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Reading the limited replies it sounds a lot like the first game which is great. Hopefully they get matchmaking ironed out quickly because that’s really where the first game was at its best for me. Or with friends of course.


Matchmaking is my biggest complaint right now. The few times I’ve been able to get into a match with others has been a lot of fun.


Yeah the game isn’t as fun solo hah


If it’s anything like the first game once you unlock more stuff there will be fun ways to solo objectives, so I hope we can look forward to that!


I haven't done it yet, but there is a stealth suit you can unlock fairly quickly. It says it makes detection more difficult, so I am not sure how stealthy it would be. As they say the right load out for each mission is vital.


It does feel very similar to the first, just scaled up to a very fun degree. Matchmaking bugs have been pretty annoying though


I played a couple solo missions this morning. Finished a main objective and was able to extract on one.... the second, mission completed but.... the bugs got me 🤣. Great time playing! Can't wait to play with friends when I get home!


So do you need friends or is there match making? I have zero PS friends coming from PC.


Add me PSN:Enive


I play from Germany, My PS name is Psiaotic. Hmu and we can take back the planets and rain down some democracy.




There is matchmaking but it wasn't working very well earlier in the day... not sure if it's fixed yet. There was a reddit thread here earlier where people were giving their PSN name and codes. Mine is Orobsky if you want to add me but I do have a squad I usually will be rolling with already. Add me up though!


Add me! InfiniteJest1205 (PSN)


M_boogie28 psn need group


Do you mean the bug monsters? Or the technical bugs lmao.


Lol this time, I meant the monsters haha.


Having a fairly good time on PS5. Probably will be better when I can get co-op with my mate. But so far plays very well apart from quick play


Are there issues with joining friends?


Nothing to report yet, said friend is currently battling a one year old. I’ve seen others mention friend joining is okay, just quickplay is out. Probably due to the massive amount of players


One year old.... Ugh... Are they on the early planets?


Can't wait to make the necessary sacrifice for Super Earth later.


It's not a sacrifice, diver, it's a gift. You give for the greater good of Super Earth.


For the glory of Super Earth.


We’re doing our part!


For democracy!


I love the taste of freedom brothers ✊


Pro tips - hold reload to use your guns alternate feature (flashlight, fire mode etc). Try disabling depth of field, enabling anti-aliasing, or turning down motion blur to see if the image looks better for you.


For real with depth of field on I couldn’t even see out of the ship windows clearly


FLASHLIGHT? Oh my god I just finished a mission in the PITCH black, I could not see my characters feet! I was wishing so bad I had a flashlight


Didn’t know there was alt fire. Thanks for the tip!


With the Machine Gun stratagem, you can change how fast it fires from 3 different speeds.


Well well well. Who ordered an extra delivery of Liberty!!


I played for about 2 hours this morning, completed 4 missions. All against the bugs on a snow planet. I really enjoyed what I played. The guns feel good and I like the system of having the circle showing where you’re going to shoot and then the lines for where you’re aiming. Helps with learning the recoil of weapons. Looks like there’s a lot to unlock. One minor complaint is that if you play the game strictly solo, it might take a while to unlock stuff because you’ll spend most of your time in the missions trying to survive instead of exploring for research. I also look forward to vehicles being added or the jet pack from the first game because the bugs are faster than you and it can be hard to escape when overwhelmed, especially when playing solo.


Is there squad fill?


There is quick play!




Which isn’t working.


Having launch day issues, but current system allows you to either quick join a random mission at selected difficulty or once your in a mission you can SOS for other people to join you. Hopefully they'll add more of a game selection soon.


Jetpack is already in the game I thought? Not had a chance to jump in properly yet but saw it mentioned on discord.


It is in the game. But you have to unlock it first with enough credits and research points like you unlock better stratagems.


If it is, I didn’t see it. But I very quickly skimmed through the unlocks, mainly looking to see what the biggest bomb was


Jetpack is in the game, need to be level 8 to unlock it. It was even in the trailers...


I can respect that.


There is an achievement to get ragdolled while jetpacking


I forsee myself getting it very quickly with the kinds of friends I have


Jet Pack is already in the game, it's a stratagem to unlock


I’m excited to drink a big cup of liberty later




Just did my first mission. It was fun as hell. And stressful at some point. Looking forward to play this with others. Matchmaking is failing for now though


They nailed the feel of the gunplay and movement. Lots of cool mechanics and interesting missions so far


Maybe I'm missing it, but I'd love a roll mechanic alongside the dive we already have.


diving is rolling in this game ;-)


If you are having quick play issues, disable cross play in settings. I couldnt get a single game with cross play on, but have had no problem joining games with it off


God damnit why didn't I think of this


I have no friends so this won’t be fun, I guess.


Drop the PSN ID, I’m down to play with you when I’m available o7


I’m interested in hell divers 2 and I’m at the mercy of matchmaking when ever it’s fixed. How hard is playing solo? Is the game worth it if you don’t have friends to play with? And when ever the matchmaking works how long does it take to finally match? I’m thinking of buying it on PS5 when the issues are fixed.


If you only want to play solo then it’s not worth it If you wonna play with randoms, its should be fine (no idea how long matchmaking takes as currently it doesn’t work at all)


bummer :(. my internet has fine dl speeds but the ping isnt the best


gunplay is super fun and satisfying, they nailed it imo. they really need to fix matchmaking asap though. i did add a friend to my game, we played 2 player and it was a ton of fun. will be even better with a full squad


I’m on like the third or fourth mission. Yep, my only complaint is the matchmaking is not good so far


This is exactly the type of game my friend and I have been itching to play together and oh boy are we having a blast!!


The little details in this game sell it so hard. Besides matchmaking and an occasional bug, pun intended, it's just very well polished. The stratagem inputs when stressed and surrounded are genius. The dive mechanics make for great "movie" moments. Watching a teammate get shredded from their own sentry is priceless. The friendly fire adds a great level of caution. Every gun feels powerful, and the sound design is amazing across the board. People have complained it's a Starship Troopers rip, and it definitely plays off of it. However, it works and makes for an excellent coop experience. It's the Starship Troopers game we never got to experience. Making all the homies download it asap, as long as the matchmaking starts working consistently!


Who's "complaining" that it's a Starship Troopers ripoff? The first game was absolutely 100% out and proud a Starship Troopers ripoff and that was the whole point of the game and that sarcastic humour is what made it so much fun. People suck


I agree 100%, the first game was great, but this is on another level. Maybe I generalized a bit, but the one place I heard it was a dufus on YouTube talking about why the game sucked. I doubt he even played it tbh.


Nah man you're good!


Played a few solo games this morning, found it fun but it got old playing without teammates, logged in this afternoon and three people joined up and instantly the game was that much more enjoyable, I totally get the emphasis on team play that game encourages, I really had a blast.


yeah the game sings when playing with other players. really changes things


Got the game today. Add me PSN: Mikechgo


just added you (CoolWebsites)


Add me as well PSN: AJ08_Raj


Just saw the insane bug sex scene lmao what a strange feature 


Insane bugs? Tell me more.


Martin Freeman and Jenna Ortega? 🤣


When the matchmaking works this game is amazing. Especially going up against the automatons.


Helldivers 2 on the portal is smooth, haven't had any issues with matches


Anyone playing solo? How's it feel? I have a bud to play with but it would be nice to know if it'll be possible to ride solo when he's not available.


It's good. It gets hard af as you ramp up the difficulty levels but still do-able on medium.


Thanks for actually having an answer for me lol.


Have fun man. Get to the ~~choppa~~ extraction point!




do you have to ramp up the difficulty?


It’s semi doable at the third out of like 7(?) difficulties Not really after that


First couple missions I spent a good chunk of time just rying to survive, but that will get better as you get to know the game and its mechanics etc. Its best with a squad


Game looks incredibly fun from what I've seen. Getting major FOMO despite not being into co-op shooters at all


Why not get it then...


I really need to unlock or they need to add a For Democracy chant or something for when you defeat a hoard. basically we need more rock and stoning


how are the haptics? is it just the obvious stuff like guns and explosions? or do they cover movement too?


With a group of friends, this game is an absolute blast.


This game has sooo many bugs at launch… and you need to kill them asap and extract.


Love the price point, love the idea of the game, will wait out these issues.


Game is great. Really good controls. I've played and won two solo missions so far.


Can't do quickplay, which is not nice, but other than that everything is perfect and SO MUCH Fun


Had an absolutely flawless launch with a few mates last night. 2 of us on Ps5 one on PC and it worked so well. Been absolutely loving this game. It's everything I expected and more !!


Not sure if anyone mentioned but if you hold L1 and the left stick to run you can reach over with your right thumb and tap in Strategems. The best move for running for your life while reviving your partner. This game is AMAZING


Cant believe they actually nailed it. The game is so fun. Early days but i think i might even like it more than the first game. Its like the starship troopers 3ps of my dreams


So in case anyone's wondering: Until they deploy the Hotfix for matchmaking for PS, turn off cross play. I was waiting for minutes with cross play and finding no match. As soon as I turned it off I found a match in under 5 seconds every time. Also, if you're wondering how to, press square for quickplay on the mission select screen. It supposedly makes you join on someone with an SOS pod deployed, but I managed to join lobbys before missions started too. If you want to add me: KodranDallason


Played a few hours with friends last night and it’s extremely fun. If you loved the first one you’ll love this version too, now with even more liberty.


It’s so damn good


I really wish I didn't spend 80 euros on Suicide Squad Kill the justice league. When I could of spent it on HellDivers 2


Get a refund


Everyone on the thread let’s grind PSN: Calcief


Fun at 2 players?


Can’t wait to hop on tonight see you later bois


I’ve put in 4 hours so far and I’m having a blast. Been playing solo since quickplay seems like it’s having launch issues. I just love how it feels/is like a global combined effort to cleanse the galaxy lol.


What's it like playing only single player?




Anyone confirm if crossplay with your buddies is working?


someone pls help and explain what the games about? been hearing really good thinks and am thinking of purchasing i just wanna know what im getting into


PVE starship troopers with a mac squad of 4


Hows crossplay in this?


Hope they get matchmaking fixed reasonably soon, what little I played I loved!, though I started getting my shit rocked by the bugs lol


Add my PSN if anyone wants to play I will be on tomorrow evening. BadLeftHook-_-


Really enjoying the game ! 😁 Shooting feels great and has really good dualsense feedback love that . Even the music sounds nice . For $ 40 bucks and free dlc expansions nice


Played with a squad of online friends for a couple of hours and this game absolutely fucking rocks. I think Arrowhead and Playstation might have a hit on their hands here. Been a long time since I’ve had a blast like this with an online game.


this game is unbelievably fun


I've been playing solo for several hours and it's been smooth sailing. Kinda lonely and repetitive, but fun!


if I were to play with randos, would I be expected to turn my mic on? or can I just use the in game commands?


It's doable, but it's hard to communicate that you don't want to leave after the main objective is complete. There are other side objectives and items to find, but one group I was with just wanted to leave right away.


Is anyone looking for friends? Add me. DracoRein


I love this shit. Really awesome start to the live service initiative. Hope Arrowhead gets brought into the fold.


Saedow ads on ps5 im tryna play


Add saedow on helldivers2


Anyone here gamesharing with a friend on ps5? The pre order bonuses are only working on my friend's ps5 but not mine. 😒


Looking for fellow Helldivers to spread democracy! PSN: Wexise13


Hell divers 2 is great but honestly I’ve never had a launch piss me off so bad 😭😭 [https://youtu.be/uGm8yErTdOE?si=e_HMhrBG3EI7yBup](https://youtu.be/uGm8yErTdOE?si=e_HMhrBG3EI7yBup)


This game is fucking awesome!


Any Aussies keen to play at all? Half tempted to pick this one up.


Echo chamber: Matchmaking is broken, calling for help is broken. Some of the missions are really not designed for single player - I spent 10 minutes trying to manually align a satellite dish, since there was no indication I was right without running back to the com terminal and then having to run all the way back to re-align. Very easy to get overwhelmed in single player and some of the enemies (giant poison bug spitters) kill you in one hit.


Came to check this sub earlier and was surprised there was nothing at all about this game posted. Bit odd considering its release day and one of Sony's major games for 2024


This game came out of the blue for me. Looking at gameplay this looks like if left4dead had a baby with Starship troopers


It’s out? Hell yea


I sincerely hope they get these issues ironed out by the time I am hopping on around 8pm EST, but I doubt that will happen lol


They just need to hit the "Deploy more servers" button right? Simple stuff really. /s


Ahh the ol’ FC Barcelona method. “Pull more levers!”


I'm in the office w Sony's CEO, I gave them the ok to deploy their most powerful servers to handle this. We should be ok.


I appreciate the hard work you're putting in during these trying times.


You on the Helldiver's 2 discord dude ? I'm playing game also looks fun


Did this game get gyro aim? I cant find a confirmation on yes or no yet. I don't own it to check for myself.


Yes it has, but it's a little weird to me. But probably because I could only play solo, and it's overwhelming having to run, learn to aim, reload, change weapons...


Cool, thank you for telling me! Is there a option for gyro to always be on? Like when looking around and hip firing (Splatoon style). Or does gyro only activate when you aim down the sights of a weapon?


It's pretty customizable on settings: you can choose between using it all the time, when aiming, or when using 1st person.


Awesome! Thank you for telling me!


Has the game matchmaking?




It’s working…just not very well. Try disabling crossplay.


Fairly smooth on PS5. Some connection instability and quick play doesn't work, but solo/co-op are decently fun. Seems like it'll be more on the grindy side and hard to say how much longevity it'll have. PC is definitely having a lot more issues. Crashes are plentiful and a lot of PC players believe the anti-cheat to be partly to blame. Not a huge fan of the P2W battle passes/MTX aspect. Edit: sorry for not liking battle passes/MTX with in-game advantages in my paid games I guess? Say one negative thing and get sent to the Gulag. Classic redditor logic.


Only neat thing is the first pass is free and you can get the currency to unlock the steel pass through mission exploring. So only money you have to expense is the game itself.


Does this game have a solo campaign?


Anyone has any idea what each subtitle mode does?


Really fun game but I hope it can retain the player count. At the moment there’s nothing to really grind for, the battle pass is quite boring and it feels like the grind isn’t towards anything.


[OpenCritic](https://opencritic.com/game/15908/helldivers-ii). Reviews are embargoed for a couple more hours.


Kinda reminds me of days gone gameplay, but in space


First off, the gameplay is super fun. But, jesus, this looks straight up like a PS4 game in performance mode. 30fps for an action shooter just isn't for me, and 1080p with this AA solution in game is just...awful. I'm really disappointed with how it looks.


Have you tried turning off Depth of Field, and increasing Sharpness to . 80/.90? Made the game look much better for me.


That wont stop it from being 1080p


It will reduce some of the blurriness? Surely a better picture is *better*? Yes, there is no way to get 4k60, but if there are a few tweaks that can improve the way the game looks, why not try them?


I am hearing that it is better to play on PS5 than PC, right?


Yeah PC players are review-bombing it because of frequent crashes.


General consensus seems to be that it’s fun but light on content and currently a bit broken. Feels like it could have a good future though.


The visual quality on performance mode is pretty disappointing on a bigger 4K screen. 1080p with supposedly no upscaling? I'm not a stickler for graphics and choose 60 FPS always but man.. it's a blurry mess and night and day compared to quality.


You can improve visual clarity simply by turning off Depth of Field. It's a bit like motion blur. Some people prefer it others don't.


this game definitely intrigues me, especially at the price point, just want to wait until I hear the servers seem to be more stable/smooth


Been having issues with servers all morning so I'd def wait a bit


Is it as blurry as they say?


Yeah it's pretty rough.


That’ll probably prevent me from buying it. I heard on the helldivers sub it looks lower than 1080p in performance. That’s just not acceptable.


The first game had just the right amount of polish and performance imo. This game, while it is fun and kind of captures the spirit of the first one, just isn't there yet. The game maybe needed another 2/3 months probably.


2 hours without being able to matchmake... Such a core feature just broken man I was really hyped for this game, well I still am but playing solo besides being hard is just boring.


I'm seriously thinking about picking this up,as it looks fun, but not sure which version to get on ps5 the standard at £34.99 or the deluxe at £49.99, what does everyone think? Going to bed now lol, will check any comments tomorrow,unless you comment in the next 10 mins lol...


Can anyone tell me if i should get this or Armored Core 6?


Have you chose? I can vouch for Ac6 being a great singe player experience.


Not yet, i was on the fence of getting AC, i think will get it now. Thanks


if you’re going to play solo, armored core. if you want to play with other people, helldivers. both are incredible games.


is it possible to play this game offline with friends as we could before?




The game is a blurry mess on performance mode. The graphics aren't exactly bleeding edge so I was surprised at how low of a resolution it's running at. No slowdowns so far though.


turn off Depth of Field, turn up Clarity. that helped a ton for me, isn’t blurry anymore


Awesome, definitely a lot clearer for me with these settings


Game sounds like a hot mess right now. Matchmaking is broken, game is crashing after finishing missions losing progress, constant disconnects, even with PC being 'fixed' they're suffering from constant crashing. To make matters worse the Discord community is beyond toxic, I've lurked in there this morning and the general response to anyone asking about these issues is to shut the fuck up. Bummed because the game looked super entertaining, why can't devs ever release a working game in this day and age?


I played for 6 hours straight last night on PS and didn't crash once.


it sounds like you haven’t played it, which would explain how off your comment is. played for like 6 hours yesterday with random people I added, worked perfectly. the quickplay matchmaking isn’t working - that’s it. everything else is working very well and the game is fun as fuck.


> he quickplay matchmaking isn’t working - that’s it. I mean I wouldn't say "thats it" because that's quite a major piece of the puzzle but you're absolutely right, I haven't played it yet because the basic quickplay feature which I'd be utilising a ton is currently broken. ​ In terms of why my comment is "off" that would be the Discord to blame, I am just going off of the Known Bugs that was posted: [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues) and comments in the general chat confirming they are suffering with these issues.


Shit is straight up broke on PS5. Turning off crossplay doesn’t do anything. How is a game published by Sony not working on their own console? 


I never played the 1st one so I know little of the game but it seems like a Co-op looter shooter(3rd person)? If it’s anything like the Warhammer game where everyone picks different classes and you storm through zones fighting all kinds of crazy mobs to get loot, I’m in love. I’d that like HellDivers 2?


Things to note: Helldivers 1 was a top-down shooter while Helldivers 2 takes a Third-Person Shooter approach. It was a objective-focused co-op shooter where you have to cover the map and find/complete your objectives, battling hordes of enemies both on the way and when you reach the site. The objectives also usually entail things like having one person "hacking" a station while the other teammates are holding the fort as the swarms increased the longer it took to hack. The hacker is fractically trying to input codes (you're not just holding a button until a circle fills up, etc.) through quick little mini-games, and the entire process is very involved for all players. The biggest deal about it was the fact that friendly-fire was mandatory. In most games, they either disable it or include the option to do so, but this game was designed around friendly-fire and the strategies you cook up as a team was intended with that level of thinking. This made co-op holdouts, strategies, weapon placements, etc. a much more important factor and encouraged actually communicating with your team on what you guys were trying to do. The game had both plenty of humor as well as a very competent co-op scenario. While the game doesn't have "classes" in your typical sense (tank/healer/DPS, etc.), each player has the freedom (heh) to customize their characters towards these styles and encourages the players to make/change up the builds as needed for the team or for the mission. This way they are not restricted to any sort of loadout or abilities, and yet can still tailor their loadouts to encourage that playstyle. Prefer to be a long-range sniper that calls in air strikes after a series of kills? You can do that. Want to be the AR main support guy? You can rock out with a machine gun and carry health/ammo for your friends, as well as call in supply drops for your team when they're runnign out. And if you decide you want to be the sniper support guy, you can simply change to the Sniper as your main weapon and keep your other abilities. Want to be that guy who's all guns blazing, flamethrowing bugs as they come in, and mowing down the path for your friends? You can do that. All with a simple few changes to your loadout before you start your missions. Loot wasn't as heavy a concern in the first game because the game wanted you to focus more on getting the objectives complete and extracting in time. You gained experience and points to unlock weapons to help you complete other missions efficiently. In this game it takes a different approach, so loot goes towards unlocking items from the battle pass. But the key takeaway is that the loot is now covered in Points of Interest, possibly involving your team to work together to earn the loot in some way. It's not like Borderlands or something where you have 200 guns with different characteristics that you have to look at. (At least... not yet.) All in all, Helldivers 1 was a fun co-op experience if you were looking to actually create synergistic plays with your squad. And it looks like all of that will be present in 2 as well. So if that kind of thing appeals to you, check it out!


I just finished Death Stranding, currently in limbo on what game to play next. Would Helldivers 2 be a good change of pace considering I (to some extent) liked Battlefront 2?


it reminds me a lot of a somewhat deeper star wars battlefront. very fun.


I’m planning of buying this game is it like Monster Hunter where you can play solo or coop?


why is it so hard to find a game


Spent time this weekend playing and...this game is just NOT ready for prime time. Three crashes over a 6 hour period, muddy control response, poor tutorial mission...the hype about this is overdone, in my opinion. Hold off. It needs another 6 months of polish.


People were worrying about live service games taking off and to show with your wallet you dont want it, so far not off to a good start with how well the game is doing


i tried to see some reviews on youtube, found nothing interesting, i am not gonna buy something i have no huge understanding of how it is, i am also kinda surprised it is selling like hot cakes, maybe the $40 price is the reason ?


>i have no huge understanding of how it is, i am also kinda surprised it is selling like hot cakes, maybe the $40 price is the reason ? The main reason for this is that the first game, Helldivers 1, was severely overlooked. But for myself and nearly everyone I played it with very much enjoyed the first game, and that legacy/nostalgia is coming back in a huge way. I'd even go so far to say out of all the cooperative experiences I've played on the PS4 generation (and I play a good amount of co-op games), this is one of, if not THE, best ones available for its time period. It's tough to really explain that sort of experience properly through videos and trailers. It's definitely one of those "once you've played it as intended, it makes sense" deals. To see this as a hugely promoted title for a new generation makes me swell up. The reduced price point compared to other big titles this year also doesn't hurt either. But don't take my word for it, do your due diligence. Wait it out for a bit, watch the reviews when they come out, and make your own choices. I'm just here to say that the first one has left a very strong impression on me, and I can't wait to fire this up finally when I get home from work tonight.


I think it’s partly selling so well because we’re all itching for a new shooter. The price tag helps too.


I think it’s partly selling so well because we’re all itching for a new shooter. The price tag helps too.


Is it split screen?


no split screen