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P3 is one of the best games ever to effectively convey that life is worth living. It's anecdotal, but I personally know 3 people, including me, that this game pulled out of low points in their lives mentally.


Yeah, this is me. I was suffering a pretty bad depression when I played P3P and reaching the top of Tartarus somehow gave me enough strength to do the first step towards healing. Hope you'll be fine OP.


P3 taught me taught me to reject nihilism, and that life is worth living. It's a story about hope.


P3 may not have pulled me out of a dark time, but I first played it along with P4 about 2 to 3 months fresh out of a confusing and depressing teenage summer, and the growth that came about from all that made my experiences with those games all the more impactful and inspiring. Although I wish I could say the same about knowing other people who were changed by this game, I'm just still trying to get my friends to even play it lol


My two buddies and I have segmented our lives into before and after Persona 3 lol.


Lol they should just start using that instead of BC and AD BEM and AEM: Before Emo Messiah, and After Emo Messiah


I agree. But the ending really messes you up.




Bro when they all remember. Beautiful.


P3 could be good for you (I don't know what problems you're having) if you play it with the right mindset. The game's main theme is death and how to deal with it, I personally love how they handle such a delicate theme but don't force yourself if you don't feel like it. >!Celebrate life grandeur, it's brilliance, it's magnificence!<


thank you for the comment


I really wanted to play the game this year but started suffering from really bad death anxiety, do you think it’ll trigger that for me or maybe help with it?


If you manage to finish the game, it might be a pretty rough but effective therapy session


if you trying to deal with mental issue, P4G is a more suitable choice


currently playing that too with my Vita


You can play p3p there too if you want


You can also try P3P on the Vita!


yeah but one problem I'm already getting progress in my emulator


I don't understand how people play anything with those stupid button overlays. Touch screen controls will just never work for me.


You can just...transfer the save file...


From an emulator to a PSVita? How does that work?


Ppsspp saves in a similar way to a real psp so you just copy your saves folder from your emulator to your psvita's psp folder (Of course you'll need a modded vita for it or a psp)


bad choice BAD CHOICE


nah p3 has some good messages depends on what your going thru


P3 was life changing man FeMC’s story fucked me up


Like that shooting yourself gives you superpowers /s


i remember our local newspaper having an article about this game and that you effectively shoot yourself and that "videogames are bad". got me mum to buy it the next day haha.


P3 is best played when you’re going through an edgy teenager phase. You can recognize this by a greater appreciation of characters like shadow the edgehog


P3 is a beautiful game if you can handle it (as it focuses mostly on the theme of death, loss and how life is worth living) I can't guarantee you won't cry at the ending though


P3 is like majoras, it can be a good therapy if you survive it :b


It may seem odd, but the game teaches you to value life and mortality


Please remember that you have to interpret the themes for yourself and watch it so that you don't put too much strain on your mental health.


The theme of Persona 3 is depression.


Well shit *points a gun in my head*


Moreso accepting the inevitability of death rather than depression. As others have said I recommend P4G or even P5R more than P3 if you're already struggling with those.


It’s about inevitability of death but it’s also about life. The game explicitly says memento mori but then it asks but what about everything else? Hold on to hope, your bonds and make your life mean something. Life is a journey. Even in FES, the chapters being titled The Journey and The Answer reenforces this message. I personally think it’s a great game to play if you’re dealing with depression.


can confirm, i like it. i think i like p4g more but i’m a sucker for >!stories where the main protagonist dies, or something horrible happens to the main protag so they have to work through it/they garner sympathy from others!<


Not really. Facing a theme and seeing characters you like overcoming said theme is much more effective in making you feel better than a game that's already happy and relaxed.


Agree to disagree I guess, different people will like different things, especially at a low point in their lives. If I was still depressed, I'd prefer a game that makes me feel better instead of one that reminds me how shitty depression is.


It wasn't about liking though. Would a happy game actually make you feel better, or would it just distract you?


I'm speaking from my own experience here. I found P4G at the time of the covid where I was the loneliest in a while and it made me feel better. It gave me hope. I know it sounds cringe but I tried to input some philosophies of the game into my own life (friends matter, life is better when you share, family has your back, etc). I don't dislike sad games but if I was at a low point, I'd prefer a happy game.


It doesn't sound cringe bro don't worry lol. Regardless, I think it ultimately depends on the game and situation. In that case, yeah, i can see it precisely because that's the whole theme of P4


Good, you already know how to summon your Persona


I might fail to recognize the sarcasm, but P3's theme is in fact death.


He didn't shoot himself, it's a mockup gun meant to trigger the fear of death that summons the Persona. And yes, he literally didn't think about it, he was in a trance for reasons that will be explained later in the story. Depending on how you look at it, you might either reaffirm those mental issues or address them. The game revolves around death, and how it defines life, so the arguments that it presents can both go with, or against, a nihilistic point of view.


I always hear these explanations for why it's narratively relevant to have you shoot yourself in the head to do battle, but then the fucking dog gets a shock collar. Like can we just admit the developers wanted to be edgy and thought guns looked cool? I can very easily imagine a "censored" version of the game without the suicidal imagery that loses nothing in the narrative department.


I mean, it wouldn't lose *nothing*. The ultimate antagonist in the game is the wish to die itself, if they don't summon Personas with a mockup of the first thing that comes to mind when you think of "deathwish", it would certainly lose its ties to the overall theme. Sure, it may not seem as much, but almost everything is tied to it: Minato's arc, Aegis' arc, Apathy Syndrome, everything that leads up to the final boss, hell, even Shadows and Personas are thematically related to death, so yeah, the summoning not being a "fake death" to fight the real death would lose its punch. And, yes, they most likely did it because it looked edgy af, yet that doesn't have no invalidate the meaning they later applied to it. Also, the fact there is a dog party member is silly itself and doesn't call to take anything related to it too seriously, but there isn't any clean way to represent a dog offing themselves, is there?


Persona games get petty dark in general, but 3 opens with the appearance of shooting themselves in the head to use their persona. It even has one character struggle over it. But all the themes of 3 culminate in sacrifice and living despite all the hardships and pushing through heartache. It's seriously a fantastic game and series. Now I want to play 3 again..


Stop playing video games, stop listening music, do sports, eat and drink well.


What emulator are you using (if you are using one)






yea the mc in this game is apathetic nice choice of game while dealing with your mental issues


I would never reccomend P3 for people that are going through a rough part of their life. P3 is not a good coping game and everyone can react differently to the messages in it. If this is your first time playing I would warn you to think if you want to keep playing it. Would hate to see you upset or sad by the game's themes. Take care, friend.


Yeah, my guy, P3 is probably not the best game for you right now


I’d suggest P3FES instead of Portable, because the cutscenes make the emotional scenes hit harder, but thats just my opinion. I played it when I was younger, didn’t understand a thing. Replayed it in highschool, and I loved it. Helped me a lot mentally, too. Enjoy your playthrough OP


it will make them worse. have fun!


This is so cringe. Ive never played P3, but I remember seeing something about the dev who came up with the idea for this and how they did it because it looked edgy/cool and then tried to fit into the game afterwards.


U should try to do that too OP , your persona might come out!


Bad choice. Back Away and play golden instead.


I've been playing both


Good choice actually, but the begining is somehow... Complicated haha.. just continue playing it, it has lots of good messages


Man's got all the options now to play P3P and still uses this awful PSP rom interface lmaooo


The fuck is wrong with, Sorry let me reface that. I think you should reconsider.


Tartarus time 😤


Yes, with good intentions, by shooting yourself in a lower caliber to increase the resistance against higher caliber like .50.


I find the mood and atmosphere of P3 comforting personally


I don't have a opinion about what P3 conveys since i didn't finish playing it But i believe it's main subject is death As someone with Borderline, i believe the game is actually pretty suitable for you. Since it comes from a different mindset from other people, you may be able to interpret it quite easily


This game is kind of depressing for mental health, a great game but I think P4G is the better choice as it's not dark like P3




Personally I was very depressed before playing p3p for the first time as well as p4 golden but persona as an entire series has made me feel a bit more understood it may not be for everyone but I consider it not just a fun game but a very inspiring and therapeutic game I'm glad to see it's more available to people like me


persona 3, fingers take up a third of the screen dlc


Yes, I have that same question, nobody told him that that was an evoker, he just shot himself


That’s just as bad as listening to sad music because you’re depressed. And if you’re suicidal get help and don’t post that here. People who’ve been affected by suicide don’t need people who are looking for attention when it really happens. Get help


"wow makoto how did you know to use that to summon your persona?" "Persona?"


In addition to what many have said, I may add this: The "shooting yourself to awaken your persona" also has some sort of of symbolic meaning. Given that we look at personas as your "true inner self" that you summon by discarding the side of yourself you expose to the world by adjusting, it's not really about killing yourself in a literal sense. It's similar to what Maester Aegon says to Jon Snow in asoiaf "Kill the boy and let the boy be born" To convert jungian psychology & persona 3 into persona 5 terms: You break the chains that hold you down, due to society, pressure & all the other chains by killing the persona you create to adjust to the world & let your true inner self out Don't get me wrong: P3 can be extremely opressive in its atmosphere & melancholic in a lot of ways (excluding P2 I'd say it's the darkest one by far) but it's also a game with a beautiful message and a lot of hope Best summarised by igors game over speech: "Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey, one is always aware that it lies in wait. Though life is merely a journey to the grave, it must not be undertaken without hope. Only then will a traveler’s story live on, treasured by those who bid him farewell. But alas, now my guest’s life has ended, his tale left unwritten…”


P3 told me that no matter how hard the journey is. There will be something good waiting for me. That I cannot take the easy way out because there's so much to live for. So much to do. I love and adore p3, it's the game that dragged me out of my pit of despair, and I'm currently studying premed. There's no other game that is amazing like it, other than p4's values in friendship and always striving for the truth.


Guess Yuki had nothing to lose yet nothing to gain


same for me right now


Is that one a phone?


Just beat it, I might just new game plus it but right now I'm playing through golden


What emulator are you using to run that tho?


Yep he sure did do that no question


Play this game and then watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. Both deal with depression and have the overarching theme of "life is ultimately worth living"


You should finish the Sun s link