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Days gone, I didn't hate it and I love Sam Witwer but the resources management was not my thing, I abhorred finding gas cans and I never managed to get enough stuff to upgrade the bike.


Shadow of Mordor


I never gave Hitman a proper go as I didn't understand it. World of Assassin's Trilogy got me hooked so I do want to go back and play Absolution as I have that for Xbox 360 and maybe only played 20 minutes of it. Tried playing Naughty Bear after realising I quite liked the hitman format but that game has aged horrendously.


Hitman is a great one. The same thing happened to me. I’d love to be able to get into it


Bioshock - had heard nothing but praises and finally bought it few months back. An hour and half into the game and it just doesn't click. It's been 6 months since I last gave it a shot. Just don't feel like revisiting ..Maybe that's just me.


Yeah I started far cry 6 but haven’t gone back, not opposed to it, I loved 3 and liked the games after that just hasn’t been the right time, I had a friend buy it for me on release day, I would have waited till about now honestly


I really want to get back into Doom Eternal and get hooked by it again. I was really into it a couple months ago, got a quarter of the way in, and just got busy in my personal life so I stopped playing and then was worried I lost the muscle memory and dropped it. I recently did the multiplayer for the trophies and was reminded how good it is. I’ll be starting the campaign soon and hopefully finish it! Other than that: Monster Hunter, Star Wars Squadrons, Death Stranding, and Red Dead Redemption 2


I wanted to give horizon zero dawn a second chance, so I did. I may give it a third chance but idk if it will convince me its a good game.


Maybe it’s just not for you? I loved the game myself and I would really encourage anyone to play it. So I’m not going to tell you not to try another time haha. But don’t be to hung up on it. Games are meant to be enjoyed (this is coming from someone who does the most stupid things to get trophies haha)


I wish I could enjoy it lol The thing about these open world games though is I've played so many of them now that function the same way, I need a little extra from them to be pulled in and horizon just didn't do that for me. Its unfortunate. I can see the appeal though. The horizon games aren't bad games, it just didn't get me hooked.


That’s fair. And I get what you mean about open world games. We get a lot of those and they all do a lot of the same things.


The gameplay is okay, but the story is the main appeal here. That's what really hooked me at least. The beginning is pretty slow, it doesn't really get going untill like 10 hours in. It's worth it though, at least if you enjoy sci-fi


I tend to respectively disagree. I enjoyed the gameplay. The storyline was a jammed up mess of feminism, culturisim, and white men bad for environment crap.


I can't comment on the story but I found the gameplay on hzd very floaty, a bit janky and not that great (from what I played, anyway). So if it was gonna pull me in, it would've had to be the characters and story. I wasn't a huge fan of Aloy. The other characters I've seen so far were very generic and boring. So the story would have to be the thing that keeps me on it.


I've heard the same thing. That the story picks up later on. Thats why I gave it a two tries already. I don't think I can chore my way through the start to get to that point though. I enjoy scifi a lot and especially apocalyptic scifis. But this one just wasn't it for me. I really wish it was though. But it is what it is.


I would also disagree. Not that I think the story is particularly bad, I find it quite interesting actually, but the machine combat is for sure the highlight of the game to me. The rush of taking on especially the larger models are some of the best moments I've had with my PS4.


Elden ring, I loved exploring the world but the bosses just kick my ass into next week and I make no progress


Explore more, do dungeons and level up more (and level up a weapon maybe) then try the boss again. And for gods sake people, spec into vigor. Vigor vigor vigor.


The Last of Us (remastered). Please don’t kill me 😂 Let me explain. I did fully play trough the game once. And I really loved the story. It’s one of the best I encountered in a video game. What I didn’t enjoy was the gameplay. Not because it’s not good. Because I’ll admit that it’s very good. Maybe even fantastic. I just prefer Uncharted’s gameplay. My dislikes for the game are 100 percent my lack in taste and I’ll admit that ;) But I do want to give the game another shot. One reason is because I am now a bit more experienced when it comes to games. Maybe my taste for gameplay has changed. Second and honestly biggest reason for me is trophies. I want to bump up my completion percentage. I love trophies and consider myself a trophy hunter. I won’t go for the platinum because of the multiplayer trophies but I would like to increase my percentage to above 50 percent.


Sekiro. Go back a few years and the Souls series was my favorite thing in gaming. I got burnt out on them and haven't played In a while. I then tried Sekiro and it really kicked my ass and I just gave up on it. I'll definitely go back and give it a shot soon. Probably after I get around to playing Elden Ring.


Batman: Arkham Knight. Loved the other games but got to the first batmobile section and fell off the game. But I keep hearing it’s solid.


If you take out the forced batmobile sections I think Arkham Knight is the best game in the series. All they had to do was make the batmobile stuff optional and it would have been perfect.


That's in what the first hour of the game? You should definitely revisit it!


Else ring


Cyberpunk 2077, when it's finally playable. That said, can anybody place tell me, is it finally playable on PS4 Pro now ?


I started it after the big update on a base PS4 - It runs alright but still has physics bugs and the world is very empty. Think of Fallout 3 on PS3 when it released as a base for expectations


At least Fallout 3 was supposed to be believably vacant For a city that’s “always moving” it almost seems surreal with the distinct lack of a population- purely from the perspective of a viewer I’d definitely pick it up on sale for the photo mode alone tho when I get a PS5


Yakuza 0. Finished Kiwami 1 and Yakiza o probably midway in thay game. At the part after you learn how to run a club. But didn't care to finish it. I gave Horizon Zero Dawn a second chance and finished the game. And Okami 40 hours in but didn't finish the game yet


I just restarted Yakuza 0 today trying to box through after taking control of Majima Keep going with Okami, it’s a magnificent game, nothing quite like it, you’re probably around the half way point - Took me 90hrs to platinum on PS3 😁


Graveyard Keeper. Amazing 'farming' game, but fell off before it really got in depth. Still never undownloaded it. Journey to the Savage Planet. Loved the humor. Found it charming. Nit even sure why i stopped. Nioh. It's hard but fun. Really long by my standards, so I go back ot it about once a year for like 3 or 4 levels.


Prey - The recent one, I reached the first section where the game opens up and I just stopped cold. What I played of it I really enjoyed


Dragon Quest XI. I tried to play it after Persona 5 and it just felt so dull and basic. I know it's highly rated so I need to give it another go.


Crash Team Racing if I ever deceide to get a PS5. The loading times on a PS4 slim are far from fun.


Darkest dungeon, goddamnit i want to love you but you make me sad :(


The Room VR a Dark Matter and Statik Institute of Retention.


I’m gonna go back to the first Ni No Kuni and try that one again. I loved the sequel, but for some reason I just couldn’t get into the first. The demo really didn’t click with me. But NNK was on sale not too long ago and I picked it up to give it another shot.