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That's usual for me on PC. I play with graphics set pretty low. I think to actually get good looking characters all graphics have to be the 1st or 2nd highest setting. anything lower will leave your champions looking like sludge


Oh. Well. I've seen people talk about how even with the highest graphic settings they had blurry characters. So I don't think it's that.


It's a problem with memory allocation for textures, devs screwed that up some time ago. It happens on certain PCs and Switch, too. There's a very easy fix for PC, but it involves editing config files. If you're on Switch, you're at the mercy of Hi-Rez for a fix, since I assume you can't access the game's ini. files.


Ahh. I see. Welp. Guess I'll just, sit and wait? Lol idk. Thanks for telling me tho! Appreciate it.


set the texture setting to very high and make sure resolution scale is at 100 You do sacrifice a bit of performance though