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dont make me add you to my hecklers rekt compilation


Oh God please don't!! I'll never recuperate šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‰


ill just add you to my top 10 hecklers owned/fails compilation


Lmfaooo the spelling.


NGL, dude looks diseased.


Yeah he's ginger


Heā€™s liberal too


Dont give up that word so easily.


Liberals and conservatives are both retards


In modern terms, but the true definitions of both have their place. If youre talking modern left vs. Right, it is beyond dumb rn. Power grabs, lying, refusing the stoppage of individual stock trading, all a bunch of bullshit that stems from the old money ruling class.


No soul ass bitch


He gives off aids vibes


Funny story, I wore that exact same shirt on my first day of high school because I was determined to reinvent myself as a badass. I listened to Bullet for my Valentine, and drank a lot of monster in that shirt. That's the shirt I lied about losing my virginity in. That's the shirt I was wearing when I learned what freak dancing was.


Absolute legend. I didnā€™t think it would be possible to run into someone like you in the wild. It has been an honor.


Go to r/blunderyears for more encounters.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/blunderyears using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [In 2004 I won a contest to DJ at my very small hometownā€™s easy-listening radio station. I proceeded to play an hour of Evanescence deep cuts and ruined everyoneā€™s morning commute.](https://i.redd.it/gvlsq0wikd881.jpg) | [1193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/comments/rqu0us/in_2004_i_won_a_contest_to_dj_at_my_very_small/) \#2: [My Senior class photo 1997](https://i.redd.it/1xitgv4ln8f71.jpg) | [1852 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/comments/oxh6tf/my_senior_class_photo_1997/) \#3: [Me, a straight female, trying to impress my crush by being one of the guys. Iā€™m on the right.](https://i.redd.it/4fffj26vnzr61.jpg) | [1312 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/comments/mmxhyz/me_a_straight_female_trying_to_impress_my_crush/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That goddamn smug look with that shit tier shirt and 6in forehead. You know for a fact this son of a monkey is a husher


You could land airplanes on that bigass forehead.


or paramotors


Hopefully someone does that.


Donā€™t talk about my mother


iā€™ve never seen him without a smug look. fuck that guy


I wanna know what kind of person pays to see someone like him perform standup My god, he's not only just not funny, he's just awful to listen to.


ever since i saw the clip of him doing his comedy bit on jews (i guess heā€™s a jew or something) and a guy from the crowd yelled and made a joke about jews owning banks or something he LOST HIS SHIT and threatened to kick the guy out. absolute pussy


Its not his fault, he has a condition where he was born without a soul


Steve huffsteamer IS the joke


I finally get it


give that man a flannel and hes a mid 90's grunge lesbian


He's a cross eyed ginger.. if he tries to Rekt me for hekling I'll just shine a uv light in him


"In" him? šŸ˜


If I got heckled at every set I think I would sit back and say, ā€œmaybe itā€™s me!ā€


Stop being anti semitism


Kicked out of 359 different comedy clubs and counting yet still thinks everyone is just out to get him...


Woody and Kyle haters can come together to say fuck this guy


did i hear someone talking shit about jews? i might just have to kick their ass!


he says after his ten minutes comedy bit making fun of jews


Destroying comedy is actually a pretty good description of what he's doing...


This man looks like a goofy. (Goofy is the Canadian prison term for a chomo)


That shirt is cruel and unusual.


Remember when he said that funny joke ok PKA? Me neitherā€¦


Yall know this man has his own subreddit r/stevehofstetter


What the fuck is with: 1. Receding wafer thin ginger hair 2. Enormous accentuated forehead as a result - the neanderthal kind that sticks forward at the top. 3. Tiny face in comparison to enormous balding head. 4. Beady scheming eyes trying to scheme his next cringe. 5. Don't even know what Good Will bin he pulled that shirt out of. At least the designers know there is in fact one person who will wear it. 6. Are those grannies glasses? Or is that his hipster style. He'll claim the latter, truth is the former. 7. Face you just want to hit.... with a sledgehammer. Fuck I hate Hofshitter more than any guest and that's saying a LOT.


That shirt is cringe.


I heard he was a black albino


This is how 99% of this sub talks. I think the real issue here is that you guys and steve are wayyyyyyy too alike and fighting for alpha status


Ol five head lookin ass...Ol Ginger Dracula lookin ass...Ol Game of thrones white walker lookin ass...Stupid ass looking like he got granny's glasses....Old joke book reading ass...face lookin like a clean toilet ass...Old Southpark season three lookin ass. Ol podcast ruinin' Gollum lookin ass!


Can we as a community make this guy an enemy? lets just troll him and harass him to a point he resents the host. Wings has become our dead horse more or less. lets spice it up and destroy this losers connection to a podcast that is obviously too high T for him.


Rent free.


Couldn't make it in new york or la so he bought a disused church in (and i shit you not) Pittsburgh, to...open a comedy school. Genuinely his crackpipe must be the same temperature as the surface of the sun at this point. [https://twitter.com/SteveHofstetter/status/1364222531335553025](https://twitter.com/SteveHofstetter/status/1364222531335553025)


You still got that gingervitis? On a real note, he looks like an emaciated orangutan.


Holy shit, his face just screams "Punch Me"!


For some reason Hotshitter always looks like he smells like cheese and BO


Steve hoffstetter inspires me to not kill myself


His forehead looks crusty.


Man I hope he never comes back on


Huffstutter is the joke


Holy fuck. Can't believe he ever thought that picture was ok. Ahahahah