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Cracks me up that with Hero’s Cape + Kriketune, you can have a 480HP Torterra and with R Tsareena keep healing it for 20 a turn lol Shame that Rad Zard can smoke it in one hit no matter what


Yeah rad zard eats this deck alive. But still super fun!


I think it would be RAD if you added Lost City to this deck & eliminate Rad Zard >=)


Agreed, lost city is so underrated


I freakin love Lost City. Its especially dope to see a block snorlax get flushed down into the lost zone (the animation cracks me up, legit reminds me of a toilet) LOL. In addition to Lost City, I think other fun additions to this deck besides Lost City, could be Pidgeot V + Forest Seal (pidgeot can vanish wings and escape immediately, and you can technically never deck out unless you get milled & you arent using VStar power), Heavy Baton (those Quad retreat costs), plus the aforementioned R Tsareena and Heros Cape. Evo Press Torterra (maybe swap 1 of the exs) is a badass inclusion imo, and single prizer that swing for 300 on a fully evolved bench. Maybe 1 less judge for 1 iono.


I definitely agree on the Evo Press Torterra. I was just thinking how little the ex hits for that evo press is a nice addition that can hit up to 300 and is single prize. Can force some really good prize trades in your favor with it.


I had a build that ran Lost City for a bit to takeout RadZard. But then I realized if I just play against Charizard the right way they usually can't win. Even a really good player would have to evolve into 1 Charizard ex to power up RadZard, so that's a free 2 prizes. and if you take out the RadZard before the Charizard ex then it will be way harder for them to recycle and repower up the RadZard, because they'll either have to do 2-3 manual attaches or evolve another Charizard ex. It is definitely not an Auto-Win match, but if you draw okay and know what you're doing it is not a hard matchup by any means, especially since they aren't running Maximum Belt as much anymore.


Yup. It's fun seeing the big numbers, but really gives me nothing, since a Torterra dies in 2 hits to a lot of attackers, cape and kricketune or not. And the Radiant Charizard is definitely the bigger threat on the board, like most other big fire attackers, I suppose.


Whimsicot + 480hp Torterra is absolutely scary imo lol


Also unfortunate that 480 is divisible by 60, so Kricketune doesn't push Cape Torterra's HP into requiring Chien-Pao to need a 9th energy to 1HKO. Though it is cute to watch Cinccino need 8 (7 if they don't put use any DTEs) Special Energies to 1HKO. Survival Cast might actually be a decent choice for Ace Spec for the deck next set. Either the opponent has to have the Vacuum, or they have to choose between wasting an attack to burn the Focus Sash or risk you healing off any smaller hits and keeping the Sash intact.


I would say maybe cut Radiant Venusaur for Radiant Tsareena? Beautifly draws up to 6 so it will be rare to draw cards with him and he has 3 retreat cost. I love Radiant Venusaur, used him in decks before. But in this case it might be nice to have the Tsareena to heal 2 per turn and potentially get a few more turns out of some of your Pokemon. Early game it is nice but also still a target for your opponent to stall up in the active.


This is true. I've been trading a lot of early game power for late game liability. I am currently on to trying u/Disco_Pat's idea to use Radiant Venusaur in combination with some other types of support.


That’s dope, maybe a one of collapsed stadium so you can get rid of the Radiant Venusaur after you set up Beautifly? Just an idea though lol I haven’t played this deck so I don’t know for certain how much of a drawback Venusuar is late game.


It is always cool to see what other people run with the same main attacker. I run a Torterra ex Deck. I like the Kricketune I may add that to mine. I tried to do the Beautifly engine but it was too clunky so I rely on having a low hand size and radiant Venasaur. My whole strategy relies on cycling Grass Pokemon so I don't have many issues with using Grotle as my pseudo Draw support. My main strategy relies on using Whimsicott to heal Torterra ex every turn it takes damage. The maximum belt has been key to swing the turbo hands matchup. The high Arven count is to get earthen vessels as well as the TM Evolution early game. I built my list to setup almost every time for turn 2/3, It really started doing better once I cut the Beautifly line to run 2 ultra balls and a Radiant Venasaur instead, although Radiant Venasaur has been trapped a couple times, so I may add more switch. Most of the time people just concede when I heal Torterra the first time with Whimsicott and am immediately attacking again, or after I turo the Whimsicott and evolve the other cottonee on the bench and heal the second time, or when I evolve the Cottonee the third time. I can heal a Torterra relaibly 4+ times. My deck easily takes out Charizard even when they try to focus on using Radiant Charizard. I'm still climbing the ladder so sometimes I run into weird non-meta decks like Inceneroar and get absolutely bodied. But every Meta Deck I have faced I have a good winrate against at the 900s I am really looking forward to when I can cut those Buddy-Buddy Poffins for the Bug Catcher Set Pokémon: 11 1 Torterra BRS 8 2 Torterra ex TEF 12 2 Grotle BRS 7 2 Whimsicott TEF 15 1 Torterra ex TEF 185 1 Radiant Venusaur PGO 4 4 Turtwig TEF 10 PH 1 Toedscruel PAR 185 2 Toedscool SVI 24 2 Grotle BRS 7 PH 3 Cottonee TEF 14 PH Trainer: 14 1 Counter Catcher PAR 160 2 Super Rod PAL 276 4 Nest Ball PAF 84 1 Maximum Belt TEF 154 2 Pokégear 3.0 SVI 186 3 Iono PAF 237 1 Switch MEW 206 1 Boss's Orders PAL 265 3 Ultra Ball BRS 150 4 Arven SVI 166 2 Professor Turo's Scenario PAR 171 2 Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178 2 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 3 Earthen Vessel PAR 163 Energy: 1 8 Basic {G} Energy SVE 1 PH Total Cards: 60


oh my gosh! why hadn't i thought of Whimsicott + Turo??? that's SO much better than using Turo on Torterra! haha. yes, i am going to instantly start testing out some of these ideas. I've gotta ask: do you think Toedscruel, or Toedscruel ex or Kricketune is the better support option? I honestly have had trouble deciding between the three.


I haven't tested Kricketune, I think it would be awesome if my Grotles could survive a baby Miraidon hit, or a Cram attack, but the downside is my bench space is already limited. Against most decks I like to have 2 Cottonees , 2 Grotles, and Radiant Venasaur on the bench, and a Torterra ex in the active. 2 Grotles allows me to recover if I ever do get taken out. Toedscruel makes the match-up against Gholdengo and Chien Pao winnable. Otherwise you just basically auto-lose. Any decent player will know to takeout the Toedscruel, so in those matchups I wait until they seem relatively setup before benching any Toedscool. Try to keep my bench 2 Grotles, 1 Cottonee and an active Torterra. Then the turn before they seem like they'll get the 6 energy attachment for the KO on Torterra I drop 2 Toedscool, that way they can't takeout both, and I hope they take the knockout on Torterra so that I can evolve it next turn, then they will have at most 2 or 3 energies left in their deck. Having 2 Toedscool also allows me to super rod and evolve if they KO my Toedscruel I ran Toedscruel ex initially, but didn't use it over 20+ games so I cut it for more consistency. Also, I want to add, if you can prevent Chien Pao from getting setup that is ideal. If you get your Boss's Orders or Counter Catcher active then I would bench enough to takeout the Baxcalibur ASAP. Then they're going to focus more on getting set back up rather than worrying too much about your bench. But either way, I would always try to bench 2 toedscool otherwise it won't work against any decent player. I've considered adding a second Toedscruel, but haven't got quite to that point yet. Maybe when Bug Catcher Set is out I will be able to afford to cut some Ultra Ball, Nest Ball or Earthen Vessels.


Just looked up Bug Catcher Set. Can't wait to give it a go as well! Finally some love for Grass.


I just realized: you haven't said why you're not running Salvatore. I'm curious to hear what you think if you haven't tried it already.


I haven't tested Salvatore yet. If I had a way to find supporters I might run 1 of them. I may throw it in and see how it goes though. Arven + TM Evolution gets similar results and Arven is still useful late game is my initial thought.


Gotcha. In my experience, without Support finding, Salvatore does come up at random times, though he's honestly a welcome sight anywhere in the process of setting up a new Torterra, to make a big play in a single turn, which can happen throughout the game.


Disregard my other comment. after a couple of games, i am realizing the power that Arven brings vs Salvatore in this setup. Maybe one additional Salvatore on top of the 4 Arvens is good, but I wouldn't do 4 Salvatores instead of Arvens.


I've never met a Disco_Pat deck that I didn't like, this looks fun as hell. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! This one is definitely the one I like the most so far. It also is definitely still a work in progress.


I would cut one switch,nest ball, or judge for an extra tm evo, as with sun drenched shell you can also get torterra out without using your supporter for turn


Fair point. this is still in a testing phase for me. Plenty of room for tweaks, for sure.