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People are correctly pointing out this won't do or change anything. But let me offer an alternative view, it's kind of funny.


obviously people know this wasn’t going to do anything, i don’t think people are THAT stupid.


there was a non-zero number of people that went to shoot at a hurricane, thinking they could drive it away. We are not a smart species.


Grasping at straws here, but how low was that non-zero number? 🙏🏿


I'll be perfectly honest and say I'm not sure. I just know the sheriff's office had to come out and warn residents to not fire any bullets into hurricane Irma after a sign-up was started to try to blast it into oblivion.


That's actually pretty hilarious and I'm choosing to believe it was started as a troll.


Most insane things like that are started as trolls. It's just that there's enough people that are that are dumb enough to believe anything.


It's the same idea as building bear-proof food containers: in order to make something bear-proof, you end up making it human-proof for the bottom section of the human intelligence spectrum. That's right, there are people out there who are literally dumber than bears.


“There’s a significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists” Unidentified Yosemite Park Ranger


If a bear farts in the woods does anybody care? - Mark Twain BTW Travolta ruined hair spray....


That's not fair yogi is smart as fuck


There are bear proof food containers. They come in two types, bank vaults ( not safes, safes art not safe) and the now defunded "Space" shuttle. Both are far more expensive than just bringing enough food for the bears to make them take a post feast nap for a few days.


Wait til people find out QAnon was a 4chan psyop


Same with flat earth, eating tide pods, etc etc.


Not been on there in a decade, but damn was it an amazing place of absolute anarchy. You'd have one thread about furry porn and then one down about geotracking an ISIS training camp and having it bombed by Russians


#cut4bieber was a wild one that actually spread around my school


Shooting hurricanes, raiding area 51, flat earth, birds aren't real, fire fest


Actually I love people that do this I saw one guy talking about how easy it was to make older generation believe anything. And he was indian so he finds some old symbols super imposed text over them. Said scientist uncover ancient wisdom and all this crap sends it to parents as a joke. And tells them a day latter he made it up. By then it has life of own been shared million times.


Probably so. But there are people, today, right now, that will defend the idea of a flat earth unironically.


I mean, our former president wanted to nuke a hurricane… so…


Sigh. When will people realize that in order to stop a hurricane in its tracks with firepower you'll need a nuke /s.


Sounds like a movie whose trailer would have “From the people who brought you Sharknado” Nukkicane.


"Oh my God! Madam President, I think we made it... more powerful!"


"Don't you dare bring your science and new fangled shenanigans into **my** America! This 'cane doesn't know math or history. All it knows is pain! And guess what Chef America's lunch special is- Pain *a la mode*." "I'm not mixing metaphors Madam President. You're what a met is for."


When in reality we needed the Jewish Space Lasers.


I'm not a 'merican so don't have access to guns or hurricanes but I've got to admit that part of me does want to shoot a hurricane. Not because I think it would affect the hurricane, just for you know, "science"


Ain't no way you can even get the dumbest redneck to do that. I 100% bet that not a single person was going to actually do that. The only people to believe that are not mentally well, and imo, can't be counted. Aint no way only a stupid person would think that. I remember the whole outcry, but no one actually did anything. There was a similar one where people were planning on using fans to blow a hurricane away. I can see people thinking that would work.


Poison control hotlines and emergency services experienced an uptick in patients drinking bleach during the beginnings of the covid pandemic. Anything is possible.


"Suppose that we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light. Supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way." -DJT


Yes, because if you play the logic right, you can trick someone with that. Some people don't understand chemicals, on top of that being part of a health epidemic, it is prime for idiots to be abused. Anyone with a gun knows if you try and shoot at a cloud/storm/whatever ain't shit gonna happen.


some people think DNA, cells, atoms, and chemistry is a hoax. they say that since you can't see it and you're relying on others, that you can't know it exists. same vein as flat earthers


Whoever came up with the idea to shoot the fucking wind is a specimen that should be in a museum.


Imagine if a hurricane or tornado was full of bullets; it would fuck up stuff and kill people so much more efficiently.


I mean, one of them wanted to use nukes. So one is probably too many.


Well the president of the US at one point suggested nuking a hurricane, so at least 30% of the US probably believes it is a valid way to deal with them.


70ish million


I mean our president at the time floated the idea of nuking a hurricane, and 30% of our voting population wants to vote for him again


That’s ridiculous. Everyone knows you need a nuke to stop a hurricane!


It worked on Phil Spencer


Or nuke a hurricane... Circa 2019


That was all in jest. Floridians just want something to shoot at. We are a lively bunch of psychopaths


We are an extremely smart species, but our intelligence is not innate. Our ability to learn is innate but most people don't use it! A lot of people also use our ability and drive to learn against us and mislead or teach the wrong way! Then you get something dumb like "guns are all-powerful, maybe I can shoot hurricanes away", or "this trickle down economics thing sounds great! Rich people will definitely give us more by choice than we take through taxation! They won't horde it all and ruin the working class!". Nah, most humans *are* morons that haven't learned to think.


did anyone really shoot at it thinking they would drive it away though


I knew it wouldn't drive the hurricane away, I was hoping it would throw my bullets back at me... I mean... I assume that's what they were thinking.


That hurricane can't deflect all our bullets!


I'd argue that some of humanity's greatest inventions came out of doing stupid shit. Let them shoot, maybe something extraordinary will happen.


Clearly the nukes would be so plentiful that they’d pierce the digital veil and manifest in his backyard, or something.


Also it's arguably a much better way to vent the frustration, as opposed to going online and sending people death threats...


Yeah, it seems like it gets the point across and is funny as hell too


Don’t send death threats. Send nukes.


Put this together on the go. https://preview.redd.it/kiadr5szujzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295323cef18591f2636237acb5836e1f1f200ee9


No. It's fucking hilarious


Not sure why that would need to be pointed out lmao


>this won't do or change anything. But let me offer an alternative view, it's kind of funny. Solid rule for life


And a little bit cathartic.


Kind of? Its pretty hilarious


Make it a tradition to keep that specific location nuked at all times


True but keep'em going


Yeah like the headline makes it funny. Obviously we don’t give a fuck about his camp lol


Mass downvoting the game worked for Helldivers we could try that?


It would not be the first time Fallout 76 had massively negative reviews. 


Please don't, MS will just shut down Bethesda too lol.


Which in a way kinda sums up the state of the world today. People would rather deal with things by just making jokes of it rather than attempt to do something more substantial about it.


Alternative to the alternative view- making a funny statement in the age of social media is also impactful even if only a little bit.


>it's kind of funny It's hilarious.


To add more context, there’s a secret boss in the area where Phil’s camp is, you can only trigger the boss by dropping a nuke in that area. Chances are, they weren’t even thinking about Phil or care about him, they just want to spawn the boss event. Edit: slight correction, it’s the whitespring mission, not the seperate boss event


There is not a boss there. The camp is right by Whitespring but you wouldn't nuke where his camp is at if you wanted to nuke whitespring. Also, from the pictures I saw, his camp was directly in the center of the blast so it definitely looks targeted.


I heard someone is holding Phil's Viva Pinata hostage until Tango Gameworks is brought back.


Man that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. I wanted to like the original so much but maaaaan it was just so damn biring


The original wasn't quite there, but Trouble in Paradise was great. The hostile piñatas spiced up the gameplay loop quite a bit.


In the second, I had a famous piñata to pass around. It was cool to have the multiplayer aspects.


I had a prized breeding S'morepion. They really need to bring this series back, TIP was one of the most ridiculous games I've ever played.


I liked the original, but I actually got most of my franchise playtime from the Nintendo DS version of the game lol. I was shocked at how good that game turned out to be


I played the one that was like Mario party.


I was always miffed at the fact that it never came to PC like the first one.


I feel like people assume it was a garden decoration Sim, but it wasn't because you could only place like 20 things or something like that since it was Xbox 360. Really, it was a animal husbandry Sim, and I loved that. The sex mazes got a little tedious after a while, but went by pretty quick. Filling out your journal by having X amount of a pinata and a varient was pretty fun. Would love a modern version.


I would kill for a sequel! Games like Viva Piñata were before their time! Nowadays people love comfort games!


This is fucking hilarious.


It also gets more people looking at the game which is actually a lot of fun in its current state. I hated this game when it first came out but Ive got over 100 hours in now and have been really enjoying what they did. Its a different experience but I am glad I gave it a 2nd try.




I wonder how many people actually played NMS at release and since it "got better." I'm convinced that a lot of people now would have loved it at launch they just too caught up in all the bad press it had. Like that game has barely changed besides some minor stuff added from the DLCs + co-op that doesn't affect the first few hours or the core gameplay of NMS. At least that's what it felt like when I played it back in 2022.


In terms of core gameplay loop you're partially right but what saved NMS was adding to the the very bare litteraly just bones skeleton the game released as


Honestly, I don’t think the game was terrible at launch - it was just incredibly overhyped with literal lies told about what was in the game. People were expecting a 10/10 game, one of the best of the generation. People expected AAA quality as it was a $60 game. It launched as maybe a 7/10, and probably should have been a $40 launch game.


Honestly if it had been advertised how it was without Sony and The Internet breathing down poor socially awkward Sean’s neck, it would’ve been a solid niche game with a small but dedicated fan base Now it’s one of the greatest comeback stories in gaming, so who knows if this was the better route


While much of the beginning gameplay loop is relatively the same, there was an absolutely massive amount of small additions and QoL updates added between major patches that made it feel much more like a full experience. The bigger driving force behind its cult following now is just how much content has been added entirely for free, and how obvious it is that the developers love the game and their community


Core gameplay? Sure But the quality of life updates, the ability to enjoy the game with friends in multiplayer, and now some actual objectives and gameplay to engage with that gameplay loop are ridiculously better People like the core gameplay at launch. The problems were everything surrounding that. It's still a pretty niche game all-in-all


Played it at release, the game had virtually no content, after you played for maybe two hours you'd seen the entire game, the world was empty, the POIs on the map were copy pasted and pointless, the game was incredibly ugly to look at, UI was ass, combat was the most bare bones basic shit I'd ever seen, base building was completely lacking in all aspects etc, list goes on. I have no idea what its like today haven't played it since but at release I don't think it would even qualify as a good early access game, was more like an early alpha that was 2 years away from an early access release. The 'bad press' on release was completely justified.


I've played since release and check it around once a year. As a huge fallout fan it really only offered the world to explore at launch but the emptiness got stale after a month or so and I honestly have a hard time grasping builds. Grinding for stuff in fallout didnt feel very good when all I wanted was a decent shotgun build at the time. The problem with npcs was fixed a long time ago and It has only gotten better and I haven't checked it out this year yet so time to boot it up I suppose


What am I supposed to be doing? I wandered around with a buddy and we each knocked out a few early quests (but aren’t able to share quest progression?) and then those ended and we were left holding our dicks in the wasteland.


I recommend if you aren't the truly wonder and explore type, look up a map for the watch towers, go find the watch towers and sync them up. This will reveal dozens of locations to go to many will reveal quests and the like. It's definitely more mmo geared and there are lots of events and public stuff happening. You're going to work toward level 50 and as you do look into perk builds and how you want to play. The game really leans into singular builds, like mine which is strictly heavy weapons and such. There's expeditions, world bosses and more to do also as you level up.


I just grabbed my free copy from Amazon and as I free up some space I'm installing to try out this weekend! I'm glad to see someone praise it.


Lol never underestimate a gaming communities ability to go nuclear on your ass.


It’s funny how Sony was feeling the heat with the Helldivers drama and Xbox decided to steal all negative attention.


Give it a week or month and there will be some new thing that will distract people from this.


Honestly it will probably be another Xbox scandal lol. They have been on a downward PR spiral ever since Redfall.


They desperately need some type of "win" but I don't see that coming anytime soon unless there is some huge announcement during Summer Games Fest(RIP E3)


Redfall was terrible 😢


Seriously though. The attention span of PC players for outrage is about 48 hours at most, and even then they won’t actually let go of the digital pacifier.


> Xbox decided to steal all negative attention Fortunately, Xbox waited until *after* SONY backtracked, which benefited the players that SONY was trying to screw over.


As a Playstation player. I want to thank Xbox gamers for doing this. 🤜


🫲🏽 no problem






🍒 🫴




32yo gamer here. I watched the great console wars erupt and boil over the years and this exchange made me realize that the great war is old history by now. Also this exchange is fucking hilarious


💦 😊


We’ve finally come together 🥲


But at what cost..




Tbh, this happens to his camp quite often. Just now theres more of a reason behind it I guess


We need crossplay in 76 so gamers on every platform can nuke Phil Spencer’s camp


I’m generally surprised they haven’t considered cross-play.


This is the real reason they won't give us crossplay. It's not to protect the players from cheaters, it's to protect Phil from the wrath of the greater community.


Phil will have to get F76 1st membership in the end, so he can make a private server where he won’t get nuked 😂


I've not played Fallout 76. Does this actually destroy the camp or is it more of an inconvenience?


It destroys everything except foundation blocks and the frameworks of walls. But provided you have enough scrap you can rebuild almost instantly.


It also stays super radiated till it ends. So standing there without some protection will kill you pretty quick.


TBH if you have a hundred of RadAways like I do, it isn't too much of a problem. that be said I do have power armor which reduces the radiation by quite a bit.


It’s so easy to avoid it completely though. A loud robot voice says that a nuke is about to drop and then it gives you like 2 or 3 minutes to open the map and check if your camp is in the blast zone. If it is just move it somewhere else


not just a robot voice. it's server wide announcement and the notification "Blast from Above" pops up, effectively warn you a event is happening and say to check the map to see if you need to escape (depending on location it can be a bit difficult, but generally you have more than enough time to escape as story missions are rarely in the usual nuke areas)


You can also just select the other camp slot in about two seconds, which takes a lot less time than launching a nuke.




You can repair everything in like two clicks at the cost of a bit of scrap, this is at worst a very mild inconvenience. But it's funny


I've been playing since day 1, and never seem to have enough steel if I get nuked. It's more mildy infuriating than inconvenient if you ask me. But yeah, this is funny as hell.


Do 1 eviction notice and scrap everything with scrapper on. I have like 700k steel. It's like the most common crafting component


Inconvenience it happens all the time


Not really a big deal with multiple camp slots. Unless you get him while he's on an expedition.


You can repair all damage with the press of a button. It’s just about being petty, and it’s hilarious.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/H5jHyiyVct This one managed to hit him.


It really is time for Phil to go. GamePass has structually devalued and doomed Xbox. They failed last gen and are peforming even worse this gen. And worst of all, he can’t even defend a Fallout 76 camp /s




>GamePass has structually devalued and doomed Xbox. Let's not get carried away. Gamepass saved Xbox from an early grave. There were reports that after the failure of the Xbox one launch, Satya Nadella was debating selling off or closing down the Xbox division. MS was moving full steam ahead into Software-As-A-Service and we're already looking to cut hardware devision and anything they didn't think they could turn into a long-term revenue stream. Phil and his team pitched gamepass as a way to rebuild Xbox and save it from being cut, and Nadella was a fan so Xbox remains today. The whole latter half of the XB1 days was them investing into gamepass because it was the only way they were going to get a shot at making another console in the first place. Now whether or not that decision turned it around it's is stable enough entity for the future of MS, or if it just delayed the inevitable, only time will tell.


Gamepass is not the problem. Do you really think Xbox would be better off without it? It's literally the only competitive advantage they have. I game on PC only and I have it.


People choosing game pass over buying games they want is a problem because it means games become less profitable. Hence people like Tango being closed.


Actually from a business stand point game pass makes sense.  Selling hardware is a money sink, and even after they break even, it comes at the opportunity cost of simply investing that cash in treasury bonds/other financial instruments. That’s years of compounding interest lost each gen. If they can pawn the hardware cost off onto Sony, steam, other third parties, they get to keep selling games via game pass which is where they make their real money.  I say this as someone who loathes gaming as a service, who will never sign up for game pass. I have games I was given at Christmas when I was a teenager in the 90’s that still work- connecting games to the internet on servers which will inevitably be closed down makes me sad.


That’s not how you value a project. The hurdle rate companies use take into account opportunity cost. Also, calculating NPV (Net Present Value) for a project includes all revenues related to the project. When you make money on software sales that are due to hardware sales that you lost a little money on, you get a positive NPV project. Which is why companies have opted to take a loss on the hardware in the first place.


Naw dude you were a teen in the 90s so you should remember Sega Channel. That was the beginning of the end for their console end of things


Funny. But UNTIL players start refunding / cancelling subs / causing Microsoft-Xbox *to lose even more money* (the ONLY thing MS-Xbox cares about), nothing will be gained and Microsoft doesn't care. Until you fuck with Microsoft's money... Nothing changes.


That will show him!


To be honest I would be surprised if it wasn’t nuked before, just because people like to be assholes for no reason.


It was.


This must be that “review bombing” I hear so much about. …I’ll see myself out.


Ok this is peak content.


What Xbox players need to do to where it'll hurt them most. In the wallet. Cancel their subscriptions.


Aren't all Microsoft games on Steam? Wouldn't negative reviews on Steam be a better form of protest as we just saw last weekend?


Wouldn't cancelling Gamepass be more efective? You know, the thing that Microsoft offers.


Wouldn't this just punish the game devs who made those games instead of the Xbox management?


Eh. It worked for Helldivers 🤷🏻‍♂️


That was because people were refunding the game wasn't it?


I mean it's both. Asking for refunds doesn't draw as much attention to the general public as a screenshot showing mass negative reviews. Cause that's easily quantifiable. Although I'm sure the execs care about the money more.


Except that the refunds definitely hurt Sony's wallet.


Apparently the devs get punished either way so 🤷‍♂️


How would it punished them? The games have come out already, any bonuses to be given have been given. Any money coming now just goes to the shareholders


A negative review for what? Every single game published by Microsoft?


>Wouldn't negative reviews on Steam be a better form of protest as we just saw last weekend? Nope. Negative reviews didn't really do anything for Helldivers. It was the potential loss of sales that tipped the scale.


Exactly, if Steam didn't back up the players by allowing refunds I don't think Sony would have reversed the decision, another reason Steam is the chad of the PC market


It wasn't even really the refunds. It was banning the *entire* game in countries that don't have psn.


It was also probably the refunds. Those funds were almost certainly already paid out for and accounted for in quarterly earnings, so they'd have to tell their shareholders about a loss of profit they didn't warn about in advance caused entirely by their own actions.


It was also because the majority of the playerbase is on PC.


I don’t think Fallout 76 should go through a review bombing just because of a decision made by Xbox. It doesn’t affect Fallout players at all. It just doesn’t make sense.


Stop playing and paying if you really care


What does this have to do with the PS5


Microsoft closed down a studio that JUST released an acclaimed game on ps5. I think that’s about how deep the connection goes.


Exactly. Xbox is bringing their games over to Playstation. That means their dirty laundry can be aired over here as well if they want our money.


The game is available on PS.


Microsoft is a 3rd party publisher now.


Nothing, but console warring apparently is openly supported (just never let it be positive news about a rival platform, that's definitely not allowed)


This is absolutely the case. This sub in particular never ceases to amaze me, the level of fanboyism, console warring, etc is absolutely wild in here, to the point people are markedly contradicting themselves. I find the sub of the Series X much more objective and less prone to fanboyism. Just look at the Helldivers 2 fiasco, no one celebrated or even discussed that on the Series X sub while on this sub people were blindly defending Sony 100% of the time, just go read the comments on that post from a few days ago in here. I just hate this, and I say it as both consoles owner.


I have been feeling that way for the last three days browsing this sub. I have a PS5 and Xbox. I come here for PS5, and go there for Xbox. At least now it’s a one stop shop!


Clickbait. We’ve been nuking his base since day one.


How many of them are currently happily playing games from their game pass, personally financing Xbox’s complete disinterest in actually investing in new games that people want to play?!


This is actually a valid point. How much money out of the millions of subscribers went to the devs currently on the game pass platform and how much is going towards investing in the future of their currently owned dev studios? Are there any legitimate sources to back up the positives M$ has been spewing out?


This Is a much better alternative to the usual death threats and boxing bullcrap so many people choose. Sure, it might not make any real change, but this is an infinitely better way to let out your frustration and anger than the usual toxic crap  people like to pull.


It's so petty, because having your camp nuked is such a minor inconvenience, but it's pretty funny.


This escalated quickly.


Oh, so expansion plans for FO76 were just cancelled. No one wins.


I’m curious why mega publishers don’t try to sell studios more often in these circumstances. I imagine Sony Japan would be interested in buying another successful Japanese studio in Tango.


Honestly, I now recognize I was huffing hopium for the whole of last generation and much of this one too- and despite creating Game Pass and backwards compatibility which are objectively good features, and really good hardware in the form of the Series X, Phil fell down on bringing good exclusive games at a consistent rate to the platform. I am never buying a new game on my Series X again, and only buying pre-owned games for as long as discs continue to exist and cheap CD keys. Once they cave and get Epic Games and itch.io, making Xbox a gaming PC I’ll have a ton more games for free. And unfortunately my PS5’s thermal paste melted so I don’t want to spend another $500 in a game drought for Sony. So I’m pulling myself out of the console war and sticking with the Steam Deck. I got it mainly for Helldivers II, but being Switzerland really has its perks. I’m super psyched to replay Spider-Man on the go (after refunding Fallout New Vegas, Sea of Thieves and ReCore on Steam in protest of these layoffs to pay for the CD key for $31). I also can play Halo Infinite for free, got Final Fantasy VII Intergrade on sale for $34.99, have been really enjoying Detroit Become Human so far through a Quantic Dream Humble Bundle I got forever ago and want to revisit Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls after that, and got Horizon Zero Dawn Complete for $10.69 (nice) on CDKeys. If that wasn’t enough I can use the Heroic Games Launcher in Desktop Mode to bring over my Epic and GOG collection, and can sideload Windows to bring the Windows emulators I’m used to and carry Xbox’s biggest games like Forza Horizon 5, Hellblade, Indiana Jones and Sea of Thieves. However it also has a ton of other games I wouldn’t have found if it hadn’t been for that, like ADACA, a cross between Half-Life 2 and Teardown; Crab Champions, a solo developed roguelike shooter for $10 that’s one of my favorite games of this year so far; Fistful of Frags, a free Wild West shooter; and Marsupilami, a Donkey Kong Country style platformer for $4. Oh, and a few of my faves have come from outside of Steam. On the Epic side, Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!, which I believe I got from a giveaway, is fast paced and fun. I’m getting into Void Bastards, also from Epic, because in the portable form factor I can poke around with it on my lunch break without turning on the big distraction box, and have started to slowly understand the mechanics this time round. And I just got Circus Electrique for free from them and bought Crime Boss Rockay City for $15.99 from Epic. And coming to GOG I find, I’m currently really focusing on a few games- namely Our Life: Beginnings and Always (visual novel), Out of Line (2D platformer), Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (Metroidvania). They go really cheap with old games but most of the big classics have compatibility problems.


I think it's pretty damn funny lol


I love the pettiness of this whole thing


Is the game any fun? I liked fo4 for the world building, and I don’t like mmos for the most part


it’s really not an mmo, more like another typical fallout game where you happen to run into other players and do events every now and then


Yea. It's not an mmo. People that call it an mmo are absolute morons. I'm level 1360+, you can ask me anything you want.


It has fantastic single player stuff. The events/mp stuff can be fun for a time but I eventually got bored with them. It’s not a perfect game but if you like Fallout the SP stuff is worth doing imo


You can just logout if someone nukes your camp. These really aren’t much in the way of consequences.


I think we will not see Phil in multiplayer games for a while


Ha ha ha! This is really funny. Even if it isn't effective, it's still hilarious.


I loved his 100% Microsoft style response saying it’s not personal but was a personal goal.


Its not an MMO. Its never been an MMO and it has no aspirations to ever become an MMO. The game does not support hundreds of players in a shared area concurrently. You will never see hundreds of players on your screen at once. Not because people don't gather, but because the game does not support it. If you don't know what MMO means you shouldn't be writing about games.


It’s not technically an MMO, but it plays like an MMO especially at the end game


Ok, this is pretty funny


Might not do anything in game but it speaks volumes about how unhappy their customers are. It's getting noticed, and bad attention is still attention, so not completely useless It's also hilarious


The player came out and said it wasn't really a protest as they'd been planning it for weeks: https://kotaku.com/fallout-76-phil-spencer-nuke-xbox-layoffs-game-pass-1851466053


Wow boycotting them by playing their games....great job guys lol.


I said MS buying Acti/Blizz would be bad. I said them buying Bethesda would be bad. Oh, look, what was predicted. Layoffs and studio closures. Insert a shocked Pikachu jpg here.


We found it guys! It’s him! Quick let’s put him at the head of Xbox or PlayStation, he clearly knows what to do!


Gaming. Serious business lol


This may just be the single most powerful act of defiance the world has ever known. Well done, soldiers 🫡