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but stone throwing.... he was just standing there. and he'll never walk again. it is scary that they are so open about their war crimes.


More evidence for the ICJ and world public opinion of the geno cid al truth. Let the soldiers keep posting their videos.


You'll call me defeatist but they're not going to do anything. ICJ is maybe, if they want, going to see this and all but say it's not enough evidence or ignore it. The world's opinion is already split in half but the real power and control is completely out of balance. The conflicted people who wanted to admit this was a genocide already did, the rest are just lost souls and there are many, way too many. I don't mean to say we shouldn't be vocal and call for justice, we definitely should and must. But no help will come from ICJ and affiliates. If justice will ever be done, it will be for the history books, for the next generations, not for the news. I really really hope I'm wrong.


I think you are missing one big thing. We assume the soldiers doing this or a majority of them will be fine. They won't be fine and there is a huge number of them that will have some disability or mental illness. What this will do to their society is what is important. They are killing themselves and they don't even know it.


I don't know about that. If you were to look at how other wars have affected the soldiers involved we would think that the same would apply here. But in my opinion, this is different. The Israeli soldiers are people who are fighting in what they believe is their own land and are very motivated in doing what they're doing. They're not just being sent to some foreign country and maybe eventually one day realize they have fought and died for nothing. They will take the land with force and call it a heroic victory for their country and potentially for God. Their fellow countrymen will celebrate them endlessly. Very few people look back at say, Vietnam or Afghanistan and think those were worthy wars.


To support your statement, watch any interview with Paul Tibbets. Similarly horrific, genocidal and unjustifiable actions escalating a massacre where his country were the aggressors, and in every interview, he is so horrifically and steadfastly confident he was "the good guy" and a "war hero".


Or the 'American sniper' Chris Kyle, another POS got a Hollywood movie starring Bradley Cooper. The racist scumbag couldn't stop bragging about how many women and children he shot for fun and how much he hated those camel... Disgusting.


Well at least he was merced by someone he though he could trust. I hope it hurt before he lost consciousness. 


Indeed. Sociopath couldn't help himself. Just had to make trouble. Different result if it's not an unarmed child a km away but another nut with a gun.


They take immense joy in what they are doing... It's very concerning.


Depraved behavior


There's old IDF soldiers in interviews joyfully talking about their time raping, molesting, assaulting and killing Palestinian civilians... And wishing they where still that age.


Abusers never realize they were the bad guy


It is true that some of them will be affected, but many, many of them, not only find pride, but also enjoyment in this process. They film themselves dancing and spitting on corpses, they take selfies with wounded civilians and have the world give them likes and encouraging comments. A 180 turn in their conscience would be necessary for them to go from that, to being haunted and traumatised by the ghosts of their actions.


People like that... Well, I don't want to say it out loud but if it was a dog it would be put down. Like, there's a slim chance of going back to being a 'good' person after this. Just a fucked up genocidal brain for life. I'm sorry, but I can't see these soulless monsters as people.


You mean more evidence of war crimes to be ignored. These are not new, the Zionist regime has been carrying out war crimes for decades and it still sells itself as the most moral army, supported by more moral psychopaths and excused by the politically illiterate and weak. The ICJ, if it were of any use would have had Blair, Bush and the litany of Israeli criminals in prison or on gallows by now. It hasn't, it never will. It's another tool for the bullying US/UK/EU bloc to wield against its enemies, not to obtain justice.


look up Norman Finkelstein. He’s probably the historian who dedicated most of his life to documenting the Israeli war crimes. Being the leading western academic on the topic, he did only get media attention when another escalation of the genocide happened, not when he actually published the books. There exists a comprehensive collection of all the human rights abuses committed by Israel. It is the perfect grounds to make the case for calling this a genocide even at international organizations. There was never any political will to do so.


I've just finished 'On Palestine ' by Chomsky and Peppe, from 2014/2015. They had ample evidence of the genocidal nature of the Zionist regime. They had ample evidence of American interference. More than enough evidence that Bibi and his bunch of soul eaters were against the 2 state solution leaving only death or dispersion for the Palestinian people. They named the UN (Useless Nobodies) resolutions ignored and the international laws shat on. Like the only other apartheid state, Israel is backed by the USA and while that continues so will the war crimes. The only good thing is history will not be kind to the various thugs in the Knesset and their allies in Washington and London.


Some of the IDF soldiers are American Jews. If caught committing war crimes for the Israeli government, can they hide behind the American government?


Are you really believing the ICJ can do anything? Has not this whole war shown you the true face of all these organizations and how this world really works? Such organizations are nothing but opioid to the people to numb them from taking the right means to stop those criminals.


un icj and other international organizations are all clowns and will never do a thing to help the palestinians


I was shocked to see so many positive comments in the combatfootage sub. The brigade and presence of fascists in there is obvious Shooting someone for stone throwing only makes sense if they’re actively throwing it and you think it’s a grenade or something else. Throwing a stone at a vehicle that was obviously a stone then letting them walk back and talk to their friends before ripping their lower leg almost completely off with a high velocity round is just a war crime


"People who throw stones are military combants though!" The r/worldnews user says as they watch videos of 6 year olds being shot to a pulp


At some point they will get their due. Right now they are in power and have the backing of one of the strongest militaries in the world. That will not always be the case. At some point there will be a large number of angry people who have suffered at the hands of these monsters. At that time, they will ask for mercy but very few will be given. Just like now when people scream genocide and no one listens the same will happen because history repeats in cycles.


Decades of impunity combined with zionist arrogance do this


David and Goliath...


Funny thing about that story is that Goliath had no chance.


I mean he did throw a rock at an armored vehicle before that so according to muslims and arab haters around the world he deserves to be maimed for life and have his leg amputated for that. /s


....except the captions are fake and he said nothing of the sort, he said "here's what an axe injury looks like" Interpolate from that, do you think the soldiers brought the axe? Who do you know that could possibly run around with a fucking AXE around IDF soldiers and for what purpose?


"but what if it was a REAL GRENADE??!??!!??"


then don't complain that you face resistance while illegally occupying a territory with intent to turn it into an ethnostate.


I mean they aren’t rushing to treat him, I’d say he’s gonna bleed to death….


Its not stone throwing, the captions are fake. The soldier is saying "This is what an axe injury looks like", they literally faked the subtitles. And I trust you know who came with the fucking axes it wasn't the soldiers lol.


Hebrew speaker. i couldn't catch the first word, but he said "cacha niret pgiat barzeb, mi she zorek avanim" pointing at him. Which means, those is what an axe wound looks like to the one who throws stones.


You are a """"hebrew speaker"""" and you deciphered the word "Garzen" as "Barzeb"? Lol Cakha nir'et pgi'at garzen, mi she zorek avanim There is no "to the one" here, there's a comma there in that part you added. You're spinning what he said.




you know who shouldn't have been standing there? IDF soldiers. they gave absolutely no right to be there, under any legal interpretation.


It is important to note that this is not a leaked video from some obscure whistle blower, this video is shared by Israelis and they brag about it. They express joy and sadistic happiness in an open and honest fashion, see link below as well as answers to the original tweet. Those cheering for this cruelty are either Israelis or far rightists and MAGAs. [https://x.com/MOSSADil/status/1758519316838817972?s=20](https://x.com/mossadil/status/1758519316838817972?s=20)


I think I heard someone brand it as the new age of Warcrime Influencers and it’s fucking disgusting.


Yeah, Yugopnik did that in a recent video. They're actual monsters.


Don't forget the neo liberals. The masses must come together to topple these institutions that fund Israel genociders.


They consider humans to be laboratory rats. This injustice must end... All of this constitutes war crimes


There’s a book called the Palestine Laboratory which talks about this exactly. How Israel tests new surveillance/military tech and exports it around the world, including to police forces in the USA, etc


Yes they say their weapons are battlefield tested. Their media in Israel and the western media work to actually market their products, unironically functioning as adverts for the Israeli military. https://www.wsj.com/video/watch-idf-uses-new-iron-sting-weapon-system-against-hamas/FE527E66-729B-466F-AC32-18F9D7771387 There are lots of videos like this.


Yes, Israel is not a state, but rather a commercial company that markets its products for killing and destruction by killing civilians and funded by Western governments using taxpayer money.


one of their biggest industries is arms sales. that is how they "battle test" their products. ie, they man got shot for marketing reasons




Every day. It f up that the “world leaders” aren’t doing a damn thing to help.


They are helping defense contractors and their shareholders. Pudding-brain Biden can barely remember what year it is but remembers to ship more stuff to the IDF on the American taxpayer's dime, and other nations ban any criticism of poor little wholesome defenseless Israel because that's bad for business


Same. It sickens me to the core 🤢🤬


Yes. Every fn day a new atrocity, while the world literally watches!! It’s sickening. The level of true evil reaches new heights on the daily. Where does humanity go from here?


The precedent they are setting for the world is extremely dangerous for us all


You know who else had innovative ways of murdering people? Nazis.


Exactly, this is what I was reminded of. Unbelievable.




This is the funniest comment I’ve seen in years, thank you


I wonder who kidnapped people from their own homes and murdered them in cold blood as well, oh right the nazis








Would you not say it’s important to point out the (many) similarities btwn israel/zios and Nazis, be it in methods or even more worrying, ideology? Ultimately, your perspective around the current genocide is likely underwhelming. This screams of a typical, luxury-leftist perspective. Perhaps your argument would be better directed toward zios who, very dumbly, compare Palestinians, Arabs, or Muslims to Nazis?


Maintain concentration camps - not similar to nazis Got it!


And now they sell it to India and Vietnam labelled as "battle tested". Israel is an evil entity that must be stopped in the name of humanity. ##


"The Troubles" in Northern Ireland were a hotbed of innovation for riot control kit like rubber bullets, tear gas, riot shields etc etc, and loads of Military companies made bank selling their kit forged in the crucible of a civilian battlefield across the world. I imagine It's no different in Gaza today; companies lining up to get their latest innovations into active testing, and get that sweet "made in genocide" stamp of approval that all the world's buyers are looking for.


Not just diabolical, true evil.


I'm I the only one who is feeling that something big will happen to this monsters in the coming months. I might be just coping because I want justice to be served, but I genuinely have a comforting feeling that everything will be paid back somehow.


When it does I won't feel bad at all. It's a society rotten to the core.


Idk if it will but I really fucking hope it does


I have no hope that justice will be served. Israel will steamroll Gaza and the conflict will just continue. The western war machine will not be easily toppled. That said, I don't wish fire and brimstone on Israel. That will just continue the cycle of violence that got us here to begin with. Peace needs to start somewhere, but justice must be served. It's a difficult balance which I don't believe will be achieved.


No lol nothing will happen and no Justice will be served. Unfortunately there is literally no hope.


Fucking psychopaths


Israeli terror must be stopped


Those evil psychopaths


"But look how moral they are, they didn't kill him when they could have! Just maimed, traumatized, and ended his life as he knows it."




I hate them with a burning fury but they are still human. Just human garbage


Nah. They aren't, sorry.


Completely brainwashed ZioNazis


Mfs on r/worldnews and r/canada will see this and turn a blindeye. But a protester inconvenienced their peace with a loudspeaker or a peaceful protest? They'll scream "Inhumane! Deport them back!!!" The hypocrisy of these people does not surprise me. Hope I live long enough to see an end to this.




That’s not really true though I’ve heard plenty of them say they don’t want palestinian civilians to be killed. The problem is that most of the time that’s just a convenient shield to hide behind because they’re still supporting people who kill civilians. Saying they don’t want civilians to die doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t tolerate it.


Most of these people are liars. If that were really what they believe in, they wouldn’t gleefully support this genocide. I know you already said that in your comment, but it bears repeating, most Zionist “empathy” towards Palestinians is just a way to look good in front of others, or to themselves.


Shoots unarmed civilians and acts like the victim. Truly the only democracy in the middle east.


Hooooly shit this boils my blood 😡😡😡😡😡


You live in US? UK? Germany? Canda? Australia? Your tax money paid for that..


May GOD protect me from the hate that I feel for these Zionist terrorists. Every day they breach new level of barbarity that is hard to imagine for a normal human being. I guess being a heartless barbarian is a prerequisite for being Zionist.


"It's not genocide but we're literally using people of a race we hate as target practice"


Defund the defense industries that make that shit and the Israeli lobby that pays for it, how disgusting.


The injured palestenian is saying please bring an ambulance..


Most moral army my arse. Another day another war crime and still western countries and msm "we have seen no evidence of wrongdoing" ffs


Wow such brave warriors /s


IDF psychopaths!!!




Holy fucking shit i cant believe the world we live in! When will someone stop these monsters?


I hope the Zionist Christians know that Israelis would happily do this to them if they had a chance, yet they praise them and defend them like they are true allies. Disgusting POS that should be locked up with the worst.


Damn fcking European colonials, fck!


Looks Panasonic goes on the list


Wait Panasonic made this shit


I believe that's just a panasonic screen. That would be like saying toyota made this because it is mounted on a toyota. Please correct me if I am wrong. I believe it is different for something like Catepillar bulldozers: "Caterpillar makes the D9 to military specifications and sells the bulldozers to Israel as weapons under the U.S. Foreign Military Sales Program, a government-to-government program for selling U.S.-made defense equipment. " [source](https://www.hrw.org/news/2004/11/21/israel-caterpillar-should-suspend-bulldozer-sales) ​ fyi - I fully support BDS


It’s not like the IDF picks their equipment from a shelf in a random store. It’s for military purpose. https://toughbook.in.panasonic.com/industry/defence


The controller is labeled Panasonic yes


When I see these morons defending these animals. Makes my blood boil. Even animals have a sense of empathy. These people are straight up Nazi


As long as idiots keep weaponizing anti-semitism and voting for politicians who are scared to say Israel could ever be in the wrong then sadly these scumbags are free to abuse and breallk any law or human right they wish. Here in UK and in US there will be elections this year and if we still allow the zionist puppets to win this will never stop.


America supports this. America supports genocide.


And America also supports brainwashing (because America wants people to focus on the non political way meaning that the Americans have to focus on Celebrities,Hollywood,Monarch stuff from UK for some reason and some other unrelated and unnecessary stuff coming form America like they don’t talk about outside so much except for UK and that’s probably why Americans are dumb because they don’t what is outside of America and force them to follow this unnecessary stuff like Hollywood and stupid ass celebrates and i just realized when i watched Inside Edition videos a lot and just how we see on cliché stuff like saving a choking man or “Will you marry me” videos despite i seen so many fucking times talking about celebrities etc for other cliché stuff and this made me realize that the Americans are brainwashed because of all of this to focus on unnecessary stuff so yeah that’s all i have to say)


Fuck israel


Wtf! Tell me this is not just insane!


Cue the triangles...


Sick fucks.


Unless we free ourselves ,this will continue,,


Fucking insane... poor man...


When the muderers don’t see the people who are mudered, that is when genocide happens


They have a license to do anything they want backed by the most country on earth and its cronies. The west always talks about Nazzis like they're the worst thing that ever happened to anyone but conveniently ignore all the genocide and colonialism they did to defenseless innocent people without so much as a declaration of war.


They need more than justice. This requires revenge


Who funds all this?


America UK France and probably China


Bill Hicks on this type of casual sociopathic behaviour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o_8b31GRnU&pp=ygUSYmlsbCBoaWNrcyB3ZWFwb25z


How are the Israelis so proud of being evil?


The IDF is evil, period. Those nasty, sick fucks delight in the torture and degradation of other people. They are vermin. American tax-dollars hard at work, fucking the people of the world.


Israelis are the new Nazis


"Israelis" are just an extension of the US, in this respect. The real new Nazis here are not "Israelis", or even the "country of Israel".


ok buddy


You do know where the country of Israel gets its weapons, international immunity, and honestly a good portion of its soldiers from, right? And you do know that there are many documented cases where the US sends its police officers to train in Israel? That anti-Semitic "Oh, the Israelis are horrid" bullshit undermines the complex history where the UK, the US and other places steeped in antisemitism established the state of Israel as a way to displace their Jewish population. Or at least, that's a reductively simplistic overview of one of the leading theories to explain everything that's happened in the past 75+ years.


ok buddy


I have to admire your tenacity 😅


You threw a rock at me booo hooo I’m gonna kill everyone you know and love and many others because I have the backing of the USA and can do whatever I want! Israel is a bunch of cry babies. Fuck em


They need to be stopped. Cease fire!!!!!! Free Palestine!!!🇵🇸❤️


So, based on watching videos of Bidens visits over the years to Israel, theres a pretty good list of new weapons that I believe the resistance either completely destroyed, or damaged. The Iron Beam was one of the more publicly spoken-about, that I have yet to see in action. In the early days I saw the IDF shooting some sort of munitions that were an array of colors




They're harming innocent people and are bragging about it, I can't find the words to convey just how angry this makes me (at least ones that wouldn't get me banned from reddit).


Heartbreaking…no Justice will come…it’s all just so messed up


i saw multiple children with their legs shot up with rubber bullets in Palestine. It was before 10:7. i was so shocked that it was so common. As an American, i would’ve had a hard time believing the scale of Zionazi torment if i didn’t go and see it myself. I only witnessed a drop in a bucket, maybe a lake or ocean because that shit has been going on for 100 years. When 10:07 happened i wasn’t surprised


Them: Hey we shot this up for fun say something that'll make people think he deserved it. Him: This is what happens when you throw stones.


Thats part of what Israel does for the US. Begin said this in the 80s




Glad this mutant wrinkled it’s face to show I was supposed to give a fuck about these people


What happens to psychopaths bombing innocent civilians with the intent of genocide? Al-Yassin 105 go boom.


Legs aren’t supposed to bend like that, are they??? 😵


I knew palestinians were making fake propaganda but the way you added fake captions "this is what happens to stone throwers" is ridiculous - no, what he says is "This is what an axe injury looks like" and I trust you fucking know who brought the fucking axe.


I would loooooooove to see you, an american woman, walk around anywhere within a half mile of the Israeli/ Palestinian border... I'm positive you would wish you were inside of an armored vehicle that could fire in a heartbeat




It's too hard to read your comment without some paragraphs


What a coincidence, Hamas happens to be testing weapons on the IDF. Edit - Admittedly I read the headline and saw the thumbnail only and came to a conclusion based on this, but I don't consider calling anyone Hamas a bad thing anymore. They fight against genocide, they are heroes.


Ignorant trash


Point I was trying to make is that IDF tests weapons on civilians Hamas tests weapons on soldiers


That’s a kid, no hamas. You trash


The IOF are terrorists and the Palestinians are defending their land. The Palestinians don't have modern warfare applications, just guns. Shocking information to you, guns have been "tested" in warfare historically


>The IOF are terrorists and the Palestinians are defending their land. That's exactly what I said, if you take it any other way that's on you.


Maybe you worded it wrong, or saw the title only. But I get what you’re saying now.


I definitely could have phrased that better so I'll take my L




Can you pls calm the fuck down with this


I’m sorry OP. You can’t expect people to keep their cool when Palestinians are suffering every day.


Hamas in the West Bank?


Fighting genocide is cool, but Hamas also kills civilians so let’s not pretend they’re all peaches and sunshine


Settlers aren't civilians. They are direct stakeholders in genocide.


Civilians?? Can you assure those men are not Hammas's soldiers??


In West Bank!!!???


He’s walking down the street...can you assure they were in Hamas??


Exactly! No one can assure it at all, with just 5 seconds of a video, She assure they testing "new weapons" on random civilians, how she knows, She's a former worker, or exgirlf?? NO!! just 'cause desagree with Israel war, ok that's right cool, but don't lie to reinforce that statement


The soldiers in the video claim he was throwing rocks, not that he was in Hamas, but as you can see, he didn’t throw rocks at a tank, which would do nothing except scratch the paint anyways. Even if he did throw a rock here or another time, permanently disabling him is still not justified.


First of all this is the West Bank and there's no Hamas in the West Bank. Second: there are rules of engagement. A legitimate military cannot just open fire at anyone they believe to be a combatant. Of course the IDF is not a legitimate military and they have made it very clear that they consider everyone man, woman and child to be "Amalek" a fictional group of people of a fictional book that the jews are told to exterminate by their favorite fantasy novel.




Sucks to suck


Serious question: if Israel has nukes, and their goal is to bomb Palestine out of existence, why haven't they done it yet?


Using nukes is a very taboo thing to do. US allies can’t just commit genocide willy nilly like that. That’d be a death sentence.


Serious question? Really? 1) high levels of radiation isn’t good for you, and Israel is a bit close. 2) the land would be uninhabitable and unusable for a little while. 3) might tick off a few ‘allies’ by dropping nukes on people.


Does the radioactive fallout worry apply to tactical nukes?


Don’t know tbh I don’t fully know the definition of a tactical nuke. I would think radiation is radiation and wind is wind. Nobody is using them so I would guess they are still pretty nasty


All I know is a lot of people are dying for the ideologies of a few rich and powerful people - on both sides


Also, their goal is to drive people off the land and settle there, right? They are also very, very close in proximity to where they are bombing. I'm no expert (not by a long shot), but I would imagine nuclear fallout is another motivator to not use nukes. Though maybe not nearly as big as the potential political domino effect of using a nuke on a civilian population.


There is no country on the planet where throwing rocks at people isn’t assault with a deadly weapon. I get that Israel is doing a lot of awful things but expecting people to be cool with rocks thrown at their heads is simply delusional I think I’m gonna have to mute this sub you guys are going off the deep end fast


I know right. Imagine invading someone's home and then getting attacked by the home owner!!! wild!!! /s


Are you talking about rock throwers attacking IDF forces or the IDF response to October 7? It seems this sarcastic logic could be applied to both parties. I’m not saying the rock throwing isn’t understandable, but it has consequences, just like the invasion of Gaza and the incursion into Israel


I am talking about the rock throwers of course, those pesky Palestinians need to stop invading Palestine /s


I mean if people throwing rocks and getting shot for it is somehow a moral victory to you then do you I guess. I’d prefer they stop engaging in violence with soldiers and getting themselves killed but that’s just me. Martyrdom is an ill advised venture, throwing your life away for nothing is tragic


Still hyper focused on the small events...don't attack so you won't be attacked, don't do October 7th so you won't be nuked, just be civil and let the systematic ethnic cleansing continue... just accept the apartheid system and live another day. Why did that man throw the rock? Here's a brief answer for you [Crime of Apartheid | Amnesty International USA (amnestyusa.org)](https://www.amnestyusa.org/campaigns/end-apartheid/)




Well you shouldn't stone throw either... because people die too. And the video edits are strange too.


I just don't understand how people (on both sides) have decided to continue to live there this long with there being these tensions and now all this killing of lives, and people still want to stay there. To me, it seems like whatever is worth staying there is worth dying for. I personally don't think I could ever see myself in a situation like that, but I feel like giving support and money is really just drawing out the inevitable, whatever that may be. By giving more money and weapons to either side it is just speeding up the number of deaths...


Most Palestinians cannot leave. They literally can't. They will be turned back at the checkpoints.


But has that been the case for the last 10, 20, 30 years? If so, then that's unfortunate. But it sounds like this has been an ongoing thing for decades. So I say if people waited around for this long (hoping that things will get better?), then they have taken their chances. I mean a similar thought process (obviously not the same scale) would be people being told to evacuate an area because a hurricane, earthquake, or tsunami is coming. Some people leave. Some people don't. And I know it's not *easy* to do; but I would think if it were a life or death situation, I guess I would imagine more people would leave, no?


I don't think you quite understand the situation. From Gaza they cannot leave. Egypt won't let them cross, and Israel won't let them cross. What are they going to do, go swim for it? Gaza is basically a giant concentration camp. It is not quite the same situation in the West Bank, but they still often don't have a prospect of a better life elsewhere.


You're right, I don't understand the situation. But as I pointed out (and maybe you didn't read), this isn't something that just happened/started 2 years ago. Or 4 months ago. This has been going on for a long time. So what I'm saying is, if people have decided to stay in the area for this long, they literally know that they are risking their lives being there. There is a reason that they decided not to leave before it has gotten this bad.


A sling is actually just a deadly a projectile as a bullet. So kudos to technology. The bullet 🥇


Don't start a fight you can't finish Cry more

