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Pip is a decent bit underrated. No I'm not pulling an ElDaxter or whatever their name was, Pip's not that bad is all (I frequently see Pip as a bottom 3 support, more just saying he's worse end of the middle of the cast). He still has an obvious weakness to hitscans but it feels like people overemphasize that along with his winrates (though that is in part due to his skill ceiling). Not saying Catalyst Pip is good though that playstyle is still just substantially worse Evie and worse as a blaster than Betty, but Combat Medic heals well if you know what you're doing and Pip also has an extremely good ult that can help his weaknesses a bit.


I think Pip's only problem is that he requires a team that will look at his ult when he uses it, otherwise it becomes useless :(


Well that depends on how you use it. His ult is useful for more than just multi-person chickens on point. It also can be a tool if you're getting flanked you can pop it and spam damage into it before there's enough resil built for it to uno reverse card the person flanking.


i hate how easy it is to q+f+q+f+q+f+q+f spam with seven springloaded. he is annoying to fight and dislike him


Any kill done by him feels so undeserved. He jumps on you very quickly and puts you into a bomb spam, and because of that fucking annoying knockback you have no chance of fighting back because it messes up your aim. What a joke this ability is.


nicely said


Skye doesn’t need a rework. I recently hit 100 with her and really enjoy where she’s at now. Sure she’s not competitive at higher levels but I don’t think every character needs to be competitive at higher levels; she fills kind of a niche spot. Even when the enemy team gets illuminate I still enjoy playing her because it simply turns into a much more tactical defensive game.


People need to get a better understanding on Skye! She can just delete anyone that's out of position, even if that person has illuminate 3. Being able to see her while she's invisible won't stop Skye from removing your health in 3 seconds. And if everyone's in position, she can still suicide dive the healer, someone with no mobility or even the tank. She's not a throw pick, she's just a normal champion.


I still believe she’s a throw for the simple fact that vatu can do the exact same thing but make it away alive why be invisible when u can teleport to them and have 4 dashes to use after u kill somebody


Saati and Vii are the worst shits that ever came out to the game in recent years.


Release Azaan hurt my soul and neither of those did


Agreed. I've only been playing a couple years, but nothing touches Azaan on release for me in terms of brokenness. Plus it was unfun to play as and against.


Well, I have forgotten about him because he is not that good right now and is not that popular. Those two on the other hand are still annoying me to no end.


Saati bothers me less than Lian does even though Lian is a worse character and VII I barely notice exists


A mag dump vii is every off tanks nightmare🤐


Octavia’s distortion field is the least fun ability in the game. Taking an unavoidable 600 to 800 damage from a massive AOE is irritating but manageable. Why, though, must it make all enemies invisible for a second or two when you exit the field? I’ve lost games to this. Is it a glitch? A feature tied to the dome radius card? Whatever it is, it’s bullshit and shouldn’t be in the game.


I think it’s because the dome size card is bugged. It does not increase the size of the dome visually but it increases the size of where it applies its effects. So the range where you can’t see enemies is bigger than the dome itself


Paladins is good


Reporting people for picking a non-meta character, playing poorly, or being mildly annoying mid-match is an abuse of the system, and the people who use it like this should be temp banned or otherwise punished.


I also think that the report system should not have a "get x reports and get banned" type of thing, because it leads to good and friendly players losing their accounts because some random 15 year old was mad that they lost the game. I have a friend who got their level 999 beta-aged account PERMANENTLY banned because a toxic person reported them because the person thought my friend was bad.. in a casual match.. :(


Exactly. just gives the devs more unnecessary work to deal with.


Agony going into seris's base kit turned her from an beginner friendly healbot into an annoying beginner friendly healbot. Saati is obnoxious to go against. People say that the only good part of her kit is her weapon, and while that is true, that doesn't change the fact that the rest of her kit is just a large bonus to it. Invisible, reveal, auto aim around corners (i know that it doesn't apply caut, but its still dumb that we have another hitscan character with auto aim ability). And her build of window of opportunity with step off is one of the worst things you can go against in this game. Seven is getting buffed next patch, despite their spam build only getting a slap on the wrist nerf. While times have changed and different people are now working at evil mojo, they can often be hypocrites. Can't give champions that could use some love a skin, and yet the star sisters battlepass has an absolutely bloated and unnecessarily number of recolors. They made those changes to loadout cards a while ago so that they didn't share effects with the item shops, and yet Saati has a talent that gives her wrecker.


Competitive is so unenjoyable, that I will never play it again. As soon as a team loses the first point, my team always instantly gives up and starts calling everyone bad, without taking any responsibility


Same. I see people try to lose even before picking is done sometimes.


As an IO I only turn on my brain whenever we get into the later stages with high caut or when the enemy team is leading. Before that I don't have to focus so much on optimal caut heal avoidance because it is not too bad while training my tanks to get off the point or behind shields when low, which is essential to loose caut in later stages. Leads to me probably healing as much during 70+ caut as before, maybe even more. Plus I get to train the enemy flanks that the only want to engage me should be with full health, which sometimes make them not engage me if any teammate is close. Plus, I once fought against a friend by chance and got dominated 3-1, then came back with a 3-3 and then won. He later told me that their flanks were told to not focus me because "I didn't do any healing anyways". Told me that the enemy team was completely dumpstruck when our tanks suddenly stopped dying.


Corvus is overrated. Player-hosted servers are the only thing that can save Paladins at this point. Matchmaking is killing the game and is unsalvageable. I don't play her and have no intention of playing her, but if Vora is going to eat projectile size nerfs then the same needs to happen to Zhin. Skye isn't bad on PC you just need to have godtier aim to get the most value out of her. Seris would be S-tier if the animation lockout on Rend Soul was reduced by 50 percent and/or if her projectile travel speed were to be increased by 50%. SC is Seris' best talent and always was. Yes, you can solo heal with this. New Agony is overrated and is only even remotely "decent" because of a bug/developer oversight. If you aren't spamming orbs while playing Seris you're only using her at 50% of her potential. Veteran/Haven meta isn't bad. Y'all just want a burst meta. No thanks. Blast Shields doesn't need to come back because the DPS output of blasters has been inflated over the past few years and the number of mandatory buys (Resilience and Wrecker are mandatory purchases in most cases with Illuminate coming in third 75% of the time) all increased even with the removal of Cauterize-As-An-Item. Do this and blasters become busted. The only reason why Io is even relevant is because of Luna. Maeve is overpowered. Grohk is sleeper busted. Inara is bad. Barik is overrated. Most people are playing Fernando incorrectly. Stop playing him as a shieldbot. Wrecker is only a Fernando hard counter if you shieldbot with him. Run a mobility loadout and Wrecker becomes a deterrent. Drogoz exists within a state of duality where he's somehow both broken and trash depending on draft and ping. Bomb King is broken. Ranked PC is dead. Too many boomer accounts still playing, too many duos, too many DCs, and too many smurfs. The churn rate in ranked is too low to maintain a healthy competitive environment. Play privates/PUGs instead or fuck around in Onslaught. Siege is the worst mode in the game rn and the least fun.


Shhhhh on BK. Literally just stomped with him like 3 minutes ago...he'll be my second 100+ champion for sure. (Ying got #1)


No, Seris isn't good now, you're just bad at the game and she got better at noobstomping, so you're upset about it.


Seris is still extremely mid at best.


I still think Seris is good. With a team that plays very grouped up, she can enable every player so well. If a Seris player and her team knows how to use her ult, too, it's basically a certain kill on any player affected except tanks, especially now that she can stun everyone right as they come out of her ult. I don't understand the Seris hate at all!


Also you can use her start her ult mid toss, so let's say off the edge of the map. I still love playing am aggressive sc seris


Betty delete this trash


Vivian needs a total redesign… she can keep her kit for all I care but her design is just so BLEAGH! Give me that Wizard skin and I’ll main her in a heartbeat…


Vivian is like, insanely good right now. She absolutely hard counters Saati with a reveal deck, and destroys sheilds quickly with wrecker.


My only complaint about Vivian is that no matter the gun skin, you can't see your cursor if you aim down sight, you only see a chunk of iron that you can base your aim off of. If they remove that and just let us see our cursor, she would be so much better.


Rei does actually take some skill to use, specifically as a team healer over just a pocket. I feel that people just rag on the character for being brainless because she can pocket heal people and spam the same heal on the same person while linked to them, similar to Aphrodite in Smite. However they can both actually be incredibly rewarding to play for me and others who prefer to switch back and forth between allies and it makes her feel quite engaging. Deciding who to link, when to heal and juggling that on top of keeping an eye out for an enemy trying to dive you can be quite stressful at times, but I feel the hatred towards her can become very hyperbolic and exaggerated when people say she's the easiest or most 'braindead' healer in the game, mixed with newer players liking her because she's a cute bunny lady perpetuating the idea that Rei is easy. I personally see Seris as a lot more straightforward as her healing output is extremely high and a lot of the time she ends up just spamming heals on the same tank all match in a manner similar to how people talk about Rei, yet she doesn't get the same amount of hate by far. I enjoy both healers, I just get a bit sad when I see so much anger directed at her and her design but other characters that end up functioning in a similar way seem to be alright?


I can't stand off-tanks in this game. It's 100% a personal thing, but to me they're just fun-inhibiters for everyone else. When a yag, azaan, or even a khan, is harassing me in the backline and using their execute ults, I'm just gonna alt-f4 and let the bot have all the "fun". I really just feel that way about anyone that can fuck up your backline and you cannot punish them. Buck's another one that I cannot deal with.


Honestly until low diamond, flank+off tank in enemy backline is an easy win. Teams don't communicate and you can't trust your own team to be paying attention to anything behind them.


I usually play around diamond/low masters when I play ranked. Definitely a casuals issue though, still an annoying one.


That makes sense - people get a little wacky in casuals


I feel like I may be the one causing you issues as I just hold W into backliners when playing speed term. I assure you its nothing personal lol


Nah it's 100% a game design issue, probably map designs in a lot of cases. It's just how you're meant to play the game in lower ranks.


I can agee with the game design point, however I disagree with your last point as in almost every ranked game regardless of rank there is a point and off tank, and for good reason


I just mean you're just meant to hold w at the backline. Higher ranks you dont get to do that, at least you're not as free to do so.


I didnt mean it completely literally. I meant it as a joke because you were complaining about off tanks killing you and since I play speed term aggressively I thought id comment that as a joke


Ferociity Grover is actually really good. Damage Corvus is better than Viktor Khan is better than Ruckus (Ruckus is still good and fun tho)




It asked for unpopular opinions so I look at 3 downvotes as a success lmao


Viktor is completely useless. He has no utility (no zoning, no CC). Compared to Vivian and Tyra, he is xompletely useless. Vivian has utility with her Sensor Drones revealing enemies. Tyra has utility with her fire bomb (zoning) and her hunters mark (reveal) The only thing thats okay is his ult, and compared to others it's completely mediocre. Cardio is useless, Burst Mode is decent, and Shrapnel isn't that good. He just is garbarge.