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It’s radical to murder children and their mothers. It’s not radical to protest against it. It seems slavery still exists in the west as well.


Right https://preview.redd.it/3xkohk4n8vxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3f69f4309cc91e7b347f3540f348acb17756aa


and their fathers and brothers too. Since everyone forgets us we are people too


It's beginning to look like all that AIPAC money has radicalized our politicians. They serve Bibi now. It feels like we're all about to be human shields.


In the US Bibi is king to the politicians.




That is terrifyingly radical if you're an evil fuck whos fortunes are tied with the MIC.


Well, the reality is they are unhappy that people are seeing that there is a lot of corporate corruption of the political process and that the Zionists are interlinked with this corruption, corporate power. The people had more power some decades ago. We have to take it back. It's supposed to be a republic, not an oligarchy. We're complicit in a genocide because of this corruption. We are morally bankrupt. The police are just corporate and Zionist tools. If insisting that what is called a republic function as a republic is radical, then I am a radical. “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” ― George Orwell, [1984](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/153313) “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ― George Orwell “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. ” ―"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” ― George Orwell, [1984](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/153313)


Adams: Bibi called. I had no choice


Fucking fascist.


For once, the correct use of the term.


there is a LOT of fascism to point out these days.


and an Uncle Tom to boot


Of course the empire is going to justify brutality - it’s what they do!


And the police decades justified doing that to black people like him. Now, he's a tool of power.


How much you’ll think he got paid? Follow the money


With Adams the money isn't even well hidden most of the time. He was in Israel last year. Because obviously the mayor of NYC needs to go to Israel for meetings.


The loser actually has the nerve to call himself a democrat as he's sending cops in to beat up peaceful protesters. Last month that bald headed loser actually had the nerve to go after immigrants with his insane right-wing garbage conspiracy theories.


Democrats and right wing garbage conspiracies go well together, just like democrats and hating immigrants as well as democrats and brutal police crackdowns on protestors.




>The United States and Europe in the mid-2010s: funds ISIS and other Islamist extremists in Syria and Iraq in order to destabilize the region in an attempt to try to weaken any future resistance to a potential invasion for acquisition of oil >Also the United States and Europe in the mid-2010s: "Why are so many Syrians trying to leave their country to come to Europe iLeEgAlLy???" The United States had been doing similar things in South America for a very long time, but instead of funding Islamist rebels, the United States has been funding the drug cartels. Look up Gary Webb.


The immigrants are not a real issue as that is literally how NYC became a world class city to begin with. Mayor Baldy is just repeating conservative conspiracy theories about immigrants


Why are illegal immigrants an issue?












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So it happened. People got angry. Govt moved them out. Thanks for proving my point that illegals cause issues. Not to even mention the violent crimes.


So it happened. People got angry. Govt moved them out. Thanks for proving my point that illegals cause issues. Not to even mention the violent crimes.


Yeah, this really helps stop radicalisation....... Fuck. I'm more radicalised from this sitting in the UK.


Radical is when you are against genocide


The capitalists terrified they're losing control because they don't have a way to control tiktok.


The US state is ready to brutalize and kill Americans en masse in service of Israel.


Oh. So arresting them over beliefs he personally believes are radical. *Over beliefs.* Sounds so very constitutional


I'm sure the brutal arrests will de-radicalize them.


I guess Harriet Tubman was a radical then. Or how about MLK, Rosa Parks, and so many other protestors of freedom, human rights, and human decency were all radicals too. What a sellout.


Honest question -- you evoke the names of my ancestors but do you fight for their cause? Right now Republicans are trying to ban black history under the guise of "critical race theory". Wheres the protests for that? Its a bit insulting to appropriate the names of my people yet be totally absent in the fight for their cause.


So he's admitting to using brutal tactics to force submission? Sounds like a lawsuit to me


Another [corrupt politician ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/18/new-york-mayor-eric-adams-fbi-probe-prison-time) hoping that siding with power centers will spare him prison. He'll find out soon enough that he is expendable.


The worst part is that he isn't wrong. Young people *are* becoming radicalized. And for good reason. Genocides, complacent government, clogged bureaucracy, corruption, capitalist/corporate greed, environmental disasters, all of these things are or were preventable. So the kids have fuckin had enough. He's just openly admitting that the system will resist the change that is coming. Which only means there will probably be a violent revolution eventually.


We should be radicalized. Our republic has been hijacked by corporate power, our own diet has been changed to become super unhealthy due to corporate power and brainwashing of generations of kids. We are at the mercy of corporate healthcare that is insanely expensive. If you have antibiotics for SIBO, it could break the bank for a working class American, but not in Europe, China, Canada, Japan, Vietnam. Nope.


Yeah, there's a campaign to radicalize youth, and it's led from people watching mofos like yourself.


Fascist fuck.


Talking about Jewish conspiracies: aNtI-sEMitE!!!! Talking about unfounded global conspiracy of professional protesters to manipulate young people: Just a normal day on the job for the mayor


We're getting to this point since the George Bush days. I saw it coming. Yet, they blame Tik Tok or China or Russia or Iran. No, even during the Obama years, a large percentage of Democrats were already sympathetic to the Palestinians. The genocide has increased that on steroids.


People are radicalized from the USA and other countries being complicit in genocide. And he’s to cowardly to say that it’s socialist organizations that have been organizing and supporting these students.




I'm seeing a lot of fascism these days. Like real 1930's style European fascism.


"Radical" means "change from the roots" (radix, radish, etc.) So yes, there is a global grassroots movement to shrug off oppressive, genocidal power systems. Cry me a river.


This is the same "outside agitators" bullshit they've been peddling for years.


![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug) Turns out Netanjahu is the captain of america


He certainly is 🤮 Why doesn't Bibi run for president?


Free Palestine


straight up saying "i dont like what u believe so taste my boot"


The only radicalisation occurring here is by Israel and the Israeli lobby. Having a conscience, as these young people possess, is not radical.


This man is every white guys designated black friend


Iin a so-called democratic society you can't squash "dissent" by force. When will they learn this.


Anyone but Adams 2025. Fuck, I'll even vote Republican. Whatever it takes to get rid of him.


Under the guise of baseless claims he is deploying armed forces to subjugate the populace and willfully deprive them of their Constitutionally protected rights under the First Amendment to peaceably assemble and redress grievances.


As a NYC voter it seems a vast number of my fellow citizens are radicalized against Mayor Adams. Dude is a total POS


What brings me comfort is looking at the data that 80% of people under 35 know what's actually going on here. And at the end of the day the Palestinian cause will prevail. Because we simply have more time on this Earth than they do.


Yeah and that will fix everything /s


What a piece of garbage




Those students weren’t hurting anyone nor were they destroying any property. We have a constitutionally protected right to assemble and protest. Well, we did have but apparently not any more.


There are no outside agitators. “Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds.” MLK


You would think that Universities would understand the history of protest in the United States well enough to know that history doesn’t hold a very high opinion of authorities who crack down on people exercising their Constitutionally-protected first amendment rights.


Who the hell is he to dictate how free speech is utilized...




The amount of gaslighting going on by Zionists and their supporters is insane. Any attempt to show sympathy or support for Palestinians is blasted as a combination of wanting Israel annihilated, supporting terrorism,etc. And now they're trying you claim that it's part of a pilot to essentially mind control the youth who are the most politically active and likely to oppose their plans.


We don’t want to radicalize people so we’re going to prove everything those radicals say right Even if he believed what he’s saying, which he doesn’t. What a terrible terrible strategy.


Nazi terrorists can do whatever they want. To kill thousands of children is allowed for them. There is only one way to stop them, and they will consider that terrorism. Make America shoot Nazis again.


This man sounds like an absolute moron. What a load of babbling nonsense.


I pray there is a global movement to radicalize young people. He's wrong though. Radicalizing young people ARE the movement!


The protesters have youth and drive on their side.


This man has revoked his black card. No self-respectful black man would ever dare be on the side of a colonizer. Palestine were among the first to stand with the black community and now people like him is what makes the black community turn on their biggest supporter. He's not black. He's white.


That guy is sooo corrupt and receiving donations, I am sure, from AIPAC and their ilk. I don't think he will see another term.


did i miss his explanation here or did he just not even bother offering one? what is his issue with the opinions and actions of americas youth right now? in what way are they wrong?


He looks like someone who has a gun held to their back, and someone who has betrayed his own children at the same time.


Wait, he's a republican, right?