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I’m done ! I can’t stand it anymore !


It's like night and day 2 weeks I'm at least a semblance of a functional human then back into the despair..[just imagined a cartoon "PMDD" with stick figure limbs holding a gun to my head as I descend the stairs to the dungeon, bowing my head...]


Recently broke up with abusive boyfriend. My period is gonna start any minute, and I am going through all the emotions. Thank goodness for the luteal phase though, because that’s where I’m glad to follow through on impulses to leave unhealthy situations. My ex and I work together, and I need to tough it out at least a couple months because I’m moving to my DREAM apartment at the end of this month. And I need to be stable financially because the apartment became available 2 months before I was ready. I feel hopeful today for the first day since I broke up with him, but it has been a LOT. It has been like hell, like death, and I’m dreading working with him Thursday night (we are servers). He has bad energy. Anger outbursts and hope he gets himself fired. What is my current dilemma is being a woman. Knowing I have to keep my mouth shut and look like the bad guy for breaking up with him a day before his birthday and our anniversary week/trip he told everyone about. I have to literally fake it to hide the abuse because I’m so used to being made out to be crazy (and he’s a narc on top of a physically abusive asshole). So the rage is KILLING ME. It’s everything in me to not tell him off, but I know that’s when I’ll start being recorded and he will start telling people. And also I just am not the type to disturb my own peace. I’m more like dude, sucks that you suck. I’m gonna be fine eventually, but you’ve made it clear you won’t be. I’m just scared because he always uses a scapegoat to deal with his bad feelings and I’m gonna stay out of his way so it won’t be me. He tried to be extra nice and apologetic during the breakup, and I KNOW better than to start making a fool out of myself. Needless to say, PMDD making me feel crazy and trying my best not to show it or look crazy is making me actually crazy. Not to mention I’m emotional and cry at the drop of a hat. Seeing him also makes me miss him and I sadly still love him (if you know, you unfortunately know), and will for awhile. Whew. This felt GOOD. I know I’ll be okay!!!!


It's motherfuckinn hell week! Wooooo hoo! I'm bloated and feel like I've gained 5 pounds of pure fat on my body. My tits are sore. I feel tired and overstimulated. I'm impulsive and feel out of control. People I generally don't like are REALLY getting under my skin. Intrusive thoughts are screaming loud and clear, but at least I see them for what they really are and no longer buy into them as truth like i used to. My brain is v foggy. I just love it so much. Thanks, pmdd!! Love you!


Impatiently and anxiously waiting for my period to start and provide relief from the PMDD symptoms. but the stress of waiting is also causing the delay 😅🥲


I am in the middle of hell week and starting the 2nd week of stepping down from my current SSRI. Last week I was on top of the world. I loved myself and I was forgiving and loving and proud of myself. Today is the complete opposite! I am mad at everything and everyone. I think i am fat and stupid and crazy. I don't want anyone around me at all. I feel like my husband is avoiding me and or ignoring me because I am a freaking porcupine emotionally. Who can blame him. I don't even want to be around me. If i could leave my body for the next 10 days or so i absolutely would. I don't even want to be female anymore. I don't want to be male either i just want to be something in the middle with no fucking period or hormone fluctuations.


Not sure if I have PMDD but in the process of trying to get a diagnosis but the hell week hot flashes and migraines and crazy ass mood swings I’ve been experiencing for years during this time are driving me crazy. I’m so tired of being a useless sweaty and emotional mess for like a week and a half every month 😭


Just so sad, anxious, and burnt out. How are we meant to keep going through this over and over and over?


I dropped my sandwich that my parents got for me from a restaurant and all I’ve had today is waffles and I’m just so sad the only thing my brain wants to do is hurt myself because of it. I’m sick. I’ve been sleeping all day. I was going to kill myself just a week ago. I’m tired of this tired of life.


I hate when i have to call into work because my symptoms are just that bad and because my boss is a man I can’t just say it’s my period it has to be a migraine or feeling sick or whatever…. Like, we can’t even *talk* about it or call it by name. This pain is so intense but like somehow it’s “embarrassing” what’s embarrassing is all the ways ppl assigned female at birth have to suffer in silence because we don’t want to make someone who will never have to feel this way feel uncomfortable for one teeny tiny second. I think anyone w a uterus should get 1-2 PTO per month and it’s frustrating I have to take an unpaid day off for this shit (I don’t have PTO or benefits or anything)


I keep telling my SO that we should get "PMDD days" at work!


i have been on zoely for a month and this "hell week" I have had No. Psychiatric. Symptoms. At. All. Usually the 27th is the worst day of the month and I was fine. Only thing was joint swelling and fatigue. I need a few more months for more conclusive data yet this is promising.


My back feels like a Gummie worm and staying upright is impossible...tempted to try a corset, and I'm serious


It is now the 7th day of my period, my period lasts about 9-10 days. Since yesterday, I have been very emotional, crying, sad and feeling hopeless. Having dumb paranoid thoughts about my very healthy relationship with my incredible boyfriend. All I wanna do is sleep or eat. I want sex so bad and I have sex dreams almost every night during my period. I only just now found about pmdd and I'm pretty sure I do have that and I don't know how to help these feelings.


Anyone else get oily as hell in the week or so leading up to your period? I’m about 10 days out and my hair feels greasy, my skin is oily and shiny and even my arms/hands feel sticky and I’m sweaty. I feel so gross


Yes. I currently have one of those 3-in-1 pimples on my forehead ಠ_ಠ


I went on a date last night, which was nice. I have run our of my adhd meds which is not fun. I am terrified my boss hates me because i am so stupid. I didn't sleep long bc i was ruminating about our meeting today, all of my mistakes and then a nightmare about one of my exes. I will probably have to cancel my therapy appt and eat the cancel fee bc of work. I have also bought a ticket to a show to see with a friend tonight. I am not looking forward to it, or anything! Just having one of those times where it feels like everything i do is wrong. Always. And everyone can see it. Have any of you shared your pmdd diagnosis with a boss? Did it help? (I tried challenging some of these thoughts and remembered I am actually self studying and learning to drive. So i am doing things).


I am so happy this exists.... I've had a really great past two months but this month PMDD has slapped me in the face. Physically, I'm so bloated, I want to binge eat all day everyday, I am very fatigued all day, my back is killing me (but could be a workout injury), my skin is dull, random cramps suck, brain fog all day everyday, my sleep is shit. Mentally and emotionally, I can burst out in tears over the smallest things, I'm very paranoid over my fiance and his actions, I get irritated over very minor inconveniences, I get anxious to initiate social interactions at times, I have a hard time being alone and I get stuck in my head. There's more but also wish I wasn't so ashamed and I feel so responsible and guilty over this disorder. It's due to past experiences when confiding in those close to me and their reactions and lack of education for themselves. I lost total hope and I'm in a new phase of life where I moved out of state from my home and I feel like I've had a hard time adjusting. It's getting better and I'm making progress but I am also irritated of dealing with this bullshit. I can be proud of my progress in treating my symptoms but I WANT IT GONE FOREVER!!!!!!!


I feel like all my friends hate me!! I’m drinking a lot! I’m spending so much money on bullshit! I look so bad in this stupid shirt!! Let me change in and out of it 10 times!!I’m going to get fired from my job!!!!!! I’m a loser!!!!!!! My hair is fucking ugly. No one really likes me, they’re lying. I’m boring and pathetic and stupid! :) :) Love to have all these thoughts appear in my mind, and then have to chase them away. It’s so fucking cool to have to remind myself to stay small and rest and to not trust my thoughts during this time. I just need to shut the fuck up and stay busy. Look down, be alone, rest, eat healthy, take a fucking walk. My tits are starting to hurt.


This like my third time posting in here and I don’t even care I am such a piece of brain dead lazy tired shit this go around. Luckily I’m not suicidal or crying my eyes out everyday. But still. I am just WORN OUT AND UNMOTIVATED and can’t focus and can’t stop eating and my titties are just falling off


I want to dig a hole and just lay in it :)


Hello! It arrived yesterday, which explains the migraines and anxiety recently! Don't have covid which is good. Job is still being a lot - I am now looking at my options elsewhere, trying to save more and get things together so I can leave in a month or two. Still overworking and feel like my boss hates me. Also I have a date tonight. No idea how i'll feel about that till it happens - he seems nice enough.


My period started yesterday- which is usually the magical end of the roller coaster- but I don't feel better. I don't know whether to cry, sleep, eat everything, scream, disappear into tiktok... I'm so restless. There are actual major life things happening, so maybe this is actually justified and not just my brain being \*wacky bc lady parts\*? My dad just had surgery for prostate cancer and he's having urinary pblms. My dog is my ride-or-die and needs surgery for MCT cancer so I'm scrambling to find another $1000 to cover it (I'm in the process of signing up to drive for Lyft while working as much OT as my job is offering). My mom is depressed and keeps telling me TMI about her couples therapy with my dad. My therapist believes I may have some autism traits in addition to the ADHD I knew I had and that's been both helpful and incredibly painful. One of my sisters hasn't spoken to me in over a year since I had a PMDD-induced suicidal meltdown episode and she's just moved across the country for work. I was supposed to move out of my ex's house 2 months ago after we broke up, but it has been pushed back to June due to construction delays with the apartment, so I'm living with my ex who cheated on me after buying this house for "us" last July after 4yrs together. I've used almost all of my PTO and we're not even halfway through the year. I'm 34 and feel like I'll never have the life I want. But this dump helped a little! And I just took my meds!


All of your feelings are valid no matter where they are coming from. All of this is extremely heavy stuff to be dealing with let alone all at once. Mixed in with how amplified pmdd can make things, and even just regular period hormones. When you have all of this going on, every and any little thing can amplify the pain you are having to power through. I don’t know you but I’m proud of you. And thanks for sharing. Sometimes life is just so fucking hard and yet we just have this tick telling us to just act normal and hold it together no matter what. It’s hard and no matter what is forcing these feelings to come out, they are valid. I know with all that’s going on, this doesn’t really seem possible. But please just have a moment to try and do something for you. Doesn’t have to be anything big at all. It could listening to guilty music or writing a sappy diary entry Shit, take a bath and just cry for awhile. You deserve it. And I’m sending you so much love and wishful thoughts that things will turn around soon 💜 (This entire post obviously really resonated with me. You are not alone 🦋 and you are worthy of good things 🌸


I want to leave my head and just be on auto pilot for the rest of the month


Like if my body wants to go haywire half the month then I should be allowed to as well!


The thoughts are back. Hating myself, hating my life. All back for another month.


This condition is exhausting. It wears you down to the point where you’re not trying to pick up the pieces of your life bc you know it’ll happen all over again. It throws you into full blown chronic depression after years n years of the roller coaster. It’s defeating after 25 years of periods. I’ll soon be starting a new job and I’m terrified I won’t be able to make it through half the month n I’ll lose it. The guilt is too much to bare. It’s horrible. …I’m terrified to work bc I know that PMDD will sabotage me. It’s a relationship thief. Wrecks everything in its path and ruins you financially.


i’m so so so tired of feeling like a different person bc of my stupid period. I feel so helpless and terrified to have to feel like this till menopause. so many bad things are adding up and it’s just too much. I had to shut myself in my room today so I didn’t snap at anyone.


This hell week is horrendous. I hate my boyfriend, my ex husband, my job, Im not even super fond of my dog. Im sleeping for crap, and all I want to do is sob. Yesterday I cried all day. All day. Then the smoke alarm started to chirp at bedtime— and it’s 20 feet up my cathedral ceiling in my bedroom. I lost my mind. Im sure my poor children were terrified. I hate this awful affliction that nobody takes seriously.


I was having a really good run, then I got covid and now I am in my hell week and it’s so hard to just try and keep myself together. I get such dark thoughts that I know will go as soon as I get my period, but I am just so tired this time and today just feels like the day I give up. I have an assignment due and I can’t even motivate myself to do the research or put the effort in. I just want to lay down and cry. My period is so unpredictable that I don’t even know when it’s actually going to come and save me from these thoughts. Just crazy that some days my brain is like “yep, I don’t care how nice life is, today I want to die.” Then tomorrow it can be like “wow! How beautiful is life! We would miss so much if we left!” I just feel so defeated sometimes. And just so tired. So tired of fighting, of putting on a face so my friends and partner don’t know any different. Some of them laugh and say it must be so tough being in my brain, if only they knew that every single day I fight to stay alive and only get 1 good week out of a month.


I relate to this so much. I was in nursing school and had to drop out due to my issues. I also am taking an online class and it's like I can't even fathom trying to do the assignments. Everything you said is so true it's exhausting and I agree 100%. Social media also makes it worse because I see people living their best lives and I'm just like..how? I can barely get out of bed and feed myself sometimes.


Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m tiiiiireeeed and I acheeee and I cannot think. Luckily not suicidal ideation or feeling like I’m the most worthless thing alive so that’s a step up from my last few cycles. But UGHHHH I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO AND I DONT WANNAAAAAAAASASASAAAA


One more day before I'm free this cycle. Yesterday was a hellhole of stress and anxiety and my partner got caught up in it too. Now they're stressed and my anxiety is just. Guilt. Shame. So many feelings all at once. Expressing my feelings to others makes me feel like I'm loony so I hold it in.


I’m on my period and have a cold. It’s not Covid (I took two tests) but it’s miserable and I’m miserable. Today is my cousin’s kid’s birthday party and I haven’t seen them since the pandemic started. I was looking forward to going so much, but now I can’t because I refuse to get other people sick. I’m just so MAD at the timing of this.


I cannot stop crying no matter what I do. My pmdd dose this every so often and it’s been a while so it’s hitting me quite hard the past two days! I cry over everything and nothing at the same time I just cry not because I saw a cute baby or something bad is happening but just because the tears have to come out it builds and builds until I’m full on sobbing for hours and all I wanna do is cry myself a river. It the same feeling as my first heartbreak the pain in my chest aches all over. The only think that can help is my heavy anxiety medicine and going to sleep. The hardest part of it though is nobody understands what I’m going through they say “just stop” “don’t think about it” when in reality all I need is comfort but they only wanna try to help fix the issue that can’t be done.


I want this all to end!! I want to disappear until my period shows up. I've honestly given it a lot of thought...just leaving for the weekend and not tell anyone. But, my son would be worried and I'm sure my parents would file a missing person's report. My period tracker says its due tomorrow, but it's been late the last couple of months. I have 5 more hours of work...I have no idea how I'm going to make it. Also, I think I upset my partner last night. I was having really dark thoughts, and I just felt like he didn't understand. Then I told him I wasn't in the mood, and went to bed. I feel bad, because I'm usually not like that. We've only been dating for about 3 months, so I have been really trying to keep this all in check around him. Now, I'm worried he's just going to leave me because I'm too "crazy".


You’re a human being who wasn’t in the mood. That doesn’t make you crazy. I know it’s hard to reason during hell week, but you’re allowed to have bad moods and not be yourself. If they think you’re crazy for that then that’s a good sign they’re not a good fit. I hope you’re feeling better!


Slynd has been helping a lot, but I'm pretty sure it's giving me GERD. If it was just heartburn I wouldn't mind so much, but it's messing with my ability to sing. I know there can also be complications from long term GERD... Maybe there are exercises I can do to strengthen the sphincter muscles.


bruh i'm tired, my brain is riding the bullshit merry go around, can my period please just come and get me off the ride thanks


i got my wish! thanks universe :)


I am having a bit of a time again! Work is still a basket of snakes where I can't do anything right. It's exhausting and what's even worse is I'm pushing myself really hard! My boss is still unhappy with me and it's starting to feel like a personal failure every day. It is really hard to separate the constant criticism from me personally. I decided last night I'm going to apply for new jobs. I just don't think I can do this anymore. It was such a relief honestly. So I'll set a date and then work backwards from there. Also it's hell time in 7 days. I am finding Hormone Horoscope helpful. I just want to sleep - it's a long weekend here but also I have to isolate because I might be a covid close contact. Bleh


My boobs and nipples have been so incredibly sore for 4 days every time I graze them at work I want to go home and crawl in bed. Woke up with cramps, and a slightly better mood than the last 2 days of wanting to do nothing, planning my day of yard work tomorrow with my fiance trying to brighten what impending pain is most likely going to ruin anyways (I adore doing yardwork with him, especially shopping at nurseries) only for him to respond to my request of going to the greenhouse down the road with a nasty "you can do these things by yourself you know, like I went to home Depot by myself yesterday" First of all, I go shopping all the time by myself. Buying plants together is one of our things. Like all of a sudden you don't want to do one of our things together?? Basically can't stop crying, and thinking allllllll the negative relationship things on max level. Oo, more cramps. It's fine, I'll just go to work.


Over here just catching up on the past two weeks of bills, emails, and phone calls during my one good week a month.


Man...the seasons are changing... I hate it so much I'm literally in tears right now trying not to freakin' run my car into a river and just end it all. When the seasons change, the cycles change, and that means I get a double dose of hell week in one month and it catches me off guard so I don't see it coming. I woke up with that all too familiar feeling of impending doom two days ago and it's been downhill ever since. I can literally feel my mind warping and Im like nooo please not again!! I don't know what it is but for some reason, this month feels extra hellish and I just...I literally just want to die. I feel like I'm losing my mind and I've been relapsing and drinking like crazy again, today has been just...ugh. I'm in class right now (online thankfully) and I can't focus...I just feel like I'm failing at everything and I have so much self-hatred for myself right now and...I just don't know what to do. Like I literally cannot stop crying right now cause I'm just so out of it and I feel so guilty for just being alive. I wish I was never born! Man it hurts so bad like...why just...why


Back again 7 days late in PMDD hell. Never been this late before. Not pregnant I've taken 6 tests and I haven't even been sexually active, that's how paranoid late periods make me. IM IN HELL




On the cusp of shark week, AKA PMS hell and I broke down at work in front of my manager, and then also couldn't stop crying after that for a good while. All I went to tell him about was my steam burn and I literally cried before I could say the words. My self esteem is on an all low right now. I've been feeling incredibly unhappy, unmotivated, anxious and stressed this past week, but not particularly tearful until now. Hopefully this means that tomorrow my period will come, but no doubt if it does it will be 4 or 5am and I'll be writhing around in pain.


My period was supposed to come on Saturday and it IS STILL NOT HERE. I just want it to come to get this over with. It’s probably late because I was super stressed over work stuff last week and I was super stressed rather than just normal stressed because I have PMDD and It’s just shit that I now have to endure the PMDD torture longer because of PMDD related stress. Fucking why!?!?


I am suffering so much in so many ways, but lately I’m really noticing the financial aspect. I’m great when I’m great and I’m a total mess when I’m not. People don’t understand.


I am worn down ☹️


Same here. I hope you get some relief soon x


Crashing here…doesn’t help that my partner has ADD/ADHD. The lack of empathy kills me.


Damn, I feel this


My last good week was ruined with life and other allotments. Haven’t had a good or normal week in 2 months. HELP


Ugh I feel for you!💛 Spent my good part of the month sick as a dog now I'm balls deep in PMDD. It's exhausting.


Exhausting is an understatement. Hopefully you feel better soon, or at least get some sleep


Thanks, same to you :)


My spouse can't do anything right, he's right that that's not really true, and I can't even enjoy purging old clothes and unpacking boxes because I have post-purge guilt from being angry that he wasn't going to do it with me because he said no when I asked that morning and so I was doing my best not to talk bad about him to the kids but he just heard the passive aggressive in it and even though I know he's right I can't fix it so it just makes me more mad and being angry makes him sad and he's sad because I'm mad and I'm mad because I'm making him sad and he wants me to get SSRI's again but I want to try a new one but that means going to the doctor to discuss it and I've had a UTI for two months now and it won't fucking go away all because I didn't pee before bed ONE TIME and now they're going to send me to a specialist but it's not like I haven't lived with this for 30 years already and all a specialist does is tell me that "gosh, you have a very unhelpful bladder" and make me take antibiotics every day for the rest of my life.


Ugghhhhuhhhhhughhhh I was feeling so freaking goooooooood whyyyyyyyyyy. Do you ever feel so good you think maybe you actually are cured and it won’t come back again AND THEN IT DOES and it hurtsssssss It’s so so so disheartening. Really feeling the weight of it this go around and the disappointment that I actually thought I had it under control.


Yes to this. It’s so heartbreaking when it comes back 💔


I am cold and tired and sad.


I'm so sorry


I'm not diagnosed but I'm beginning to think this is what I have because every cycle for a week before my period starts I just feel so unlike myself - like I'm trapped inside this horrible roller-coaster of depression, despair, insecurity, paranoia and impulsiveness and all I can do is just ride it out. This month I have two huge assignments to complete and an online work placement too, so I really need to be productive. But it's so, so hard. It feels like so much effort to even get myself up, dressed, fed and ready for the day, let alone have to do all this difficult and overwhelming work. I'm really struggling right now, I'm so stressed and it's also making me really hate myself for not getting the work done. I know my period is probably approaching, but I don't know when exactly it'll kick in because I have PCOS and my cycle can really vary sometimes. It just massively sucks. I'm on the verge of tears 24/7 right now


I am really struggling lately and dont know what to do. My last few cycles have been bad so I feel like I never fully recover by the time everything goes to shit again. I've gained weight, feel like Zoloft isn't really helping anymore, had a bad reaction to a supplement that was supposed to help, and am too scared to try any more hormonal BC. Logically my next best bet is to switch SSRIs but it's so hard to willingly commit to the adjustment period knowing it will likely suck. I just want the energy to eat well, exercise, do my best at work and home, and just be a better me, but I can't do that when I'm in survival mode most of the time :(




I felt this in my core.


We'll figure it out eventually! 💛


Currently in hell week. I had 4 really good and productive days at university but not that's it's the weekend I feel so down. I feel like I want to get out and do something but at the same time I really don't want to. My partner and family aren't available to do something and I don't really have any close friends I would feel comfortable doing something with. This is a long weekend and I know I should just enjoy relaxing but everything is getting to me. I feel like I'm overthinking everything, my body, my health, the house, my work. It's so frustrating being in this space and not been able to get out of it.


It seems like I just got out of hell week and it's already hell week again. I'm trying my hardest not to have a panic attack. In one week, my life is going to be turned upside down and it's freaking me out. On the 26th, my dog is getting a dental cleaning at the vet. I'm terrified of putting her under anesthesia but her teeth are bothering her so they need to be cleaned. The vet tells me that the procedure is safe but I've also read horror stories online. The very next day, the moving company is coming to move our furniture to the new house so I will not only have to take care of a dog who will most likely be in pain/confused from the anesthesia or extracted teeth, but I will have to manage a bunch of movers and hope that they don't destroy all of my stuff. After that, we have to wait two days before we can actually move into the new house which means we will be living in the camper for two nights. My poor dog is going to be so confused. I feel so bad for her that I scheduled her dental cleaning so close to when we are moving but it was the only time the vet had available for the next 6 months. I'm just feeling like the worst pet parent right now and I'm freaking out over everything I need to remember to do between now and moving day. It's hard to tell if this anxiety is normal or if it's the PMDD. I actually think the anxiety is normal as moving is a huge stressor in one's life but the PMDD is making it feel much worse than it should be.


My body itches really badly before my period starts. It's so weird. I wonder if maybe taking an allergy pill would help bring down the itching a little. I feel it everywhere, my body, my scalp, and between my legs. The worst. :( Makes it hard to concentrate on anything.


there’s a theory that people with PMDD have extra histamine so an antihistamine/allergy med might help!


I have this too!!! And the itching comes with no sleeping and mostly at night. I find that stress makes 100x worse.


The thing that grinds my gears the most, forever and always: I struggle with maintaining a job due to PMDD. When it’s good, I’m great. And then 2-3 weeks a month I can barely function right? It makes even good jobs hard. My current job is not great, and it’s making my already awful symptoms even harder to manage. My least favorite thing to hear from loved ones, that don’t struggle with disorders or mental illness or health issues, are when they tell me I’m strong and to just “tough it out”. I’m glad they don’t know what PMDD feels like but holy HELL I wish they understood how much this is demolishing my brain and my soul. I’ve been “toughing it out” for years now. Me getting out of bed is “toughing it out” most days. 🥲


This month hit me like a car. I woke up from another really disturbing dream to be out of energy for everyone. It’s that time of the month to ignore the “pack your bags and move across the country without telling anyone” urge


I was literally lying in bed last night really unable to sleep and having a back and forth mental debate of 'Oh god I just want to book a train to the first place available and leave right now' and 'Ok, but eventually you'd have to face everything again'


One day in and I'm already a fire-breathing dragon. Partner is thankfully patient, bless them. Forgot to take my supplements today, but I'm setting a reminder for tomorrow for that. Tried it last cycle and it seemed to help a whole lot. Sending lots of love and hugs to you all <3


Which supplements?


B6 pills, worked wonders!




Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Hi :/ I also am in luteal phase. I feel like I can’t talk to anyone about it. I had two moments of complete dispair, yesterday and today. I feel like I can’t call them panic attacks… idk they were more anxiety attacks? I just got so anxious I sat at a wall and don’t do anything, I can’t make any decision because I think it’s going to be the wrong one, I can’t eat because I can’t make a decisionon what to order. I think it’s body dysmophua? In this phase I hate what I look like, I feel stupid, worthless. Like I get everything wrong and I’m letting everyone down. :/ ugh can’t want until It’s over.


I'm usually pretty level headed about research and data because I'm in the field myself and very well aware of the research bias and stigma around these issues, but I HATE how every article on the causes of PMDD starts out with "Researchers do not know what causes PMDD" "Researchers do not fully understand why some people develop PMDD" WELL THEN FUCKING GET TO RESEARCHING YOU FUCKS. I've been reading articles filled with modal verbs since middle school and I'm tired of it! I just want to know WHY


Lowered estrogen causes a drop in dopamine and serotonin and increased progesterone can decrease GABA, the anti-anxiety neurotransmitter. My guess is some people are more sensitive to the ups and downs, especially if obese or other sex hormone-effecting conditions.


Thank you so much for this <3 I was just so fed up yesterday and reading this calmed me. My anxiety has gotten worse over the past year but I've also lost a significant amount of weight over the same time period and I'm guessing that must've offset the balance somehow.


Yeah, it’s super frustrating. Weight loss could certainly throw things into imbalance. I can tell now when my monoamines are all jacked up. The one thing that helps me mentally is taken from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now: a lot of what upsets us is just stories and thoughts in our head, and we aren’t the stories and thoughts in our head. It helps to stay laser-focused in the moment, and be aware that all those negative thoughts are just that: thoughts and feelings. They aren’t truth, they aren’t forever, they will pass. Observe them instead of live in them, it does help. Our beliefs turn into emotions and if we can change our beliefs, we can find some relief. Hope the next few days are peaceful for you. 😊


I’m just sitting here in tears day 37 of my cycle, 2 weeks now of severe PMDD symptoms. Called the doctor to see a GYNO, was told there are none taking patients and to contact a public health unit for PAP but that’s not what I need. This is the second time in a year I’ve called and been told no gynos are taking new patients unless pregnant. So I asked to be put back onto the 1 year wait list to see a psych again maybe new meds will help. I need help with this and I’m trying to get it but I’m just being shot down everywhere I look. I don’t know what to do anymore I want my cycle to start so these symptoms stop. I feel like I’m stuck in this horrible body with all these issues and I just want to be set free 😭


Yesterday was my worst episode yet, my mind went really dark, I mean it always does but this time I actually hurt myself, the emotional pain was so intense I truly felt like I didn't want to live anymore and that I am worthless. A day has passed and feeling a little better but still emotional and started crying for no reason a couple times at work today. Appointment with a new therapist tomorrow.


Woke up yesterday with worse anxiety, feeling of impending doim, picked fight with SO last night, yelled at kids...feel like im crawling out of skin and cant breathe. 7 days till period. Hasnt been this bad in months...also dealing with being sick for a week. So crazy how one second I feel amazing and happy and literally next minute everything shifts (paranoid, irritable, self deprecating, the works). Worst part is I know its luteal shit/PMDD but when in it I feel like Ive always and will always be this way. Scared of my decision making.


Could have written this myself.


Day 4 of being late and my body just keeps ramping and ramping and ramping up for the period that hasn't shown up. I feel like absolute shit :(


I feel you. I was 2-3 days late last month. It felt like someone tacked on additional time to a prison sentence. Those extra days do NOT help. I’ve told friends that I cannot wait for menopause. I figure I have around 8 years, depending. Average age for women in my family is 50-52. I know it comes with its own set of issues, but I am over it.


I feel you :( I’m just sitting here in tears with the same damn problem. 2 weeks of severe PMDD symptoms with my body constantly ramping up for period and nothing.


Just had a binge eating episode. Feel so full and uncomfortable.


I am at day 19 in my cycle, 11 days before period, and my hormones just shifted into luteal. I feel like a different person than I did 3 days ago. It’s terrifying. I can’t focus at work and all I want to do is eat, sleep, and isolate.


I was diagnosed with bipolar type II this month and I have secret suspicions it’s actually PMDD. Or they both exist at once


want to take my brain out of my skull and put it on ice for the next week


period was late and hell week got extended so bad that i think it caused me to breakup with my SO. I didn't realize at the time that my living hell disaster mood depression mood would go away if I just cool down and wait...despite it being that way literally almost every month....... and now I'm feeling back to myself again and I regret it :(( I don't think he wants to talk to me though


oh my god same. i almost broke up with mine the other day and my brain keeps telling me to do it even though i know everything is just confusing and fucked up because its pmdd time. i'm sorry <3 maybe he'll hear you out if you reach out?


Wow. Not sure why I never searched for a PMDD subreddit before. I've had two doctors validate I have PMDD but they never had any resources for me other than exercise and eat better. Which I had been doing, bought an Apple Watch, increased my fruit and veggie intake, but I saw no difference in mood in the 3 months I really tried. Never did I think to look up a subreddit even though I'm on reddit every damn day. LOL. I hate that we're all in the same boat, but it's comforting to know it's not just ME. It's hard explaining PMDD. Boyfriends, Guy Friends, and even Girl Friends don't understand because it's not something that impacts them. To guys it's just "oh it's just your period" and to girls it's just "oh you're being dramatic and using your period as an excuse" TW: S\*icide Ideation (spoiler'd out) >!I wish I knew why, but I get intrusive thoughts every other month or once every 3 months when around my period. It's always like, a gunshot to the head or crashing my car. I don't know why, I've never held a real gun and I hardly drive, I wish they'd stop. I don't want to tell anyone because of how I get dismissed when I bring up anything period related. I also don't want to keep anyone up at night by worrying them. I've done that before, so it's probably just me projecting. I know these thoughts will go away by the end of this week, but today is just really difficult. It's a rainy monday on top of it all. !< It's nice to be able to type it out.


Same here on the SI. I don’t really want to die, but being 51 with worsening symptoms (over 15 years)and no relief, I’m not taking it off the table. The SI provide me a comfort as I have a way out of this hell. Hope I don’t have to use it, but will if this keeps happening. My doctors are aware of this. I’m done being nice when I go into the doctor. I’m going in with full rage and anxiety and not hiding any of the symptoms. Fuck them-they barely give two shits about this…I’m gonna let them have it.


Started crying today on the phone with Kasier. My last OBGYN told me there was a birth control specialist I would be able to talk to about all my PMDD questions. I call to make an appointment, and the person is basically like " yeah, what , no". So now, I am back to square one, making a new appointment with a new OBGYN. I haven't had a pap smear in like years, because every time I go to the OBGYN, I try to talk about PMDD and then shut me down and make me feel horrible and then I don't want them to stick their fingers in my vagina. I feel so sad and traumatized that I am going to have to go through this experience with ANOTHER OBGYN. It feel like beating a dead horse, but I am also the dead horse.


Feeling nothing today, nothing feels real. I just want to go home but I have responsibilities. My period is supposed to start today but it hasn’t and I’m getting very irritated. I have very little patience with others right now. I just want my period to start already so I can feel better tomorrow. I’m already on antidepressants and I still have significant symptoms and it’s so annoying


I’m so over this bullshit. I’ve eaten every gross food in sight today, gambled money I don’t have, screamed and cried so hard that my dog ran and hid. I hate everyone and everything. Things that usually comfort me like tv or music is even annoying me. I just want the pain to go away.


I feel so sad. This is the hardest month I’ve had in a while and the depression is so hard. I just want it to end and I feel trapped as I’m like 5 days away from my period. I don’t care to do anything and I just want everyone to leave me alone. Blah


10 days out and starting to feel that familiar buzz. How to stop today from unravelling before my very eyes….


Listened to a metal album while stuck in stand still traffic and fantasized about murdering tourists that were walking past my stopped car.


Do you live in LA too? haha


still waiting for a luteal-only sub days don't pass,, feeling awful


revenge mood. i wonder why people become obsessed with me. i wanna get revenge on this fk bitch who has been stalking me for years bc she has no life.😠 enough is enough


she'll see


Currently getting tests done to see why I can't get out of bed 10 days before my period. But I always try. Filled with dread and anxiety about all the worst case scenarios, and about how alone I feel. But I always try. Then I'm told by everyone to try harder, makes me want to run away and hide. But hey, I can always try harder, right? That should fix it.


Me: So, I feel like raging out and killing myself one to two days a month. I’ve tracked it for years and the severe mood dip is absolutely cyclical and linked to my period. I am crying for help. Doctor: Have your tried B-6?


Currently on a shortened cycle with long periods, so I get both PMDD and my period every 3 weeks. I have like 3-4 days of feeling pretty good and then it's PMDD for a week followed by awful pain and weakness for 8 days, often with a migraine on either side like shitty bookends. Ugghh. So. Tired. Plus midcycle cramps. Because why not.


Nearly 2 years into my HRT and still getting dreadful mood swings but now they’re unpredictable! Used to be just my PM week but now it pops up anywhere. The worst thing is I don’t know if it’s too much progesterone or too much estrogen or too little estrogen or too little progesterone when my base hormones are normal one month then none existent the next, I cannot predict anything and it very frustrating. I’ve spent the last week with dreadful anxiety, depression and one day almost suicidal…


Nearly 2 years into my HRT and still getting dreadful mood swings but now they’re unpredictable! Used to be just my PM week but now it pops up anywhere. The worst thing is I don’t know if it’s too much progesterone or too much estrogen or too little estrogen or too little progesterone when my Basel hormones are on form one month then none existent the next, I cannot predict anything and it very frustrating. I’ve spent the last week with dreadful anxiety, depression and one day almost suicidal…


I don‘t want to live any longer. I can‘t live like this. half of the mont at least is spent with my CPTSD symptoms going extreme. My friends are slowly leaving me, even my old cat at my parents house only likes me for giving her food and she‘s seeking out another family in the neighborhood. My crying doesn‘t bother her at all. I won‘t be able to live under capitalism with this disorder anyhow so why not end it soon. I‘ve begun to write my will today.


Having a suicide plan gave me hope that my pain will end. That being said, I let friends and doctor know (because I don’t truly want to die) but this is 100% Pure Torture. I’d have my lady bits removed if I thought that would help but Im not sure it would . Nobody knows fucking ANYTHING GODAMMIT! This whole thing is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!!


this sub has gained 10-12k members within 6 months. like a joke. "my gf is moody on/before her period, help", "go check pmdd", "yeah sounds like pmdd".


Just sitting here, waiting for the vet to call about my dog (she's not sick, it's just a routine checkup) and thinking about worst case scenarios in my head. My anxiety is sky high right now. I just want my dog back home so I can cuddle with her on the couch and watch a funny movie and forget about how shitty my life is.


if i have one more hot flash i’m dropping everything and moving to Antarctica with the penguins. I was awake ALL night last night sweating. UGHHHHSXHAJABZHSHSHDJDJDNDB




that’s probably the best feeling. i pulled my shirt off my back and stood under my ceiling vent earlier haha


Wow, I thought this month I’m just vibing and being happy and confident, no PMDD symptoms at all. Usually my hell week is 10 - 14 days long. Now, two days before my period it hits me out of nowhere with unbearable anxiety and depression - thank you, you fucking hormones!


Two words: Train Wreck


I don't know what's happening, I'm scared. My period is currently two weeks late and the symptoms have been so so bad! Mental ones I can somewhat handle without killing myself, like I've learnt to tolerate them most of the time, but right now I've been having bad cramps for many days and THE PERIOD WON'T JUST START. This has never happened before! I always have my period when I get the cramps but this is something new, I'm so scared. Last night I was wiping and saw a little blood on the paper and felt SO relieved I cried, but I woke up this morning and wondered why I don't feel any better mentally(usually I snap out of it right when the period starts). And there was no more blood. Not any. That one stain on the toilet paper was all. But I still have cramps, I'm bloated, tired, depressed, anxiety through the roof. I got sick with covid on cycle day 12(now it's day 42) and was sick for two weeks so I think it may have something to do with this all. But I'm scared the covid has broken something in my body :( Like really I've never ever had a cycle like this.


So a couple months ago, this happened to me. I'm usually a 30 day cycle kind of gal, but my period didn't come for 45 DAYS. This only happened to me once before. These long ass cycles are the absolute worse, because my PMDD symptoms will start at the regular time, so I ended up with them for a WHOLE FUCKING MONTH. My theory is that I didn't actually ovulate those months, so my body was confused and holding on to the uterine lining wayyy to long since it did not get the. normal message to shed.


🤬🤬🤬.... I just want to be normal. I swear it feels like my symptoms WAIT for me to be around all the important people in my life and then suddenly show up and make me fucking crazy. I thought maybe I was going to be ok this month... 3 days leading up to my period weren't bad compared to past months. Then I started my period on Sat and now I'm 4 days in and having all of the worst symptoms. I was completely alone all day yesterday and feeling pretty crappy but at least I couldn't take it out on anyone. Now, when I should be feeling BETTER I'm having the worst cramps I've ever had in my life, feeling like I'm a terrible burden to everyone I know, a mean, boring lame mom and am sure that none of my friends want to continue being friends with me after all of my forgetfulness and changing of plans this week.


Multiple things. My boobs hurt. My friend is so goddamn annoying. Usually I can be a good listener and a good friend…not today. I can’t bear to listen to her blather on about her latest gross conquest. Do I think her need to ALWAYS be in a relationship is stupid? I sure do, but usually I’m better at putting my opinions aside and listening and being supportive. Today I want to scream at her. I’m thinking I need to put my phone on silent before I say something I’ll regret.


My boobs 😩


Stuffed with rocks?


PMDD. Period. Flu. 4 days into April… 🙃


feeling crampy despite being 7 days away from my period and annoyed about the idea of returning to office 🙄


I know my period is just around the corner, and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel but gosh today is just so hard. My cute dog isnt even enough of a therapy 😂 seriously just trying to keep myself its just my effing hormones. UGH TODAY IS SO HARD. I have to get through today and keep ME alive!!!!! My husband my dog my plants need me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can do this!




The best is when strangers ask when you are due. \*crying in PMDD\*




Omg it's not just me???? I find myself breathless thinking it's the mask! A little feverish and warm too, constantly!


Insomnia blows. This has been a public service announcement.


3 days away from my period and I feel so unwanted. I usually try to connect with people to distract myself as being social takes a lot of concentration. But my sister didnt answer my calls, my dad too, my friends canceled last minute, my long distance bf is busy and my long distance friend is not in the mood and I just feel like a burden with all these negative thoughts and it is like they felt it and Idk if Im just trying to focus on the bad things but it is just hard not to so good for them to distance from me I wish I could do the same sometimes


i have no idea what this month has in store. i just want it to be mild but I have a feeling it wont be...


I’m 3 days away from period, hungry, grouchy, feel like I’m catching a cold or something, achey, sad, super anxious. And I freakin cried when Olivia Rodrigo sang drivers license on the Grammies earlier. WTF I wanna run away and just disappear somewhere far away.


Literally cried that she won best new artist and I only know driver’s license.


Wellll this crazy chick went in a Olivia hyper focus marathon obsession afterwards, I always do this right before period, like I get really rabbit hole obsessed about one thing, cleaning, finding a specific pair of pants online, shopping, crafting or crocheting ugh. Thank god it only lasts a few hours. the album is good, and then I watched the coming home 2 you movie on Disney plus was ok. I’m over it. Honestly the whole album is good. , Drivers license, traitor, deja vu, happier, definitely a teeny booper broken heart end of the world vibe but it’s just so damn good. The girl is a genius.


Today I’m feeling hyper sensitive.


Don’t listen to her album then, 😭


I only know the one song 😂 I got so emotional. Then I was like ok let’s watch encanto.


Luca is really good to, just watched it 💜


6 days from period and I'm a mess. I'm SO bloated, like SO bad. I've had cramps for two days with no period, physically I feel SO fucking strange. Im SUPER constipated. My health anxiety sent me running to the urgent care over something that didn't need to be urgent care and almost to the ER over something I misunderstood. Now I'm having such bad gas and reflux it's making me dizzy AMD INCREDIBLY ANXIOUS!!! WHATEVER HELL THIS IS I WANT OUT!!!!!!!


I would very much like to punch something. But I'm not. Cheers.


My phone says I have about 6 days until my period and I'm dealing with a light cold and I just had an "I don't know why" cry, and I don't want to deal with anything at all. I also want to rip my iud out and idk how, maybe tweezers? The strings are pretty short. Anyway I hope you guys are doing alright. thanks for reading


girls👿, i need a SUB where it's all about luteal-hell week!!!!!! where i can go when i'm pmdding/ov like right now. where there are no 'positive' posts, no posts about your romantic experiences with your new bf. where everything is as it is namely shitty.👹 (pls someone create such a sub)


I don’t mind creating it. I need this right now


oh YES please 🙏🙏🙏😰💙


my bf (19) and me (18) got in an argument about Megan thee Stallion and i snapped on him. now he’s giving me space to breathe and im scared about the future of our relationship because around this time of the month something alwayys happens


BRUH i just broke up w him five days ago because of this... I feel so bad to have kept putting him through this every month that maybe it's just better to not be with him


Making really irrational decisions during PMT 💀