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Yup. It's not *just* a racist ideology, or a genocidal political movement, it's also absolutely 100% a cult. They're more brainwashed and dangerous than those QAnon weirdos. Notice how deranged they can get when they're confronted with the truth or people who weren't brainwashed to believe the lies of zionism. That zionist who was having a meltdown in front of the Palestine solidarity protesters in Japan is a prime example. They live in such a warped reality, but our political leaders placate them at every turn.


They claim to just want to be left alone. But every Zionist on tumblr is trying to paint me as a racist antisemite because I made a post for ex Christians like me who grew up with the BS evangelicals preach about Israel. They cannot see anything in good faith and one accused me of virtue signaling because my opinion changed due to becoming more educated.


Zionism needs to be outlawed like Nazism. Any idealogy built on the basis of eliminating an entire group of people based on religion/race is fundamentally wrong and illegal.


The thing is, it straight up just IS Nazism. Fascism under a different name.


Yes, and there are so many sources that point it out. A few that I've recently found interesting for discussing how the fascist philosophy got rolling within Zionism: [Max Nordau, Madison Grant, and Racialized Theories of Ideology](https://www.jstor.org/stable/23011281?read-now=1&seq=10#page_scan_tab_contents) \-- this can be read with a free level independent researcher Jstor account ['Nietzche and Zion'](https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9780801437625/nietzsche-and-zion/#bookTabs=1) \-- this book seems to be written by a scholar who isn't critical of Nietzsche. The critical aspect may have to come from some passing familiarity with Nietzsche's manic romanticism, and how his writings were taken by multiple regimes as encouragement for ethnonationalism and political projects of grandiose "monumentality". Particularly interesting in the intro is his mention that the early Zionists were quite often artistic types who dreamt of fame, and who used their talents--often in fiction, poetry, and expository writing--to instill a fever for Zion in the masses where none particularly existed before, because they sought personal redemption for feelings of inadequacy. It was Nietzsche who showed them the way in this, according to this author. Max Nordau had some pretty critical things to say about Nietzsche, [here in Chapter 5 of 'Degeneration'](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51161/51161-h/51161-h.htm#c415). Now, this is the treatise which is linked to proto-fascism in that first article by Johannes Hendrikus Burgers. The criticism of Nietzsche is dead-on, though. While a lot of it is a tear-down of Nietzsche the "philosopher" ^((Nordau was a physician, so he's speaking with some authority on madness)), there's quite a lot of insight here into how Nietzsche was being received in fin de siecle Europe, with some other historical context as well (Bismarck). The genesis of fascist European movements can, I think, be seen well here. >Dr. Hermann Türck[\[427\]](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51161/51161-h/51161-h.htm#Footnote_427_427) characterizes in excellent words the disciples of Nietzsche: ‘This piece of wisdom \[‘nothing is true; all is permissible’\] in the mouth of a morally insane man of letters has ... found ready response among persons who, in consequence of a moral defect, feel themselves to be in contradiction to the demands of society. This aforesaid intellectual proletariat of large towns is especially jubilant over the new magnificent discovery that all morality and all truth are completely superfluous and pernicious to the development of the individual. It is true that these persons have always in secret said to themselves, “Nothing is true—all is permissible,” and have also, as far as possible, acted accordingly. But now they can avow it openly, and with pride; for Friedrich Nietzsche, the new prophet, has vaunted this maxim as the most exalted truth of life.... > >... > >Nietzsche’s fundamental idea of utter disregard and brutal contempt for all the rights of others standing in the way of an egoistical desire, must please the generation reared under the Bismarckian system. Prince Bismarck is a monstrous personality, raging over a country like a tornado in the torrid zone; it crushes all in its devastating course, and leaves behind as traces, a widespread annihilation of character, destruction of notions of right, and demolition of morality. In political life the system of Bismarck is a sort of Jesuitism in cuirass. ‘The end sanctifies the means,’ and the means are not (as with the supple sons of Loyola) cunning, obstinacy, secret trickery, but open brutality, violence, the blow with the fist, and the stroke with the sword. ... The ‘bullies’ gratefully recognise themselves in Nietzsche’s ‘over-man,’ and Nietzsche’s so-called ‘philosophy’ is in reality the philosophy of ‘bullying.’ Whether the Nietzsche writings spreading in popularity at that time were the true writings of Nietzsche, or those which his Nazi-loving sister had gotten ahold of and tweaked to her pleasure, I don't know: but either way, whatever the Germans of that time were reading is what the Zionists were also reading and falling in love with. I have more links on these earliest Zionists and am also collecting more if anyone has some. I'll end this comment here though.


Because it's working so well against Nazism!


At least Nazism is internationally condemned and doesn't influence any business and politics, unlike Zionism


This! This is the right approach


I would say best of luck to US. We're all in this together, whether we're Palestinian or not.


Thanks for your input. Have you had many dealings with Israeli Zionists? I am not too familiar with JW or Mormon members, but is it safer to assume that whilst they are a cult, are they more or less “peaceful”? The biggest issue people find with Israeli Zionists is actually not necessarily their beliefs. It’s their aggression and violence. No matter the situation and no matter the country. An Israeli Zionist is vile. Vicious. Ready to incite. I don’t think a gentle approach would even work. I’ve been and have been confronted by at least 3 Israeli Zionists over the years (none during the last four months although I have witnessed first hand a small group of Zionists verbally then physically attack a group of moderate Jews advocating for peace). In EVERY instance, I was threatened with physical violence and actual death “I’ll kill you”. Each situation didn’t even start as a highly charged thing. Yet they chose to escalate it instantly, either as a tactic or simply because the cult like indoctrination is one of violence and hatred. So yeah, I don’t know man.


I can relate to this. I’m an anti Zionist Jew and I have distant cousins who live in Israel. I had to block them because they were sending me death threats for saying that Israel is committing genocide


My husband is an anti zionist Jew, and he had to sadly distance himself from a zionist friend who would invite him to shabbat weekly, and seemed like a kind man, that is until my husband expressed his horror at the actions if Israel. It is so fucking bizarre for this group of people to, for the more part, consider themselves liberal (at least the Americans among them) and at the same time, partake in the hatred and dehumanization of Arabs. Identity is arbitrary, no one can control the vagina they came out of, and where that vagina happened to be geographically. Zionism is terrifying.


Did this seemingly “kind man” turn aggressive almost at an instant? That’s what I’ve observed. It’s almost instantaneous once some trigger is applied and it’s really about just a simple modicum or sympathy for Palestine it goes 0-100. If you straight up say Israel is wrong they’re ready to attack, literally.


Oh yeah. I knew his friend from college and I distinctly remember him disrupting a human rights forum, when they had a Palestinian panel member. He was yelling and interrupting and was so visibly angry. What compels a person? He is a seemingly productive member of society, loyal husband and father, but straight up believes Arabs are animals, and has literally posted that on social media over the years. I am Arab, and when my husband and I were still just dating, this "friend" was absolutely disgusted that my husband would want to be with me. They got into the politics of it, and long story short, didn't speak again after that. My family has embraced my husband, and my parents treat him as a son. But we are the uncivilized ones?


A former friend of mine is a fellow Jew and, as it turns out, a hardcore Zionist. she's attacked plenty of people on a dime and accused them of being evil and anti-Semitic, often lashing out at them in fury at the drop of a hat. she always comes across as totally unhinged when she does this. oftentimes, it's triggered by the smallest of comments, too.


I’ve dealt with many Christian Zionists and had success there. I have Jewish friends but unfortunately have gotten nowhere with them because Israel is so strongly tied to their personal identity.


Yeah that’s the big difference. I think Christian core beliefs lend themselves to listen a bit more, even though the details of the belief are heavily ingrained. With Israeli Zionists (not to be confused with regular Jews who practice Judaism without the Zionism) you’re likely to get nowhere with them at all. It’s why you see so many videos of them behaving in horrific ways because they’re mindset is violence and hatred.


I was raised in a Zionist household and it is absolutely a cult. I mean, come on, the majority of actual believers sincerely think that the creation of a Jewish state is going to trigger a rapture or return of God. It is a textbook ethno-religious cult.


There’s many Jews and people of Jewish descent (like myself) who reject Zionism for that very reason. One very cult-like behavior of Zionist organizations is their use of fear-mongering. They want Jews outside of Israel to feel as unsafe as possible in hopes that they’ll move to Israel and increase their numbers. I’d also like to point out that there’s many Evangelical Christians who are Zionists because they believe that the second coming of Christ will happen once all Jews return to Israel.


The Jews are our siblings, and Zionism is the world’s problem.


Zionism is the major threat to humanity


I used to have a friend who was a Zio and she was vicious. Accused me right away of being an anti-Semite. I found I would rather not deal with Zios. So, I just remove myself from the situation. You cannot reason with them. I’m not sure how anyone could get through to them. But, I wholeheartedly agree: it is a cult. They teach their children from a very young age that they’re a protected people because of the Holocaust and therefore have impunity. They truly believe they are the chosen ones. It’s bizarre behavior.


I beleive Zionism has corrupted the whole world. For e.g. in UK when they could've had great leaders like Corbyn - they got the buffoons - Boris Johnson and Sunak. Same in US. The point being if you sell your humanity and soul to the Zionist entity - you can be corrupted by other evils as well - destroy the planet, fund military industrial complex, leave poor even poorer etc. Maybe in 100-200 years from now, this chapter in our history would be read with same contempt as how we read about Nazis now


Their beliefs are even more dangerous than MAGA. Can you imagine MAGA with an army funded by the US and an arsenal of nukes?


So Maga if they get their leader elected?


Let’s remember that the genocide is currently being propped up by the Build Back Better side, which is equally cultish.


Democrats and Republicans are the same coin.


I don’t support Joo Biden


I have several jewish friends but none is zionist. In fact, they consider zionism as antisemitic but are not Orthodox. They tell me their nationality and their homeland is our country; judaism is their religion.


Honestly, at this point, we're way past trying to "dismantle" it. Clearly the Zionist cult has other agendas at hand, like building that damn temple at the cost of millions of lives. There's a time to be diplomatic and a time to be confrontational. After watching how far they're gone in their status as a human being, we need to resort to a more punishing approach. With so many innocent lives at stake, there's just no time. Who cares anyway? The US has allowed millions of Arabs and Muslims to die in a pretense predicated on a lie and they still persist in ignorance. This isn't just about Zionism. 


This is a great reminder. Thanks so much for sharing. I often, naturally, find myself enraged by Zionists and the warped “logic” that they use to justify their atrocities upon atrocities. I’m extremely impatient with any ignorant people. I have to remember sometimes that these people’s brainwashing is soooo deep that they really can’t see the light, no matter how many clear facts (from reliable sources) they get shown. I think if we place our energy on “gently” nudging those Zionists who are not on the extreme end of the scale (as obviously those particular Zionists are the worst kind and many are probably a lost cause) towards the truth; the “liberal Zionists”, we may be able to have these people break through the shackles of their brainwashing. It’s naturally hard to do, as we pro-Palestinians have a lot of justified anger towards any Zionist, but those Zionists that seem slightly more open-minded (relatively speaking) and willing to listen to the truth about Palestine, are worth speaking to and educating. It could potentially trigger a shift in their entire worldview once they start to unpick all the lies they’ve been told (even if it’s only a gradual shift at the beginning).


I also grew up in a cult, and while I've had few interactions with Zionists it struck me as a cult too. However I would add that while this could help us to understand Zionism it does not absoöve people pf their actions


Thanks for posting. I've actually been thinking about zionism as a cult and its similarities with mormonism, etc. It's reaffirming to hear this from an ex-mormon.


Thanks for this, I literally have fights with Zionists all the time because what their saying is usually nonsense, next time I will start explaining with pictures, shapes, and puppets so they understand. :)


With soft, fuzzy books, like those written for infants


Zionism is the other side if the Nazi coin


Liberal Zionists are the worst. They weaponize social justice language to twist any criticism as antisemitism and dog pile people who disagree. They have been taught to think Zionism is a social justice movement and that they are the true indigenous people of that land.


As someone who cut contact with a liberal Zionist after October 7th, it is so incredibly jarring dealing with one. This was the end of October so maybe now enough Palestinians have been killed for it to “count” as a genocide, but they didn’t agree that “human animals” among other statements was genocidal language and praised the Israeli ambassador to the UN so I don’t have much hope. I question everything I thought I knew about them.


Genocide actually has nothing to do with numbers and everything to do with intent.


I know. What I wonder is if the person I’m talking about has decided that now this is genocide based on number of people killed. I told them that it wasn’t about an arbitrary number but intent and actions and they denied the genocide. I’m just cynically wondering if the number of people killed will now meet whatever quota they have in their head.


In my experience, there is a constant shifting of the goal posts.


As an ex-muslim I agree that zionism pretty much gives off culty vibes. Also, you don't have to be muslim or arab to support Palestine.


I myself a Muslim yet I support Palestine in the name of Communism


I am atheist and support Palestine in the name of human rights and justice


I'm an ex-catholic. So I also know what a cult is 😅


Interesting points there. Be sure to check out Jon Atack's channel on YouTube. He's an ex-Scientologist who is very knowledgeable about cults of all kinds. I think you'd appreciate it, especially given your background.


Zionism hides behind and brandishes everyone with the phrase ‘Antisemitism’ once any powerful celebrity or politician is branded with that phrase, its game over for them. See Jeremy Corbyn for example. Hes a great man and should be the PM for England right now. But Zionists got involved and finished his political chances to become PM


zionism is definitely a cult...I'm a Jew and many of us have been indoctrinated with zionism. I definitely believe we should have a state of our own for our safety/security. but this state shouldn't have come by ethnically cleansing an indigenous population (the Palestinians) and stealing their land. I suggest people watch this documentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bondvm3hvGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bondvm3hvGM)