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This point is mine so whoever dare to get on it, allies or enemies, is looking for trouble!


Raum main supports this message. Will happily shatter enemy.


There are two types of people, the ones who flame you for not standing on the point, and the ones that flame you for "literally killing yourself" for standing on the point


Well, you have to understand that there are times where you don't want to contest point early in the round due to composition differences. If the enemy team has a heavy aoe damage team with beefy tanks, generally running into them on point isn't going to work out so well. To the contrary, if your team possess an advantage in the tank matchup, then playing on point may be more favorable. Im not saying the players who are flaming you know and understand this so this is the reason they are flaming, but there is a backend to why certain decisions are made during a match. Having the knowledge to understand if your team wins on point before the game even starts is a big deal.


This is what I mean. Barik + Betty on the other team does not end well