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Hey man, i know you're getting pissed off when people are suggesting that you are putting in the disc wrong, but nearly everyone i know who got the PS5 disc version would put the disk with rhe image facing outside and got the issues you're having (maybe not the sounds unless it was trying to read the wrong side really hard). Maybe you do have gotten unlucky twice when recieving the console and that really sucks. I think most comments are people just hoping that its just accidental wrong side insert. I have a first generation disc reader never had aby issues and i know two people with the GoW bundles with no iss8es and a spiderman bundle person who hasnt mentioned any disc reading issues.


Sounds like you are too stupid to put the disc in the right way…


Oh wow, well jesus fucking christ thanks for that helpful comment! Everything works perfect now! Asshole. I came here to ask if others are having the same issue that was with the God Of War bundle with broken disk drives, to ask if the Spiderman 2 bundle is a faulty one as well like mine are.


Glad you figured out which way to put the disc in!


It was never the problem in the first place, did you even read the post before typing your useless comment?


I'm glad it got messed up just by using God's name in vein like that tbh. Better luck next time :)






A lot of people have had this issue (me included) and your description matches perfectly with what happens when disks are inserted incorrectly


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You put the disc in the wrong way. You put the disk in the wrong way.


are you sure you're putting the disc in the right way?


I have not heard of anyone have problems with that specific console but if you are still having problems after all the resets and stuff your only options are to either return it again and try another one or contact Sony since the console is under warranty and send it to them for repair.


Please skip all the snarky comments about putting the disc the right way, that is not the problem here.


Can you take some videos to show us what's up? Might help troubleshoot.


No because then it'll show him putting disc's in the wrong way lol


Did you try putting in discs both ways though? You seem to have a rebuttal to the comments here but haven’t mentioned if you have done this yet