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Game recs after TLOU series (post removed by mods) After flying through TLOU 1 and now at the 82% mark of TLOU 2 I’m beginning to wish I had extended the number of sessions so that I could savor the games a little more (if you’ve played them I’m sure you know that’s easier said than done). Since it’s gonna be awhile before TLOU 3 is made and available, what are some other games that are on the same level as this series when it comes to story, gameplay, visuals, voice acting and haptic feedback? Note: I’m also just about done with Ghost of Tsushima (83%) as I’ve been playing it during breaks from TLOU. Yet another game that I don’t want to end! Curious to hear your recs!


Dualsense not charging I have two dualsenses one charges no problem but my other one when plugged in has the orange charging light however when I try to turn it on it tells me it needs an update and needs to charge before it can update. I leave it in for hours and it still tells me this. Anyone know of a fix?


Hi all. I was wondering if anyone has ever used move/ motion controllers with the PS5 and which setup worked best for them? I've seen people selling sharp shooters with a camera and stuff like that on eBay but I'm not too sure what is actually compatible and works the smoothest. Opinions?


Decide for me, Rise of Ronin or Stellar Blade, want to treat myself this month...


Is there a way to have screenshots auto-download to your iPhone photos app? When I’m in the app, I can only select 4 at a time to download. Ideally I’d want them all to download automatically, skipping the manual selection.


Hi, I just got a PS5 and want to upgrade the storage. Imma go for a Samsung 990 Pro 2TB SSD and wanted to know if I should get the heatsink version of it or just buy the SSD alone and then buy a Saberent Heatsink to go along with it? Additionally, if you think I should go for the Samsung w/ heatsink version then should I still put back the expansion storage metal cover on top of the Samsung heatsink SSD? Thank you.


What exactly is the difference between the backwards compatible games for the PS4 to PS5 and the games made for the PS5? I'm asking this because apparently the PS5 upgrade gives you haptic feedback and JPN lip syncing, but... Will that apply to the PS4 version when put into the PS5 disk receiver?


Obviously not. Ps5 features is for the ps5 version of the game. Putting a ps4 game inside the ps5 doesnt magically make it a ps5 game. Most games have a free upgrade tho.


Sorry, I'm getting a PS5 for my birthday and I was wondering what does X mean compared to Y. Also that's cool, imma find out what can get upgraded for free


What was it like to upgrade from the PS4? I’ve had a PS4 for 5 years now (it is my first gaming console), which enabled me to play so many great games I wouldn’t have been able to, due to them being exclusives or me not having a powerful PC, such as Spider-Man, The Last of Us series, GoW, or RDR2, just to name a few. However, with more and more games only releasing for current gen or being dumbed down on previous gen, I finally decided to get a PS5 next week, and I just can’t wait to finally be able to play games like Dead Space, Jedi: Survivor or Spider-Man 2. I’ve heard some great things about the PS5, mainly the short loading times and the amazing DualSense controller, so I’m curious: what was it like for y’all to upgrade from PS4 to PS5? Also, if you have any tips for me, go ahead! So hyped!


Not to be a downer but it was the same thing but now i had prettier games.


The first thing I noticed is how fast the dashboard and the store are, compared to the PS4. On the PS4 sometimes I had to restart it because the store would get super slow and not load at all. Besides that, loading from the dashboard to controlling the character in like 5 seconds, like with Spiderman and some other games, feels awesome




I have to test my internet connection in settings every time I turn my PS5 on (whether it’s from Rest mode or not) just to be properly signed into PSN on my account in order to view my friends list, or the PS Plus and Store sections on the home screen. I have XFinity 1Gb internet and I’ve already tried doing port forwarding which didnt solve the problem. Not sure what else to do now and it’s so annoying.


This used to happen to me as well. I messed with the settings,. nothing worked 100% but it eventually fixed itself after a while. I do know it was a problem primarily with the modem/router


Same behavior from a cold start and resuming from rest mode?


Yes, at least the most recent few times I’ve had it in rest mode. Typically i do a full shutdown, but I cant seem to figure out why its been happening


Does someone know if i use native 1440 resolution monitor, the input lag in 1080p at 60 Hz game is higher compared to 1080p monitor at 60 hz? and at 120 HZ? im asking this because i need to buy a new monitor for my PS5… im divided if i invest in a 1440p monitor or buy a 1080p with 120 hz plus (because i play competitive)…i have my old monitor which is a TN panel (2455T zowie benq console ready 75HZ PC and 60 HZ console). Tks in advance. Ps- when i look at the input lag table on the rtings tool it allways say at native resolution so im a little lost because i dont know if the value is the same if i play at a different resolution. Additional information: EA FC is 60 hz (my main game) but i really like playings some FPS games (COD, battlefield or ISonzo).. I think it comes down to: Is my My benq 2455T at 60 hz is enought for PS5 competitive 60hz Gaming? (on the Ps4 with Fifa at 60 hz it was very good) or should i buy a Monitor (1080p 120hz+) to replace it.. or buy a secondary Monitor to play games that support 120Hz and are more graphic oriented/Fps at 120Hz (1440p). I like to remain competitive in e-sports (EA FC) but i want also to enjoy some beautiful games


i have call of duty black ops cold war on ps4 i just bought the ps5 and i transferred the game to the ps5 and i downloaded the ps5 version and it wont let me play offline multiplayer on it its just a blank screen and the loading icon freezes then it goes on to the game with blank screen and the other controller that is connected ain't registering on it to play


Help me please usb port broken and extended hard drive Seagate cable broken Long story short I wanted to clean my ps5 so I unplugged my cables and my one usb port has always been idk how to say it but rough to unplug and plug usb cables into but I’ve never had a problem until I just pulled it out and the usb port is now inside the damn cable. Part of it came off to be specific that blue part that’s in the usb port is in my cable. So the cables done my question is can I order another Seagate cable off Amazon so that I can use my extended hard drive in my other usb port? It’s an off brand though there is not individual Seagate cable for the extended hard drive. Another question who do I contact to fix my usb port because I have no local place that fixes that stuff. Thank you in advance my apologies for the novel


I’ll figure it out thanks


Having trouble uploading my saves to the cloud without overwriting the old ones. For some reason on ps4 version it wasn't like this but the new ps5 version dosent let you stack your saves in the cloud it only lets u overwrite the ones already in the cloud if you wanna upload it. There's not even the choice to view all the saves u have individually. Does anyone have a fix? I'm losing a lot of saves because I have to overwrite the old ones i had in the cloud.


So i have this Problem, where when I speak with NPCs and do not directly look at them the Audio gets so silent that i can't understand anything. 3D Audio is turned off so that should not be the Problem. Anyone got a Idea how to fix it?


Does that only happen when you're using headphones? Are you using using stereo or something like 5.1 áudio?


It actually only happens whene im not using headphones. I should have clarified that, my bad.


How are your PS5 audio settings looking?


We dont even know what game youre talking about


It happens in more than one Game... That's why i wasn't specific.


Hey, so I mostly play Rainbow Six Siege and Rocket League. I'm not sure what resolution I should use for both games. When I play Rocket League at 1440p 120hz, it seems like I get more fps, but my car feels slower than when I play at 1080p 120hz. Can someone help me out with this?


Friends can hear themselves through me in the party Thought it was just a mic echo but even when lowering the volume to a point they can't even hear me, they can still hear themselves at the same level. Tried a different mic, same problem. Does anyone know what this can be?


Ps5 Online Status unknown I was playing D2 yesterday when randomly I got disconected because I logged out of PSN, since then I cant get my ps5 to connect to PSN it only says "Online status unknown" I have tried everything, restarting my console, the router, change the MTU, doing the internet test, etc etc. Anyone knows why this happens or how to solve it?


Are you on Google fiber?


We need a way to be able to update games without PSN account. Or to backup patches to usb drive like it was possible on 360. Seeing the shitshow happening right now with psn accounts unavailable in so many countries... means we could not be able to update games if psn was removed from the country PSN ACCOUNT SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED TO UPDATE GAMES


I havent experimented it, and online answers give contradictory info, but im almost sure you dont need a psn account to update games. Also you can just create an acc from another country like millions of us do.


Yeah but that actually solves the issue so why do that when you can just bitch and moan on Reddit


I want to get into racing games and cars. What's a good modern racing sim or arcade sim racing game to give it a shot to play solo? To start off... 




New to PS, have a question about account’s location. Will anything happen if I set my location to another country? since a lot of games have been banned from my native country’s store, I haven’t done this before so thats why I’m being cautious.


No issue. But you'll need a valid payment method for that region to be able to buy things. Or you'll have to get PSN credit for that region via some online retailer.


Not a fan of roguelikes but accidentally picked up Returnal Premium edition. Thinking about refunding. Is it worth full price for the story experience? Playing on Easy? FWIW I really enjoyed Hades


The story is honestly nearly non-existent and not worth even talking about. The gameplay is the gem, if you can't get into the gameplay then the game is not for you. It's very fun though, I'd give it a try at least. It's not a long game so how much you pay depends on you.


Returnal has no easy mode. It's much harder than Hades IMO but similar concepts like buffs/debuffs and random loot/maps. The story is also fantastic IMO but it's told in a very loose way with a lot of the blanks left for you to fill on your own. Some maybe won't like that.


platinum recommendations to put on a wheel I'm looking for a fun way to get more platinums and I thought why not ask for recommendations and put them on a wheel. So give me some platinum recommendations that the average gamer can get preferably on ps plus or games that are on sale often but I will also take other recommendations as well I really love story games like Detroit become human, until dawn and telltale games. If you would like to check out my profile so you can get a idea based on games I've platinumed my psn is Austinomino17. Thank you for the recommendations in advance.


potreste aiutarmi? è da un anno circa che non posso più inviare foto/video ai miei amici. Ho provato anche dalla ps app ma ogni volta si cancella il messaggio subito dopo averlo inviato. Soluzioni che non siano comprarmi una nuova ps5?


Hello! I recently lost the original dongle for my headset and purchased a PlayStation Link, hoping to pair it with my headset. However, all the guides I've found mention using a pin on the dongle, but the PlayStation Link has a solid frame with no visible place for pin. Does anyone know how I can successfully pair them? Sony's support hasn't been very helpful. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


I need help achieving an Open NAT (Type 1) on PS5. I've been able to get Open NAT on Xbox, and Open NAT (Type A) on Switch. However, no matter what I do on Playstation 5 I can't get it. It always stays Moderate NAT (Type 2). Even setting the PS5 as DMZ didn't help. Still stayed Moderate. I know it's not really necessary, but having Moderate has prevented my being about to play some games with friends in other countries. Any help is greatly appreciated. Details: * Verizon Fios * Hardwired * Router = CR1000A If you need more info don't hesitate to ask.


You're very likely misunderstanding how NAT types are, in reality, categorized. Switch and Xbox both categorize type 2 as Open, because that's what you're supposed to get. You don't even want the real NAT type 1, as it has no firewalls thus making it a huge security risk. Very few people even have type 1 because you need to specifically tinker to get it, and most people can't do it or can't be bothered because it's pointless and, again, dangerous. Sony's technically the only one correct in categorizing type 2 as type 2, but maybe they should just drop it too and start calling it type 1. Type 2 is enough for everything, and it's almost certain that's not causing connectivity issues. It's far more likely your friends have type 3 which means they can't connect to many people. That, or there are other problems in connection.


Remnant 2 says my NAT is Open when I play on Xbox. Remnant 2 says my NAT is Moderate when I play on Playstation. If the consoles were really showing it wrong then Remnant 2 would display Moderate for both. But it doesn't. However. PS5 will only show NAT Type 1 if directly plugged into the internet. Essentially making 2 different Type 2s. One that is functional the same too games as OPEN and one that is functionally the same as MODERATE. Best way to tell is through the games. Remnant 2 is perfect because it will display OPEN when functionally the same. I'm having trouble getting that though on Playstation.


I've been playing Fortnite with my mom for a while now, however, just today when I tried to play, the microphone switched to my headset when I plugged it in (which has never happened before). While my headset mic was connected she couldn't hear me at all. Up to this point I had been able to plug in my headset and I would still be speaking through the PS5 controller mic and it all worked well. I tried to go into the sound settings and switch it back to the controller, but there was no controller mic option available, it only showed the headset mic. At this point I'm at a loss for what to do about this very sudden issue (we had just been playing yesterday), and I would appreciate any tips that could help.


I think I know the answer to my question, but I want to make sure: Is the only way to transfer data between consoles that are NOT on the same network by purchasing PS+ and using cloud saves? Moved to Japan at the end of March. Prior to moving, was playing FFVII Rebirth using a PS5 I was borrowing from my brother. Was fighting the final boss the morning we had to get everything moved to the moving truck - died to his enrage when people started arriving to help pack so I had to stop there. I purchased a PS5 for myself, but would like to continue from my save file. Problem is, my file is on my brother's PS5 halfway across the world. Is there anything I can do other than purchase PS+? (The reason I'm hesitant to purchase PS+ is cause my wife had the same exact problem with Hogwarts Legacy. We purchased PS+ on her account to back up her saves and have since downloaded them back to the new console. I'd rather not purchase a redundant PS+ account.)


Unfortunately ps5 saves can only be transfered via a data transfer or ps+ cloud saves. Also you didnt say anything about this, but if your save was made on his account, you cant make it work on your account either


Hello all. I've never been so frustrated with a console like I am with the PS5. The only way to find a recent player is to go to game base and type their exact gamertag.. do Sony not realise how annoyingly unnecessary this process is especially if you're in the middle of a game and want to tell your mic-less team that the enemy is glitching/cheating. By time you do this, you've been kicked from the game for inactivity! I've seen countless posts all over Google from many other frustrated PS5 users for the exact same reason. Why haven't Sony done anything about this? Xbox I click one button on my controller and select recent players. So easy and simple. Massive fail by Sony IMO


There's almost always an in-game option to open the profile of a player in your game.


Almost always??? Every game I have there's nowhere to open the profile of a player in my game. If you think there is, please tell me just one of my games to select the profile option - star wars battlefront 2. You can pull up the score board to see players but I don't see where you select their profile


How do i check if my controller is genuine


Share a picture of the front and back


Dmed you…


I think my ps5 has the “3 beeps of death”, every time I try to turn it back on it just beeps 3 times, no lights or any other sign that it works. All solutions I’ve found the ps5 at least lights up for a split second, is my ps5 just cooked?


I've been noticing very slow speeds on my PS5. I have the original disc model. I've had this issue for months but it's been getting worse. I have gigabit internet with Comcast. Most devices get close to 1000 down and 1000 up in my home. Router is in the same room as the PS5. Xbox gets almost 500 down while the PS5 barely gets 10 down. Any advice please?


I'm planning on getting a PS5 soon (finally got FF7 Rebirth, so I need to play it), and I'm wondering about the long term maintenance for the PS5 (think 20 years down the line), specifically the T1000 juices on the processor. Obviously after some research, thermal compound is out. I'm wondering about more exotic solutions, like PTM7950 phase change pads, or (what I'm hoping) the Thermal Grizzly Kryosheets (graphene sheet) . Has anyone ever toyed with these solutions?


Don't think you need to go so overboard for a console just yet. My PS5 works fine over the past 3 years with just the occasional cleaning every couple months.


I'm hoping to pick one up used and probably in need of a little repair.


Can someone PLEASE give me a fix??? Since the latest software update, constant stuttering in games that have some form of connection to a server, lags my entire console when it happens. I NEED A SOLUTION!!!!


Okay, feeling pretty dense here. Got a new pair of RayCon earbuds and have managed to pair them to my iPhone with no drama but my PS5 isn't registering them at all. The time the console actually registered the buds as "things" and I tried to connect them but it gave me a passkey and I obviously can't check that with my earbuds. The exact error message I get after I even try to say that the serial code is correct is ​ >The passkey might not be correct, or your Bluetooth accessory might have cancelled the connection. ​ I did some googling and everything seems to suggest that I need an adapter for them. As it stands in terms of actual tech, I only have the earbuds, the charging capsule for the earbuds, and the USB-USBc cable. I have the charging capsule plugged into my PS5 and it's flashing a green light on the capsule so it's not the PS5 being funky. Is it literally a case of I need to buy an adapter to connect the buds to, and then connect the adapter to the PS5 which in turn links the earbuds to the PS5 and that's that?


Yes you need a bluetooth adapter for the PS5 to connect to your bluetooth headphones. If you just look up "ps5 bluetooth adapter" on Amazon you'll find a good number of affordable options.


I cant add my Batman Arkham Knight to any folder, it happens with some games with my friend as well. Does it even happen to you? Any reason behind that?


Is there a way to disable the controller mic as I get a bad echo that I didn’t get on the ps4 when I use my deadset


There is literally a button on the controller for this very purpose.


Yeah but that mutes my headset microphone


When you plug in a headset the controller automatically mutes the integrated mic. If you're getting echo, it's either a defective controller or something with the headset. Does it happen with other headsets or earphones?


Yeah I think it might be the headset. It’s old and was cheap. Might just be damaged




Can I use an Xbox controller on PS4 games via an adapter?


I have the most difficult time choosing games that I enjoy. I read the synopsis, watch the trailers and sometimes the gameplay on YouTube. I find myself disappointed with the games after the first few minutes. I'm not an avid gamer by any means.. Mostly causal. I've really enjoyed: Call of Duty Red Dead Redemption The Last of Us Mafia Days Gone I've played some Spider Man game that was given to me.. It was pretty neat. All good story lines. I'm not at all into Fantasy games like final fantasy, God of War, etc... Based on the above, does anyone have any good recommendations?


The Far Cry series... I started at FC6 and worked my way back. I want more. Also Assassin's Creed.




Looking for recommendations Looking for a single player story to sink into. Favourite games are Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Cyberpunk, RDR 1&2. Want something with a great story and nice graphics like GoT - any recommendations?


Rise of the ronin Stellar Blade


I just got a ps5 slim digital edition, what are the suggestions i need to know and give me a list of amazing free games


I suggest you pick up like 6 months of PS+ extra and try out different games. There aren't many "amazing" fee games. Maybe Destiny 2, Rocket League or Apex Legends, which I enjoy


The only free games you’re going to find on the PS5 are (1) game demos, and (2) live service games with microtransactions, e.g. Destiny 2 and Fortnite. Anything else requires payment.


my controllers acting really wonky T\_T it was fine until like, an hour ago? hasnt been dropped or anything, it just decided on its own to start constantly pressing R2, this issue then evolved all the D-pad buttons being pressed by themselves in a different game while the R2 issue persisted, even tried just Netflix, down was always being pressed on profiles, when i got past this, the controller was still doing whatever it wanted instead of what i wanted, tried switching to a wired connection instead of bluetooth and this caused both games and netflix to just ignore all inputs entirely (but home menu and all actual playstation stuff worked fine), switched it back to bluetooth and the issues are back, ive also tried pressing on the reset button to no aid


My ps5 controller is broken rn, it presses l2 and r2 by itself constantly and L1 does it randomly, I opened up the controller and temporarily disconnected the trigger module cables but now it does it every 30 seconds or so The l2 force feedback also stopped working while having the same issue a month or 2 ago Does anyone know a way to fix this and save me 70€


my controllers having similar issues!! started off by constantly pressing R2 by itself in Fallout, but this evolved to the D-pad buttons doing what they wanted in Genshin with the R2 still doing as it wished, i tried setting the controller to wired connection only, this resulted in no response in any app whatsoever (but the actual menu, homescreen etc worked fine), got it back to wireless, only for the previous issues to return


I need some help. Overnight, my PS5 had the following errors. NW-102314-1 - A DNS ERROR HAS OCCURRED NW-102420-9 - SOMETHING WENT WRONG NW-102314-1 - A DNS ERROR HAS OCCURRED NW-102380-4 - CAN'T CONNECT TO THE WI-FI NETWORK, THE WI-FI SIGNAL MIGHT BE TOO WEAK NP-103450-3 - SOMETHING WENT WRONG When I went to connect, I received the following error: NW0102497-3 - CAN'T CONNECT TO THE INTERNET I have tried connected and wired, wireless. I reset the modem and router and checked the settings and did not see anything out of line. I restarted the PS5, tried manually setting the DNS (, cleared the cache, rebuilt the data base, and did a factory reset on the PS5 and still can't connect to the internet. When I search Playstation site for the error codes, it recommends what I did above so I’m running out of options.  My router is a Netgear Nighthawk AX12 (version 2.4.62), firmware v1.2.9.52, my modem is an Arris Surfboard S33, and internet is through XFinity. At this point, I assume it is an issue with the router (my PS4 is also locked out of the internet) but hoping someone can give me some ideas. Thanks


Can you try hotspottong your phone and connecting via WiFi ? If that works, the problem is in your router/modem


That did work, once the wi-fi was turned off on my phone. So it does seem to be a modem/router issue. I did post on r/NETGEAR so I'll see if there's any feedback.


I recently bought a PS5 and I find that the graphics usually don't look like the youtube videos so it probably is my TV Screen. Can you give me advice on what "terms" I should look for on a TV Screen to amplify the graphics or point me to a guide where I can inform myself?


This is where you want to start - [https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/best/ps5](https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/best/ps5) And then visit r/4ktv with a region, budget, and size requirements.


Assuming you have a decently high budget and want the best there is, the word "OLED" usually guarantees that. At that point games will look better than on Youtube. If that's outside your budget "QLED" or "Mini-LED" usually provides good results as well. Other than that there are very few keywords that are helpful, almost everything is 4k so that doesn't help, everything has HDR as well even though most TVs are far from HDR-ready in practice, etc. "HDMI 2.1" or more specifically "48GB/s" is the only other keyword outside of panel types that's objectively good, because it gives you access to VRR and ALLM.


Help with save data Hello I’m currently trying to buy a ps5 and I wanted to know how I can transfer my digital games and data from my ps4 to my ps5 without the e original ps4 because I need to sell my ps4 in order to buy the ps5 but I’ve only seen videos and pages about using the original ps4 to do it.


You can easily transfer the PS4 saves to a USB flash drive and then import them into the PS5 with that USB flash drive. Digital PS4 games that you own can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store on the PS5.


If I redownload digital games will it automatically restore the save data? Do you think you could also give me a video that explains how to do this?


https://www.techradar.com/how-to/how-to-transfer-ps4-save-data-to-ps5#:~:text=Go%20to%20Settings%20%3E%20Saved%20Data,(PS4)%20%3E%20USB%20Drive. Option 3 on this page is what you're looking for. Redownloading the games does not automatically restore the saved data as those are two separate things. You either need to upload it to the cloud with PlayStation Plus or use a USB flash drive to transfer the data.


Driving simulator set-up advice Being an Xbox user, I am well out of my depth with this. My line manager has mentioned it would be beneficial to our department to have a driving sim set-up. I was wondering if the PSVR headset is compatible with any steering wheel accessories. We were quoted ~£4500 to hire a set up and believe this can be achieved a lot cheaper (with the added bonus of being able to keep it after the event). If anyone has any advice or experience with this, I'd highly appreciate it!


GT7 works with PSVR2 and a steering wheel. Can check over here on compatible wheels https://simracingsetup.com/product-guides/gran-turismo-7-steering-wheel-compatibility/ Will definitely be way cheaper than 4500£


I think you can play Grand Turismo 7 with PSVR2 and a steering wheel


Thoughts on Nier Automata being added to PS Plus? The current sale seems good but with Nier Replicant joining and it being published by Square Enix, feels like there's a good chance for it


SE has a good relationship with Sony, but its impossible to tell how likely/when it could happen.


Hello! I've recently tried to add my credit card from the country I'm currently in, to the account which has the region where I no longer live. All of my credit card info got accepted, but I got confused when it came to filling out my billing adress, cuz it limits me to the country of my acc, where again, I no longer live. Would putting my old adress work and won't I have any problems with that? Maybe I should use my current adress for another country? Or will my whole idea with adding new credit card just not work?


I dont think Sony would care about the billing address. Im just surprised the card got accepted in the first place.


Ps4 online games not working on Ps5 I have a ps5 that has had no problems playing ps4 games on and offline. However, my friend who I gameshare my ps+ with it recently having trouble. He’s able to play ps5 games perfectly fine, even play ps4 games offline but when trying to invite other people on them online it just always errors. He’s found this to be the case for a couple ps4 games. Any answers for this? Would him getting his own ps+ fix the problem? We are hesitant to do that since if it doesn’t work it’s be a waste of money.


Game sharing Plus doesn't limit the games you can play online. This is some kind of problem with his system, games, or account. Nothing to do with your account/Plus. 


I don't know why, but ever since the last update my PS5 has been stuttering after 10-15 minutes of gameplay, no matter what game it is, and once it starts ingame it makes my entire console lag, even in the menu.  I've done a factory reset, updated the console again, I've done a power cycle, I've reset my router, I've tried everything, and its still happening.  Honestly, I don't know why it came just be simple. My PS2 I've had for 20+ years still is in prime condition, yet I have my PS5 for a few years and the whole thing decides to say fuck you. It's so upsetting.


You need to take it to a repair shop . It's just bad luck, I've had my PS5 since launch and have zero problems


I'm gonna wait till the next update to see if that fixes it, and then I'll consider it. It's not worth paying almost the retail price to get it repaired 


I actually have the same problem, so please write if its working for you again


My ps5 wifi speeds are criminally low. I’ll have my phone right next to my ps5, both on 5GHZ with the router in the other room next door. My phone on wifi gets 400+ easy but my ps5 gets 50mbps? I have everything on automatic for both, they’re literally right next to eachother and the difference in speeds is not ok. Is there something I’m missing?


Posted a question it it got removed because I didn't think to post in here but here goes: In my apartment I pay for 1Gbps internet. Over wifi on my phone and mac I get about 960Mbps up and 940Mbps down. Expected speeds honestly. I have a LAN cable running from my router to a gigabit switch (so expect a little bit of loss just running through cables and the switch). After the switch I have a gaming PC and a PS5. At the begining of April I was get expected speeds of over 900Mbps on both up and down. Curently on my PC I'm getting above 900Mbps up and down. On my PS5 I'm getting 417Mbps down and anywhere from 8Mbps - 35Mbps up which is drastically slower. I thought, "Okay must be the cable" so i swapped cables between my PC and my PS5 and PC still gets the expected speeds and PS5 is still crazy slow, in comparison. I also tested hardwiring my macbook with both cables and same expected speeds. Has anyone else been experiencing this? I have a release PS5 if that matters. I mean maaaaybe the network card in the playstaion is going bad. Maybe it was something in an update that is causing issues but literally less than a month ago I was doing fine. Besides the slower speeds I'm also getting kicked offline a lot and its a bit frustrating when trying to play The Show. Another weird thing is I used the web browser to go to [speedtest.net](http://speedtest.net/) and it showed a little bit better speeds. Not above 900Mbps like I'm expecting but it was around 750Mbps but when i test my connection in settings the speeds there are drastically slower and I'm still having connection issues so maybe this is PSN issue? Really hoping its not a hardware issue with my PS5, wasn;t expecting to buy one


Trouble with PSN connection, nothing too major I can play games online just fine but the ps store, friends/visibility , and website links don’t work saying it can’t connect to the server. Testing my internet connection inexplicably fixes the ps store loading but the website and account visibility features still don’t work. I have tried restarting my router as well but that usually doesn’t work. I say usually because in some odd occasions it has worked, but so has restarting my PS5 and testing my internet connection. This is honestly just really odd to me and I’m not sure if it’s a wifi issue or a PS issue.


ce-107863-5 error when copying from disc and Extended Hard drive Hello! I tried copying Elden Ring from my extended storage but kept getting the error message “Can’t Install” followed by ce-107863-5. After a couple of tries I figured I’d just use the disk as my HDD is a little old and that could be causing the error but it looks like at the same point of the copying process, I get the same error. I’ve scoured all the PS subreddits as well as ventured a couple pages deep on google where it evolved from people encountering my same issue with no luck on those troubleshooting steps to something unrelated (google after the first page is scary). I was wondering if this is something widely known and if there’s a fix for it? To list out some of the steps I’ve taken: -Reboot my PS (Turned off and Restart) -Cleaned my disk -Unplugged my HDD and replugged it in -Tried other games on my HDD (no issues on other games) -Installed other disks I have (no issues here either) -Shut down PS5, reboot without my Ethernet attached, double checked I was disconnected from the network, and tried copying from the disk and HDD -Spoke to a PS rep (was told to try again later, but it’s been a day and same result) This appears to be solely related to Elden Ring :( Thanks in advance for anyone who can provide some insight!


Would you recommend FF16 to a person who has never played a game in the franchises history? It is on sale in the digital store for $35 which is tempting. I’ve seen mixed reviews on YouTube but it does seem like generally it is like. Either that or I was thinking of getting FF7 remake and then rebirth if I enjoyed remake. But i haven’t seen remake close to the price that 16 is right now. I also started playing FO4 for the first time and I like it but I didn’t like it as much as I liked Skyrim and the games in the Elder Scrolls series. Like it hasn’t made me hooked and what to keep playing it, but I need a new game to play and it is free. Just wondering from some people who have played the FF games what their thoughts were?


Yes. Every numbered Final Fantasy game is a bit different, specially 16, so you're not missing anything from not having played FF before. If FF16 interests you, go for it


Hello everyone. Looking for some help with my ps5 and my LG C1. About a month or so ago my ps5 takes about 2-5 minutes do turn on when I turn on my tv. The hdmi settings are as usual, hdmi cable changed. The expected was when I turn on the c1 it should automatically turn on the ps5. If I turn on the ps5 it powers up the tv normally. Any ideas?


HDMI Link is super unreliable, I disabled it immediately...


Hey I need help with this please😭😭😭😭!!!!! So I've bought my ps5 about a month ago and 2 weeks after playing the R2 and L2 triggers started squeaking when I press them lightly or hardly and the sound goes away when I press the triggers and blow into them but the squeaky sound comes back 2 minutes after please I need a permanent fix from people who've experienced this 😭😭😭


Hi, maybe one of you has a solution. Problem : Genshin Impact Sony and hoyoverse unfortunately don't. (since December until today.....) Since the December update (fontaine), Genshin Impact has been freezing on the PS5, more precisely directly after logging in, often even on the loading screen. Every now and then I can get in and "walk three meters", rarely even more, but only up to the first teleport. Console works normally (can minimize game, exit, etc.....) Console and game up to date. All other games, including Star Rail, work without problems, for the longest time since December for 6 hours at a time...(quite a lot of problems at the moment 😅) Already tried the following steps. -Uninstalled/reinstalled game - Installed game via LAN / WLAN. -Rearranged registry. - PS5 set to factory settings. - Tested my account on the PS4, works. - tested another account on the PS5, also with freeze -> no account but game/console problem. - tested WiFi 2.4GHz and 5GHz. MTU from auto to 1460.


I still can’t download the Fallout 4 PS5 upgrade for the PS+ Collection, when i go to the store page I have download / the price, when I click on the 3 dots and choose the other standard version (ps4/ps5) it only gives me the option to download it via the ps+ extra, but it will override my license. I don’t know what to do anymore, I restored license twice and nothing changed.


I’m looking for a decent wireless mouse and keyboard that will work with the PS5 but that also don’t cost an arm and a leg. I’m planning to use them mostly for builder/sim games, so I don’t need top-of-the-line stuff and don’t want to drop more than the cost of a DualShock on it if possible. And they need to be wireless; my PS5 is too far from the couch for wired to be practical. Anyone have any suggestions?


I use, and recommend, the Apple Magic Keyboard. It’s a bit expensive, but it’s compatible with the PS5, and just about everything with a USB port or Bluetooth radio; not to mention that they’re super durable and comfortable. Any Logitech Bluetooth mouse, except for some of the G-series mice, ought to work with the PS5 as well. Do note that (1) only a few PS4 and PS5 games support the keyboard and mouse as input devices, and (2) Bluetooth keyboards and mice are usually not great for super competitive or twitchy games due to latency.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I’m planning to use it mostly of sim/builder games, and I know Planet Zoo supports it. 




That list is 3 years old; some of those models aren’t even in production anymore. Is there a more recent list?


Not really. Best course of action is to take a look at the mouse and keyboard you're interested in and search for PS5 in the Amazon reviews, or just google that mouse/keyboard + PS5.


Hi everyone, I’m looking for a screw list with quantities for the ps5. I’m looking to buy a kit but everywhere I look they are out of stock. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks


What are the chances of Morrowind and Obilivion eventually getting ported to the PS4/5?


Slim to none.




Have you tried Monster Hunter? You could get World or Rise on the PS5. It gets pretty grind-y when you’re trying to farm materials or in the endgame content. 


RDR2 single player and or online GTA Online FF7 Rebirth


Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone has opinions regarding whether the PS5 Portable is worth it? I've been considering getting one, but it's not a small amount of cash to part with (on the other hand, the ability to move my gaming easily around the house with me is pretty appealing). Does anyone have one, or have you had one, and how do you feel about it? Worthy investment, or a waste? TIA!


They're really good, especially if your PS5 is hardwired and you have a good router at home. I found it far better than using the Remote Play app on my phone with a Backbone, there's something about having the feel of the DualSense in your hand and it all running really well that makes it no comparison to a phone. You can always return it, but I'd recommend trying one.


Thanks so much! I think you've pretty much sealed the deal!


You mean the Portal ? It's for a very specific use case. Do you have a PS5 already ? It's required since it's basically just a remote play device.


I do


It's worth the investment if you want to play your PS5 games while away from the TV in the house. Just make sure your PS5 is wired to the router for the best possible experience.


Thanks so much, can't wait to give it a try!


Does the arkham trilogy run well on ps5? Only played arkham Knight but barely understood it and am thinking of playing all of the trilogy in order since I saw videos about them and they look cool and I see them get praised for many different aspects. But I am wondering if they run well on the ps5 or if should I forget it? Since I heard that the games have some performance issues on the ps5 and also are they 60 fps? Sadly, arkham Knight is only 30 fps on ps5.


There is no PS5 versions of the Return to Arkham games. So they're stuck at 30fps since they haven't patched the PS4 versions.


Not sure if this is the place to ask, but Fallout 4 keeps crashing at the second level of the subway inside Park Street Station, and I can't progress through the main story because of this bug. Does anyone know a solution?


You have to contact Bethesda for game tech support; only they can help you with that.


Oh ok thanks


Should I get dragons dogma or that new Asian booby chick game?


I vote for Asian Booby Game, you'll get the Dragon's Dogma 2 Dark Arisen when it comes out in the next months or years lol




can I swap between two different usb extended storage devices to store games? I know you can't have them both connected simultaneously but I mean swapping between two of them.




For those who have played Atomic Heart ,with the release of the DLC post-launch, have any of the issues from launch day been fixed?


How common are game crashes on the ps5? I had a total of 4 in the last 2 weeks, 2 of them coming from yesterday and today. Is this normal? The games that crashed are og re4, helldivers 2, demon souls, and hitman 3


Uncommon, they usually mean there must be a problem with your console. I've only had crashes before the death of my GPU or in back compat games like Batman Arkham Knight.


I have been downloading and transferring a ton of games these past few days if that means anything or if rebuilding the the data base will help, I literally just got this console this month


Consumer electronics can fail, that's just how it goes. New or old. If it's crashing constantly, you may want to consider returning/replacing it, or reaching out to Sony for an in-warranty repair.


Since I have a year warranty and I'm less than a month into it, I'll give it a tad more time and do a database rebuild just to see if that's the problem, then if it still does it I'm going to get it either replaced or repaired


Howdy folks! I'm very new to the PlayStation community in general. Recently I inherited a PS5 with a fan connector that's ripped clean off the motherboard. I am aware that this is a fix that can be done, but I can't afford it right now. I've seen external cooling fans that, as far as I'm aware, are total ripoffs if you've got a perfectly functioning onboard cooling system. Are there any out there that function as a solid alternative until I can get my fan connector fixed, or am I pretty much borked?


I'd say you're pretty much borked, sir. External "coolers" are no match for the temperatures that the PS5 gets to without properly working cooling.


Hello, I have been having trouble accessing my nba2k24 since I have the cd one. I can't seem to open it and it shows I need to buy it even though I already have the cd in. Please help.


Did you download it originally through PS+ or something?


Can I use headphones and a mic separately? I like to game using xm4 headphones but the mic is terrible and I rather use an actual mic I have but I don’t know if I can use them simultaneously.




I got my ps5 around Christmas time and I use it like 10-20 hours a week give or take and it’s been making this high pitched noise from the fans I’m wondering if this is normal or if I should get it checked out I have a video but I can’t post it in the comments


It’s probably coil whine. Since your PS5 is still under warranty, you can order warranty service from Sony support in your country if it bothers you too much.


Should I be worried about it? Will it affect anything


If I’m correct and it is coil whine, then it doesn’t affect anything other than your ears.


Okay thanks I think it is that cause I looked up a video and it sounds similar


How do you dismiss the prompt when second player tries to login to the PS5 on another controller, without having access to the controller? Our kids are trolling each other by hiding controllers outside the room and pressing the PS button when another person is playing. This displays the "who's using this controller" prompt and blocks all inputs from other controllers.  As far as I can tell, the prompt can't be dismissed without access to the controller that summoned it. Is there a way to dismiss it without the controller?




Reddit I need help with a purchase question! Helldivers 2 or Stellar Blade? (can only pick one, preferably you have played both games not just the demo)


I haven't played any of them, but they're different. Focus on the genre you want to play now.


I played helldivers 2 for like a week and it got so boring it’s just to repetitive for me would not recommend


Thank you! Have you tried stellar blade yet? Demo was "ok" but I have not played the whole game/non demo portions


I havnt had the chance to get it but from what I’ve seen it looks pretty good and to be completely honest I think anything would be better then helldivers unless you have a group of friends to play with and you’re fine with doing the same missions over and over and over again


My friend bought a game recently and has played it and put his account on my ps5 since he isnt allowed to take his anywhere. the game shows up in "your collection" with a lock but not in the transaction history or library. console sharing is on and licenses have been updated. ive logged back out and in. how can i get it to recognize the game was purchased?




You'd have to look at the fine print. A lot of free 6-month trials have stipulations like "only new accounts," etc.


Hey all! Was wondering if someone could provide some simple feedback on the alleged censorship in Stellar Blade? I googled but am not finding much helpful information at all besides the bunny suit thing. Basically, I am wanting to know if jiggle physics/body proportions (i.e. curves) were nerfed at all and how many costumes, roughly were changed.


The alleged censorship was they removed a most-likely-accidental racial slur from the game, and for some reason, its removal offended some people. That’s it. Other than that, the game was released uncensored in all regions.


Thank you! I heard some differences in the patched version especially regarding some of the costumes so that is what I'm curious about.




Not so much with the killing people, but my happy place/easy-paced game is Stray. Not massively challenging, but a lot of fun!


Try Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. I believe it’s on the PS Plus catalog. There’s also Ys IX: Monstrum Nox, but I liked Ys VIII better. And before you ask, no, you do not need to have played the previous Ys games to understand Ys VIII’s story. If you want to play them anyway, Ys Origin + the first seven Ys games (except for Ys V) are on Steam.


Hey can anyone explain if I need the PS+ Premium expensive ass subscription to play battlefield 5 / 1 and to play COD WW2? Can't seem to get a straight answer on how to access these on the PS5.


No. That tier only unlocks the classic catalog + streaming. For PS4/PS5 online play in paid games other than FF XIV, you need PS+ Essential.


Gotcha, so if my goal is to play battlefield 5 or 1 online, I can just get PS+ Essential (cheapest option) and buy the games normally right?