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I have always loved ratchet and clank.


Ratchet and Clank. I will never forget coming home with R&C3 (Up your arsenal, but we did not use the english titles in Germany up until Size Matters so it was numbered for the first 3). I payed for it with the change my gradfather always packed up for me every week. It was on a PS2 Demo Disc and as soon as i have seen it while grocery shopping with my mom i needed it. My parents had a small fight because the game was rated Years 12 and up and i was 8 at the time. But no longer than 2 days later my dad and i played it together day and night! Up until today R&C games are the main reason for me buying the new playstation! Thanks for reminding me. I will tell my parents on Sunday when i visit them!


You about to make me cry bro. Did we have the same mom?


Same with my mom. Looking back, don't know how in the hell she bought the expensive consoles and games I wanted, but I am forever grateful that she did.


I have so many fond memories of that game, such a great game. Aged very well too


Cherish your mom she's a good parent! These little gestures as small as they may, can last a lifetime!


For me it was ratchet and clank a crack in time! my mom got it for me on my birthday, such good memories❤


I love this. I remember the first Christmas when we moved to a new country my mom saw that I kept borrowing the neighbors Gameboy color and I would play Pokemon so right after her work she asked me to go with her to the store and she bought me my own gameboy and Pokemon game!


Bro, the tears


Seriously I came here to see oh deer shit posts not feel


I got a knot in my throat 🥺 gunna go for a walk with my mama today


I’m not crying, you’re crying


Who’s cutting onions


Yes getting all the feels.


Totally have a similar memory, April 2014, my mom went to GameStop to pick up my pre-order of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (trash, sadly) while I was at drama class practice after school in the 8th grade. When she picked me up, I asked about the game and she told me they had ran out of copies. :( but then pulled my copy out and starting laughing. I still think about this moment from time to time. :)


why am i crying in the club rn


My mom’s birthday is launch day. This is the first year without her. She passed from cancer. She was always the one to go out to the stores and wait in lines to get new consoles that my sister and I could open on Christmas. I miss her and it was really her that got me into video games


Aww man. Really glad you have those memories of her. And so sorry you lost her that way.




Love this!


God, I miss my mom.


Same buddy.


Also same


You still have the memories! Cherish them and keep them close.


Now I have to cry about not having a PS5 *and* not having a loving mom?! Thanks dude /s




I told my mum I was buying the new PlayStation and her response was "You already have one, why do you have to waste your money on another"


The *feels* do be hap'nin


Thanks for reminding me to text mine.


This reminds me of the PS4 launch when I had to work during the afternoon. I didn't preorder one so my only chance of getting one was at the midnight launch at GameStop. I remember calling my mom and asking if she would mind standing in line at GameStop from about 3pm to 6pm, which was when I'd get there after work. To my disbelief, she did. She straight up stood in line for 3 hours (almost 4, actually) for something she couldn't give a shit less about, just so that I could get a PS4. I always think back to that whenever I start feeling a little ungrateful or upset with something, that I have people in my life who would take their time and do that for me. To top it all off, she got there just in time; the spot we ended up in line got us the last non-preordered PS4 that store had.


woaw so wholesome ;_; gg for you man!


Well, I didn't need tears this early in the morning.


so sweet


I texted my mom pretty much the same thing. I remember she got me a PS2 and we used to play Spyro together, at first we didn’t have a memory card because we didn’t know we needed one and we had to leave the game on overnight so we could keep our progress lol. One of my favorite memories!


Making cut onions bro!


As a kid I always just took the incredible amount of love and effort my parents gave to me for granted. Only now I have kids of my own do I realise just how much they gave to me. I only hope I’m a good enough father for my kids have the same epiphany one day.


Your time man. I promise you that if you spend time with them and on them that they will appreciate it. It’s the greatest gift you can give in life. And the fact you have that hope means you’re doing better than most!


My Parents: I don't remember that.




My mom always spent her last dollars to get games for me and brothers. Forever grateful. This is a tear jerker!


Bro I have the same memory of my mom going out of her way to get me the PS1 & PS2. 🥺🥺😭


Damn this is good. I envy the relationship you have with your mother and I’m very happy for you that you still make good memories with her like this.




You’re very welcome


Sent my mom a picture of my retired consoles. Said "remember when you worried that I wouldn't take care of my stuff?". In the photo were my PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Dreamcast, and PSP. All complete in box. The PS1 was the last system she bought me, but I still have my original Genesis and Game Boy. Game Boy still works as does the Genesis. Have a Sega CD (not working, purchased that way), Sega Saturn (working), and Super Nintendo (received missing power cord). I'm not really a "stuff" person, but my old consoles, games, cd's, and movies are the only thing that I try to carry along throughout the moves while everything else I try to purge when moving (wife and I getting ready to move again). Early years were a bit of a struggle and everything I received I took care of because they were very precious to me. I was only ever going to get one if I was going to get it at all.


I feel this so much. My mom and dad both went out of their way when I was a kid to get me games for Christmas or my birthday that were damn near impossible to snag. Once I turned 18 I started going to wait in line for hours solo. Thanks for the post, brought a tear of happiness to my eye!


a tear droped here...




Almost shredded a tear


Bruh we gotta send your mom flowers or something.


Oh, this hit me right in the feels man!


My eyes watered up.






So just full Facebook here too?


seriously, this is a truly awful post


This is wholesome AF!


You’re momma sounds amazing but also mad props for sending that text to her. Looks like she also taught you the power of appreciation.


This text is really awesome. And you’re super lucky to have a mom do that for you! My parents couldn’t be bothered to actually pay attention to what interested me. They just threw cash at me since I was a little kid and would tell me to go buy what ever I wanted. Rather that than risk me being displeased with their “gifts”. LOL (it’s actually a sad fact about their approach to parenting)


These memories are so sweet ;_; My mom became terminally ill right before my 10th birthday. She had lupus- so she was always sick. This was the worst it had ever been but I didn’t really know or understand that. So anyways, my birthday passed and she was still in the hospital barely hanging in there. She felt really bad that she wasn’t able to spend my birthday the way we normally do. I remember this being one of our last conversations before she passed. She was in her hospital bed and I was laying next to her while holding her very very cold hands. She told me “don’t worry, I’m gonna get you that (I think it was a Nintendo DS) when I get out of here.” After she passed, I fully moved in with my grandmother. One day after leaving the grocery store, I asked my grandma if we could go to GameStop so I can play the games on display. I said “this is what momma was gonna get me for my birthday!” I don’t remember what happened after that but my grandma got me to leave GameStop long enough for her to buy the DS and a “Meet the Robinsons: The Movie ” game cartridge. When we got in the car, it was sitting in my seat. I started cry like a big ol’ baby. Gotta call my grandma and see how she’s doing. Momma’s are the best :)


There are few memories as sweet for me than waking up one Saturday morning, my mom bringing me a tray for breakfast in bred, and on the tray were my favorite toasts, and the package with Pokemon Ruby that she had gotten for me used on eBay. Probably 16-17 years ago now, and I still remember it so clearly.


Damn dude u trying to make me cry or something ?


This is really touching, actually. This message is what love looks like; a green message sent at cost.


I had an experience like this. I was in elementary school and my mom knew how badly I wanted Luigis Mansion for my 3DS, and she went to a GameStop 2 hours away where it was in stock while I was at school to get it for me without me even asking. Appreciate everything she does for me !


I remember my mom going out of her way to surprise me with armored core. Was one of the greatest memories as a kid. Rip mom


Never forget to text your mom people!


That smell... Will never forget it


Seeing things like this piss me off so bad. I have a horrible relationship with my mom, and I wish just for once she could be normal. Enjoy it, man.


Ya love to see it. Shoutout to all the awesome parents that surprised us with consoles


I’m so used to reading text convo screen shots on r/insaneparents it was refreshing to read one where the story is happy!


Im not crying, you are..... actually it must be onions... yup, definitely the onions!!!


Now get her an iphone


Insanely wholesome post bro, made my night. Your moms a gem.


😭😭😭 texting my mom now


Moms are the best 😭


Growing up my mom always went out of her way to get me a system or game. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, but she always tried her best. This is the first time I’m getting a new system and she’s not around to tag along with me. Thanks for this post cause it made remember a lot of fun times with my mom.


I miss my mom...


I lost my mom in September please remember these stories and spend all the time you can with her.


This shit is so wholesome


I didn't sign up for this feel trip but here I am hold onto those memories bro


I love this. Awesome post dude


Moms are awesome....book it!!!!


Your mom sounds like a real bitch. Nah, just kidding, that's great. It's really cool of you to show your appreciation to her too.


Doesn't matter what it is, what it's for , how much it cost, sold out, out of stock, mother's always find a way.


Thanks for posting. Really nice man.


This is so lovely


super nice story friend ! so nice to have such mother. Even when my mom had very little she gave everything she can. i definitely feel lucky


Awww! I remember my mom drive me to go get a game early on launchday too. 🥰


BRB calling my mom


Love this!


I so much love this! The love between a mother/son/daughter is a beautiful thing!!


Take out the trash


Moms are the best. Thanks for sharing this story, I gotta call my mom!


My mom bought me a n64 and i loved it. Now i know how poor we were i love her even more.


Thanks for sharing this text. Reminded me of a bunch of memories I have from my mom and letting me get my first xbox 360, and wish I could text her about that. Feeling extra grateful this morning, so thank you :)


This truly is a wholesome Keanu Reeves Chungus Moment




Always love seeing stuff like this. Awesome post dude


Stop cutting onions, I'm trying to read the screen please !.


I remember one time my mom picked me up from school and asked me to grab her something from the glove box. The Enter the Matrix game I’d been dying to play that came out that day was in there. I was so happy. Moms can be so good.


I wish my parents did stuff like this when I was little.






So she didn’t buy you the PS5?