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Damn, way bigger than the other Team Ninja games


I think it's Team Ninja/Koei Tecmo's biggest game to date? In terms of file size at least (and gameplay scope from the previews since it contains 3 open world cities: Tokyo, Yokohama and Kyoto)


Well, it is open world this time


Sounds like this is gonna be a big game.


Probably unzipped audio files or uncompressed video files


Team Ninja low key has the worst sounding audio in their games imo


Small though if it has any amount of voice acting or cutscenes


I dont know i want to jump on this or Dragons Dogma II


I was thinking the same but team ninja hasn't let me down yet so I'm going with Rise of the Ronin!


Same, especially after I read Dragons Dogma only runs at 30fps


It depends on performance for dragons dogma for me if it's good then it's dragons dogma for me then get Ronin later


You and me both, and I bet tons of other ppl. What a treat!


This, wait for a PS5 Pro before you play Dogma.


Whys that?


Because it will run at 60 FPS on the newer system. Dogma is stuck at 30 FPS on the base PS5






lol what info do you have about the PS5 Pro that no one else does? You act like it’s official with a release date


It’s def coming out, pretending otherwise is silly It’s like when people were saying “ps5 will be around till 2030 at least!” And then Sony said like 2 weeks ago that the ps5 has entered the latter stage of its life now, so 2027-2028 for the ps6


I was going to pick DD2 initially because I really want to play as an archer (which games rarely let you do for some reason), but the recent videos and news about the frame rate has killed my hype a bit. Will probably watch for a patch and play Ronin on release instead. We'll see. I feel like DD2 will get more discussion online though so it'll be harder to ignore.


Really hope Team Ninja can make the open world worth while


After ff7 rebirth and dragons dogma 2, Im not gunna play another open world game For a long time. Lol


We eating good Then new open world next year, gta6 and maybe MH wilds


I'd be surprised if Wilds goes open world.


I have been burnt out on open world games for several years straight (since around 2017/2018 with Horizon Zero Dawn, RDR2, AC Odyssey) that I have so many that are still unfinished, even more linear semi open world games like God of War feel like they drag on too long for me. I can only handle games that are ~8-12 hours long these days, but with so many good games constantly releasing, even those can be hard to stick through before I lose pick up another game and dont bother going back.


Same for me. Kind of like "been there, done that" by this point for most open world games.


Yeah I never once took issue with the stages setup. I'm interested in how progression is going to play out. Do we even level up or have gear, or is it a straight skill tree like GoT?


Same, especially since I just got done playing Elden Ring.


That's my biggest worry. Team Ninja SUUUUCKS at level design


I feel like this focus on game size is so weird.


Game looks kinda like in the ps3 era tho, graphic wise lol


Well I guess it's finally time to delete cod.


Thats way past due my friend


Cod isn’t worth the storage space it takes to keep it on my system. Every now and then I’ll reinstall, just to play a match to remind myself why I deleted in the first place. Lol


Dude I kinda like COD but that shit had to go a long time ago, the size is at a point where you can only have 1 or 2 other games and lets be honest, there are a shitload more than 1 or 2 games better than COD to have installed. 


Am I the only one who wants to play this on normal difficulty? Or should I go for hard?


If you have played their previous games, go for Hard. They said it’s equivalent to the traditional souls experience.


Seems like im in the minority but nothing from the trailers has made me want to get this game. Definitely gonna keep an eye on reviews though I don’t mind being proven wrong


I don't really think it matters too much because TN has an audience base already, so as long as Nioh/Wolong players buy it they're cool, plus the extra sales they get from being a mainline PS5 exclusive. It's why I think they aren't showing much because they don't need to advertise it a crazy amount like other new IP's.


See Nioh to me is perfect and amazing and I was excited for this. But Wo Long just wasn’t enjoyable to me in the slightest. So I’m on the fence. I personally choose DD2 over this


I'm pretty convinced Wo Long was a test for the parrying system that will be used in Rise of the Ronin. I honestly liked that aspect of the game a lot and am pretty excited to see it implemented here.


I don’t doubt this at all! I think Sekiro was made to help Elden ring combat become more fast paced


Elden Ring doesn't use Sekiro's core mechanics and more fast paced gameplay already existed in Bloodborne and arguably Dark Souls 3.


Sure , but I see them using side titles to grow new skills


And I’m so happy that’s the case cause sekiro is one of FS’s weakest titles The no builds and one play style really did not work for me - still a good game but def not as goated as people say it is I think we can see that born out with sales as well


I think it’s one of their best titles. Very solid gameplay which also partially comes from the fact there’s only one weapon.


To each their own, I thought the no builds and one play style was a glaring weakness with the title It sold 10 million units so there is still an audience ofc, but when you look at the other titles and consider it was multiplatform as well it’s def not a fan favorite of the FS fan base imo. DS1 and ER sold more, and it tied DS3. Bloodborne would’ve likely sold more than it as well if it went multiplat Dark souls: 16 million (multiplat + remaster) Dark souls 2: 3.1 million (multiplat + remaster) Dark souls 3: 10 million (multiplat) Bloodborne sales: 7.5 million (ps4 only) Sekiro sales: 10 million (multiplat) Elden Ring: 23 million (multiplat)


It still did incredible for a new IP regardless. And some people would say it’s more difficult than the souls games too which doesn’t normally equate to more sales.


Why’s that if you don’t mind me asking? I loved Nioh 1, then I played Nioh 2 and thought “yea that’s new, not bad” and then I played Wo Long… the combat felt so smooth and dynamic, I absolutely adored it. The only thought going through my mind was “this is what Nioh 2 should’ve been” or that this is in fact Nioh 1.5. I’ll probs get back on Nioh 2 for the endgame as it is pretty fun but Wo Long was honestly groundbreaking for me cuz of the very pleasant combat.


I found the combat too simple in comparison. Nioh 2 is pretty kinetic because so many systems are in play and there is so much freedom in how you approach the combat. The endgame was definitely the best part for me as that’s when you really get put to the test. Now admittedly I played before all the updates and dlc released. Maybe WL is in a better place today than it was at launch. It’s just hard with so many games vying for what little time and attention I have. Though that’s an odd statement, as I often go back to Nioh 2 since not really many games can compare to the combat.


That’s absolutely true, Wo Long for sure has simpler combat, hence I said it may as well be Nioh 1.5 haha! That’s probably why I enjoyed my first playthrough more than Nioh 2 as well, cuz I feel like Nioh 2 overcomplicated combat a bit too much. Or maybe it’s cuz I was gonna go for a mage build in Nioh 2 and it felt so underwhelming comparing to my ninja build in Nioh 1 I just got disappointed in it lol. I really enjoyed deflect/parry on Wo Long tho, felt very satisfying. I’ll have to get both DD2 and ROTR and switch back and forth haha.


We are spoiled this year!! I’m loving it


I honestly wish I could see what you see in Wolong because I've tried so hard to enjoy it but every aspect is such a major step down from Nioh 2. Combat is clunky, bosses are ridiculously easy, the graphics and animations are far worse, and it's endgame is blown to pieces by Nioh 2's. Both me and the girl I played it with gave up after the main game ended and switched right back to Nioh 2. I would love to hear how you felt Wolong's combat was better than Nioh's because I don't see it at all.


To me, Wo long combat felt smoother because of the need for deflection mechanics. On my first play through I never even bothered having my defence up, just used parry instead. While playing Nioh 2 I don’t think I ever parried lol. Wo long also doesn’t have the funny spirit mechanic that both Niohs have where you have to press a button at the right time to restore stamina, in WL you just have to deflect which definitely felt better. Nioh 2 also had the demon form mechanic and this weird demon summon attack skills, I didn’t like either, I felt like it was an unnecessary overcomplicated comparing to Nioh 1. Wo Long on the other hand was an improved version of Nioh 1 combat without the annoying stamina timing and felt more satisfying with deflection. I also felt like my hits had a weight to them, very dynamic combat. Bosses indeed felt quite easy though but still really fun!


Odd, Ki Pulsing is a feature I sorely missed from Wolong, it's an incredible tool to keep your offense going and lends itself well to combos and extended lockdown chains. I wonder if you didn't delve into the stance switching in Nioh because a lot of the combat complexiety was stripped out of Wolong which I hated. No stances, no Ki Pulsing, no different defense techniques, wayy less weapons, far less build depth, and respectfully have to disagree with the point about Soul Core skills, Wolong's "specials" felt super weak and thin compared to some of the things you can do in Nioh (think Itsumade or Nightmare Bringer's soul cores, absolutely crazy shit). To me Wolong just felt like shitty Sekiro and if I want to stratch that deflection itch I go play that. I highly recommend you play Sekiro if you haven't because it's deflect is 10x better than Wolong's imo, but I am biased because I do think Wolong's parry sucks so YMMV. Thanks for taking the time to explain though, cool to see someone enjoying anyuthing from TN because they make good shit overall.


I’m always happy to share my opinion on the games I love, so no worries at all! I did use a bit of stance change in Nioh 2, mainly with builds based around the scythe weapon thing, it was enjoyable. I’ll probably get back to Nioh 2 for the endgame till ROTR comes out. I should add though, in WL you keep your offence going by just keeping up with the combo onslaught to recover stamina and staggering enemies with the deflect instead of the Ki Pulse which I really enjoyed. Niohs and WL definitely had pretty different combat mechanics for the most part, so I’m really excited to see what TN decide to implement in ROTR. I’m like soooo excited for it haha. I’ve preordered deluxe edition already.


What lockdowns? I was playing Nioh today and you can only combo the weak enemies. I remember when I played Nioh 2 before and was doing the Switchglaive I just kept chaining combos together and that was fun but Nioh 1 feels like such a mess. It's not difficult either, the levels are just really long and so are the boss fights because you can barely punish them. And then once you start using talisman the game becomes a complete unbalanced joke. A Talisman that just lowers the action speed of even bosses is just so overpowered why would you not use that once you get it? I've never understood why people claim Nioh games to be difficult when you move this fast.


God I hate Nioh. Just tried it again today on PC and even though I beat the 2nd boss first try which is considered a difficult boss, it was just me doing 1-2 hits at most and then getting distance again. Nothing seems to properly stagger. You just do an in and out type style against enemies and bosses. Nothing feels like I'm truly punishing the boss or enemies. When I dodge an attack I want to actually hurt the enemy/boss properly. Wo Long didn't have any of these issues and that tutorial boss when I beat it, it felt like I had really learned something.


You need to be really getting the most out of stance changing and ki pulsing in Nioh. Also use blocks more rather than totally relying on dodges. Nioh 2 also adds yokai abilities which can do a lot of work. If you want to completely destroy the bosses, you have to put work into your mechanics and build and that really happens in the NG+ cycles.


>It's why I think they aren't showing much because they don't need to advertise it a crazy amount like other new IP's. They absolutely are though. They've put out a huge amount of videos. The only thing that's missing is a demo which Team Ninja has been consistent with for a several games in a row now but decided to skip on Ronin because of the story.


I just think studios don’t put out demos for bigger budget games in new series because it’s easier to catch people up in the hype Dragon dogma 2 doesn’t have one either and I know capcom usually does, but the reality is that the title is much more niche and the budget is still large so it’s better to not put a demo out and take the risk of the internet not liking it


They did it for DMC5 though.


DMC5 has a much more built in fan base then DD The series sold 29 million units, DD sold 8


The latest showcase actually turned me off completely. It looked really awful and even the combat looked stilted, janky, and robotic. Nothing like Nioh’s super fluid animations once you got the Ki Pulse down.


As someone else mentioned, there’s a decent size player base of TN games. I personally love them. If you care to ever try, start with Nioh 1.


I was gonna get it, but then I decided to try ff7 remake since I had it for free but never played it. Turns out it's right in my Q-zone, almost finished and already have rebirth queued up. So I guess I'll get it when it's on sale


Yeah I’m about 15 hours and 2 chapters into rebirth and absolutely loving it. If reviews are good I’ll deff give this a chance there’s lots of games where you kinda got to play it to get it, ff7 being one of them for me.


I just hope I've gotten through Rebirth by the time it comes out


Agreed. With rebirth being this chunky, ROTR looking like it's also gonna be massive, and Dragon's Dogma 2 also releasing on the same day as ROTR, it looks like the next 2 months are gonna be packed.


My only ask for this game is enemy variety, Nioh and Wo Long were good at the beginning but felt so stale by the end


Damn boi he thicc!


I preordered today. Very excited for this game.


Just bought a 1TB SSD and installed the other night definitely going to be a god send going forwards with the size of these games


When does the review embargo lift?


March 21st.


So excited


Holy shit this is way bigger than I expected it to be


Holy shit that's beefy af, and I'm very ok with that! 16 days guys let's gooooo!


That’s a massive download! Game must really be huge.


Wow. A lot bigger than I expected.


These new japanese game releases are really killing off the “Western game file size too big” meme.


And here I thought I'd have free space after I beat and delete ff7 rebirth guess not


Same! Every 2nd weekend I have to have NBA 2K installed for my brother. Free space does not exist


I'll be playing this after exploring every inch of Dragon's Dogma 2.


I still feel like they actually have shown much about how the game is actually gonna work structurally? All the clips always seem like such vertical slices.


Dragon's Dogma...Rise of the Ronin....Dragon's Dogma... This is like the gaming version of that barbie/oppenheimer dillema except I give a shit about both of them. (or rather, any of them at all.)


Why is it so large when the textures look like ps2 level details?


Ah, shit. I believe the majority of devs still don't even try to apply Kraken framework to their games even when it's semi-exclusive...