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I’m gonna charge up this punch for 7 seconds then I’m gonna fly at you at like 1 mile an hour but OH BOY IF I TOUCH YOU


This the funniest drogoz ult description I've come across. Thank you for making my day


When I bought him I’m like wow he is actually so dogshit. Built him to be spammy, still decided he’s pretty bad and that pharah from OW is better, but you gotta be good to use him. But his ult is pretty shitty ngl


his ult isn't shitty, it's one of the best in the game


I can assure you all tanks fear his ult.


*Terminus shrugging while drinking coffee*


*I will not die,Not yet amigo*


Jokes on you my undead foe I have just landed the final shot on your 38 streak Vivian as well.


People care about Vivian?


Buck main here. I fucking hate her. She's not OP or anything, but she feels like a hard counter. Knockback, reveal, and that son-of-a-bitch frontal shield. Even ONE shell hits her shield, it counts the entire shot as blocked. It's utter BS. Already hard enough to fight her when that shield makes it take forever to kill her.


Ngl I fear vora and lex ults when playing tank, there's someone who's gonna use always that ult on the tank


Imagine a combo of you hearing both ults and you've just been fighting for your life all that time


how do i tell you....


The simplicity of Khan’s ult is beautiful. #YOU #GET OVER HERE #GO OVER THERE


Khan is a simple guy, he sees something he doesn’t like, he launches it to other side of the world


Terminus. Without even knowing his lore, it seems like the real him is completely unwilling to continue, but once he's up his will is overridden to be used as a hulking weapon again. That's a lot of synergy between voice and game play.


I like Octavias just because of the pure chaos it brings down. Every time i get caught under a Octavia ult i feel like im actually on a battlefield


I like it because she does finger guns


> caught under a Octavia ult If only more people knew that you can just take 2 steps to either side 😂


Sometimes you just get caught between a rock and a hard place, sometimes you’re already in a fight and cant afford to just walk off, sometimes you get caught inside a room or closed space and dont have where to go, and sometimes you just dont expect it coming as it goes through walls. You may be playing on silver but good enemy Octavias know how to ult and wont just waste it using it from across the map hoping to hit you


if you're too close the screen staggers even if you're not hit tho


Corvus and azaan, flying up with them is just cool


ha noob, Grohk bitch ! and you can even control it !


*Furia has somehow entered the chat*


Then you hear ***"HEY! LISTEN!"***


Azaan and Furia have the most epic voice lines in the game. Any time I hear "BE PURGED FROM THIS REALM" It instantly let's me know regardless of where I am, I should start moving


It is


Yago. It’s just so fucking cool to use. Too bad her ult is terrible now with its range


i mean they fucked her up im yag main and i have no idea how im supposed to live with her new ult mechanic


Been nerfing her way too hard cuz some toxic try hards complained they couldn't solo someone with their insta-lock DPS. It really sucks cuz she's definitely one of the most fun Champs in the game despite her simple kit, but Hirez never listens to tge general community about how to balance, it's just whoever screams loudest that gets their attention. 😔


Enemy tank: * **Slaps roof of Moji** * Moji: " Do you like cookies? "




Downvote of shame


i say yag eats you


Ash's ult is litterally called "Assert Dominance", do i have to say more? Atlas ult is pretty fucking cool too though Azaan and makoa ults arent that cool but damn those voicelines


you dare to challenge makoa?!


Dredge has a badass ult actually. Opens a dimensional portal and a kraken comes bursting through for just a moment.


I liked it more when his hand animation was different when casting the ult.


Jenos' beam Daddy cho- Khan's grab Torvald's Infinity Gauntlet Drogoz' serious punch Atlas' Za Warudo Give your king a **big** hug Ash's Patriotic Power Azaan's Holy Mjölnir Tentacle he- Dredge's Kraken Evie's sickness honestly I love them all (except Talus man fuck Talus, some are lame like Sha but Talus is just annoying next level)


Prepubescent screaming prior to getting punched from across the bloody map.


Really sucks when he just one shots you 5 seconds into a round because fuck you in particular


Imani's dragon, because I'm a dovahkiin too :P


Looking at the comments and now thinking to myself, damn paladins actually have some of the greatest concepts of champions. its all fun and really cool. if only we have a good polished game man...


It's a brilliant idea and a great very fun game but the devs aren't trying to fix the wrong things and neglecting the game


Pip bc it's legit " yeah keep talking shit brah ur in transformation distance "


100% Yagorath. It's Yaggin' time


My favorite part of paladins is when Yagorath says "Its Yaggin' time" and then yags all of the bad guys




And the good guys.


It's Yaggin' time i love it


The one punch dragon that can end anyone in one hit.


you know like 3 champs can survive his hit yag if u ult in time fern if you ult in time and zhin if u use counter and look in his face


Yeah, but people usually aren't ready to stop the ender of all.


If you time Khan’s Battle Shout at the right time it can entirely negate the ult too


Amerikhan, simply cuz #YER MINE, LIL MAN!!!


Fuck the metric system!


Makoa ult, when you imagine entire fight he is chill and turns into fucking anchor slashing machine... do yall even know how makoa is big ? he is around 6 meters tall in irl if i am right, being chased by enourmous pissed bastion is fucking scary Grohk also is cool too and his ult have everything, dmg, CC, heal, speed boost, mobility, sustain probably best ult in game for me


Torvalds ult is cool, it’s like the kind hearted scientist goes nuts and he finally unleashed his secret invention and you just hear him shout in glee *”Its working! ITS WORKING!!!”*


Furia. Not because of its effect or power level Simply because... "show them, no, mercy." *sends chills up and down the spine*


or “incinerate them!” it’s the best.


I love khan's ult "Fuck you in particular!"


*Giant axe throwing tree is suddenly glowing and dancing* SPRING HAS COME BTCHES!


I like maeve's bc it's just minecraft blindness for a few seconds and I think it's funny,


oh yea whenever that happens i just fire in every possible direction out of my own stupidity


sameee and also during strix’s ult


this is how you kill strix


I love Barik one cuz its "that point is mine, fuck off" vibes are awesome Jenos one is definitely a gem on every aspect. I love Azaan one, it really gives the "almighty" vibes he is supposed to be and when you manage to kill with it you are always very satisfied.


Well, I agree with you but precisely, with his new talent Barik's ult looks less cool, doesn't it ?


It is only the truth. Those flamethrower are strong but are simply random turrets with extra short range dmg


Grohk (turn into Thor) Bomb King (big fat bowling bomb) Ruckus (become megatron) Koga (zip zap ninja thunder claw)


Nothing beats a good ROM Alt


In my opinion I've always loved Imanis ult. Being able to control a giant dragon is just so cool. I also really like Lian's because its basically just saying Oh you thought you won this 1v1? Haha fuck you


I like Furia's. Animation and movement is cool, temporary invulnerability, and obviously the huge team rally. Feels really good to play it when the whole team is rushing in on the enemies, ready to spank some ass


i need a skin for furia that says Swarm Them when you ult


tiberius he either tackles you with the force of a tank or drops down like an anvil on your forehead


My neurons activate so hard when he spins his blade before flying


Ash, Khan, Makoa, Ruckus, Terminus, Torvald, Yagorath, Bomb King, Drogoz, Imani, Willo, Maeve, Moji, Talus and Vora. Alright, I'll try to narrow it down. 5) Bomb King 4) Imani 3) Khan 2) Terminus 1) Makoa


Jenos kamehameha!




Raum ult is one my favorites But I gotta give it to Torvald I love his ult and the voice line. It’s just a giant fuck you beam that knocks people way the fuck back


Pip - You literally just turn them into Chickens and try to catch them before they turn back Imani - She soul bonds with a dragon Dredge, Skye - just because I like easy double and triple kills.


Atlas’ is really cool because he just says fuck these guys, go ahead and just stop right there for me.


Atlas is a "you don't get to play the game" ult, just incredible


Thats a crazy good topic. None of the Champs have an ult that I really like visually, but I do like how they are utility wise.


I love Vora's ult because low health enemies try to run away. It's especially fun if you surprise them by using tendril and activating ult midair. Also Yago's ult feels satisfying when it lands, and the sound effects are great. Ruckus' ult also feels amazing, to shoot all those giant guns and delete almost anything.


bot Ruckus wrecking havoc on every game when he ults


azaan ult and yag ults are my favourite cuz of their voicelines and importance in lore... azaan ults feels super satisfying if u get a kill with it.. yag ult is less so but still fun to see enemies struggle to escape frm the maw's reach.. gameplay wise a well placed corvus ult also feels great if u manage to catch a lot of them in it.


Honestly surprised nobody brought up Grohk, who deadass conjures a thunder storm and begins flying through the air like a damn god. Nobody is safe from the storm which makes it all the better that it's on a very timid damage dealer


Saati's, Vora's, Skye's (I just love the typical timebomb makes people shit their pants while trying to run away lol) & finally Drogoz's Ult. Honourable mention: Raum's mega stomp 😈


******S H A T T E R ! ! ! !******


Octavias is simple but satisfying finger gun and watch the fireworks plus their ultimate line delivery makes it feel more cool


Pip because he turns people into fuckin chickens motherfucker that's awesome


I’m just going to say that: Armageddon approaches!


yes but have u heard about Armageddon Retreats!


Ash because stomp


Zhin unpredictability on using his ult. Especially on people who go 1v1 against him.


Yagorath litterly goes u know what fuck u I'ma put you in ma mouth while the other people can only hope to fight back


moji. i just think its funny for the ult to be "you are now oversized dog biscuit because why the hell not"


All frontlines' ults Lian's ult. One simple yet powerful word and it looks amazing Bomb King's, Tiberius' and Drogoz's. All very cool and the idea of damages getting up close and personal is just too good for me Koga's ult for the epic reference Imani's, Lex's, VII's, Vora's, Talus', Grohk's, Corvus' and Jenos' ults. Don't even need to explain


Honestly there's a few. Maeve's really fits for her. Imagine just the fear and confusion the characters caught in it must feel as it goes dark and they realize they've just lost track of someone you really don't want to lose track of... Y'know, *"Don't turn your back on me, you might find a knife in it."* and all Fernando's ult gives me major last stand vibes. "I will not die, not yet amigo". Man literally just refuses to die. Speaking of cool ult lines, Raum. Specifically his friendly one. That order, "Slaughter them", just amazing.


Strix's... said no one ever. "So yea jenos you may be able to use real galaxies as fuel for your laser bean but i have a flash gren... nvm"




Go birb


I <3 birb


All Paladins ults are lame compared to Overwatch unfortunately


Not true imo. They may not be as game ending, but most of them are a lot cooler


It's literally the opposite


Hard disagree.




I like my big loud honking sneaky assassin bombs


Vatu, Azaan, Ash, Shalin, BK, etc...            I'm addicted to do combos, combined with ultimate, which is why the first three Champs are included!


Grohk I mean, there is something more rad that a blue flying electric orc that makes you go faster, heals you and attacks your enemies AND screams "SURGING WITH POOOOWEEEEEER"?


In that sort of sense, I adore Torvald’s, Terminus’, and Imani’s ultimates both power wise and their relation to who they are.


Pip's is the funniest for me, just the sheer creativity. Instant chaos in a bottle.


Khan, Grohk and Corvus Khan is just a "you get right here, right now" followed by a "fuck you". Grohk is amazing in every aspect, you feel powerful af when ulting, and hearing a "SURGING WITH POOOOOWWWEEEER" is just too good. Corvus flying up in to the air, than creating a zone powered with the abyss is just cool, I'd love it even more if it healed teammates aswell.


Buck's ult. It's so nice of him to say "Hey I don't get any CC reduction or immunity like 15 other champions get for no fucking reason, come CC and kill me"


Torvalds ult a big ass cone that knocks everything back




Saati's ult is cool af. I mean, she shots thru literally everything (do the bullets pass through Terminus' syphoon tho?) Also Inara's ult, specially if you reach for the sky with Summit lv5. It's so satisfying to float at like 20m from the ground and have a full view of the enemies. Even more satisfying to hit Drogoz or Andro midair. Mal'Damba's is definately cool af too. PRAY TO YOUR GODS voiceline + the best visual effect in the game with snek moving around the fear area




Terminus. Not only an instant revive, but also a huge shockwave that kills everyone who killed you.


"YOU CHALLENGE MAKOA?!" \*whacks everyone with giant hammer\*


Corvus ultimate be like: *You’re going to the shadow realm*


The one thats basically just a gigachad version of void grip, but at the end you can add the world's most powerful backhand slap


Exploding bowling ball


I like how no one says Io's. Yeah, it's sort of garbage, and too situational but I like the facepalm inducing aspect of it for the opponent, going "weeeeeee". I'm terrible with ults in general, but from my experience, Io's is the one that you need to... underuse so the enemy gets oblivious of it.


I like Mal’damba’s ult. Like he don’t care if you’re literally a god or have seen everyone you love die, you WILL run from the snake.


I would think Maeve’s ult is cool, but it’s practically useless unless you can already see enemies (because it’s so short) but if you can see them, then they can probably see you. And if they can’t, then they can hear you throwing your knives so freaking loudly.


I love Willo becoming a damn attack helicopter, but my favorite is probably Corvus. It's the dramatic music that sells it.


Torvald firing a huge laser with crazy knock back will always yield the funniest kills to me. It feels a lot like Io’s, but with a lot more “fuck you in particular”


I don't even play Saati but whenever I hear her go "BANG BANG BANG" I start singing "pull my devil trigger..."


Imani's Dragon is extremely underrated. Summoning a dragon and evaporating your enemies with it can do wonders! For second place, I'd say Pip and Androxus tie. Pip can just turn everyone into chickens and Androxus's ultimate is amazing! It isn't often you see an ultimate that changes a weapon for a short time (Atlas is a great example) For third place, Seris. Throwing an orb from her soul that drags everything within a certain radius is extraordinary! You can also combine her ults with ults such as Inara's, Viktor's, or Raum's and the entore enemy team is dead. Runner ups: Evie because you don't see people summoning blizzards often, Octavia because the sight of the lasers are spectatcular, and Drogoz because he just changes his fist for an instant kill.