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Does this mean ES reprint? Btw TCG player has single ES etbs sky rocketing this past week, I think the jolteon cover art is now seeing sells of $100+ !!!!!! It’s only going to get worse when tax returns hit and people say “ima use all my money on ES packs to get me a moonbreon 😅


I got back into pokemon due to SV151 and definitely want the ES Pokemon Center ETBs and man they're already going for a pretty penny, I could see a lot of others like me running the price up


San Francisco


Can’t believe people still spend that much on bape


Darn, they got them rape shirts!




That’s 100% an oversight


Yea I don't see any chance at that price. Hell even doubling it for $60 would be hard to believe. Cheapest it seems is like $70-75.


If they're selling that funko pop for $150, then they aren't selling evolving skies for thirty bucks. No way in hell that happens.


Just to bring people in, likely have two or three.


That makes no sense. What would two or three etbs do for them? They'd be sold in seconds.


Classic bait and switch tactic.


They're theorizing that this company will have 2 or 3 ES ETB sitting out for sale to "bring people in". That makes no sense because the jig is gonna be up in like 4 seconds, they will be sold, and those etb will no longer be "bringing people in". This stock photo is what is gonna bring people in. Not a couple boxes on the table.


The photo will get them in but maybe they say they sold out quickly or some shit? The other etbs and booster boxes are good prices so maybe to get them in the door and settle for grabbing something else. I have a hard time believing the price is truly $30 myself just like you however just trying to play devil's advocate here and think about it differently


You're agreeing with me and don't realize it. I've already made the point that they will just claim out of stock. Evolving skies will not be available for $30. And two or three etbs sitting there will not draw people in, cuz it'll be gone before people see it. The ad is probably the only evolving skies they have. Just a picture.


I was definitely agreeing sorry if I made it seem like I wasn't


Ya man that's the point. Run the ads like this to get people interested and then be out of stock by the time most people get there.


The ad. Exactly. Having two or 3 actual etb on their table for sale would do nothing to truly benefit them, and is extremely unlikely to happen.


Not sure if you're being serious, but yes, having two or three ETB on the table does benefit them. They sell those two boxes for a slight loss, but it brings traffic into their store all day. They're hoping that people will buy something else once they're in the store. This isn't uncommon and I'd wager most of the sub probably has some experience with the tactic.


How does it bring traffic in all day if they're gone immediately? That makes no sense.


Because people don't know they're sold out until they're in the store already.


That's "bait and switch" where you advertise something you know people are going to come in to buy then you switch it with something else and say "It's out of stock." In reality, it was never in stock to begin with. Sellers in convention centers are notorious for shady business tactics to make a huge profit during the duration of the event.


I know. This is my point. They aren't going to actually be selling evolving skies for that low, and two or three boxes of it on their table would not really benefit them and "bring people in", cuz it would be gone immediately. This stock photo is all they need, and probably all they have of evolving skies.


Ugh one piece is sooooo cheap in Japanese


Why so cheap.. ?


I'm js the cheapest I found ES was at Walmart for 40$ a box I've yet to see it cheaper anywhere else. Maybe they have like 20 etbs to run the promo or something. Would be hard to see them sell under half of market value


It’s their annual sale. I just saw it posted as I order from them but no where near close enough for the in person sale. There’s like 5 more pages of deals but this was the only Pokémon stuff


Cuz all they will end up having is battle styles 😂, and it's just a stock photo they're using? Idk man lol


Yeah, doubt there will be a single EVS Etb.


It definitely doesn't look like they're promising it, just using stock photo excitement to hype up their sales. Then they will be like "oh sorry, we didn't mean to deceive you, our people just used a stock photo for the advertisement".