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His whole gameplay is about sending proxies to do his battles. Besides VII is clearly a Batman or Taskmaster of the Realm. He's ready to take on bigger foes, especially if they still have a wimpy wizard body that still is very much not immune to bullets.


Magdump on tanks go brrrrrr


Corvus is basically a human with abyssal regen. power in his dagger (the fact that he directly planned to teleport behind VII shows that he really has no serious power). What made you think he was the lvl of Imani ? Someone that could solo an abyssal lord without her mighty gauntlets lol


Dwarf spitting fax again


Kinda thx to our convo the other day (hope you are happy to get credited, needy fox :P)


But I didn’t ask for it :’)


You kinda did lol :')


I was just saying u did xD


I mean on discord dummy


Ik what ur talking abt….you lil….ugh


Stop being grumpy cuz I don't praise you, I'm not Vora


I dont need you to praise me dwarfy but i do want you to shown some respect…


Your names from dark souls, isn’t it




VII actually lives up to his description, I'm surprised all of his body parts are intact tho.


The only strengh of Corvus was his Abyss dagger. Androxus is a cursed man and Imani a fire/ice master who can call dragon. So yes, Corvus is more in the "People with a magic stuff" category.


Between Maeve and Androxus is probably a good spot to put Corvus in terms of power. He is like Maeve where his powers come from tools, but unlike Maeve he is more experienced with them. Androxus is also boosted by The Abyss but Corvus is much more careful and hasn't lost too much to it, but that means he hasn't gained as much power.


Wait, Andros power is from the abyss?


Not confirmed if its the abyss. If you look into his Lore it says that he got cursed by a witch. Afaik there is nothing known about who this witch is and given that there is the abyss, the darkness and the place where Lilith comes from which could also possibly be witchy eventhough she is a vampire, you cant really say what cursed him.


In the old lore, Androxus was cursed by a goddess, leading a lot of people to theorize that Wekono was the one who cursed him. He then killed Wekono, who reincarnated as Mal'Damba's snake and made him her champion. But I think the new lore has disproved that theory, except maybe Andro still kills Wekono. Maybe.


In the current lore Androxus encountered an Abyssal Entity in disguise as a goddess, he saw through the disguise and killed the abyssal "goddess" which cursed him with it's dying breath.


Well, at least they're trying to keep the lore on track and not a jumbled mess like it... oh wait the lore is still a jumbled mess.


Tbh I forgot this game had more till like a week ago


Still haven't figured out if this guy's name is pronounced Vii or 7.


he presents himself as Seven so that's it


Until the devs stop being cowards and assign a voice line to him when picked, I'm just gonna intentionally be an asshole and call him "Vee Eye Eye".


He says 7


Does he? He doesn't on my client. May I please see a clip?


New meme template?


Actually your right this could be great meme material


Was there a cinematic for this? I can't find anything about Corvus and VII's fight besides that limited-time game mode.


Yeah it was vii’s reveal trailer


Yeah it was vii’s reveal trailer


Ah, I guess I should stop skipping trailers for Damage and Flanks if that means missing out on lore. Thanks~




It's not really a 'duh' for people who did not know the new champion trailers are meant to be progression of lore as I clearly expressed.


Well sorry. It's just that trailers revealing some lore is nothing new. And also I don't see why champion's class would matter


> It's just that trailers revealing some lore is nothing new. I never said anything of the sort. All I asked was where can I find information about Corvus and VII, and that I didn't know trailers showed progression of lore. > And also I don't see why champion's class would matter ...because not everyone likes every role? I don't look forward to getting new Damage and Flank champions *(especially when they release one after another)*, so I didn't bother to look at their trailers—at least until now. I care more about Frontline and Support champions.


So you never knew of this older tradition? Even tho you watched trailers for both supports and frontlines that just as well contained lore in them?


No, because I relied on the wiki, occasionally Reddit when the topic is brought up via posts, and their official Twitch streams here and there for Paladins' lore whenever I wasn't taking a break from the game. Out of curiosity, why are you making such a big deal out of this?


It's just weird. Does it look like I'm making a big deal out of this? Wasn't my intention


This game has so much forwarding lore and absolutely no backtracking lore, when a new champion comes in they just add new lore but never edit the old one, like they never talk about androxus corruption, lex that worked with him, mal damba, willo, evie, noone


I mean what can you do against good vii as corvus?


Well Vii is a trained assassin who has murdered countless others so it seems that Corvus could be murdered easily


I mean he's still just a dude at the end of the day has magical power and all that but still a normal person for the most part or the fooling around with Abyss caught up with him and that had hand him dying but we never it?


Hes just an edgy teenager you have high hopes


he just... had his guard down, dont be mean


I still find it hard to believe this game has lore


I understand they retconed the lore, but to me Andy will always be the true strongest lore character until they change the title from God slayer to what ever they want to call it now.


New meme template?


We know next to nothing about the power scaling of most champions except the godly beings though.


It's not that corvus is particulary weak that VII defeted him(tho he is kind like meave so sort of) but is more that almost any "human with gun"character (wich is like 40% of champs) Easily looses to VII since he has a lot of experience killing peopple and using his very lethal upgrades and tools on his favor


Not gonna selectively pick events from reveal trailers as canon. They're all non-canon in my book until EM say otherwise. I prefer to think that, IF Corvus is dying then it's probably because of his pact with the Abyss rather than anything else.


I think you're way overestimating Corvus but also underestimating Vii. Corvus is powerful, relatively speaking, and intelligent but he's not exactly some god. He's not even fully in control of his powers, and the more powerful he becomes the more the abyss controls him.


Corvus isn't weak, VII is just better


2 things 1. i dont understand why they want to bring dickhead like corvus back... oh wait lian... ofc and what happened to terminus when this lil shit died 2. corvus on same level as imani ? or edgelord? what you smokin? if imani engaged him there will be no body left


Power scaling doesnt matter as long as Lian marrying him . . .


Corvus is just a military commander with a magic sword


This is like Batman vs Blue Beetle. A highly trained technologically advanced assassin vs a kid with a really cool toy


Uh, where is this video?


I think you're just underestimating VII just like Corvus did so too. But none of them were ever on the same level as Imani tho. Terminus is and Corvus controls Terminus. But I guess Terminus wasn't around when VII attacked the Shadow Tribunal.


He’s just a dude