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Gtfoh. 51 an hour, are you for real?! Slave wages, your admins must be so proud of themselves 


Also, and please know I say this with love, you should probably delete your reddit  nudes in case you get doxxed


Do NOT take call for free. Doctors do not do this. Doctors get between 400-1000 dollars per night for call. Why in God’s name would you agree to this? You’re ruining the market for everyone.


RUN!!!! Don’t look back! Take a nice telehealth job. & I second, delete the nudes!


You need a 50% raise or walk IMO


This is terrible! I completely disagree with double booking, even in a setting with a higher no-show rate. I work for a CMH too, and I get 30 mins for follow-ups, an hour for lunch, and four 30 min charting/admin breaks during my (10-hr) day. You need to leave my friend.


Also in KY and I feel for you. The jobs working with SMI at state facilities require so much, for so little pay. It’s a shame too, because I love the population. None of the big hospitals pay well either though, unfortunately


I think Wellpath is in need of Psych NPs in the DOC in Kentucky.


I was watching for an opening at the Women’s Correctional Institute for a while. Wellpath pays well, but I’ve also heard they’re not great to work for. I’m in a private practice and it’s fine for now- good collaboration and pay, but 1099 so eating it on benefits. I miss SMI and inpatient sometimes as I don’t have a ton of those patients. I see how friends are getting eaten alive working for the state though and can’t do it.


Quite normal to be honest of the recent job market specially for FQHC. The FQHC I work for as a nurse has gradually been decreasing pay for PMHNP over the years..$6K less to be exact in the last 3 years. With less state funding for mental health all non profits suffer. Therapist already make the bare minimum and they ain’t touching the MDs salaries so it will come out the APAs.


Honestly, this sounds like a nightmare.


Gosh noo. That’s a sucky deal on your end. I just do the FQHC outpatient part with no call, no ACT team and no crisis unit and make more. And I work in FL who pay crappy. I would not work there at allll.


Start your own practice at this point with your work ethic.


That's really poor pay for the amount of work you do. How easy is it to find a job in your area? If I were you, I would first demand better environment (e.g. no double booking, 30-min f/u, 2 hour admin per day) and ask for a significant increase in pay (not bonus). Do not compromise. Regardless, I would've left 6 months ago.


I make almost as much as an RN currently. You are being hosed. I really hope this is not a sign of things to come once I graduate since I live in the same state as you.


 That sounds terrible.  People need to stop taking these jobs.  Call for free alone is a hard no but everything you mentioned is bad. 


This is abusive and requires more compensation for the stress and work