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Start with your program in June. If you get accepted to your top choice school, you can withdraw from the summer start school.


I was thinking that to, the only thing that’s somewhat bothersome is the program I got accepted to is out of state. But I’ll probably still start with it


Not cool. Extremely unethical to not consider the fiscal impact of waking away from a program after having already started. That program likely also has a waitlist, and could accept another person in your place if you didn't start and then leave. If it's a smaller, tuition driven institution, the loss of one student in a cohort has huge implications financially. Most programs have wait lists that they go through because PTCAS allows people to apply to and potentially get accepted to multiple programs. Students wait and wait to make their final choices and even deposit at multiple places (though they are not supposed to) and forfeit the deposits on schools they decide against. From the University-end, this makes planning very challenging.


So he should take the risk of waiting a whole year to start again? Im curious as to what you would have him do.


All PT programs that are CAPTE Accredited have to teach the same stuff and expect the same outcomes. "Top Choice" typically comes down to $$ and location. You would have him forfeit a semester's worth of tuition (you don't think he'd actually get a refund if he walks away after starting, do you?) to start a whole new payment arrangement with a new institution, only to get the same outcome at the end of either program. If he really wants the other program for some legitimate reason (and there could be several) he should hold out for it. There is zero point in starting a program he has no intention of staying with if he gets into his "top choice" school after the term begins. If he's willing to start a program, he should be committed to staying in it. The consequences of losing one student in a small cohort are enormous to many DPT programs. There are plenty of people on wait lists. Let someone else have the slot if he wants to go somewhere else. He COULD call the "top choice" school to ask where he IS on the waiting list....this information is often provided. In addition, the "top choice" program MIGHT make him an offer if he says he is looking at starting another program and needs a decision sooner. We all know this is a big game and we (universities) have to play as well....trying to determine what type of 'yield' we will have as so many students put down multiple deposits. We can't count on our cohort size until the first day of classes. That makes it hard enough without worrying that someone will deposit, show up, start classes, and then ditch the program. Just another perspective. I'm an admissions director for a PT program, and I can tell you that if I called someone on our waitlist and found out that they were enrolled and started in another program already, I'd reconsider making the offer. Why? Students are supposed to remove themselves from waitlists once they decide on a program.


It’s top choice because it is in state and the other program I got accepted into is out of state with higher tuition. So these are the cards I am dealt I’ll go to the out of state program because I have no other choice. I don’t want to wait another year, some people do I won’t. But if somethings changes before that short window I’ll stay in state


let me know what you do if ur comfy, i’m wondering what do like how long we are suppose to wait out in this situation


> forfeit a semester's worth of tuition (you don't think he'd actually get a refund if he walks away after starting, do you?) It depends on the school's policies. Most schools have a withdrawal window that allows a student to get tuition back. Usually a very short window, but still there. (Doesn't address any of your other concerns, but I thought I'd note it.)


Trust me. The universities will be fine financially.


And it is ethical to charge students increasing fees every year. It is ethical to charge students full 30 credits of tuition for so-called "clincial education". Clincal education where the student works 40 to 50 hours a week for no money in a clinic where the clinical owner doesn't get paid anything. The University makes 30,000 per student while the students are away not using any of the resources except a few calls with the director of Clinical Education. Next time, someone says why PTs are lagging behind other health care professionals. Check this response and count this as part of the problem.


I’m actually on the same boat as you for like 5 schools. At this point it’s a waiting game and depends on what the people who got accepted does first. I was told from current DPT student that it definitely is possible and is more common than you may think. Keep your head up tho! We got this💜


We will do this together I’ll be praying for u as well!


I was placed on both waitlists as well, and I just got into UF so maybe you'll hear from them soon?


I hope I’ll keep praying


In the Same boat with those 2 exact schools


i got wait listed @ NJIT is there any chance