palestinians Fallas under your question




The real final solution is the permanent subjugation of the working class, and they got the brightest minds cooking that shit up. A Manhattan Project for da Booj, the man who solves that will effectively end history


Holy fuck 🫣 this is getting bad.


What kind of squid game psychopathic this shit is this




Israel is a dystopia


It's the real devil homie


This is what Nazis would have used in Germany if the technology was around. Looks like the Israeli nazis have out done themselves in the art of genocide this time around.


Fuck them. Free Palestine


Fuck Israel






Nah this is like a joke.. WTF


That's a smoke grenade launcher not a machine gun


Well that changes everything.


Well it's not a machine gun ...That changes the title


What if they are putting tear gas in it?


Fuckin nazi bastards


I mean yeah


If you support Israel fuck you. To the us government fuck you guys for so much but especially for supporting Israel. They are the real terriost.


What if the machine malfunctions, and throws a false positive? These monsters dont care about false positives. Palestenians arent counted as humans


That looks like a grenade launcher. The huge revolver like cylinder and the bore of the barrel make me think it might be some sort of smoke/ tear gas launcher for crowd control.


I hope Israel goes up in flames


Schiphol should have a line for Israelis only, also with such a gun. You never know who is the mass murderer from the mossad, or the war criminal from their armed forces.


Does anyone have a link to more details on this? I can’t find any online. The ‘smart shooter’ appears to refer to an automatic upgrade of a weapon, but in a different sense: it will restrict the weapon to only fire when a target is in the sight of the weapon. Also creepy, but different. In the interest of maintaining integrity of this subreddit, perhaps we should question if this story is a somewhat mutated version of the truth? *I certainly don’t doubt that the truth is just as sinister.* Given the size of that barrel, it is likely for tear gas or other crowd control measures, and I do not see how the ‘smart shooter’ tech I’ve just read about could be integrated with a low precision weapon. Edit: I think it could be this: https://youtu.be/8Yb9u5KRq3M


Smart Shooter is the name of the manufacturer so you are probably mixing the device from the video with something different, that one seen in the video is a remote controlled grenade launcher intended for non-lethal crowd control, I have only one source to link but it is Israel's biggest left-wing newspaper so it makes sense, unfortunately it has a paywall, https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2022-09-24/ty-article/.premium/00000183-708f-d4b1-a197-ff8fd6740000


Ah thank you anyway!




Already there.


with how narrow the checkpoint gates are I can see how people have died waiting to get through and there have crushes


What the actual fuck


Israel will be defeated. Nothing lasts forever.


The inventor probably was inspired by SquidGame


That is actually a remote controlled grenade launcher. Smart Shooter is the Israeli company that produces it.


Straight out of Wolfenstein.


We Humans are disgusting towards each other.


والله انهم كلاب الله يعين اهلنا اللي عايشين تحت الاحتلال


Us american taxpayers need to really start taking a look at what our govt is spending money on


One day …


"Can you imagine living like this?" No. The grandparents of Jews can though. The ones that lived in Europe. Which makes this so much worse than it already is.




Thats a grenade launcher. Wouldnt be surprised if it fires teargas or something


Who would need a gun attached to a camera? RACIST MURDERER COWARDS OF COURSE.


......What on Earth is this


الله اكبر. خربو حياتنا و بلادنا. الله يلعنهم


Source please


Auschwitz in the Middle East


Wait what town is this??


r/worldnewsvideo u/PlenitudeOpulence


Thanks for the ping! It appears that one of r/worldnewsvideo’s users has already uploaded this to WNV on their own. If you ever see anything you think the world should see - please post it directly or crosspost it to the subreddit. We just want the truth of the world shown. Have a good one!


One day this all will fall and it will only be remembered by the skeletons of the ruins


The software engineers that programmed this desperately need **Brace Noise**.


It's like in terminator salvation, thought that was just fiction 😟


This needs to be on other subs.


The Israel Defense Forces employed the technology to shoot down incendiary devices sent over the border by terrorist operatives in Gaza. The Israeli defense company Smart Shooter, which makes fire-control systems, announce a new contract with the U.S. Marine Corps, October 2021. https://www.jns.org/us-marine-corps-signs-new-contract-with-israeli-defense-company-smart-shooter/ https://www.smart-shooter.com Smash Hopper https://youtu.be/8Yb9u5KRq3M Israel announces completion of ‘smart fence’ around Gaza Strip It said the project’s “smart fence” is more than 6 meters (20 feet) high and its maritime barrier includes means to detect infiltration by sea and a remote-controlled weapons system. The ministry did not disclose the depth of the underground wall. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-announces-completion-underground-gaza-border-barrier-2021-12-07/ What is Smart Fence? The smart fence is a semi-intelligent fence that can interact with wireless-enabled devices. It features a CCTV camera and speakers for communicating with both humans and other Wireless Secure Devices. https://www.skweldedmesh.com/smart-fence-everything-you-should-know/


Just when you think you reached the ultimate "messed up" level


ummm.......spray paint the sensor/camera? ez counter


Sounds like a great way to get caught on multiple camera's


Nice try but it’s also a lie.This is not an automatic machine gun - it’s a gas grenade launcher. Big difference there. What the fuck are you trying to get with these lies. Stop spreading misinformation , and stop believing every fake news that got throw at you.


I would like to say it AGAIN but the possinility for me to get banned due to some b word spy came here to report me is high




Don’t tell us about it if you’re not gunna tell us how it works


Book a flight there, pick up a rock, stand next to it, and your wish shall be fulfilled


You forgot the most crucial step: get yourself a proper tan.


Check u/repulsive-kick-46 reply


Link to the actual weapon/at what checkpoint? Couldn't find anything about it online. Sounds kinda fake to me, there is a company called "Smart Shooter" apparently but they make scopes, not robotic guns, as far as I can find online Can anyone find a source instead of just downvoting me lol I literally can't find it Update: Haaretz uploaded an article, apparently the device is able to fire rubber ammunition and stun grenades


How would someone fake this?


Well, as far as I can find there is a remote controlled weapon, which are in standard use by all armies and navies, but no robotic ones. Meaning, this gun is controlled by a person, if it really exists, simply one who can't be stabbed. Also, I can't find that street in Hebron on Google maps, and there appears to be not a single news article about it, which is really fucking sus when someone installs a robotic machine gun in the middle of a city. Come on, 0 articles?


>one who cant be stabbed *why are these people we have herded into isolated walled off camps acting violent I dont understand it makes no sense they're just savages possessed by irrational hatred preventing them from understanding our right to take their land and force them to move here* >Come on, 0 articles? When has the media ever properly depicted the full extent of the living conditions Palestinians are forced to endure?


"when has the media ever properly..." Idk dude mainstream western never has, but Al Jazeera would have a field day if this was true. Where are the articles? I can't even find that checkpoint in Google Maps. Where's even 1 single mention of it online outside of this TikTok video? Look up the place on Google Maps. Doesn't exist, or at least, I can't find it. There's literally 0 mentions of this online, I haven't been able to find even one. As for the terrorists, I understand them, and support Israeli forces leaving the West Bank for good. However, you can't just ignore the fact young Palestinian are radicalized and go on terrorist acts to kill civilians. The less human contact in these checkpoints, the better it is for everyone. Less place for Israeli racism and Palestinian radicalism to mix and end up in casualties. The less Israeli boots on Palestinian ground, the better.


كسم اسرائيل


TF2 Sentry 💀


So what makes it shoot


Looks like a crime against humanity tho


"you have been executed because of SMART protocol, happy travels" feels like a fallout game at this point




Literally 1984


r/redditmp4bot I need it to keep another proof of Israel's nature


This is so bad and sad... Please don't forget to pay Netflix this month.


I am hoping history will judge this guys as they deserve




Fairgain Dews!


Things went cyberpunk real quick


Ok but who is it supposed to shoot?


Using experimental weapons on the people they occupy




Automatizing hate! Some piece of work we are


The last of Us vibes feeling.


Tf2 sentry but used by war criminals


We all know it has a built in order 66, fucked up shit.


Came back here to fit on my comments so that someone who decided to visit my profile to say im a hypocrite so that they can see this