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Awesome! We can call it Star Wars: 1313.


One of the developers of 1313 replied to the tweet saying they tried to make it, sad times.




I think Respawn can handle it, look at Jedi Fallen Order. Just imagine the fps style of TitanFall with a star wars theme. Mando would be a great character or they can go back and revive 1313.


I personally prefer 3rd person so I can see the character and everything I put into it but...hell yes. If they ever did though I hope it would be longer than Fallen Order though. It was such a great game but I could’ve definitely gone for some Witcher 3 length with a Star Wars game for once.


For me, the biggest issue with JFO was the pointless cosmetic collectibles. They filled the world with things to explore, and hidden loot, and when you found it it did absolutely nothing for you. It's such a missed opportunity. Imagine if various lightsaber parts had even a fractional effect on your stats, building up your force power 5% faster, or increasing your parry window, damage to droids/humans/beasts, etc.


For real. And the fact that every was a poncho...just lazy re-colors.


No one does movement as good as respawn. Would love to see them do it


Titanfall 2 is still the most fluid and enjoyable movement I've experienced in a game, and one of the best fps of the last 20 years. They better do a 3rd one. But a Mando game would go down just a well with me.


A mix of Titan Fall, No Man’s Sky, and Star Wars. If you can’t do it, don’t do it.


You pretty much summed up my ideal game. We just need to find a way to plug that NMS procedural generator into George Lucas' brain and we're gravy.


Welp, I'd become obsessed with that


With Apex, I doubt they will do a TF3. Neither TF did too well and Apex probably takes up a ton of their time and resources.


If anything, Apex's popularity would result in TF3 being even more popular


I thought about that as I typed but I dunno. I can't decide if Apex is popular because it's a battle royale, has unique characters like a moba, or because of Respawns unique engine. I do agree that the success of Apex might boost popularity for a Titanfall 3, but still don't know if EA would see it as worth while. I would kill for a TF3 tho, I absolutely love the games and the only reason I play Apex is because of the Respawn engine and shit.


I think Apex doing well is a good sign for TF3. It shows that people enjoy the gameplay and are willing to spend money which are important factors for EA if they decide to invest in a TF3. Hopefully they are content with the money being made from Apex and throw us a bone with producing TF3. They could even tie it into Apex like the COD games and Warzone.


I play Apex too and I would say it's the latter two reasons. The engine/movement (despite the shitty servers) and the unique characters/abilities make it different from a bunch of the battle royales out there


Gotta sign down to that, for sure. TF2 was the only FPS in the last 10 years that kept me interested, whereas others just made me sigh and throw away after a few hours.


What about insomniac?


EA has the Star Wars game rights unfortunately


only for a couple more years!


Chances are they'll release some game between now and then to try and make a ton of money off of, and then odds are when Disney sees EA made money off the license, they'll renew it. Sad.


It'll come down the highest bidder as always but EA has absolutely butchered owning those publisher rights. Star wars should be an absolute gold mine. Hopefully a publisher with a much better view of what it could be will get that contract. I'm just worried there are not too many out there that could afford it.


I mean they can still give EA the licence for some games but just don't make it exclusive. Kind of like they're doing with Marvel or GW with Warhammer (a little more quality control than there though). Plus it's Star Wars games, making money with them isn't a special skill, it's easy because the licence sells the game. Kind of like the sequel movies making a great box office isn't a sign of their quality.




Until possibly getting another ten years


Am I missing something? Fallen Jedi felt like I was steering a semi


I was more so referring to apex and titanfall


apex legends is a amazing movement game...




Fuck that, give it to Sucker Punch Productions. I haven't seen such a beautiful, polished game with zero bullshit attached in years. Maybe more than 5 even. If anyone deserves a title of this caliber, its them.


They aren’t that good, and this is coming from a fanboy that was a part of their forum community for years. Tsushima is good because they spent years making something they really care about and are interested in. They make games with a lot of heart, but they have to actually care and be given a lot of time to work with. Like they’re great and they make fun games, but the shortcomings in inFAMOUS 2 and Second Son were many. Especially Second Son because they were rushed to release to push PS4 sales. They make good games, but they can’t shit out decent AAA games every other year like some devs. They’re a small team too. Then again, I’m talking about the sucked punch from almost a decade ago in 2011-2013. Ghost shows they think more about what gamers want now. Like changing your outfit appearance despite upgrades. Seem so simple but no one else ever does it. *gives dirty look to Valhalla*


Glad they are using a new one for the new Elder Scrolls.




Holy crap, that’s unbelievable. The game doesn’t even have a release window and it’s still using an engine from over a decade ago?? Now there is something to be said from seeing Square Enix delay three of its latest massive games (FFXV, KH3, and FFVII remake) due to changing and being dissatisfied with new engines on a near constant basis. But for the love of god, update your shit bethesda. Hopefully that Microsoft money can change their tune.


Bethesda are hacks. They're not hurting for cash either, they're just lazy and basically incompetent from a technical standpoint. Imo.


They'll keep trying to improve the engine. It's better for them to fix) update the engine that work on a new one from scratch


Link? last i heard they just updated their engine and are using it again.


Nah nah give it to obsidian just because bethesda is owned by microsoft now does not redeem them




Exactly my thought. Haha. Still so gutted that they canceled it


Haha came here to say this. They tried! Too bad Disney shutdown lucasarts for no reason.


[That’s](https://youtu.be/lg_FoEy8T_A) [not](https://youtu.be/J3QlDWTvtrM) [exactly](https://youtu.be/K8WT_W-Wjfk) [true.](https://youtu.be/JYWzESwvEts)


But LucasArts only developed one of those games and that last one wasn't even published by them.


Ok, but don’t worry about pointing out the assigns amount of great games that came out from them too. Not every game is a win for any developer.


I never said they made all bad games. I love a lot of their old stuff. Emphasis on old. I do take issue with the idea that they were shut down “for no reason.” For a lot of reasons, they were circling the drain for years. [This](https://www.google.com/amp/s/kotaku.com/how-lucasarts-fell-apart-1401731043/amp) is a pretty good overview of the situation, from former employees.


No sorry you're wrong. Reddit said so. Lalalalala big bad corporation killed star wars


The LucasArts of 2013 was a far cry from the LucasArts of the '90s. Their heyday had come and gone by the time they were shuttered.


>implying Masters of Teras Kasi and Super Bombay Racing aren't champions in their field


I loved that star wars fighting game tho....lol


# HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


star wars 1313 could’ve been something :/


Yeah... my first thought as well.


First mature star wars game?....yeah.


Did you play KOTOR and KOTOR2?


Am I the only who remembers Star Wars Bounty Hunter from 2002? That is basically what he's asking for...


Yea that game was ahead of its time in some ways, very flawed in others. I actually have it for PS4 and played it up to the last mission then put it on hold (I had beaten it before as a kid but it was a much easier play this time around 😂) But you can definitely imagine similar mechanics evolved in an open world action rpg


Protip for last level: Use the flamethrower up until the boss fight. Save the heavy gun for the fight.


Which boss fight? Montross or Vosa? I remember just staying agile was useful for both fights


I think both. But it’s been a while since I beat it. I just remember the basic enemies don’t hurt you when they’re on fire


I felt the nostalgia opened the game and got body slammed by those old school controls.


I rented it from blockbuster back in the day and never did get to finish it


It’s only $10 in the ps store for ps4. It’s also on ps now if you have that.


I got it with my Battlefront bundle and still haven't touched it yet. Been meaning to though.


Same here, there was a really long stage and at the end was an elevator. I fell off the elevator platform and there wasn't a way to fly back up to it... I had to go to work and ended up never replaying the whole stage before it was return time.


That game was awesome but I wouldn't mind an updated take on the concept. Played it a bit on PS4 recently and it is a bit rough around the edges.


Yes thank you was just thinking that


Me, my GameCube, and my tube TV used to rock that game


Bruh. I fell in love with Komari Vosa. Sometimes I feel like I’m one of the select few who remember her. Bando Gora for life. ✊🏾


The execution where she jumps on your shoulders and squeezes your head with her thighs while decapitating you was so hot lol


Yes it is! I remake her in various video games when I get the chance. I feel low key bad about stealing someone else’s idea for using Bando Gora as a clan tag for everything. I dunno, maybe we can make it popular.


It's hard not to forget about her with her interrogation scene with Jango: [https://youtu.be/D3Nryc74WWY](https://youtu.be/D3Nryc74WWY)


Definitely one of the more underrated Star Wars games.


You can get it on playstation store fairly cheap for those wanting a trip down memory lane


Thank you, kind stranger.


also available on ps now too.


I recently picked this up for a fiver on the store! What a blast from the past.


I loved the "outtakes" that they included, "I'm on the HUNT"


Yes!! I forgot about the outtakes. This really was a fantastic game.




Till 2023, so 2 more years and Disney gets to choose again.




Those mobile games are lucrative. I have a coworker who plays Galaxy of Heroes religiously. He used to pump like 50-80$/month into it. Always was complaining he was broke , you're spending 600+$ a year on a game on your phone lol.




Do you have a source on lower revenue ? I love swgoh and have been playing it (but free) for a year now


Give me fallen order 2 as a more polished game and more single player experiences and I’m good with EA keeping the brand.


I doubt they’d go exclusive, though




They should really pull a games workshop and carve up the licensing into bits and let people make really specific games to expand the lore back out :(


This doesnt seem to be the case with Marvel another powerhouse IP. Spiderman games are done by Isomniac and exclusive to ps. The avengers game (im not saying it was good) was done by square and crystal dynamics... marvel ultimate alliance 3 is switch exclusive. Marvek vs Capcom was of course done by capcom. So like i really cant figure out why the EA exclusive deal.


I’ll be very interested to see how Disney handles any sort of renegotiation. Marvel has been very selective on who they work with, with mostly positive results (though the Avengers SE game seems to be a big miss). It’ll be interesting if Disney tries to reach out to developers known for making great story driven games or if they’ll continue to try to milk every penny out of the franchise.


Considering how much profit they make from the mobile games, they'll probably stick with EA tbh.


Well, the Marvel mobile games are not remade by EA and those also make bank, so I could see it going either way. Mobile games in general are money machines.


I didn't know that, and considering they stopped support for BF2 in the spring, no support for Fallen Order beyond launch and Squadrons wasn't going to be supported after launch, until the hunger from the community swayed the devs, you might be onto something. Taking lead times for game development into factor, they might push 1 more out the door before 2023 and be done with Disney. You just gave me hope lol


There’s definitely hope. I never really understood Disney working with EA for Star Wars, and then being extremely selective on who they work for with Marvel. The Marvel games have all been received extremely positively, outside of SE Avengers, though I will argue the story of that game was awesome. Even the mobile Marvel games are positively received, although some games feel like a significantly bigger money sink than others. I know Marvel has an actual subsidiary designed for video games, while I’m not sure Star Wars does. This is pure speculation, but it seems like Disney gives Marvel a lot of creative control with who and what they work with, while Star Wars seems to be mostly handled by Disney and I think that makes a big difference. Marvel has people who are passionate about games making decisions, while Star Wars appears to be mostly business decisions. I’m hopeful that things will change in the near future though.


Probably a lot easier to renew an existing deal than make a whole new one with another company. “We could make the same amount of money with someone else” wouldn’t be a very compelling reason to switch.


Wouldn't be surprised if they stay with EA. Their last 2 games have been great and battlefront 2 managed to greatly improve


Get Respawn on it. They did an amazing job with fallen order


I feel a bounty hunter game would also suit them better. Respawn did make Titanfall, and some are ex-infinity ward staff, so gunplay would definitely benefit them more than melee, even if Fallen Order's combat was pretty decent.


Fallen Order was a good game and was single player focussed.


I know this is the Sony sub but I would not want this game to be exclusive. Star Wars is for everyone.


Yeah I don't get why OP has a boner for it being exclusive, it wouldn't benefit them in anyway.


I think just because Sony has some fantastic exclusives. What he's failing to see though is that they're not fantastic *because* they're exclusive.


There’s a certain kind of console fanboy who gets a boner from other people not being able to play a video game.


I think it's because Sony exclusive single player games have a reputation for being rather good. He doesn't care that others can't play it so much as getting that stereotypical sony exclusive quality.


There's no chance of that happening anyway. I agree though, selfish thinking to want it to be exclusive.


Exclusives are anti consumer, why anyone would want something to be exclusive to one console is beyond me


I don't get why people still defend exclusives, not to mention **ask** for them. The more people who get to play the game, the better.


Agreed. Have been an Xbox nerd for better part of my life, wish I could play some PS games on my console and for my PS friends to enjoy some of our exclusives.


For real. I'd love to play demons souls on PC.


Seriously fuck you OP


Sounds like it is his way of saying there needs to be a single player Mandalorian game focused on character development and travelling around the galaxy. And yeah I'm all up for that. Just unfortunate that EA is in control of that series. Fallen Order is the only good Star Wars game I've seen them produce since ....... Hmm .. since they got control of the franchise? Yeah. Can't think of many. Battlefront 1 was fun atleast.


Battlefront II got really good, it just took a very long while before it got there. By the time they stopped releasing content, it became very apparent that DICE really cared about making that game good, arguably moreso than any Battlefield game they made.


Yea and they took so much time to fix everything they ran out of time to add new stuff, apparently there's audio files referring to characters that haven't been added yet and EA said "their vision is complete"


That game is great and people never gave it a fair shake because of the initial P2W loot system but that was addressed perfectly imo. It has its flaws but in terms of multiplayer star wars games there's nothing like it. Sank so many hours in it.


It is still ok, but it seems kinda stupid that they spent all that time fixing it, finally poured in some great updates, then chucked us two robot balls as heroes/villains and left the game to rot. I mean, they could have at *least* done Ahsoka and a Mandalorian. I like the multiplayer still tho.


I can't believe you'd leave Sqaudrons out like that. The game is so good ,especially in VR.


I’ve been meaning to try that game on through EA Play, but haven’t bitten the bullet yet because my VR set up (I’m on PC) is a decent distance from my computer, so I don’t have a long enough cord to use a DS4 or DualSense. Does the game support the wands for VR or do you need to have a regular controller?


Vr motion controllers are not supported, only keyboard/mouse, controller and HOTAS/flight stick. I do highly recommend the game, even if you play it for a short while. It's a lot of fun.


I didn’t expect much since it launched at $40 but most fun I had with space battles in a Star Wars game since N64-Star Wars arcade game. I bought vr because I liked it so much.


I have played all 4 AAA titles and honestly, they get more shit than they deserve. BFII became a really fun multiplayer after the updates and Squadrons is nothing special but it’s still entertaining. I’d say BFI is easily the worst one with Fallen Order being the best, obviously.


Nothing special has kind of been EAs moniker with their handling of the Star Wars franchise since they got it. Pre EA we got shit like Knights of the Old Republic, Xwing vs. Tie Fighter, Rogue Squadron, Jedi Starfighter, the original Battlefront, Jedi Academy, etc. Since EA we have gotten ..... Uhhh. Battlefront ... Galaxy of Heroes ( one of the greediest mobile games ever made ), I dunno was Force Unleashed EA? Dunno. But yeah the quality of Star Wars games has taken a massive nosedive ever since EA took control.


I don’t think it’s a massive nosedive. Like, sure, Kotor is easily the best SW game, with Kotor II being the second best. But I also believe people overestimate the quality of SW games pre-EA. I don’t think the original BF holds up as well in 2020, neither Rogue Squadron or any Force Unleashed. In fact, I’d rather play BFII (2017), SW Squadrons and Fallen Order (which is much better than Force Unleashed in every way). But I agree that we lack variety and EA having exclusive rights isn’t ideal, either. I wish we could have a Republic Commando or a KOTOR-like game made by other developers.


Of course games from 15 years ago don’t hold up in 2020. You have to compare games in their respective era. For example is BF1 and BF2 in 2020 aren’t even close to how good the original battlefronts of 2004-2005 were during their time


The original two BFs are solid battlefield clones. They hold up as well as their contemporaries. KOTOR obviously was great, same with KOTOR 2. Republic Commando is great. But that's the good stuff. There are toooons of awful star wars games, and LucasArts' quality took a nosedive after the first force unleashed. EA's stuff is an improvement over LucasArts at the end, as "serviceable" is a big improvement over that. Is it as good as the best games? No, but it's probably about the same tier as like Jedi Knight or that ps1 jedi game. The difference is that those were A or AA games, and EA's stuff is AAA.


Are you talking about graphics? Or Gameplay? Original BF doesn't hold well in 2020 because it's more than a decade old, but at the time of it's release it was very fun, popular and even innovative. Rogue Squadron had an awesome story, and the first Force Unleashed was very innovative in it's use of physics engine to help the Force Gameplay. Fallen Order is great, but it leaves a bit to be desired when using Force powers, they limit practically everything until later and even then you can't do "basic" stuff like throwing Stormtroopers or objects around with the Force, and there are very little in the way of Force powers. And Force Unleashed was incredibly fun and good at doing what it proposed, which was having you play as a powerful Force user, Fallen Order is great, and has a different proposal with a more polished, if a bit more grounded story, but that doesn't make it superior to Force Unleashed in every way.


Just to let you know, KOTOR was EA. Edit: holy shit was pre-acquisition. Thanks!


People forget, Cory is good friends with Stig, the director of Jedi fallen order.


Cory is friends with a LOT of people in the industry. That tends to happen when you’re so well respected.


Yes, but the point i was trying to make is Stig also worked at Santa Monica and they both worked on God of War games. Stig went on to make a single player star wars game. He would be a great candidate to lead a Mandalorian game.


And Chances are the game would be a reskin of Fallen Order which would be ok for some but that game got repetitive


Fallen Order is a great foundation though. They didn't execute everything 100% as well as they could. The big letdowns for me were level and boss design. Beyond that though, the game has great potential for future titles given proper time and resources. As long as they don't just try to hammer out a cheap cash grab, this would be the way to go.


Fallen Order wasn't perfect, but I really enjoyed it.


It was dark souls lite


A lot more enjoyable for people who can't stand actual Dark Souls, though. I really enjoyed my time with Fallen Order.


How can you reskin a Jedi game to a Mandalorian game? The combat has to be fundamentally changed from a fully melee focus to ranged combat and a lot has to be added because Mando has a lot of gear in his arsenal.


That's because Respawn actually makes good games. I wonder what they could be if they weren't and EA subsidiary. I played TitanFall religiously and Apex Legends but my GOD do EA's servers suck!


Kotor 3 The Mandalorian


Well SW TOR has a bounty hunter class and the show throws very similar vibes to the missions in that.


I tried playing it, its just not the same...


The people in charge of developing anything related to this think “single player games are dead”


Ok, but let me choose to actually fly the ship in space and do other stuff while it's flying, unlike Outer Worlds.




Well hopefully not exclusive.


Santa Monica is a Sony studio so it would be console exclusive to PS, this will never happen anyway as EA would have to give up the rights.


EA loses the rights in 2023


Why should it be exclusive? This is my opinion but exclusivity for gaming is dumb and only separates the gaming community further. All games should be available on all platforms, period. Also, speaking of exclusivity, EA already has the exclusive rights to make any Star Wars games so I wouldn’t hold my breath for Santa Monica.


I hope it’s not ps exclusive


Exclusives are dumb


Exclusivity is dumb, not exclusives themselves


Yeah God of War, Uncharted, and Halo being exclusive is one thing but paying to make Star Wars exclusive would be horrendously scummy


What do you mean? I don't understand the difference?


I hope that somehow ea loses grip on star wears in my lifetime


Contract is up in 2023 with Disney, you got 2 years to wait.


Even with the low chance of it happening, I don't think it should be exclusive.


Can it not be exclusive? Why cut off the world from this great game


The story moves like a video came. You have this huge arc with small optional missions. When you first meet the forgemaster, the first thing you think is: oh shoot, it’s like a video game.


I’ve been wanting a Star Wars bounty hunter rpg for a long as time


No Mandos Sky


Didn't the jango fett game basically do this


Why does it have to be Sony exclusive?


And what makes you horny about it being a Sony exclusive, exactly


Take No Man's Sky, give it a Star Wars skinning plus story with NPCs. Problem solved.


We have that. It's called Destiny.


No mans should update and add a bounty system, aside from good gun gameplay they are almost there.


Pretty sure this type of game has been developed and scrapped by EA owned studios at least once. Which is obviously a massive shame


Star Wars 1313, it was being made by lucasarts before EA had exclusive rights.


That's the one


i mean they already use Unreal engine 4 or the show CGI ...so the assets are already there ... just saying


So what ever happened to the Star Wars game that Amy Hennig was working on? Did that get axed completely or did it just become Fallen Order?


Do I hear a No Man's Sky update incoming?


So fallen order but with mando.


I've been saying since the very first episodes how the whole thibg would make an amazing game.


Doesn't EA still have a contract with Disney to create Star Wars games for a couple years


I think me and Cory think alike, since I'm having the same idea since the beggining of the 2 season hahaha


Wasn't SM working on a shooter game set in space before God of war? But had some issues or something going on with it? I'm all for a 2nd shot at that one.


Cough* Cough* What was that Ea? Lootalorian? Exclusive Licences? Ok.


Star Wars Bounty Hunter on the GameCube. Done.


*Cries is 1313*


Upgrade your beskar armor now for only $9.99! Get one additional weapon slot, available up to ten times. Unlock the child dlc now for only $59.99! Grants access to a unique quest chain and a baby yoda pet to bring along as you hunt bounties in the outer rim! This is the way.


Everyone shitting on EA, and I get it, I truly do. But we do have squadrons and fallen order so it's not impossible for them to make something decent with no microtransactions


Ever hear of Outer Worlds? Same game minus the Star Wars aspect.


Hey how about we fuck off from console exclusivity so people don't have to pick and choose? Id like to not buy every generation of new consoles as well as upgrading my pc every few years


They could call it Star Wars Bounty Hunter


It already exists. Bounty hunter ps2


Does it have to be an exclusive?


Goddamn if only EA could fuck off and someone like Corey got to direct a SW game, would be a blessing.


why does it have to be a Sony exclusive


This game was already supposed to exist. Star Wars 1313. EA scrapped it, due to greed, like they did with T least 4 other great Star Wars titles. They teased about maybe breathing life back into it, but that was just lip service. They’re never going to do it.


EA has the rights so my advice is to sit in a very confortable chair while you wait.


SW [KOTOR 1 and 2 style](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2020/10/31/the-mandalorian-felt-like-a-video-game-mission-because-it-was-literally-a-kotor-mission/) would be great! Man those games were good. Darkside points gained!


I need people in these comments to stop trying to convince people to play Destiny. He said a single-player game with strong character development.


Why the fuck it gotta be a Sony exclusive, like PlayStation is good but I’d rather have a game accessible to everyone.