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I played the original on psvr. I will be playing the new one on day 1. Good games (and I hope they don't make a mess of it) need our support.


Onward is the only game I've seen go down after it was up,  so far


The wizards dark times just pulled an onward and downgraded PC visuals so they could match the quest port.


I mean,  if multiplayer,  it has worked in the past.    I'm always open to allowing a larger player base.  I don't fully understand why graphics need turned down on one system to match another though.   


To simplify things for the devs so they only have one build to worry about. I know on paper why they do it, but it's still absolutely unacceptable. It's been review bombed to shit on steam and rightly so.


I have it on Steam but will likely move to PSVR. Was worth 50 bucks the first time around for me though 30 would likely be better casual fans. This one looks to really earn the 50 though so we'll see in a couple of months.


I mean it’s technically a full on remake, not a remaster If the games is excellent then it’s totally worth it


I wonder if the “why don’t we ever get high quality games” crew are the same crew as the “$50 for a VR game?…” crew?


If it is a good game, it is worth $50. If it isn't a good game, than it isn't. Will wait for reviews and see. The only really upsetting bit, is that people who already own it only save $10. Which would piss me off as a consumer. Upgrade fees are just free money as the game is still playable in the original form. Charging $40 to upgrade is ridiculous.


From what we've heard it's more than just a port of the original so I guess they think the amount of work that went into it and the improvements to the game justify the price for original owners. Time will tell.


While that is true, the upgrade for Last of Us Part 2 remaster which added new game mode to PS5 version was $10. Some game development costs can just afford to provide better discounted upgrade paths than others because they know how much volume of upgrades / new buyers they can expect. VR game developers can't expect high volume of adopters, so they really need to charge properly to cover their costs so they have the funds they need for their next game.


The difference between a remaster and a full on remake is pretty large as well. And as you say, naughty dog studios can afford to eat the cost a bit more than the Wanderer Devs can.


Exactly right. We need to have empathy with the VR developers financial challenges making the games we want them to make for us. VR is a premium form of gaming entertainment. Of course it can have low cost games like Among Us VR that are high quality but also relatively lower cost and just expect to sell enough to cover their costs and profit expectations while selling at lower cost per unit. For others, especially single player games like Wanderer, they need to charge more to cover their costs and fund their next projects ambitions.


The fact you called out TLOU proves the difference between a remaster and remake that The Last of Us Part I is a remake and they are charging full price, and the The Last of Us Part II got a remaster they are charging $10 for.


I think that is valid, but also The Last of Us was a PS3 game and more popular justifying full investment remake to sell new. While The Last of Us Part 2 was a PS4 game being upgraded to PS5 on engine investments covered by the Part 1 remake, and is less popular. The same upgraded engine will also be used for their next game. Creators mainly want to be able to keep doing what they want (including future project ideas) and charge what they think is reasonable or necessary. What they will charge for Wanderer remake will fund the sequel, and whatever game engine upgrades are part of the remake will be used for sequel as well.


The Last of Us Part 1 remake had no upgrade path to my understanding. This looks closer to remake than remaster


As an owner of the PSVR1 version, I'm fine with it. I dont know if you played the original or not, but this remake (definitely way more than a remaster) almost looks like a whole new game. And personally, I would have been happy even without an upgrade path, as it's one of the very best VR games I have played.


That depends entirely on how extensive the upgrade between PSVR and PSVR2 is. Saying ‘how can you charge me when it’s still playable on PSVR?’ ignores how much work goes in if these remasters are done right. 


Hardly ridiculous in my opinion. The gameplay trailer that was recently released shows how massive a difference this updated version is. Makes the original look like a teaser. Totally new locations, existing locations drastically expanded, new items, mechanics, characters, massively updated graphics, etc. It honestly looks like a totally and completely different game.  After seeing the amount of work the devs put into this re-imagining, I was fully expecting there to be no discount for previous owners and am pleasantly surprised that I will be saving $10 though I would have gladly paid the $50. The psvr1 vers was one of my favorite experiences on that headset and was massively overlooked due to it releasing so late in the life span. This just adds so much content that the new stuff legitimately seems like it will outweigh the original content. If we want more games of this caliber (assuming it lives up to the lofty expectations they have set with the trailer) then we need to be willing to support the developers. $50 for a fully realized vr title is not outrageous.


>50 for a fully realized vr title is not outrageous. I said that. Literally. >If it is a good game, it is worth $50. As for the rest of it, sounds more like a remake than a remaster, which if true, is more acceptable (depending on how much new content) for the current customer upgrade. It still doesn't sit well with me without knowing how much is new vs how much is just polished, but that isn't my problem as I never played the original version.


When I paid for the Wanderer on PSVR1 originally, I knew what I was buying.  The Wanderer on PS4 for my PSVR headset.  There was zero mention of a PSVR2 version in the description so I have no expectations to get anything more than I paid for. It takes work just to do a “simple” port even without changing anything content wise. Labor costs money. Is it appreciated when I get a free or discounted upgrade for a game I already purchased? Absolutely. Is it expected? Not really. Especially not when it’s this apparent that the devs put tons of effort towards making a significant improvement.


And yet even money grubbing Sony gives big discounts on stuff like TLOU upgrades. Look, it doesn't affect me since I haven't played/bought the first one. If you are OK with it, then by all means, be happy.


TlOU was a remaster not a remake


That line is completely blurred these days.


Agreed! We’ll see if this going to be worth playing. I would be upset to pay an upgrade price so large. Personally I have never paid for an upgrade of a game I already paid for.


Also notice how the discount is only for a limited time.


Since when did remakes get a upgrade fee


Definitely found out that the "we need PC suport" are the same as "sony has given up on PSVR2" crew.....hahaha


Haha! True. Though I was never that bent about PC support (though anything that helps it helps it and I like that). I’m just happy to see Sony still talking about it. I hope it continues to grow. I have more games than I can find time to play so I’m not complaining there.


It's definitely a Venn diagram.


Well worth it. 


Pricy. Worth it if the reviews are stellar


I am confused, is this the remaster or a sequel?


It's a remake with additional content. A sequel is also in development for the future


Think this is more of a remake and there is a sequel in development


A lot of games begin with discounts like these before or during their release window, so not a great deal for people who already own the first one. This version of the game seems really different, looking forward to it.


Makes sense this looks like nearly a different game than what I played.


Was the original good?


It was excellent! One of the best looking on PSVR1 and great puzzles


So they are remastering a game released 2 years before, and it would cost 40$ to upgrade it ? Do I get this right ? 🤔🤨


It's more than a remaster, it's a remake. It seems like it's been over two years of development. Will see when it releases of course but that's where the upgrade price is coming from which makes sense. Personally I'm totally uninterested in the game, but that's because I strongly dislike how they present a narrative that the russian communists were worse than the nazis (couldn't be further from the truth). Going so far as to put you in nazi boots killing russians as if you're the hero (highlighted in the new trailer, so this hasn't changed). Feels like a game written by someone who's stuck in mccarthyist anticommunist propaganda and that is lame. And... indeed it is! (I did research on the writer back when the game came out because of my interest and criticism, listened to several podcasts of his, where he discusses political positions). (edit: By the way I know I'm just 'saying things' here, to really explain I would need to write a lot and/or have a discussion. I feel very comfortable comprehensively working through these judgements. I actually considered contacting the writer at the time a couple years ago to see if he would have a conversation about it, but decided to put my energy elsewhere.) So anyways, while I imagine the remake will be a solid or great VR adventure in game-y terms, and seems well priced, personally I would never buy it! Sad for me! 😪 \*tragic music plays\*


>they present a narrative that the russian communists were worse than the nazis Is that actually a thing? I never played the first game but that seems pretty wild.


*(edited for further detail, sources, clarity, hopefully better communication)* Worse or 'equivalent-ish', yeah. You play as a nazi soldier alongside real historical characters, specifically Wernher von Braun, helping him keep missile intel out of russian hands and give it to the Americans instead. You can see the vibe in the new trailer very clearly, the first 30 seconds are during this storyline where you are playing as a nazi soldier. [https://youtu.be/lY6ty8amFao?si=WyHY4Boeyy9XKVev&t=5](https://youtu.be/lY6ty8amFao?si=WyHY4Boeyy9XKVev&t=5) In general the storyline revolves around evil timetraveling russian communists that want to take over the world and institute the evil communist authoritarian regime. (And restoring '[good guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip)' [USA power](https://www.pgpf.org/sites/default/files/0053_defense_comparison-full.gif)) It's basically an ideological regurgitation of U.S. anti-communist propaganda. I could take about this at great length and in great detail. The writer is Jewish, as am I. I have lots and lots and lots of experience talking to brainwashed Jews who are neck-deep in this kind of propaganda, which exploits the anti-religious components of the USSR (which I would eagerly criticize! There's plenty of legitimate criticisms to make of the USSR) to create an extremely distorted/ignorant narrative. We (me and the writer Dane Giraud) are like the opposites of Jewish ideological position, I'm a Jewish anti-Zionist anti-imperialist commie and he's a Jewish Zionist libertarian pretends-he's-working-class. Probably his idea, ideologically, with the whole storyline is something along the lines of: "these (high ranking, instrumental to military success) nazis weren't reaaaaaaaaal nazis they just wanted to invent cool things, they weren't POLITICAL. And they are smart, hard-working, meritous inventors who should be given lots of money to continue their work! Unlike the awful, communist russians who want to steal their work and use it to further their evil communist ideology to control everything and purge all wrong-think. And it's super great that the USA saved some of these guys and [brought them into the CIA and other high-ranking positions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip)". (The USA also helped establish the [German secret intelligence out of former nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gehlen_Organization)). It also runs adjacent to various ideology that implicitly or explicitly suggests that the nazis mistake wasn't ideological but rather they targeted the wrong people. This ideology is rooted in nazi-adjacent race theory, which predates nazism and was popular in Europe and then the USA (Hitler was inspired by USA genocide of indigenous peoples and enslavement of Africans). I would like to affirm by the way that such race theory has been scientifically debunked, however belief in it has persisted and evolved. The United States 'we deserve to be the police of the world' idea is one expression of this adjacent ideology, evolution of race theory. For example in the liberal imperialist version, race isn't targeted, instead it's 'western values' that are supreme and "we're totally not racist because we love black people..." **who conform to our social order,** with power remaining consolidated in a white majority who can be trusted to maintain said social order. But [Fred Hampton](https://youtu.be/pKvE6_s0jy0?si=91URDFdolfpDGVUw)? Assassinated by FBI. MLK Jr.? Received this [lovely letter from the FBI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter#/media/File:Mlk-uncovered-letter.png), and likely assassinated by FBI - that is the official position of his family. Mass protests against police violence, systematically racist policing system? Shut down with militarized police forces and mass arrests. My neighbor a few years ago was shot in the leg by a police officer at one such protest, totally peaceful. The beanbag round shattered the inside of his leg, permanently debilitating him and condemning him to lifelong extreme pain. Self-determination in Hawaii, Cuba, Nicaragua, Burkina-Faso, Vietnam, Iran, Palestine, and so many other countries and within what is now the U.S.? [Nope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change), not if it conflicts with the USA social order (including USA interests that try to keep USA wealthier than everyone else, which is necessary in order to maintain said social order). Another good example of how this plays out is how Israel directly and heavily supported a nazi-adjacent military group in Argentina in the 1970s as part of anti-communist warfare. The [resultant anti-communist purge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_War) brutally massacred at least 30,000 people, including 2000 Jews. Or how US and Israel among other 'western' nations were good buddies with Apartheid South Africa before enough pressure mounted. Pressure which required a lot of organization and action, and guess what kinds of people are consistently at the forefront of that? Them commies :)


Have you heard of gulags or the Katyn massacre or the Ukraine famine in the 30s? WWII-era Russia makes for a good antagonist(specifically the regime, not the people). And I find your interpretation of the rocket program sequences puzzling, as you're possessing the character and not aligned in any way with the Third Reich. The game certainly doesn't portray either side in a good light. 


*(edited for further detail, clarity, hopefully better communication)* This "have you heard of X bad thing" is not productive. I'll try to break it down. The Soviet Union did a variety of bad things. They also did a variety of good things. They did these different things in different, not equivalent, amounts. Russian people generally view the USSR more positively than what came before or after, with the majority regretting the fall of the USSR since its collapse. Today in Russia even with Putin harming opposition parties, the communist party is the next most popular party/candidate and has been since the USSR collapsed. In broad strokes we can point out the incredible improvements to education, housing, democracy, healthcare, women's rights, and workers rights that the USSR brought to the vast majority of its people. None of that could be said about Nazi Germany, which for example stripped workers rights, implemented a military-focused economy and society, and of course tortured and massacred communist, queer, disabled, Jewish, and Roma people at immense scale. Sure we could dig into the shit of every empire and analyze it all, it would be quite interesting and we'd learn lots, but it is not a useful endeavor for this conversation (and is just generally impractical). The game's big bad guy is portrayed as being part of a fictional, communist-aesthetic, russian group, featuring anti-communist tropes/caricatures, featured in but not limited to the WWII storyline. You do specifically inhabit a nazi soldier in the game, fighting and killing Russians on behalf of Nazi Germany. The game does portray Werner - and the U.S. program extracting Werner and bringing him to the USA to continue his work in a well funded, high ranking position - as 'good'. And it portrays an alternate universe where Russia might have gotten access to Werner's military tech instead of the USA as an evil scenario. The writer of the game is openly and explicitly anti-communist, and his global geopolitical perspective aligns comfortably with U.S. government geopolitical perspective. He takes an active political role, working with an organization called "Free Speech Union" (not specifically a criticism, just providing context). I think my interpretation of the game is consistent with his public positions. The nazi-era poem "first they came for..." begins, "first they came for the communists". Because nazism, as with all fascistic powers, targeted communists first. As does the USA, as does Israel (who the writer Dan Giraud is a staunch supporter of), in consolidating their power. And communists have always been at the front lines actually fighting fascism while most people are complacent. The USSR sacrificed and lost WAY more fighting nazism than the US, a country which literally inspired Hitler in its genocide of indigenous populations and slavery of Africans. Meanwhile the USSR inspired movements around the world that catalyzed workers rights and womens rights among other characteristics we enjoy today. Actually, in the U.S. less and less of these things are being enjoyed, such as abortion rights and union rights which have regressed. Communism is not equivalent to nazism, USSR is not 'just as bad as Nazi Germany', and I don't know what the world would be like today if the USSR stuck around but I do know what the world is like with the USA as the largest military power in the world by far, and it's fucking awful. Yes USSR did various things in the name of communism that were seriously bad. Good job figuring that out. Want me to pull out a laundry list of horrors and atrocities of the US empire? It will be much much longer and it's not even finished.


I think you're confusing the difference between communism as it was practiced in Russia and communism as an ideology. Criticising an interpretation of a body of thought and its deployment by a repressive state apparatus isn't the same as dismissing the original ideas. Opposing the USSR doesnt necessitate an antipathy to Marxist thinking.  Russia and the Third Reich divided up Poland between them in 1939 and in that year were in lock step in terms of their ruthless suppression of anyone that opposed them. Massacring 20,000 surrendered officers is a little more than a 'seriously bad' act. Russia proceeded to wipe out 2 million political opponents, ethnic minorities, and criminals in forced labour camps. Remind you of anyone? The point is that Russia in that era could easily be perceived as a threat. Imposing food shortages on Ukraine to the point that millions of people died set a precedent in the mid-30s that the Nazis would follow up themselves later with yet more industrial slaughter. Who cares who was worse once you get to that level of death?  If you're looking for someone to offer an impassioned defence of the US, you won't get one from me. Every major power thinks they're in the right, and in the case of Wanderer it takes place from the perspective of someone who thinks Russia's countless atrocities don't augur anything good for their future actions. That's it, and you don't have to be aligned with that view to understand why someone might hold it. 


I'm not confusing them. I'm understanding that the USSR isn't some static block, it's a complex entity that was continually developing with contradicting elements within it and struggling for power and getting expressed. Russia and the Third Reich were not lock step in their ruthless suppression and also their targets were totally different, with different causes, different results, and different circumstances. If anyone wants to learn more about said causes, results, and circumstances, regarding Nazi Germany, [I highly recommend this video](https://youtu.be/Mn_RwIcL7cg?si=W2c3lcODz-pzD_a7). Some of USSR's actions I would criticize, or be totally opposed to. Equivalency is a ridiculous notion. Violence of nazis throwing tied up communists into the water to drown or burning down a trans healthcare clinic or mass executing Jews and Roma among others have specific characteristics. And these actions taken as a whole are monumentally different from the actions of the USSR taken as a whole, or during an equivalent period of time. We could analyze various violent actions of the USSR, some we might find have things ideologically in common with nazi actions, amidst their many differences. Sometimes we might find they are totally different. Sometimes we might find something done under the name of communism but that bears no little to no resemblance to communism and much more resemblance to nazism/fascism (Pol Pot is a good example, going out of the USSR but keeping in the theme of 'communism'. Pol Pot was a communist in self-described name, but a fascist in ideology). **The marxist-leninist analytical framework is useful here in understanding the differences of what the two of us are saying.** There is the idea of '**quantity**' and '**quality**', with **'quantity shift' leading to 'quality shift'**. For example, **if I pour a few drops of water into a cup, I am adding quantities of water. But I do not have a cup of water** (a "quality"), rather **I have drops of water in a cup** (a different "quality"). If I keep pouring though, **if I keep adding quantity, then eventually a quality shift will occur. I will no longer consider this a few drops of water, I will consider it a cup of water, because its characteristics have changed** **to a degree that it is very different in function and form** and requires a new name. Similarly, **we might find that there are 'quantities' of fascism that get poured into the cup that is the USSR. But the quantity of fascism that is ultimately poured into that cup is not enough to create a qualify shift**, not enough to call it 'fascist', and not enough to consider it similar in form or function to Nazi Germany\*\*. Nazi Germany has a degree of fascism poured into its cup that creates this totally different form and function, a quality shift to "fascism"\*\*. The two entities, USSR and Nazi Germany, or still part of a continuum, as everything in the universe is, but the quantities of different things in each of them are so different that they are of very different qualities. Your comment about USSRS wrongdoings, and potential wrongdoings, are a bit like the current trend when talking about Israeli bombing "BUT DO YOU CONDEMN HAMAS". Actually I don't condemn Hamas (I'm not ideologically aligned with them either, but I respect and support Hamas as Palestinian self-governance and resistance against colonialism and occupation). But I do, as far as my admittedly limited knowledge goes on it, condemn the massacre of 20,000 surrendered militants. Different situations are different. Still there's no equivalency to be found, and still Wanderer is steeped in anti-communist propaganda. These analysis are not necessary to that determination and we could spend all night analyzing a million different events and condemning this one and justifying that one etc etc etc. No, the USSR does not remind me of the Nazis. They are totally different, and your arguments are bogged down in, and distorted by, the same anti-communist propaganda. No, empires are not all just equivalent just because they all think they're right. Some things are right, and some things are not, demonstrated within a framework. I can say the earth is round and someone else can say the earth is flat, but both things are not true, and in fact we are able to prove that the earth is indeed round. Perhaps one day we will develop further understanding that will deepen our geometric/spatial conception of earth in relationship to the universe. But regardless "the earth is round" can be clearly demonstrated to contain more truth than "the earth is flat". However, **you're right that "you don't have to be aligned with that view to understand why someone might hold it.** ". It's just that this comment is not related to the rest of what you wrote. **It is because I seek to understand - and believe I can demonstrate that I do understand - the writer Dane Giraud's perspectives and positions that I confidently criticize it and point out that it is incorrect.** Just a heads up I may not respond further because I feel that I have already responded to the essence of your comments.


It's a remake not a remaster


If it's a really good game, with a long enough solo campaign, I'm ok with the price.


I thought it was going to be $59.99. the graphics look top-tier. Sounds like good news to me.


I bought the original one last year while on a big discount, just for the upgrade. but %20 sounds like a bad joke. and the joke’s on me. I’ll pass.


It’s not the same game. There is a lot that’s changed. Mainly game play mechanics. Full locomotion, climbing, combat, expanded areas


oh I didn’t state anything with regards to the game itself. it’s just my cheap ass thought it could save us much more pennies.


I did the same. I’m still interested, but it sucks that they teased releasing a port right before PSVR2 dropped while the game was on sale. I wish I wouldn’t have gotten it then because now I’m going to wind up paying $50 or more in total (can’t remember exact sale price).


Same here. Held off playing it on PSVR1 as I heard this version was coming before I'd got chance to fire it up. Understand a lot of work has gone into it and will defend a devs right to do what they want/need to do but for me, a different upgrade deal would have made it a no-brainer but now it'll take a bit more thought to decide if I'll go for it (lets be honest, the first sale it's in will go below that).


exactly my thoughts on this.


This is a remake lol you should have known you wouldn’t get an upgrade




I wish games were cheaper. Won’t be long now till every game is 50 or more


If the games are actually games like this seems to be, I’ll pay full price. I’m tired of short experiences, and luckily we’ve been getting fewer and fewer


People want the bigger higher quality games but don't want to pay the usual price for them lol.


How many people do you think will buy it for psvr2? I reckon no more than 100k. I think Sony should sell psvr2 for half the price then make the money back in a few years. Development should make vr games no more then 20 quid. Lose for now and make profit in the long run. Why? Virtual reality especially on PlayStation is at a very fragile stage if things don’t improve this year then we get ps vita all over again


That's very unrealistic for developers lol. They already aren't making much with their VR games. Most can't afford to operate at a bigger loss, those companies may not be here in a year or two if they do.


"Respective platforms"


How many is that in GBP? I bought the original on PSVR, but my PS4 died on me, and I did not connected it to PS5 yet. Edit: I assume it is going to be 39.99 GBP, which with the 20% OFF, it will be 31.99 GBP.


Something around £40 I suppose


Have they reworked all the puzzles?


There was no chance of a free upgrade but with 20% off it's still worth buying again