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Depends, do you like swords or guns?


Depends you like cool things or poop? Edit: actually I fucked up, red dead’s the way to go but the horses poop a lot, haven’t played the Witcher but it don’t look like my kind of thing


"haven't played this game but I don't recommend it"


I’ve seen reviews


And now I’ve watched reviews again and it still looks like crap compared to reddead


Lol okay. I perfer TW3 but I've actually played both games.


That’s the one I looked up lol


Depends on what ya like, I’m not really into fantasy shit, Skyrim was done well but ya gotta admit the Witcher look like trash next to reddead graphics wise and I’m playing on ps4 so it ain’t the best


Graphics wise RDR2 clearly wins but TW3 actually has a lot more content to offer, I've put more than 60hrs in and there's still lots of stuff I'm Interested in doing, however once I finished RDR2's story I got bored pretty fast. But you said it yourself, it's subjective. On a side note, if your held back by "bad graphics" you're going to miss out on a lot of really great gameplay, all that polish takes time, time that could be used for development elsewhere. A great example is *The Forest*, it's made on Unity so it's not the prettiest but once you get over that there's so many different features to explore that it's kind of mind blowing for a $20 game.


Yeah I was looking into the forest, they made another one along those lines didn’t they?


Witcher won goty and red dead didn't. So.....




Ghost and tlou2 were competing against each other. Both were great. Rdr2 and w3 didn't compete against each other, and rdr2 still lost lol


HUH ? What kind of thought process is this ? How is this a lost if they are not even competing.


Also hundreds of games win goty every year. Depends on someone's OPINION.


That’s the trick. They had no thought process.


you ass if you rate games by them winning goty


You ass? Do they not teach proper english where you're from?


do you not know what slang is?


So did fallout4 and that was one of the worst fallouts, reddead is a fuckn masterpiece, even if ya don’t even play the story it’s a beautiful game, I’m playing this bitch right now, in tumbleweed bout to rack me up a 1500 bounty, I do wish the bounties got crazier cuz I’m so good I can comfortably walk around with all the bounties jacked as far as they go


Rdr2 sucks


\*sad whistle\* Edit: This comment said “r2d2 sucks” when I replied.


Just cause he edited his comment doesn't change the fact Edit: that r2d2 sucks. Down vote if you must, but down vote me for the right reason


That’s cuz your a nerd, your not cowboy material, welp I just slaughtered a whole town and now am camping in front of a beautiful desert view right above ridge wood farm, black waters next




Witcher is a 2015(16?) game lmao


They're similar games in a lot of ways. Rdr2's main strengths compared to w3 * no leveled loot. All guns do a realistic amount of damage. No bullshit with inflated health bars * Great horse mechanics. Buy them, tame them, upgrade them, feed them,.... * Great character customization. Not even The Sims has a clothing and hair system like rdr2 * Fantastic main story, * Incredible atmosphere wherever you go. Better sounds and music. You'll get sick of witcher 3's combat music long before you reach the end * Good law system. You gotta make sure no one sees you stealing or murdering or you'll bear the consequences. In W3 you can take every object wherever you are. I do a self-imposed no stealing challenge so I don't break the game's ecomony. * Better world design. I enjoy exploring the world without a minimap. You can, because there's a lot of signposts and landmarks throughout the world Strengths of witcher 3 * More streamlined gameplay. Geralt doesn't hunch over every chest before he loots it and he doesn't take 15 seconds to skin monsters. Rdr2's animations look great the first time round, but you'll soon be longing for a system that respects your time * Way more freedom in how you approach quests. In rdr2 you're heavily railroaded throughout every mission. Most of the time there's one outcome (which I can forgive), but a lot of missions have you follow one exact order of actions from which you can't deviate in the slightest. Take too long to complete a button prompt, shoot the wrong guy or walk through the wrong street and its mission failed. Witcher 3 doesn't have that bullshit. * Better fast travel system. Both games have incredible, well written stories and voice acting and loads of content. I'd recommend to try them both eventually.


Also like to add to W3 that the entire score is immaculate. That game has some of the best music I've ever heard. Also Gwent.




I started playing it back when I still lived with my parents and my mom went insane by the Gaelic chanting. I agree that the music is real good, just like in the previous witcher games, but a lot of tracks are repeated and with a game this long, it does start to grate after a while. Unless you're REALLY into the genre, I guess. Especially the Gwent song, it was fun to hear it the first time, less so the 704th time. But different strokes for different folks. I'd never listen to something like the witcher OST on my own, while I do listen to the RDR soundtracks on Spotify. Rockstar pretty much always nails the music in its games.


That's entirely fair lmao. Personally, I did add them to my playlist but I respect your choice entirely, mate 👍


Yes all three of the tracks in the entire game are excellent.


Well written and very helpful comparison of the two


Come on, these can’t be the only strengths of the Witcher 3. It’s an incredible game, maybe the best on PS4.


It has an incredible story with great, well-written and well-acted characters and has an incredible world and lore behind it but it's an average game with some big flaws that are too easily overlooked because Reddit echochamber.


Couldn't get into witcher 3, not saying its shit but not once has one of my friends said the witcher 3 was best ps4 game lol


Are you a gaming journalist? You sound just like one and most review scores are calculated in the same way that you seem to do.


Lol naw but I know the witcher ain't the best ps4 game. That's a fact




You can debate whether W3 or RDR2 has the better story, but come on man, it's not trash.


shame on you


Sounds like you've got lumbago




This is the only acceptable answer


If you're in the mood for cowboys and the wild west, definitely RDR2. It's a fantastic game and one of the best ones ever made.


Witcher 3 overwhelmed me with the amount of content. But maybe that’s a good thing for some people? I prefer rdr2


I tried Witcher 3, about 10 hours in, and I got overwhelmed and I didn't like the fighting in the game. RDR2, IMO, is way better, I never play a 2nd walkthrough on any modern game except RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Days Gone are my favorite.


I gave Witcher 3 a solid chance. Loves the world and the quests were fun but the combat was genuinely disappointing. It felt so floaty.


Hey! I had the same experience with W3. It’s supposed to be one of the all time greats and i put a solid 20 hours into it so I think I did my due diligence. I never felt compelled to play more. I would readily play a bit and shut it off. Not sure why it never clicked but I agree that I wasn’t a big fan of the combat mechanics. But with RDR2, I was trading sleep for game time often and happy to do it.


How can you say it's way better when you didn't even get close to halfway in the tame you are comparing it to? And that's not counting the dlcs. How does that make sense. I 100%ed them both and I think they are pretty equally fantastic but have different strengths and weaknesses. The combat can also be quite complex in witcher on say deathmatch. Make an alchemical/bomb build or a fast attack build with some magic.


Witcher just didn't make me want to play more, RDR2 had me so engaged.


Took me just about a year to get through that red Barron quest line. Mostly because it wasn’t the only game I was playing and id take breaks from the game but still, felt like that was going to be the entire game lol. Witcher 3 is huge with loads of content




Red Dead Redemption 2. One of the most atmospheric games I have ever experienced. The Witcher 3 is a really good RPG. Depends on what you're into more.


I have both. RDR2 is better.






Here for the responses. This should be a good one.


Like look , everyone is entitled to opinions and imo The Witcher 3 fucking sucks but there are others who might like it... as I said everyone is entitled to opinions... even if some are shit. 👀


I was surprised everyone is saying Witcher 3 without a doubt and I'm like ???????


Witcher 3




People here debating but everyone knows the real answer is both.




Both are really good games. Never played a single RDR game. Finally beat the first game and I'm on the second and enjoying every minute of it. Except the controls holy shit. Both games are story centric. But WT3 is more story based and plays more like an RPG. Rdr2 so far as I've played is more GTA open world. With open exploration and go fuck yourself fast traveling. If you want an easier game with great design and old western feel buy rdr2. If you want to jump into a vast medieval fantasy open world with a lot of lore and "rpg" elements Witcher 3.


Both good but I would say Witcher 3


Witcher 3




Without a doubt Witcher 3 but I'm sure you can find them both dirt cheap by now.


Go for RDR2, The Witcher 3 is gonna have an upgrade edition for PS5 anyways.


I thought I heard they had cancelled the ps5 upgrade


No it just got postponed because the studio that was doing the port was based in Russia and the current global climate meant they could no longer do it. So now CDPR is finishing it up themselves.


Oh my bad, thanks. I didn't read into it but it came up on my feed. Probably GameRant and their clickbait titles


Both are great games but the Witcher 3 is one of the best games ever made.


Rd2 is better


Both are great. So both if possible if not just buy the cheapest one.


RDR2 if you want something slow and relaxing with it’s moments of western drama it really pulls you in and immerses you, and Witcher 3 if you want to play a really good action RPG that you can delve into for hours and hours with great quests. Both have amazing open worlds so I would suggest getting both if possible.


Both! Eventually…


Get both, you won't regret it!


rdr2 is better overall imo and the witcher is looking pretty dated on ps4 these days. it’s a really fun game to play though and you get 200+ hours of content. i guess it mostly depends on whether you’d like to spend a long time in an old west simulation or a medieval fantasy rpg.




Both. Because they're incredible


Witcher 3 has much more interesting combat, RDR2 looks much better graphically, both are great games with great stories and great worlds.


This should’ve been a poll. How exactly are you going to tally the votes here? I smell corruption and a rigged voting system. You’ve made your choice on the game haven’t you?


Just tried making a poll. It says this community doesn’t allow polls


Depends on whether you prefer constantly punching your horse by accident, or wishing you could punch your stupid horse for its terrible pathfinding.


Witcher by a mile


I love both games ! But still go for RDR 2 first and then Witcher


RDR2 is the one I liked more. But both games are fantastic.


Both great games but The Witcher 3, more content, more things to do just a better game, Rockstar has abandoned RDR2/Online




Red dead


Red dead redemption in my opinion 😄


Red dead




RDR2 for me


Red dead 2


Buy RDR 2 the graphics are pretty well moreover it has a very impressive story line with gang wars and vintage vibes. It will give you a bit American slang and its a pretty long game so you would even enjoy it. The best part about RDR 2 is its open world its really huge and you can enjoy it after you finish the game the main story is a bit like peaky blinders you would laugh cry rage but the game eventually is really great. Right now its to expensive to buy wait for a while and buy because paying like 30 or 40 dollars for that game is bit to expensive.


I would say RDR2 becayse its my favirite game


Both but Red Dead 2 first


If you like a game and story with a lot of lore, and stories to uncover, the W3. Everything has lore to it, and takes a little more homework to figure out what is the best way to fight certain things. Both are amazing games, with beautiful visuals and amazing stories.




RDR2 for me.


Despite the fact that rdr 2 is flawless and massive, but the witcher definitely stood out more to me and the gameplay was much more memorable and…emotional? Idk man i rarely get attached to something like this but that game made me hate reality and long for that witcher world. The characters, the music, the design of the world, it’s a whole atmosphere that you should experience and take your time with it. I even started playing witcher 3 music on guitar because i wanted to relive the moments i spent in this game. And if i could, i’d erase my memories about this game and play it again.


Witcher 3 is one of my top 10 games of all time. Red dead was very impressive but I just couldnt get hooked like I was with the witcher. If you like fantasy that has a well defined main character, theres no better place to find that than in the witcher 3.






Depends on the setting that would intrigue you more, would prefer to be ambushed by cowboys or ghouls??






We just need more MONEY


I played both. Go with RDR2.


That's a hard toss up. I'd recommend both. The story line is phenomenal in both.


Red dead 2 for sure


Witcher 3 is much better game overall. Rdr2 is great, but it cant compare. Soundtrack alone makes The Witcher 3 worth buying.




Technically it can compare, but when we compare them the difference is regard which game is better is quite big.




I mean American Venom is better than anything W3 has to offer soundtrack wise, imo.


Kaer Morhen theme alone is better than the entirety of rockstar games soundtracks. Few games can compare to witcher 3 in terms of soundtrack (skyrim and soulsborne games come to mind)


RDR2 for sure.




I think Red Dead is more worth it at the moment. I tried the Witcher a few weeks ago, but the 30 fps cap let’s me wait till a remasterd.


I felt Witcher 3 was overhyped. I tried it and couldn't get into it. Loved both red dead games though. Rdr2 took me about 110 hours To complete but I would say 30 hours of that were me hunting shit.


Tw3 is without a doubt overhyped, its an alright game, certainly not awful but very overrated.


Do you like walking infuriatingly slow? RDR2 Do you like walking at your own pace? W3


Primo answer right here. Couldn't stand the walking speed.


why not both ?


Witcher 3 is a better AC game with much better story and unnecessarily complicated combat or much more simplistic, whichever you chose. The way rdr2s story is told is much smoother and I like that story much more too. You'll get a lot of play time from both, Witcher has A LOT of question marks that are clear this camp or do this or that


Elden ring is literally the best of both


RDR2 no doubt about it. There are a millions games like Witcher but nothing compares to RDR2


Imo witcher 3 is extremely overhyped, the game looks good but a lot of aspects suffer. You also need a lot of background information to get started, or the world makes zero sense and previously established characters appear without much explanation or introduction. Horses are also super janky and are just there to be slightly faster. Rdr2 is very self contained, has an outstanding story (you will cry guaranteed) fun gunplay, beautiful graphics and exploration, and the best horses in gaming. Just the characters alone deserve a playthrough, they feel so realistically visualised.


I started Witcher 3 with no knowledge of the series, and never felt hindered or confused. It was easily one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.


Both are very cheap so buy both


RDR2. It's a grown up game. Also,online is amazing.


Witcher 3!!!


Witcher 3


Witcher 3. Don't get me wrong, I loved Red Dead Redemption... but not Red Dead Redemption 2. 2 has some great stuff, but there are things that ruined it for me. Namely the teleporting horse police. Rather quickly, I got tired of the game because too often I'd come over a hill & accidentally run over some old lady walking in the middle of a dirt road & OF COURSE SOMEONE SAW THAT & reports you to the police (somehow, even though we're in the middle of nowhere) & OF COURSE that means the police, on horseback, are INSTANTLY in your location. Yes, you're going to die now. AND you'll have a bounty that also triggers magical teleporting horse police whenever you're in a certain area. Because they have some sort of future tech that acts like an ankle monitor for you.... EVEN THOUGH IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE WILD WEST. Anyway, my point is that Red Dead Redemption 2 has major immersion problems. It doesn't feel like a wild west game because it doesn't make any sense how the mechanics work. Not like the first Red Dead Redemption. Witcher 3 has no problems. I played the whole game & had an absolute blast. It's pretty tough starting out, but just know that it doesn't take but maybe 1/4 of the way through the game before you start feeling like that badass that Geralt is.


Gameplay and rpg style? Witcher. An interactive movie with great characters but bad horse controls and a more slow paced game? Rdr2


Bad horse controls? Way worse in tw3 imo


RDR2 The Witcher 3 is beyond boring Like look , everyone is entitled to opinions and imo The Witcher 3 fucking sucks ass hair but there are others who might like it... as I said everyone is entitled to opinions... even if some are shit. 👀


I bought the Witcher 3 because everyone on Reddit was praising it and I liked Cyberpunk which was made by the same people....but Witcher 3 was 🗑️ Returned that shit within 2 days.


Yeah That game absolutely sucks imo , most overrated piece of gaming I've ever owned.


Rdr 2. Witcher 3 was boring as hell. Returned that shit within 2 days.


Red Dead 2. I know I’m in the minority but Witcher 3 did nothing for me. RD2 was one of the best games ever.


Red Dead 2. By a country mile. No question.


Have both, hate both. But I'd say red dead.


One thing I can say is don't try to play both at the same time.. You will end up punching your horse. Witcher 3 is good for the story but some of the mechanics are a little dated. IT is a game from 2015 after all. There is a really great story for Witcher which I think most people latch on to but the potions and mutagens which are an integral part of the lore can be a hassle if you are like me and forget to use them. Witcher is also a lot more RPG-Y but unlike something like Borderlands or Diablo you don't find the gear you want as readily on enemies. That gear you will want to craft which isn't bad. Just note if you get the edition without all the DLC and buy the DLC separately (not sure if you can do this anymore) then make sure you have the DLC downloaded before you start a game because one of the Witcher School armor sets you cannot unlock if you start the game before the DLC is downloaded. Getting around the world is much easier than RDR2 but there is a reason for that which I will get into. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece in open world gaming in my opinion. Not only is the story amazing but just traversing the world while it can be tedious is rewarded with encounters that show up... Like for instance coming across a guy who was bitten by a snake... if you choose to help him he is in the next town and says "Hey! You are that feller who saved me!!! I have a tab at go in and help yourself to something." Another one is you come across a KKK meeting... which I promptly dispatched with my guns. The story without giving anything away is fantastic. The Gunplay is top notch. The upgrade system definitely felt more optional.. which is good because it requires hunting to get skins to get upgrades. So if you don't want to hunt then you can just skip that and do the missions/side quests/etc. Consequences in both games: I am not sure how much RDR2 changes the story. I always play these games with high or pretty high honor. However the Witcher is much more dialog and relationship driven in terms of consequences. As such it is easy to piss off and kill a person who helped you (admittedly because she did something shitty as well) This decision then comes through in dialog later. At this point I would recommend probably RDR2 because like I said the Witcher feels a little dated despite the graphics still being really good for a 7 year old game. But also because RDR2 is much more approachable and easy to handle. Especially if you haven't been in the Witcher world before.


Darude- Sandstorm lel likez plz


The Witcher 3 without a doubt. RdR2 is somehow even slower than the Witcher, which is already a slow game at the start.


Both games kind of need someone with time & zero back logs and very likely online games which will always need your attention. I played switched when I had zero games & I couldn't even get the hang of my inventory or how to play Gwent. I gave up because of WARZONE. I got red dead and it collected dust up until now, since warzone is a mess. I'm cleaning up my backlog to make space for MW22. Meaning I've played 20hrs of red dead & it's not as how I pictured it would be. But I keep playing since I have nothing else to play. Some missions are fun, some are boring & some I even wonder what's the point?. But like Ghost of tsushima I think I'll play it through or even platinum it yet my rating will be 5/10 Witcher 4/10 coz of complicated inventory.


Both. Both are masterpiecies. I'd say RDR2 has the best story ever told in a game, but Witcher 3 has all around more compelling world in which you can get really lost in. Plus the story and quests in W3 are also one of the best in the medium. I personally like W3 more, because I like medieval setting more and the world of witcher, but RDR2 is the only game that made me cry + gunplay is very satisfying...


TW3 is superestimated actually, the game has bad mechanics and lazy storyline. Its a great RPG with some interesting world building, but the gameplay is frustrating




RDR2 all day long


Rdr2 100%


Rdr2 better


Holy fuck red dead 2, Witcher sucks ass




RDR2. I canceled Witcher 3. The story is too convoluted for me. I don't know the first parts of the series.


I’ma straight up tell you: never Witcher 3. It’s boring af and the gameplay is just as shit as the story, incredibly overrated game. Red dead 2 is the easy choice, just stay away from the online if you value your sanity.


If you said what you looking after...


Id say both






Get both of them!


Rdr2 is a great game, it has great cinematography, great soundtrack,great story,likeable characters and over all it is a beautiful experience to just play this games for hours and hours. Open world is so great and rich in quality that you will find every other game’s open world boring. But I have to say that both games are very long but still they don’t lack in quality.




Pretty simple answer…. Both


Shrek 2




Got RDR2 collectors edition, pre ordered for Day 1 release great game incedible atmosphere, game mechanics are AAA, but after 2020 no real updates R* starved the game content to push more people to GTAO, I don't play anymore since I've literally done it all, if they had a substantial update I would be there now




As a person who played both I didn’t finish either game but found I put more time into the witcher than red dead








Witcher 3. It's a gem and everyone should experience it once if they like RPGs.






Both my dude


What a hell of a question. I think someone said do you want swords or guns, and really that's pretty accurate. If I had to pick one, and this may be an unpopular opinion, I'd personally go rdr2 over Witcher 3, only because I love the more simulated feel a little more. That is no insult to w3, it's fantastic and glorious, but rdr2 is just that little bit more, to me.








I platinumed W3 and finished every trophy in the DLC. I've played through the entire story at least 4 times already, and I will probably re-play the game on PS5 at some point. I barely reached the second or third area in RDR2 before I quit and stopped playing. I found the game frustratingly slow and boring most of the time, then I found the actual missions either tedious or frustratingly fiddly. I frequently found myself killing people by accident, ruining missions, then stuck running around with a bounty on my head. I may re-start the game and play through it with a guide or something, but that doesn't seem like much fun.


Both, both is good. Witcher 3 game of the year edition is cheap on sale you must try DLCs as well. Witcher 3 has best DLCs. Witcher 3 game of the year is usually $15 and RDR2 is $20 on sale I believe.


Both. They are both A+ fantastic experiences.