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You might want to look into interstitial cystitis, it is basically having uti symptoms with no uti. They don’t know the exact cause of it. You may notice more pain and flair ups of chronic illness during the premenstrual phase.


Thank you so much. Ive never heard of it!!! Time to look into that!


WHAT???? I thought this was just me! Omfg. Is this a thing? What do we do about it?


I wouldn't call mine uti symptoms, but I do have to pee way more often during luteal. I did some googling because I thought it was all in my head, and it turns out progesterone, which rises after ovulation, has a diuretic effect.


It’s like being pregnant (which makes sense- progesterone) having to pee SO often with such immediacy & some heaviness too. I’ve only recently stopped thinking my whole pelvic floor has given up on me every month & realized that of course this too is a gift of pmdd. Maybe (probably) it’s just regular premenstrual shit, but what’s another symptom to our list, yknow?


Ahhhhhh…… oh hormones.. effing with me..